15. Nicholas

"Arrrghhh" Nicholas moaned in pains as he raised his hand to touch his head.

"Estelle?" He wobbled his head from side to side as he tries to sit on his butt searching for the scent of Estelle's favorite perfume to know if she was right there, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his wrist which made him moaned in pains.

"Mum, he is awake." He heard his older brother said coldly. Nicholas didn't need to see him, he knew just how much his older brother would be irritated.

"Jared?" Nicholas muttered as he focused his head at the direction he heard his brother's voice. But his brother didn't respond which made him gulp his saliva.

"Nicholas..." He felt his mother's cold palm on his cheeks.


"Nicholas, what happened to you?" Her voice sounded as someone who has been crying the whole day.

"Mother I'm sorry. I really don't know what happened." He sobbed softly trying to reach for his mother's embrace.

"That's not true, you purposely get into trouble and let mother worry. You have no idea how much she has been crying." Jared yelled at Nicholas.

"Jared enough!" Their mother screamed.

"But it's true, sometimes I wish he was never born." Jared blurted in anger and swerved out of the ward.

Their mother-Sarah was so dumbfounded. She knew running after Jared would he of no use. He has been hurt deeply ever since he was young because of how less of an attention he got growing up. Jared had always wished that a day would come and Nicholas would no longer be blind, so that he could at least get their parents attention.

"Don't blame your brother, he is just worried about you." She tries to make Nicholas thinks that Jared's words were just mere words.

"I know he hates me mother."

"He doesn't, your brother loves you the most."


It was yet another cold night and Nicholas was back home in his small room. He couldn't sleep as his mind was flooded with the thought of the woman and what had happened at the library.

He was begining to feel threatened by her presence. It was the first time he felt pains on his tattoo.

"Who is she?" He kept asking himself as his hand caresses the tattoo.

As soon as it was dawn he was helped by his nanny to be seated outside while he waits for Estelle to bring him to the library.

"Hey buddy" Estelle's voice erupted him from his reverie. "I'm so happy you are okay now, you scared me." She spanked his shoulders.

"What happened to her?" He couldn't wait any longer. He waited all night and only got two hours of sleep. "When did she leave and why?"

"She left because you succeeded in pushing her away. You are always shoving everyone off." Estelle's rolled her eyes.

"What happened at the library? Why were you suddenly screaming and telling me to ask Jessica to leave?"

"Would you believe me if I say I don't know. The urge from that day, I really don't know why, but the closer she got, the pain became intensed. Estelle, my tattoo was hurting." Nicholas face was expressionless. He was without his shade. His eyes were plain white.

"Why will that happen? Has the tattoo ever hurt?" Estelle was getting paranoid.

"No, ever since it magically appeared on my wrist when I five, it hasn't hurt, not until yesterday." He gulp his saliva as he recalled seeing the man in his nightmare dying.

"We have to tell your parents now, you can keep all these to yourself." Estelle couldn't take it any longer.

"No Estelle, I will only make things harder for my siblings. Jared is not happy with me. Leave them out of this, we will find out why, me and you." He tries to touch her hand. Estelle grabbed his hand that was tattooed and riced his sleeve to take a look.

"Nicholas!" Her eyes widened as she kept staring at the tattoo.

"What happened Estelle?"

"The tattoo....it's bigger." Estelle stood up from her sit, choking from the fear that engulfed her heart.

Nicholas was busy trying to see if he would be able to touch it, but he couldn't. He was frustrated.

"Arrrghhh!" He screamed in pains.