as you guys knows I've changed my grammar style.

So here what you guys need to know..

" " is used for dialogues

' ' is used for thoughts.

For example :

" My name is Rahul " I said to '???.'

' he's cunning ' I thought...

'???' ( also be in single commas )

I've yet to edit the previous chapters.. Please give me time I'll be sure to edit


Let's Go and read a new chapter


After spending about two weeks I had the final physical test of noa-sensei, but before that he punished me in a horrible way that I don't want to remember, but returning to the physical test was having a fight with him and enduring at least 5 minutes I did it, but I ended up with three cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder.

Right now I'm lying on the floor looking at my teacher smiling proudly at me.

"Well done boy at your age I would be convulsing on the floor."- He said it proudly.

"how much is the pay for the training going to be."- I said it with difficulty since it was difficult to breathe or hardly speak.

" you don't have to pay me, I'm interested in training you, you have a lot of potential and I'll polish all that potential hahahaha." - He said it happily and I began to stand up with difficulty.

"thanks noa-sensei I won't dissect it."- I said it while bowing.

"I hope so brat... now you can retire. "- He said so as he entered his dojo I just gathered my things and limped away until the regeneration started to take effect and walking around with a bit of pain.

"Noa-sensei sure did sweep the floor with me."- I said it striating as I walked calmly until I heard a cry for help, I just sighed and headed for the alley.

'I don't know why whenever I hear a cry for help I always feel compelled to go.' I thought about it with annoyance.

[it's simple it's because of the title of hero's soul that comes into effect no matter if how many times you tries to deny it... your own will will force it]

'You don't know how much I regret fighting Doomsday.' I thought annoying.

[Mr. Richard better you accept your own fate than you set for yourself that day]

I just made him resigned and I ran straight to the first thug I saw, jumped up and kicked him directly in the face making him fall unconscious on the ground one of them turned to look at what happened I saw that he wanted to point the gun he had in his hand at me I grabbed his hand and twisted it, making him release it. I kicked him in the knee so that he would fall bent over. I kicked him in the face, accompanying his partner.

Look at the last one left, he dropped the gun and ran away terrified.

"They shouldn't go into dark alleys."- I said it without paying attention to who I was talking to.

'???' "and you should see who you save or if they are some poor unprotected people. "- It was said by a feminine voice with a cold touch.

I just sighed and turned around to meet Traigon's dear daughter and the green boy who for me is a possible cause of losing my temper.

She is a girl with a bored look, with onyx-colored eyes, full lips painted dark blue, her hair navy blue, a height of 1 meter 65 centimetres, modest breasts of a C+ cup, wide hips that highlight her ass.

The boy has green skin, green hair, an average physical build, dark green eyes, a height of 1 meter 75 centimetres with a small tooth that stands out like a fang.

"sorry... if you could defend yourself I shouldn't have come and this is starting to happen very often."- I said it frustrated as I crushed the gun into an unrecognisable piece of junk she just raised an eyebrow and the green guy looked at me excited.

"My name is Garfield Mark and she is Rachel Roth, you are a superhero"- He said it excited.

"I'm not, I'm a mad scientist."- I said it with pride, she looked at me with interest and Garfield looked at me with surprise.

"What do you create or who do you experiment with."- She said it calmly, I saw how Garfield trembled in fear.

"Some crazy stuff and I experiment on myself because a scientist has to experience some things on his own body."- I said it calmly.

"we better get out of here what do you think."- I said it more calmly as I left the alley they started following me.

"You have never experimented on people or animals."- Garfield said it curious.

" I don't do it without their consent."- I said it remembering when I ask Winston for permission to inject something into him.

"You can talk to animals."- He said excited I just denied.

" No, but I have a possum with super intelligence."- I said it casually I see Rachel looking at a map.

"are you guys lost."- I said seeing the marked place she looked at me and snorted.

" If we're lost, would you please help us?"- He said it responding quickly Rachel nudged him I heard a growl as she blushed.

"let's go to eat.. I just got out of training so I'm hungry as well. "- I said it smiling she just nodded embarrassed and just nodded we approached a food store.

"You can order whatever you want to eat."- I said it calmly since I solved the need for money temporarily by embezzling a casino with gold since I am a minor.

'It was fun at least sometimes Parker's luck works when I need it.' I thought it was funny.

[I forgot that later we were banned for life from the casino because they lost a million dollars because of me]

'you're right I gave half of it to ororo and my 500 thousand dollars I gave it to my uncle and aunt as they thought I had robbed a bank. '- I thought gracefully.

