final Battle

prologue : final Battle

In a hill front of a grand white castle stood two rival armies, every one of the soilders all exuding powerful auras, and their eyes all emmited terrifying battle intent that could make one's skin crawl, The hill was oddly silent but the tension was so high as the rival armies were already clashing with dense killing intent that could be felt from miles away

By the right side directly in front of the white castle stood a magnificent angelic army that struck terror in every Primes heart. They were all clad in silver Armour glowing with white radiance a golden Halo floated on their heads and each one of them had beautiful majestic white wings behind them.

Facing them was an army filled with dark silhouette with red eyes like blood radiating baleful auras wielding different bloodthirsty weapons, every one of these warriors look like death itself walking on earth.


A lazy voice sounded out from the void, following which, a army of over a hundred thousand night warriors began to attack the archangel Lucius, the hundredth level guardian! Of the Tower of Babel and his Angelic army!!, as a baleful aura spread across the floor.


Long-range attacks were madly unleashed

Archer class night soldiers fired their dark fire arrows.

The night dragons soared into the air and rain down heaven defying black flames.

The night great orc king wielded his twin hammers as he led his orcs as they unleashed earth element attacks.

The night knights furiously slashed their swords has they collided with the angelic army, The battle reached an unprecedented state of brutality as the angelic army were slained gruesomely.

loud explosions erupted through out the battle field!.

Chaos, no it was war

Standing high up in the air, the handsome looking 8ft (2.44 m) tall archangel Lucius who was fully clad in magnificent golden armor, his beautiful royal blue eyes coldly stared at the battle and his heart was overwhelmed with anger as he saw his army being massacred by this hateful human and wave after wave of this Godforsaken legion of the dead (the night army).

He felt his heart ache as he watched his angels fall one after the other and were revived to join the night army, deep lines appeared in his forehead and his blue eyes were raging in fury, his fists were clenched that his fingers pierced deeply into his palms and his whole body was shivering as terrifying aura swirled around him.

He felt annoyed not only by the fact that his angelic army were being ravaged by this hateful legion but the fact that this whole dark legion assaulting his angelic army were nothing but the summons of one man!, a puny little human necromancer super prime hiding in the shadows controlling everything.

Lucius had heard about his deeds and how terrifying and much of a nuisance this necromancer class prime was from other floor guardians before they were slain.

"Wait something is not right, … where is their leader, that hateful human" Lucius said as grew alert and his diamond pupiled eyes searched the battlefield, he darted a look at the back of the night army and no one was there.

suddenly his face changed has he felt someone enter his perception and he felt his hair stand and a feeling of imminent danger rose in his heart.


A terrifyingly strong gust of wind came from his back

and a white blinding light flashed, and he felt a golden white sword slash for his neck!

Lucius body jumped in fright as he flapped his wings madly, he shot downwards and retreated at a terrifying speed leaving only illusionary after images of him behind .

"Huh? ...You even dodged that"

a lazy voice sounded out as a dark silhouette silently appeared from the void.

Lucius heard the surprised voice from behind him and he felt cold sweat on his back, he had never been so close to death, if he had been even a millisecond slower his head would have flown.

Lucius put his hands on his neck and felt blood from a small cut that just appeared on his neck,, he then raised his head and looked at the direction of the voice of his attacker and he was stunned by what he saw, according to what he had heard the human necromancer should should look like the reaper from hell with fangs claws and other demonic features,

but his information could not be so wrong, cause the human face in front of him summarize to just one word 'stunning', the human eyes were crimson red akin to a blazing sun lighting up the world, his eye lashes were oddly long for a male, his nose were perfectly shaped and his lips were cherry red and his hair were moon like silvery grew and flowed over his broad shoulders.

The silhouette appearance looked gracefull but an oppressive aura overflowed from him and he had a arrogant look on his face as he gazed deeply into Lucius eyes causing Lucius to shudder and his heart palpitated as he coldly stared back at this human floating in the air, but he couldn't help but feel so small for some reason.

"Isn't the aura of death around this human abit too much?" Lucius whispered confused.

Since the tower of Babel appeared on Earth over five thousand years ago, there has never been an end to primes and even super prime guilds that challenging his floor the highest floor of the tower, but there has never been anyone that succeeded more or less make him the great final guardian feel dread like Lucius was feeling now.

"I'm I not supposed to be the strongest? When did humans become this strong!?, that strike just now actually caused spacial distortations and split the void, how can this human unleash so much power?" he thought in is heart.

