Taking Over Qin Tu Cheng

Qin Tu became our new base.

The civilians were fed with our rations, both because they had been starving for a week and because we knew that the General-King would fall in a few days.

Emperor Lang nearly fell to the floor in shock when he realised that Father had been fighting for Tong Zhen and was in-charge of Qin Tu.

I hadn't realised how it might play out when Father met with Emperor Lang, since I was too caught up with the knowledge that Father was still alive.

To my surprise, Father bore no hatred, though he did seem very unimpressed with Lang bowed his head to him in greeting.

Zheng was holding my hand as the other Emperor filed into the inn room we were in.

Feng Mian and Da Ge stared wide-eyed at my father, their eyes darting upwards to see the mask that covered the scarred half of Father's face.

Zheng put a hand out to stop the men who didn't know of my identity from coming in, gesturing them away with a fierce look.