The Analyzers' Guild In Niris Veso

"Uncle, where are we going?", Enma asked as she walked beside Darion.

"We have to go to the main capital city. So we have to cross about 75 villages, towns, and cities to reach the capital…"

"We need to look for a carriage."

"There are no carriages for hire in Berela Village so we have to go to Niris Veso, the next village.", Darion said.

Enma nodded as she ran to Nova, who was in front of them.

"Leo, there is an Analyzer's branch in Niris Veso Village.", Darion told Leo.

"So you can get yourself a card there."

"The same is true for both of you.", Darion continued.

Leo and the kids nodded but didn't say anything. He was still monitoring Nova and Enma from the back, just in case, they got themselves in some unprecedented trouble.

They took another hour or so to reach the village. By that time, it was already evening.

"Let's go to the Analyzer's branch quickly. I think they will close as soon as night falls.", Darion told Leo and the rest.