The Journey Home

The 6th month of the year melted into the 7th and the 8th. Summer went unfelt in Chang Jie, which remained cool.

Yang Bao and Yang He, despite their protests, actually had good potential becoming leaders of the Qian Squad. The same went for a young civilian who had joined us.

Zheng and I worked together to stabilise and secure Qian, sending men to patrol and check on the section borders.

The Qian Squad grew strong, the men becoming better and better with their swords. Chang Jie had never experienced such a period of peace.

Nonetheless, even though Chang Jie was secure, conflict simmered under the surface back in the capital.

Zheng had shared letters from the Emperor and Yi Fu with me, both noting the Crown Prince's suspicious activity. The heir had even recalled his mother, Wen Jieyu (Consort Wen), back from the monastery.