[almost grounded you for life if ororo hadn't called them to explain things]

'Sometimes it hurts not to be believed but I caused it when you always see me on the news because I gag a mugger or hit captain cold but it only happened once.'- I thought about it with regret.

"Why are you so thoughtful?"- Garfield wonder very close to me

"first personal space my green friend and second I'm remembering the problems I have with my family. "- I said it calmly.

"we are in the store... just order something."- I said it to return for the main thing the food.

" I can serve you."- Mary Jane said it in a cheerful tone as she was coming after me

"Mary you work here!! why didn't you told me ?"- I said it quietly and she looked at me in surprise.

" It's just that mom has some problems so I'm working to help her."- She said it a little embarrassed.

" You know you can ask me for help if you need it, how much money do you need?"- I said worried.

"100 thousand dollars to pay some debts because she suffered some injuries in the big fight that happened with that monster that came here. "- She said it sad.

" I'll give it to you."- I said it calmly.

" I couldn't believe as you have that much amount !!!"- She wonder in surprise the other two paid attention to what I would say.

" It's very simple you go to a casino and you extract so much money in their games until they ban you for the rest of your life."- I said it with simple they stared at me surprised.

"I think I should stop surprising myself, you always does strange or unique things, please help me."- She said it with a smile and I just nodded.

" good... let's eat."- I said it calmly and the others ordered their food after a while we finished I said goodbye to Mary we returned to head to our destination.

"how do you guys got lost."- I said it trying to start a conversation.

"well what if I was a fool hadn't been entertained watching stupid."- She said it angrily and I patted her on the back to calm her down.

"He didn't do it on purpose did you Garfield."- I said it kindly, he just nodded sadly after that we continued with our trip until we reached our house and I met Barbara and a pretty Tamaranian and my "dear friend" Grayson and a boy with a bitter face.

"grayson how are you and Barbara you're as always so cute with your frown."- I said it in a mocking tone and she came over to hit me on my shoulder.

"clown Richard how is your day. "- She said it drawing a smile on her face.

"You see, you're better this way. "- I said it cheerfully.

"friend Barbara, you know the one who accompanies Rachel and Garfield."- She said it surprised.

"Let's just say it's not normal. "- She said it herself with a blank look.

"You hurt me barb when I did something weird."- I said it touching my chest pretending to be in pain. Grayson just sighed in frustration and the feigned boy raised a eyebrow.

" Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Richard Parker, Barbara's neighbour."- I said it with a smile and stretching out my hand, the Tamaranian grabbed it tightly.

She is a girl with a face with fine features, phosphorescent green eyes and reddish orange hair, reddish lips, small eyebrows, smooth orange skin, a height of 1 meter 93 centimetres with attractive hips with cup breasts.

" It's a pleasure. I'm Kori Anderson. Sorry, I hurt your hand..I must have squeezed very hard."- She said it, she was worried, she only saw how she grabbed my hand tightly and I snapped it, she only saw how I moved it normally.

" Calm down, I'm fine."- I said it in a reassuring way, she just sighed, the boy looked at me strangely.

"Damian introduce yourself properly."- Grayson said it seriously.

"It's a pleasure Damian Wayne."- The serious looking at me like a bug.

He is a young boy, with onyx-colored eyes, onyx-colored hair, a stocky build, with height of 1 meter 69 centimetres, somewhat marked features and slightly long hair.

" yes it's a pleasure, but also hope someone sorry if it makes you uncomfortable."- I said it quietly as I settled to one side looking at the time.

"who's that clown ?"- He said it upset.

"be careful what you say he can be silly and naive sometimes but when he wants to be dangerous he will be."- Barbara said it serious looking at me.

"It's a joke, but he really looks harmless. "- He said it pointing at me while I was on a video call having hopeful faces and I begged.

"I see it as funny, not Dick, and besides, he has a lot of strength to withstand my handshake with all my strength."- kori said it clapping her hands excitedly in that she felt a tremor they looked everywhere they saw a gigantic green being fall they prepared to fight.

"Green, are you ready to go on a road trip to smash things? "- I said it excited.

"Hulk is always ready to smash. "- He said excitedly I climbed on his back I put on a mask to breathe at high altitudes.

" kori, bitter boy, Barbara, pretty emo, Garfield and grayson see you and Barbara tell my uncles that I went on an adventure I'll be back on Sunday night."- I said it making the peace symbol.

