mysterious powerhouses

In a secret room within the highest room of the Akin lore league of alchemist building, a great meeting of powerhouse, the likes that have not been seen before in years, warriors beneath the martial warrior realms were not even qualified to know about or even be a part of this gathering.

The branch master, Ouyang Kai was personally hosting this grand meeting, he was seated in the highest position and to his left and right sides were first ten men exuding devilish aura all wearing black hooded cloaks that covered their faces, right after them were leaders of top clans in Akin lore.

The patriarch LAN boxi and the clan head of the LAN clan, the patriarch, and clan head of Xiao clan, and numerous clan heads of smaller families, generals, and high-class citizens of Akin lore.

After settling down, they began to discuss

"Your excellency branch master why have you summoned us here" LAN Boxi asked as he stared worriedly at the ten hooded men beside ouyang Kai

In truth, it wasn't only LAN Boxi that wanted to know but everyone else present were curious to know who these hooded figures were, after hearing LAN boxi speak their minds, their ears perked up and the looked at ouyang Kai expectantly.

Ouyang Kai grinned Feeling proud as he to his time to relish on the fearful expressions on the clan leader's face before speaking with a dignified tone "many years ago this old man was a lonely cultivator who ventured into the Dao of alchemy, and without the help of any teacher, numerous life and death battles and fortuitous encounters I was able to achieve my current status and become a celebrated alchemist even in the capital city of talios."

"finally, I settled and became a member of the league of alchemist but after many spending many years in the there, experiencing the politics involved I hit a bottleneck as an alchemist, so I decided to retire and spend the rest of my time in my motherland the grand nation of Akin lore, I became the branch master, later on, I discovered a talented seedling here and since I didn't have a descendant I decided to 0ass on my legacy to him... but unfortunately" at this point he stopped, and his cold female became frostier, and he looked at the crowd intently his eyes livid with anger and his voice became colder, he looked like an angry man about to pounce as the crowd to looked back at him, some sacred and wishing they didn't come.

"Unfortunately, my most prized disciple was heavily trampled and his alchemy heart crushed by that puny Ryu young lord, ... that little tramp disregarded my face and forced my talented disciple to a corner, the loss was so devastating for him that hours after that alchemy exchange my prized disciple committed suicide in shame, argh thinking about the moment I saw his dead makes me angry, and the cause of my pain are still living happily"

"I waited days, and that little king Sima Ryu didn't even do what is required and apologize for his child's affront! Bit got nothing Even after all I have done for this country I still get walked on, when have I ouyang Kai ever been insulted and looked down like this!! How can I allow a mere nobody destroy my disciple and get away.....!"

He then looked intently at LAN Boxi "so to answer your question this meeting is to discuss the complete…. annihilation.... of the Ryu royal clan!" Ouyang Kai said, angrily dragging the last part of the sentence,

Immediately indistinct whispers was heard from among the clan heads as they argued, some of them were in support, some totally against it and finally some that chose to stay neutral, some decided to speak up

"But your excellency the Ryu clan were made royalties of the Akin lore nation by the Talios empire, I'm afraid destroying them might incur the wrath of Talios empire" a small clan head

"Exactly such drastic acts will definitely cause Talios to retaliate"someone echoed

"Enough!! I didn't call any of you here to ask for your silly opinions, An empire as great as talios empire has numerous nations Under their control, how could they care about puny clashes between mere martial lords and martial warriors, besides, even if they come I have a tangible reason for taking my revenge, the Ryu clan and me can't share the same sky after what they did to my disciple! So, I don't need your opinions, all i need is for you all to follow my lead and attack them two days from now after the battle of the throne! every one of them have to die" Ouyang said, now exuding his killing intent.

The leaders who had objections now shrunk back and didn't say anything more, the whole hall turned deadpan silent.

They felt pained in their heart, It was obvious that ouyang Kai intended to use them as cannon fodders in this war

Suddenly, a low voice sounded out"Your excellency as much as I support you and I know how you feel, we also feel distraught too since LAN feibai was an in law of my Xiao clan, but engaging in an all out battle with a clan as unfathomable as the Ryu over the revenge of just one disciple is a bit too much!"

Ouyang Kai looked in the direction of the voice and frowned, the speaker was the old patriarch of the Xiao clan a veteran General on his last life but still possessing a vast amount of personal power and influence in the Akin lore clan national army

Ouyang Kai shrugged and said domineering "it seems some of you are trying to get into the good books of the that darn prince of the Ryu clan since he displayed his alchemy skills but like I said before my decision is final, and you all are left with only one choice you either join my side and battle the Ryu clan and have unlimited access to pills from my league of alchemist, the spoils of war, or you stand against me, and I'll have my people deal with you, so your clans will face extermination even before the war starts!"

At this moment, the ten hooded men released their aura, and it overflowed like a tide and pressured the leaders

"P…peak ranked martial lord, a.....all them of them are peak martial lords, and from the thickness of their essence energy they are definitely the best in the same realm, how does branch master have such terrifying force!!"

The leaders were in awe and fearing the massive display of power this was their first time seeing so many peak martial lord powerhouse gathered in one place, even a single one of these men was enough to wipe out their clan to the last man, how could they not be shocked and afraid?

"I will join you your excellency the Ryu clan tyranny must end" someone eventually said with righteous indignation, who was it if not the clan patriarch LAN Boxi

"I, too, will join" the Xiao clan head said with a sigh Under the heavy pressure

"The Ryu clan must be stopped"

After LAN Boxi spoke, the remaining leaders quickly began to express their support out of fear

"Good, go back and prepare your army's I will call you all when you are needed" Ouyang Kai said with disdain seeing them cave in

As if they had been granted amnesty, the different clan leaders hurriedly made their way to the exit and left.

Moments later, only ouyang Kai and the ten cloaked men were left in the secret room

*CREAK* a door that was hidden at the corners of the hall opened an A fifteen-year-old devilish handsome looking young man came out and walked towards the highest chair in the room, ouyang Kai quickly left the seat and let him seat, his domineering expression was nowhere to be seen, he knelt down and his head was bowed

"Young master it is done!, everything has been set in place as you requested" Ouyang Kai said trying to act as humble as possible

The young man looked at him with pure disdain in his eyes and said with a hoarse voice as if he hated to waste his words "okay but just in case send more people to monitor these leaders and the Ryu clan castle I want them to be caught surprised, the sect master has ordered that we must bring the artifact back as soon as possible, the mission is of great importance., if not for the fact that he was worried about those people from Talios interfering he would have come himself or sent stronger people, we are not allowed to fail or you will be dead for sure, you are excused now"

"Yes young master this old slave will see to it immediately" ouyang Kai replied and began to scamper out.

"Send some women here, me and my sect disciples need to have a good fuck .and huh when we destroy that puny clan make sure you keep that prince alive!" The young master's voice sounded out once more as ouyang Kai reached the door

Ouyang Kai was startled when he heard the later part if the order but he immediately replied "yes young master " then he left

Moments later over twenty beautiful girls with snow white skin and cherry red lips, and voluptuous breasts and big round buttocks entered the secret room soon series of moans were heard and a bout of sexual pleasure ensued