"hey you there! are you done staring yet, can we fight now, or have you decided to yield and join my night army?, your army won't last much longer" While Lucius was in a daze, the lazy voice sounded out again pointing at the battlefield.

Lucius awoke from his thoughts and turned to look at his almost devastated army then looked back at this demon of man and his killing intent skyrocketed and a descisive glint flashed in his eyes then he slowly unsheathed his 6ft (1.83 m) long broadsword has he mustered all his courage to fight.

No matter how afraid he was and whether he wanted to or not he had to, that was his duty as a guardian!!.

"What are you acting so smug for" lucius harrumped as He uncurled his golden wings rise to the sky , on top of his head a golden Halo appeared as he channeled all his power to his sword, it glowed a dazzling white light that looked like it could purge every darkness.

He flew up, his whole body brightly lit up

All is body was covered with golden light, he directed all his overflowing energy to his hands then he swung his sword with all his might and unleashed his most powerful strike.

"Crescent moon devastation!!"


Space rippled, and The void tore as the crescent moon shaped light flew towards the dark silhouette.

Seeing the attack quickly approaching him, the dark silhouette lips curled upwards appearing indifferent to the might of the upcoming attack, and he calmly raised his bare hands to meet with the attack.

Seeing this Lucius sneered coldly "Proud ignorant human, even though you and your army is strong coming in contact with my crescent moon is your biggest mistake for it can purge all evil..." but Mid-sentence he froze! and his face darkened , what he saw utterly shocked him, he saw as a black hole appeared around the silhouette's hand and his attack were cleanly devoured.

lucius heart pounded madly seeing this, his face grew ashen and his body paled. At this moment, he felt no more disdain, all that replaced it was absolute fear and despair, the youth in front of him was so terrifying and the disparity between the both of them strength were too great!!, that even his mightiest attack couldn't leave a scratch.

"How is it? are you ready to yield and be a part of my army I'll make sure your memories are intact, and I assure you'll be granted more strength than you possess now"?.

As lucius was in shock the dark silhouette voice echoed in his ears.

"Haha hahaha, me a Divine being joining you? Impossible!!! Don't think I've given my all over five thousand years of guarding the holy Babel hundredth floor I have never had this desire to fight, no puny prime has pushed me to this extent" a confident glean appeared in Lucius eyes as he said half to himself assuredly and to the dark silhouette.

he absorbed moreof his angels life force and shouted "Supreme holy body unleash!!!'

thrb, the sky brightened up and a whirlpool of golden light appeared.


A golden lightening beam settled on Lucius body as is body underwent a transformation

His black hair turned gold and swayed loosely behind his now bright golden face his pure white wings became longer red amour replaced his robes and his aura quickly climbed until it reached an unprecedented level"

Beaming with confidence, Lucius stared at the silhouette and said, "this is my trump card! No matter how strong you or your army are today, you will meet your end!".

The dark silhouette eyes looked surprised for a moment, he smiled as he said, "I have been waiting for you to enter your berserk mode, now is my turn".

He raised his hand as 4 dark violet doors emerged from the void and 3 men and a woman walked out.

Lucius stared at this new arrivals, and he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows, these people were familiar, only that they were stronger than he remembered.

Standing in the middle of these 4 is a white ape his red eyes shone, he was clad in velvet robe, and he held a blood-red spear Lucius remembered he was the guardian of the 99th floor The white monkey king!!!

By his left were a beautiful male and female elf's the female was 1.9 meters tall she had wide beautiful eyes and cherry red lips with perfect nose and her ears were pointy long and she had long black hair; she wore green lingerie that covered her vital parts, she held a golden 1.5 meters long bow.,

The male elf beside her was a 2.1 meter tall handsome and muscular elf he wielded twin sabers. Together, they were the guardians of the 98th floor, the saber arrow twins!!

Lastly by the right stood a muscular dwarf, he had a full black beard and was clad in silver armor with black cape, and he held 2 mighty hammers as he stared coldly at Lucius

He was the 97th guardian His name was A'DA the dwarf king!

Thump thump thump

Lucius' heart beat loudly, his face grew solemn as he sighed.

This was going to be a hard fight!

[System notice: sovereign level white monkey as appeared!]

[System notice: sovereign level twin saber arrow has appeared!!]

[System notice: sovereign level A'DA the dwarf king has appeared!!!]

The dark silhouette stared at the notifications as he gave the order
