Chapter 20: Immediate Goal

[ Guys I began a new discord server, so that we can interact a bit more. hope if you wanna get more info. the link to the server. it will be provided in the chapter comments as well.]

Race was unable to comprehend what was going on. For a moment Race thought that someone had placed an implant on his brain. He would have gone for a scan if he was unable to sense that there was nothing implanted in his body.

" What is this", Race wondered as he looked at the holographic screens, " From what I see, it should be some kind of system or entity that can keep track of my advancements. Something like a progress report. But why do I have it."

" It seems unnatural, But at the same me being here is unnatural as well. Most probably this so called system is related to why I reincarnated." Race was slowly able piece a bit of the puzzle together. But there were more important questions that were plaguing his mind now.

Who, Why, For What.

" Who or What is the cause of my reincarnation?"

"Why was I the One reincarnated ?"

"For what purpose was I reincarnated ?"

" Are there others like me?"

Having such important question without any answer started to stress out Race. " There is no point in trying to look for the those answer. The only option I have now is to fully activate the system. Since my reincarnation and the system are linked, there will be a bit more information available in this option."

So Race decided to increase the effort he spend in refining mana. "The faster I get this done, the quicker I get answers". All this made Race sure about one thing, Something big is coming. " And I have to be prepared".

Due to this, Race decided to take things more seriously. Instead of the amount of mana he was comfortable with, he took in mana in such a large amount. The amount of primal magicules liberated was enough to knock a grown man unconscious. Race gritted his teeth as he used the magicules to further strengthen his body.

Race thought in his mind for the status screen to appear. The dark blue screen once again came before Race. It showed the same messages and parameters except for the change in the progress value. It had turned from .07 to 2% this time.

" No pain, No gain", Race said to himself as he put himself through the cycle for about 5 more times till he ended it for the day. The progress value was now 12%. Five more days and he will complete his first hurdle. "How strong will I be, When I reach the first level of body strengthening".

Race decided to go to sleep as he knew he had hit the limit of what he could endure for now. He felt so tired that he would fall asleep as soon as his head touches a pillow. That night Race had a marvelous dream. In one which he faced of against a lot of Mechas all on his own. He had was able to control the primal magicules better than Mana in his past life.

He went toe to toe with the mech. Even though he was just like an ant in size when compared to the Mech's. But the Primal Magicule infused body of his was able to exchange blows with the Mechs without any trouble. He blocked their energy blasts by summoning various magical shields, he sent their projectiles against them. He was able to play with them like a bunch of toddlers.

He used Gravity Magic to pull them all together, crushing them into a scrap ball which later turned into a giant explosion. Race just stood there with his back against the explosion as he stared down a new group of Mech that have chosen death.

Before this epic battle was able to unfold, he was woken up from his sleep. He had his lunch with his brothers. Then went to train with Sione. This time however, Race limited his strength to what he showed yesterday. As he didn't need to give it his all, he tried to Refine mana during the spar. He was barely able to do so. Though the amount of mana refined was measly, It was still something.

As he was currently engaged in quite a physically demanding activity, It was much easier to distribute the primal magicules throughout his body. To Race this was like having infinite stamina. Which put good use, He tried to force himself utilize techniques that he usually avoided due to the heavy toll they had on his stamina.

Race was slowly but surely sharpen his techniques by fighting against someone who is much stronger than him, like Sione. Each Spar forced Race to find new ways to improve himself. As Legendary swordsman in his past life he knew one thing for sure and that was the fact that there was no perfect technique, only an ignorant warrior. Every swing can be executed better, Each step taken can be further perfected. And that was what Race was currently doing.

He spared till lunch time. After which he went to the Library to See what he had to learn the next level.

{hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please add the story to your library if you find the novel interesting. I know there are some mistakes that I failed to see in the chapters I will definitely rectify them in the future.}

(And if you have some spare power stones please vote for me. Thank you and I wish you a great day or good night. Take care. ^_^.)

[P.S. I have a discord server now, come on in and share your opinions and ideas for the novel. the link to the server. ]