We went to the Bus, some groups joined ours, among those people were Harry, Mary-Jane, Liz Allan, Flash Thomson and some members of the American football team, I only greeted Harry and Mary, one greeted me somewhat reservedly and the other cheerful greeting I just laughed a little at Mary's attitude.

"very well , now every student will have a security partner to prevent them from causing any damage."- Teacher said it calmly and I raised my hand.

"hey teach, can we choose our partner."- I asked intrigued.

'no I will choose your partner to prevent them from doing something silly."- She said it looking at flash.

"or dangerous I'm saying it for you Mr. Richard. "- she said it seriously.

"But I haven't done anything."- I said it outraged.

' Yet ' - I thought about it to myself.

After a while they assigned us to our classmates and we settled into the corresponding seats. I got Mary, Peter got Liz, Gwen got Harry, Hope got Flash and Net sat with a random guy by myself. say hi to.

The Bus started the trip from the school to osborn industries after traveling about 30 meters a green gas was seen from where the school came from I resisted the urge to laugh Mary looked at me asking for an answer as to why I am laughing.

"You remember Barb asked me for a favor."- I said calming down a bit.

"Well it was that she can't be able to come to school for a while and that's why planted a stink bomb at school"- I said it holding back the urge to laugh.

"how did you put it or how they won't know that it was your doing."- She said it intrigued.

"Let me tell you what I did my dear neighbor of mine."- She said it with a smile.


After the lecture that the teacher gave us, I asked if I could go to the bathroom and I asked Net to help me. Peter looked at me badly because I was making his friend become my accomplice. I just gave him a sign to calm down and he reluctantly did.

When we left the room I asked net to tell me which was the flash locker he told me and we went there.

"hey man why do you want to know the flash locker we'll get in trouble if he finds out."- He said something worried.

"Don't worry Net I've got you covered you see this."- I said it taking out the skunk 2.0.

"what's this ? " - He ask surprised to see the plastic ball the size of a large marble.

"This my good friend is a stink bomb. I may not have Peter's chemistry skills, but nobody beats me at this."- I said it proudly. He looked at me in surprise and understood why he wanted to know where the flash locker was and he gave me a smile.

"but what is the explosion radius of the bomb."- He wonder.

"This little guy has the ability to stink up the whole school and the smell of him should last at least a week.'- I said it holding back laughter.

"You know you're like an evil version of Peter."- He told me mockingly.

"I have been told and I am proud of who I am."- I said it puffing out my chest.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"- He said it excited.

I just nodded and we got to the flash locker I broke his padlock with the laser that I carry every day I grabbed the skunk I shook it I put it in the locker.

"when will it explode."- Hewonder excited.

"It's the best thing about the skunk the harder you shake it the faster it explodes right now I shake it gently so we have like 20 minutes for it to explode."- I said it calmly.

"And don't worry when it explodes the material that contains it once broken will fall apart as if it never existed. "- As we headed back to the lounge for us to grab our backpacks and head to the truck.

End of flashback.

Mary-Jane looked at me in surprise and then she laughed a little.

"I don't know how you come up with such things."- She said it amused.

"Well I'm good at building and modifying things, but I have limited knowledge in chemistry. The one who knows a lot about it is pete "- I said it like it was nothing.

"So Peter helped you build it."- She said it surprised I just shook my head.

"No, Pete doesn't like to do that kind of thing because he's afraid of getting in trouble."- I said it with fake sadness and she laughed a little at my behavior.

'What is Natasha doing?'- i asked myself at that moment i remembered that i didn't tell barbara how to activate the stink bomb so she texted her so she can use it no problem

*With Natasha*

"That's all I've found out about Richard Parker, I'm retiring director Nick Fury."- She said it in a serious tone.

"Thank you well done for the information collected from the boy it can be a very valuable asset for what you have informed me you can withdraw."- He says it seriously.

'He can be dangerous if he allies himself with the enemy.'- He thought about it in frustration, he smiled and pressed the communicator.

"Bobbi morse can you come to my office I need you to do something important."- He says it in a commanding tone.

After a few minutes, a beautiful woman entered with long golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes, a playful look, a cup D breast, an attractive face with fine features, a height of one meter 69 centimeters with wide hips.

"does director fury needs something."- She said it in a relaxed tone, he just nodded and took out a photo of Richard with Winston on his shoulder and some papers with his collected information.

"well, I want you to convince this person to join S.H.I.E.L.D as he has shown to have the ability to create useful things."- He said it seriously.

" You're Kidding right "- She said it serious.

"No, the boy discovered that we were violating his security and he had the ability to block us and hack us. There has only been one other person, he is a hacker, he is called Oracle, but he has been missing for some time."- He said it seriously.

"and now you want me to go because Natasha can't handle him "-she said it as she got annoyed.

