A Confrontation

After Duan Qun received the photos from Wu Min, he was so angry that he smashed his phone.

"An Ran, how dare you cheat on me?!"

Duan Qun had not expected An Ran to really hook up with Huo Qing. He felt that she had cheated on him and he had to confront her about it. He wanted to teach her a lesson.

Duan Qun booked the fastest flight to City B. He did not know why he was so angry. It was as if he was going to catch a pair of adulterers.

An Ran walked out of the restaurant and slowly walked on the road alone. She felt very frustrated.

She rejected Huo Qing decisively, but why was she a little unhappy? She recalled the time she had spent with Huo Qing lately. Every time she encountered difficulties, he would show up and help her deal with the aftermath. Now, she trusted Huo Qing more and more.

"Ugh… I don't want to think about it anymore." She patted her face and forced herself not to think too much.

"An Ran, you b*tch! So you've been cheating on me for a long time!"

An Ran was shocked. When she heard someone scolding her, she turned around and saw that it was Duan Qun.

"Duan Qun, are you insane? Did you follow me to City A just to scold me?" An Ran suddenly had a bad mood after being scolded.

"An Ran, did you hook up with Huo Qing?!" Duan Qun took out a photo of An Ran and Huo Qing having a candlelit dinner in the restaurant and threw it in front of her.

"You've been stalking me?" An Ran saw that it was a photo of her that had been secretly taken.

"Duan Qun, we have already broken off our engagement and have nothing to do with each other. I don't need to explain my personal affairs to you." An Ran turned around and left since she did not want to waste time with him.

However, Duan Qun grabbed her hand and said, "An Ran, don't think about leaving until you've explained yourself clearly!"


An Ran shook off Duan Qun. "You're acting like a lunatic. Stop following me."

"Duan Qun, don't tell me you're jealous. Hahaha… What a joke. You didn't cherish me before, but now you're here to question me. Who are you to come here and do this?"

"It was you who cheated on me, Duan Qun. How do you even have the cheek to scold me for this?" An Ran said many sarcastic things to Duan Qun.

Her words made Duan Qun speechless. He was furious and raised his hand to hit An Ran.


Just as An Ran felt like she was about to get hit, Huo Qing showed up and knocked Duan Qun to the ground with a single punch.

"Duan Qun, you must be tired of living!"

Huo Qing held An Ran and asked worriedly, "An Ran, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. Why are you here?"

"I didn't see you when I went back to the hotel, so I came out to look for you," Huo Qing replied in a low voice.

After Huo Qing watched An Ran leave, he started to think about what he might've done wrong.

He even called his friend and asked him how he should pursue a lady. He told his friend about what had happened between him and An Ran. His friend made fun of him and told him that he should not be too hasty in pursuing a girl. All girls needed a sense of ceremony and a formal confession. Besides, An Ran had experienced a failed relationship, so it was impossible for her to accept a new man so soon.

Huo Qing felt that his friend was right. He was indeed too anxious. Therefore, Huo Qing decided to respect An Ran and let nature take its course.

Duan Qun was still lying on the ground. When he heard the sweet conversation between Huo Qing and An Ran, he instantly exploded in anger.

"What a shameless pair you are!" Duan Qun had already lost his mind.

"You'd better think it through before saying anything! I heard that the Duan Corporate Group isn't doing well lately?" Huo Qing's face darkened as he warned Duan Qun coldly.

"You… You two…" Duan Qun knew that he could do nothing about Huo Qing, so he left angrily.

Duan Qun walked on the road dejectedly and he was about to return to City A.

"Mr. Duan, did you fail to get back your girlfriend? Do you need help?" A voice came from the side.

"Who are you?"