Chapter 111

But I couldn't bring myself to do such a thing, not to the woman I love. God damn it, despite being cheated on, I still find myself at her feet. She might not know this, but she owned a parcel of my heart. I couldn't just stop loving her. She is my world, and I am here today all because of Rebecca. I can't give up on her yet, I can only pray. 


"Sir, they are taking her away." Rosaline's voice erupted me from my reverie. 

I looked around and couldn't find them in the living room.

"Where is Rebecca?"

"They've handcuffed her and taken her in custody," Rosaline responded.

I rushed out and saw the way the female detective was nudging her head and forcing her into the police van.

'How dare her?' 

"Where are you taking my wife?" I shrieked at them.