Chapter Five

(1620years after her rebirth. The year 2040; the beginning of her reckoning.)

After that day, Jessica went on her activities. She grew more potent than the other vampires. The rumors of her strength wandered far across-both the vampire's world and the humans. They bent other vampires to their rule of no killing humans. Any vampires caught were beheaded.

Kendrick heard the news of the chosen vampire-Jessica and how Richard subjected every vampire to drink animal blood. Kendrick started gathering other vampires to fight against the rulers of Boneyard. For his grudge. For some reason best known to him, Kendrick possessed deep hatred for the Crimson family. For centuries, he converted many vampires to come under his rule. It was promising them that when they took over the crimson mansion, he would allow every vampire to feed on human blood.

As centuries went by, Jessica helped the Crimson family fight against Kendrick and his men. Every century, Jessica traveled to the human world and killed the child whose blood she needed to survive. For 1500years, she kept on succeeding. Until the year 2040-the beginning of her reckoning.


The clouds was filled with loads of moisture and lightning. The heavy storm poured down on earth; though it was morning, darkness covered the ground.

Jessica stood by her window, watching the weather. Her heart is pounding fast. She removed her sleeve to look at her arm. She was getting rotten. It was time for another sacrifice.

"You shouldn't worry. We won't let anything happen to you." Richard hugged her from behind.

"It's been twenty years Richard. For twenty years, we've been searching for the child. I'm getting weaker. I don't have much time left." Tears rolled down her cheeks. She leaned her head on Richard's shoulder.

"The witch says we have fifty years. We will find him." Richard kissed her hair.

"We have only thirty years left. He only has a lifespan of fifty years; the moment he dies, I die. I think something isn't right. Last century, it took us ten years before locating the child. And the century before that, it took us longer than five years. And now, twenty years. Richard!" She pushed him away. "Something isn't right; I can feel it." Jessica cried, covering her lips with both hands as she leaned her back against the wall.

Suddenly her door opened, and Marcus walked in.

"We still haven't found him. We checked the house you saw in your vision. But it was like no one ever lived there. I'm sorry."

"Can't you see Marcus, something isn't right? It's like he is hiding like he knows I'm coming for him." Jessica exclaimed.

Richard passed his hand through his hair, pacing around. He looked at Jessica like she was going crazy.

"Can you listen to yourself? How would he know you are coming to kill him? He is a child." Richard groaned.

"He is no longer a child Richard. He is twenty years old." Jessica shouted.

"Even if Jessica, I doubt he will know that you are coming for him. Except there is something, you aren't telling us. Is there? Marcus questioned her.

Jessica's eyes squinted between their gazes.

"They can see me in their dreams. It's like a connection, I think. The children I've met always said they knew me."

"If only you can find him in your vision. That was the only way we always knew where he was. But now..." Marcus sighed.

Tears kept falling from her eyes. She could no longer see the child in her visions. She didn't understand why. She sat on her butt on the floor. She was frustrated, thinking it was finally the end for her. She placed her head in between her thighs as she kept sobbing loudly.

"Now that I think about it, maybe you are right. Maybe, he is hiding from you. How come he is never where we looked." Marcus' brows was furrowed.

"You guys aren't making sense." Richard walked to the bed and sat on it. His gaze traveled to Jessica's. He hated the way she looked. He didn't want to think that she might die.

Suddenly Eunice walked in.

"I think Jessica is right. He is running away from her," Eunice said to them.

"At the hospital, he was given birth in, I did some investigation and found out Kendrick was spotted in the hospital that same day. And the orphanage after that, Kendrick was also spotted. He tries to hide his tracks, but then, he isn't that clever."

"What." Jessica stood on her feet. "What does he want with the child?"

"I don't know. I only know that he hates you. He hates us. He might be doing this because he knows of your curse." Eunice gulps her saliva.

She then brought out a phone from her pocket.

"Holy crap, what is that?" Marcus walked away from Eunice.

"The humans call it a phone." Eunice smiles, walking sporadically towards them as she tries scaring them with the phone in her hand. They were avoiding her, thinking the phone would bring them harm.

"This is not the time, Eunice," Jessica shouted angrily. Suddenly her countenance drastically changed, and her eyes looked sorrowful as she said to Eunice, "Can't you see I'm dying." Tears rolled down Jessica's cheeks.

"I know. We've been looking for the human, the vampire way. I decided to search for him as humans would. I made some friends, and they told me about something called CCTV. I went back to the hospital and disguised as a detective; I don't know what that means, so don't ask me. I was just told to tell them I was one and solving a kidnapping case." They were so confused, staring at Eunice. Eunice's eyes squinted between them then she scoffed.

"Well, back to where we are. I found footage, as they call it, of when he was born, and Kendrick was spotted in the hospital, where they keep newborns. I did so at the orphanage and found him too. He must not know anything about CCTV." Eunice smiled and showed them the footage.

"He wants me dead. But how did he know the hospital the child would be delivered in. I don't know." Jessica was curious. "There is something more to this. I can feel it." Jessica was more anxious than she was.

"We can raid him. Make him pay for all the havoc he has caused. We can match up to his army Marcus." Richard yelled.

"We must not act in haste, Richard. We need to know more of this before we attack. And we are yet to gather more army. Before attacking, we need more armors and soldiers. We can't make a hasty decision." Marcus explained.

"For how many century?" Richard challenged Marcus.

"Marcus is right. We need to find out what relationship Kendrick has with humans. After I find the human and perform the ritual, we attack Kendrick. We will no longer wait, Marcus; it will only make us seem weak, and don't forget, he is converting our men." Jessica frowned.