Where the Riches have Siphoned to

Marching into Dui was done in relative quiet.

I followed behind General Chang, allowing him to take the lead. Jue He, Yang Bao, He and Xiao Deng were walking together with my 9 warriors from Ping He Fu.

Captain Bing stayed behind to watch over Matron Ji and Qin. I chose not to speak to them as much as possible, in case I let loose anything about our plans.

If they came along, defenceless, I wouldn't be able to take whatever injury they'd get. I left the letters in my study hall, in a small drawer I informed Captain Bing about.

Thankfully, I could wear my Commander uniform. I fiddled with Yam's reins, trying my best to keep my heart calm. We sent an urgent message last night to Dui, to the General's Wife, informing her of our visit.

Dui was only a few hours' ride away from Qian. However, getting to Liao Hu's manor took another few hours.

If I thought the Kan House was big, the Dui House was gigantic.