Chapter 122

"Madam, madam!" 

I could hear a vague voice calling out to me. I sighed in retort, but I couldn't reach out to the distressed lady. I could barely lift a finger. My muscles felt as though there was no blood rushing in my veins. 

"What is happening to me?" 

My lips parted in extreme curiosity, and my eyes which seemed to have been clenched shut for a day, suddenly opened. I found myself standing in the middle of the ocean. All I could hear was the sound of my feet at every movement and the splashes of water like raindrops. 

"Where is this place?" Twitching of great fear rushed through my spine, making goosebumps all over my body. 

"Am I dead?" A question that kept ringing in my head. My eyes suddenly gathered tears as I thought of my son-Egan. 

"Am I dead?"