[+10 Koriand'r] (you're someone funny)

[+5 rachel grod] (you're crazy she likes it)

[+10 Garfield mark logan] (you're radical)

[-10 damian wayne] (you are someone dangerous)

"Richard wait you promised me that you would show me your lab today."- Barbara said it angry that I forgot I just sighed in defeat.

"sorry green we can't go looking like I planned what do you think about fighting with a robot that you create."- I said as I climbed down from him, he just snorted angrily.

"want to go crush people fish they make fun of hulk."- Hulk said it angry.

"calm hulk what do you think next month and I have a weapon that can possibly entertain you"- . I said it smiling he just nodded.

"what are you waiting for barb you come you didn't want to see my lab."- I said it while signalling for him to follow me.

We went through a robbery in a store, I just sighed, I took out my plasma pistol and put it in stun mode, I entered the store, I shot them and I left, saying goodbye, I grabbed a muffin.

"We continue, I think that since what happened with the green thing and their fight they saw that there were no heroes in New York and they think it will be easy."- I said it with annoyance.

"So you have taken care of these problems quite often. "- Damien said it for the peace of mind that the assault takes.

"You could say yes."- I said it calmly.

" we're here, what do you think?"- I said it pointing to the common store and they looked at me blankly.

" I expected something more extravagant I don't know how an underground laboratory. "- Barbara said it somewhat disappointed.

"don't get disappointed so fast anymore we have to get in first. "- I said it taking out my phone and pressing a button deactivated a force field.

" ready we can go in and green wait here I'll bring you something to entertain you. "- I said it while I was walking they entered the perimeter and Garfield was going to touch him.

" I wouldn't do it if I were you. You don't want to be toast, do you?"- I said it calmly, he quickly attracted his hand and entered with all of us.

'???' " Wow, I thought I'd stay talking with victory."- Said a quiet voice

"Jennifer how are you , green is outside & they are my friends." I said it pointing to the people behind me

"So you have more friends besides some mutants and my cousin."- Jennifer said it mockingly.

"why didn't you report that he's friends with two gamma beings. "- He whisper to Barbara.

"If I know then I already would've notified you'll , I didn't know that he knew them."- She whisper a little angry.

"and where's Victoria. "- I said it calmly.

Don't worry sir she was just going out to chase Winston who ran away to follow him and SIF is mad that he put him back in that spider bot body. Said one you behind us turned around and I see Victoria carrying Winston who was asleep.

It was built almost in its highest percentage of metal or gumdani adsorption, its eyes with the ability to detect heat signatures fingerprints among other things with the ability to learn like a human and an experimental dark matter core has a body that is a similar copy to that of a human woman with bluish-toned skin with some metal pieces sticking out.

"My best creation besides SIF."- I said happy

Thanks for reminding me sir, but it's not fair that she goes back to spider bot and she already has an amazing body. She said it angry.

"You know I had no parts and the alloy was digging in and the two bodies were imperfect so I decided to completely put one together you know how much it took me."- I said it seriously.

"If you went a week without eating or sleeping or going to school, don't you think you'll be in trouble when Aunt May and Uncle Ben come back from their paid trip. "- Victoria said it worried.

"Don't worry, I've got that covered. Don't forget that it doesn't matter if I'm absent since I know most of my homework. "- I said it in a superior tone.

"She's amazing how sad you are about something like that and she has a passive personality."- kori said it by looking at her whole body and seeing her calm demeanor.

"How did I created her personality? I just let it grow by the data set that she chose."- I said it calmly.

"It's amazing she herself created her personality. "- She said it excitedly.

"hello little friend, what's your name? "- Garfield said it absently as he walked over to Winston lying on his pillow.

"Garfield get away before you bother him…. "- She couldn't finish the sentence because beast boy grabbed a metal stick and poked at him on sudden occasions.

"Someone grab him before Winston wakes up from the sedative Victoria gave him."- I said it quietly as he walked me around a corner and pulled out an animal-like robot.

It has a size 1 meter 55 centimeters high and 2 meters long, legs with great traction, teeth made of tusteno

"this is the model halpa-001 my fourth robot that I create the first is the body of SIF And the tenth is victory. "- I said happy of my achievements.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to take it to Green to crush something."- I said it calmly as I easily carried the robot.

Up to this point..


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I hope you'll guys like this type of grammar and after rewriting only 3 chapter remains to be edited..

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