Prove It to Me

"Ah! You b*tch! How dare you hit me?!" Mr. Zhang's head was bleeding from An Ran's attack.

The two men who came with Mr. Zhang saw that their manager was hit and rushed over to hold An Ran down.

"Let go of me, you bunch of animals…" An Ran was a girl after all, and she was drunk, so she had no strength to resist at all.

"What are you doing?!"

Huo Qing had just finished dealing with his company affairs and rushed to the banquet venue. He had not expected to see An Ran being pressed to the ground.

Huo Qing strode forward and pushed away the two men who were holding An Ran. He beat them until their faces were distorted beyond recognition.

"An Ran, are you alright? What happened?"

Huo Qing gently helped her up and checked her entire body. He was finally relieved when he did not see any wounds on her.

"Huo Qing, Mr. Zhang wanted to force himself on me…" An Ran hugged Huo Qing tightly like he was her life savior.

"President Huo, Miss An hit me first. We had done nothing."

Mr. Zhang saw that Huo Qing was on the verge of rage, and he got so scared that he quickly tried to shift the blame.

Huo Qing helped An Ran to sit down first and walked to Mr. Zhang. He knocked him to the ground with a single punch and kicked him many times. Finally, he stepped on his crotch.

"Ah! President Huo, does this mean that you don't want to work with us anymore?" Mr. Zhang was still unrepentant. He actually threatened Huo Qing with their collaboration.

Huo Qing stomped harder. Mr. Zhang lay on the ground and wailed, begging for his life.

"The Huo Corporate Group will terminate the work relationship with you!"

Huo Qing left a message and walked out of the hotel room with An Ran in his arms.

Seeing that An Ran was too drunk, Huo Qing brought her back to his room to take care of her.

"No one wants me… No one loves me…" An Ran mumbled with tears in her eyes, "Why does everyone say that? I'm still the same person… Just because I broke off an engagement, everyone hates me…"

"An Ran, there are still people who love you, like your parents and I. We'll always stay by your side."

Huo Qing hugged An Ran like he was coaxing a child. He used another hand to caress her face, and his eyes were full of love.

"Ugh… It's so hot. I want to take a shower."

An Ran had too many drinks, and she was sweating profusely. She felt sticky all over her body.

"I'll go and run the bath for you. Wait for me here for a bit."

Huo Qing placed An Ran on the sofa and got up to run a warm bath in the bathroom.

"Boohoo… You don't love me either… You leave me here all alone…"

Huo Qing came back from the bathroom and saw her crying on the sofa and muttering to herself. He found it a little funny. He carried her to the bathroom while comforting her.

"An Ran, be good. I'll love you. Don't cry, okay?" Huo Qing's voice was extremely gentle. It almost melted An Ran's heart.

When they got to the bathroom, Huo Qing placed An Ran in the bathtub and was about to turn around and leave.

"An Ran, take your shower. Ask for me if you need anything."

"Don't go…"

An Ran grabbed Huo Qing's hand and pulled him toward herself.

Huo Qing had already found it hard to control himself when carrying An Ran back to his room. On the way back from the hotel, An Ran kept arousing him.

Now that he saw her lying in the bathtub, although she had not taken off her clothes, her clothes were wet from the water, and her perfect figure was shown, it made him thirsty.

"Stay with me…"

An Ran narrowed her eyes. She hooked her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

"An Ran, take a shower first. Don't catch a cold." Huo Qing did not want to take advantage of An Ran when she was drunk. He respected An Ran's wishes and did not want to make things difficult for her.

After saying that, he broke away from her. He almost lost control of himself, and his crotch had already gotten very hard…


However, just as Huo Qing was about to leave, An Ran grabbed him, pulled him into the bathtub, and kissed him.

After kissing him for a while, An Ran hugged Huo Qing's neck and said to him, "Didn't you say you love me? Prove it to me."

"An Ran, do you understand what you're saying? Who am I?" Huo Qing had reached the limit of his self-control, and his voice was full of strong desire.

"You… You're Huo Qing…"

An Ran tilted her head and mumbled.

Hearing this, Huo Qing wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply.

Their lips intertwined. An Ran felt something wet and smooth moving around in her mouth and taking her oxygen and saliva, and her whole body started to heat up.

An Ran's breathing became heavy. Her crotch became sensitive, and fluids kept flowing out of it. She unconsciously hung her legs around Huo Qing's waist, wanting something to enter her.

"Mm… Give it to me…"