The inscription originated from the memories of a profound ancient God ranked grand master in the book of Babel, and a peak existence that stood out even in the ancient times when experts were as many as clouds.

The inscription techniques found within this grandmasters were extremely profound and useful to shiryu. Some could forcefully increase the rank of a martial weapon, while others could also increase the medicinal efficacies of heavenly pills. One could also engrave the body itself to enhance the speed of absorbing heaven and Earth essence energy.

Unfortunately, Shiryu couldn't engrave most of these inscriptions because of his low realm or else his essence see will be long overdrawn before he could complete any inscription.

The Blood gathering inscription was an exception, as it was a specially adapted by the grand ancient master to used by any martial artist regardless of the realm after doing a series of research.Shiryu couldn't help but sigh in admiration of the God ranked master for being able to create such heaven defying inscription method.

Even with that, it only took Shiryu an hour to completely overdraw his essence energy after barely engraving a third of the blood gathering inscription

"Thankfully I found the heavenly essence lemon the essence lemon or else all my effort and precious material would have been wasted this time" with a flushed face and a devilish smirk on his face, Shiryu brought out the heavenly essence lemon and swallowed it!

Following that, Shiryu felt his chest heat up as the heavenly essence lemon slowly melted in his throat and turned into warm speckles of essence energy and flooded the purple essence whirlpool in his chest.

Shiryu looked into his inner body and began to spin the purple essence whirlpool in his chest madly, and it easily greedily absorbed then converted them to pure essence that entered and filled his essence sea in his abdomen, shiryu felt his strength slowly increase as his sea filled to the brim and began to expand, and his violet essence became five times thicker but shiryu didn't have time to worry about as he quickly continued engraving the blood essence inscription on the blood essence core,

shiryu remained sitting cross-legged but his controlled his essence energy to draw different red magnificent patterns with the blood of low rank beasts he had slain, shiryu concentrating reached it's peak and every stroke was perfectly engraved.

If any grand master were able to see this godly patterns shiryu engraved, they would be surely driven mad with shock! And shiryu's control of his essence was so subtle and one could lose themselves watching the scene.

An hour of continuously drawing his essence and constantly paying attention shiryu finally paid the inscription, he didn't stop to rejoice or anything, but he looked and the little God and shouted "get ready! Clear your mind, It's coming! Make sure you absorb as much essence as possible"

After reminding little Gold, shiryu then took a deep breath and calmed his mind and gave a with a low shout "open!!!!"

The red patterns around the blood essence shiryu inscribed with blood from the jade eyed silver wolves and other inscription materials began to glow red and the whole cave became red like blood and a terrifying blood thirsty aura illuminated from the blood core all over the cave that both shiryu and little Gold found it out to breathe or move.


And with a boom sound as if the gates of a dam were blasted open, blood essence energy surged out like a river from the blood essence core, the red patterns glowed once more and the patterns served as a link and directed the surging blood essence energy to shiryu's and little Gold's bodies. A third of the energy went to little gold and the rest went to Shiryu!

Little Gold trembled as the essence flooded every part of it's body and went seeped into its bloodline, its eyes grew blood thirsty and looked like it lost control for a moment but then one of the inscriptions shiryu engraved glowed and then soothe rhythm and clarity slowly appeared in its eyes!, Little Gold's body underwent a metamorphosis over and over again and little Golds bloodline became purer, and it grew stronger,

After a while little Gold's appearance began to transform, first little Gold's golden fur began to change and until there was a hint of red all over its golden fur,

secondly it's originally small appearance began to transform, before it was about 2 to 3 ft (0.91 m) tall,but under the massive influx of blood essence energy it slowly it grew taller and bulkier and finally stopped at 4 ft (1.22 m) tall, and its body became bulkier, and most surprisingly 2 small horns grew about half and inch in its forehead and the aura coming from it was so bloodthirsty that it could let lower realm martial artist run mad and engaged in mindless slaughter.

The little monkey still regained it's cute but now it looked like a devil horned monkey!

After completing its transformation, little Gold gave out a thunderous roar as it beat its chest with both fists King Kong style, it felt so powerful and with more potential.

After absorbing its portion of the blood essence, it broke through multiple realms and directly jumped to the peak of Rank two beast without any danger of having shaky foundation and his realm was even perfectly consolidated and it felt a change in its blood and it was so excited that the little bloodline it had awakened, and its bloodline evolved.

all this wouldn't have been impossible if it didn't meet Shiryu and it refined the essence core directly on its own!.