"He has a roster of most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.So , now you're the only one who doesn't appear on the list so you are the only person who can go unnoticed."- He said it while she looks at him in disbelief.

"Got it."- She said so as she regained her composure and she was walking away when Fury stops her.

"wait be careful he is accompanied by mutants he can have a telepath as an ally."- He said so while making her nod in surprise.

'Great , now I have to trick a child and on the top of it he is surrounded by beings with powers.' - She thought about it annoyed as she read the collected information until she read something that annoyed her.

'I don't know whether to be surprised or annoyed with fury anymore for putting me as the intermediary of this.'- She thought so herself when she read that she has as a pet an animal with intelligence close to the level of a genius of hers.

Back with Richard.

I was sitting listening to music i see that flash is trying to flirt with hope but she looks at him with annoyance, harry is trying to get intimate with gwen so she would ignore him while looking at peter angrily, peter was shy and awkward, liz I was sighing at Peter's behavior and Net was chatting with his partner in a friendly way, I looked at Mary who looked angry at Harry's behavior with another girl and I patted her on the back.

[-10 Mary-Jane Watson to Harry Osborn] (for flirting with a girl in front of her)

"what do you have Mary."- I said it so she would focus her attention on me to see if she would relax.

"nothing Richard tell me what you have planned."- She said it looking at me to stop paying attention to what her boyfriend was doing Harry turns to see Mary to see that she starts joking with me.

" Well I guess I won't be free since my uncle and aunt found out I made a lab with the money I fairly earned."- I said it sad.

"Well that's horrible how they found out."- She said it looking at me interested.

"well kori said it while I was preparing breakfast."- I said it calmly so that she would look at me strangely.

"who is kori ? " She wonder surprised.

"true you do not know kori well she is someone special in many ways and you will definitely like her."- I said it cheerfully.

"Where does she lives "- She wonder calmly.

"she lives with barb so she is our neighbor they always come to eat."- I said it calmly she gave a questioning look.

"So she always goes to your apartment for breakfast, why?"- She said serious.

"well neither of them know how to cook so I cook breakfast at home so I invited them."- I said it calmly before Mary could ask me more, the teacher caught our attention.

"Very good, everyone here pay attention to me, we have already arrived at Osborn Industries, so I want you not to be separated from your assigned classmates or you will both be in a lot of trouble."- She said it seriously as she gave the signal for us to go down in an orderly manner. There was a lady waiting for us who would direct us on a tour of Osborn Industries.

"Very well, everyone is present. I will give you a tour of this wonderful industry that creates products to improve the quality of your Life."- Presenter said it feigning an excited tone.

"Everyone follow me. "- She said it while giving the signal for us to follow her, we all followed the route, we saw some inventions such as sonic guns to stun instead of killing the attacker, the artificial manufacture of stem cells for the creation of skin, mechanical or robotic parts for replacement of lost limbs.

"And at this moment I will present our first creation that was made based on genetic modification."- presenter said it, uncovering a glass box where spiders were.

"As you'll can see, these little friends are not ordinary spiders, these 15 modified spiders are the culmination of the most poisonous, agile, resistant, and strong spiders."- She said it the way it will be.

"but why they are separated"- He said it curious.

"As you'll can see, each spider is a species since some have better attributes than others."- She said it in a professional tone.

"I only see 13 spiders."- Flash said so after counting the spiders.

" Well , we are probably experimenting with them right now so don't worry"- She said it herself to reassure us.

In that I feel that something itches the back of my neck and I see that Peter's left hand itches I see the spider that comes down from my neck to be close to the ground I take out a jar to climb it and hide it in my backpack I see Peter who crushes it because of the fear.

"well guys this would be all for the tour I hope you liked it there."- She said it with even the tone of false emotion from him.

"Everyone on the buses , don't go to school as it looks like a funny man set off a stink bomb so school is closed until further notice.'- She said it seriously so that we all celebrate.

We got on the bus and they dropped us off near midtown high in that we headed home we felt bad me and peter as soon as we knocked on the door my uncle ben went to pick us up in that kori comes out to help him put us down on the couch in that Aunt May arrives with some cold compresses to lower the fever we had.

"what happened to both of you boys "- She said it worried.

"It's nothing to worry Aunt May this will only happen today"- I said it to reassure her.

"Richard is right don't worry.'- He said it giving a weak smile she just sighed.

" I want you to pay more attention to Peter, kori could take care of me."- I said it so that kori would look at me with emotion, she carried me and took me to Barbara's apartment without my uncles being able to argue.

[+10 koriand'r] (for trusting her)

"Richard, do you know what time Barbara is coming?"- She asked happily.

"She's not coming, as a friend of her from Gotham City, got problems, so she went to help him."- I said it while she had her eyes closed I feel something falling on my hand I raise my hand to see kori's purple pantyhose she was undressing with a smile she was getting on the bed with a look full of lust.

