Chapter 5: How did I Get Here

Fast Forwarding to the present:

Race had just woken out of the Virtual Center and was stunned to find himself somewhere completely unfamiliar.

" Where am I, How am I here; Am still in VR ? ", Race was starting to panic, " If I am still in VR, Am trapped by a bug or had some hacked my headset." Then another frightening probability came to his mind, " Was I kidnapped".

Looking around he could see he was in a well furnished office of some high end official, " who will bring their captive into their office, Damn it, is it Potte; Damn it, Damn it; I should have been more careful. Now I must find a way to escape. That was when Race noted an important point. " I am not tied up.".

Race first pinched his arm to make sure he was not in VR. After making sure he was not in VR, Race was about to find a way to get out of here , when a middle-aged walked into the room.

" Don't worry Race, you are safe here. I am Major Randers. We are sorry that we had to bring you here without you permission or knowledge. It was just that you had captured the attention of the Enlightened, so we had to make sure that your safety is guaranteed. And you were lucky that we moved you on the first day itself; cause you had a few uninvited guests. From our investigation we found out that they are friends of Civil officer Mr Potte. He is now temporarily suspended from his position; further actions will be taken after the investigation. Rest assured Mr Race, we will make sure that Potte will be taken care off, he will be punished for his action." the major told all this as if he was giving a report to a superior.

Though confused at the current situation, Race promptly thanked the guard. And then asked," Where am I".

"You are at the military office in City 06." said Major Randers," About 500 Km from City 111, your hometown.".

This kind of stunned Race, and seeing Race's expression Randers explained "We moved you here in the morning of the 2nd day, We had to keep it covert so it took it about 2 hrs. to move you here".

Just when Race was about to ask another question, a soldier clad in complete black armor entered through the door and he said, "Major Randers, The Colonel is expecting you in the conference room".

"Yes, soldier." after turning to face Race once again, the Major introduced the soldier," Race, This here is Thunder6323 from the Shadow Guards battalion, They are trained as one of the most elite guards in the coalition. Valiant and Loyal. He will be handling your security profile for a while. You can trust him with your life", Major Randers then turned to Thunder6323 and said, "Guard him with your life".

" Yes Major", replied Thunder6323 with a military salute.

Major Randers then left the room with even steps for his meeting with The colonel. Then thunder6323 spoke to Race, " Sir, I've been told that you might be a bit confused by what has happened. So sir please be free to ask anything to me."

" I am not gonna lie, I am confused", Race gave a honest reply. " I would really like to know exactly how and why I am here. And would you mind if I call you Agent T." asked Race.

" Sure sir you can call me Agent T, And I can tell you how and why you are here sir".

Agent T then proceeded to give a brief rundown of the events that transpired. He told that Race had caught the Enlightened's attention on the first day. So all the details were collected by the end of the first day of the tournament itself.

"That's how we came to know about the feud between you and Potte, and after going through Potte's file, we came to know he was in league with few underground mobs, So the higher-ups came to the conclusion that it was safer for you to transferred to the nearest Military city. If we were to hide you in City 111 itself, There is a small possibility for the information about your location to be leaked. Even that is too much of a risk, Since you have a high chance of becoming the Enlightened's student."

" So what's next, Agent T. What are the things I can do and can't do while I am being protected?." inquired Race.

" There is currently no such restriction except one that prevents you from leaving the city, And at the same time there is nothing much you can do in a military city , maybe you could go see the mechs and other such equipment. But I would suggest you take some rest since you've been in VR for nearly 3 days, So you should be tired".

[ thunder6323, you are the first reader outside my family to vote for my novel and I am really grateful for that. So I wanted to make you a part of this story, I hope Its alright. I hope My novel can keep you entertained. I've a bit too tired the last two days so I was planning to skip on writing a chapter today, But you giving me first vote really pushed me to write this chapter. I am sorry this is not as big as the rest of the chapters I am really sorry, But I was really tired. Thank you thunder6323]

[ I thank every reader who chose to spare time for my novel, Thank you all ].