"Richard in tamaran, when a male tamaran asks a female to take care of him, he is accepting her as her partner, which means I am your girlfriend."- She said it above me as she gave me a passionate kiss where she introduced her tongue to my mouth to start a fight in which she was losing.

"Kori I'm sick I can't defend myself."- I said as she parted a thin line of saliva connecting our mouths she just laughed a little and started to quickly undress me.

"you don't have to fight in tamaran there is a custom that the female claims the man as her future spouse."- She said it while she kissed my neck and went down until she reached my pants, she ripped them off my body only to blush when she saw my friend.

kori just gave me a look full of lust to start giving me a blowjob she watched me moaned as she licked my trunk up to head as she started swallowing.

"wait-wait kori."- I said breathlessly feeling the each time how she increased her speed.

' If you're not going to listen to me.'- I thought about it a little frustrated as I grabbed her hair to gather what little strength I had, I forced her to go deeper into the blowjob she gave me while I felt how she drowned me from the pleasure she gave me.

"hey kori , I'm gonna cum now" - I said it while I plowed my whole cock all the way down to her throat filling the walls of her throat with my cum when I know it was finished I let go of her hair waiting for her to release my cock she slowly withdrew giving me a look full of lust and desire.

' Oh..How good it felt.'- I thought as I watched as she drank all the load left in her mouth.

"Richard in tamaran it is a tradition that we give our first time to the chosen person, but I was given as a peace coin to save my people so I can't give you my virginity."- She said it sadly, I just stretched out my hand, caressed her face and surrounded her to kiss her with love, she looked at me with love.

"You don't have to worry about that Kori."- I said it while we separated from the kiss and my hands began to cover every inch of her body. I approached her, she is taller than me, so I approached her nipples that were hard from her arousal, with one hand I played with one breast and with the other I played with her wet pussy, with my mouth I approached the other free breast to start sucking it hard causing her to let out a moan of pleasure.

"Don't moan so loud the walls are thin."- I said it in her whispers she gave me a nod and I went back to kneading her breast and playing with her pussy.

I Increased the speed of my fingers in her pussy and then introduce them inside her making her let out a moan that drowns with a kiss where our tongues sought to dominate each other's space.

"Richard , I'm Cumming."- She said so, grabbing the look of my fingers to increase.

" I cum " She said it as she clung tightly to me and then collapsed on top of me, something in me wanted to complete this desire.

"Kori , please be mine "- I said as my hands went down to squeeze her plump ass, she just nodded with a look of desire.

I lifted her off her ass to line up her eager cunt and my cock and shoved in hard holding her walls squeezing my cock tight as if I didn't want her to come apart, slowly coming apart she let out a disappointed moan as I lashed out with strength to go deeper inside her making her cling to me starting the rose from skin to skin while we sank in the pleasure of being connected.



I kept slow thrusts as my mouth and kori kept connected through the whole ordeal, the pleasure slowly became more prominent and I lifted her ass more and more until I was piledriving her.

"AHH!! AHHHN!!- D-DEAR N-NOT SO ROUGH~" I hit her harder while she embedded her nails as if wishing not to separate from me, only our fluids mixed with each blow she gave in her intimacy.



" Kori I'm gonna cum now "- I said it while she endured trying to separate me.

"cum inside"- she said clinging to me so that I wouldn't come out inside her.





"It's time for the second round"-I said as I penetrated her again at high speed.

"Ah-!" - Kori only answered me with a groan.


30 minutes had passed and the two lovers were still doing their act of sinful passion.

"R-Ricchhrd, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"- kori could only moan despite how much she tried not to while Richard continued to enjoy her inside her like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't take it anymore-!" - moaned the beautiful kori - "Please, faster-!"

"As you order, my lady"-I said as I grabbed her by the waist and began to move her hips at great speed.




"Yes-so-!" kori moaned as she arched her back and in the process, giving the richard a perfect opportunity to cup her huge tits and pinch her nipples- "Hyaaaaaaaaaan-!"

"You're so tight, kori~" I' released a hot sigh and saw how our cum coated our crotches.




"AHHH!! Y-YES!~ R-RRICHHRD THIS IS SO GOOD!~"she said as she was moaning.

"Here I come, kori!" I exclaimed.

"Do it! Paint me your color~!" kori moaned as she felt richard leave inside her.

"I cum!" I yelled as I released my essence into the whole body of the woman.





"Ah-!" - kori responded with a groan when she felt how it was covered by a thin layer of still warm liquid. Richard continued to release his ejaculation, even as he watched as the woman fell wearily onto the bed

"I am completely yours."- She said so tiredly as she moved to the side and curled up and we passed out.

Up to this point.


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I hope you'll guys like this type of grammar and after rewriting only 3 chapter remains to be edited..

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