I got up calmly with only my feet out of bed, I got down calmly, I stretched a little and I saw Peter sleeping so I did what every brother would do, I got him up and pushed him out of bed..

"yes very funny yesterday was the first time I slept too."- he said it sad.

"Stop complaining."- I said it mockingly.

'It's been a week since my change.'- I thought about it calmly remembering how Aunt May accepted me calmly, how I hope, pray and pray they got excited for some reason and Mary spends more time glued to me with the excuse that she wants to see that I'm the same.


[two optional missions added]

[more power more responsibility]

(take up the mantle of spider-man and become the totem of this dimension)


I start as a hero more easily.

Improved treatment with the other heroes.

A secret ability.

A title.



[I'm not the same]

(don't be the other one of the bunch and make your difference in this chaotic world)


I start as the hardest hero.

Increased chance of facing unknown enemies.

Peter takes up the mantle of spider-man.

A title.


'wait I have two options again.' I thought about it with surprise because after the flash event no other optional event appeared.

[That's right, sir, another great event will take place this week, so it is mandatory that you participate, but you will have the option of how to start]

'thanks helpi I'll prepare maybe I'll try harder to finish Goliath.'- I thought about it with determination, as I left the room to do what I always do.

"Good morning darling."- Kori said it herself as she came up behind me to plant a kiss on me making me feel like making her mine right now.

'I need to control myself.'- I thought about it with annoyance since thanks to this modification I am more attached to my instincts.

"good morning star."- I said it to hug her and stick her to me.

" So are you ready to explain to Barbara what happened to you because she's uneasy because you haven't answered her video calls."- She said so herself as she headed to the kitchen table where everyone was already seated.

"I don't know how barb takes it."- I said it a little nervous.

"She will take it well, she appreciates you very much."- Kori said happily.

"You're right when she gets back from her trip to Gotham I'll tell her."- I said it quietly I heard my phone ring to see that she was calling me hope.


"well what's up hope."- I said to hope after I picked up her call..

"Richard, could you come to charles' school for the gifted."- She said it urgently.

"sure hope I'm going there."- I said it seriously.

"Well..I just sent you the address where you'll be coming"- She said it she would be.


"something important came up so I've to go..."- I said it while I settled my backpack to leave the apartment.

"Be careful"- Uncle/aunt said it in unison as they went back to their food.

I went out to the street and got ready to run after I discovered that I could run as fast as a sports car. I put on a mask to improve my breathing since I still can't get used to moving faster.

'I'm ready.'- I thought about it while activating the mask to run towards the direction that hope sent me while I ran people only saw a blur pass by at high speed.


Hope was sitting on a bench outside in the courtyard of the mansion she was accompanied by Scott summers, hank aka beast and Laura kinney aka x-23.

"will the boy will come."- Hank said it calmly.

"yes he will come."- I said it happily.

"I really want to meet this Richard guy."- Scott said it sarcastically.

"well he is a very entertaining person you will love it."- I mention it to Hank ignoring Scott's comment.

"I already want to meet him since you and Ororo talk a lot about him."- Hank said...

"changing the subject, as we have been here in the mansion since it has not been a long time and what I have been is because Richard did something to the school that is why it is closed until further notice."- I said as they got an interesting look..

"what's so interesting about this Richard guy he's just another normal person."- She said it annoyed that Logan ordered her to take care of Hope while he and Ororo went on a secret mission.

"well he was never normal, but certain changes happened to him that let's say he's not human anymore."- I said it with some uncertainty, the three of them stared at me .

"what happened to the boy."- Hank ask intrigued.

"It looks like his genetic code was modified by a spider."- They looked at me strangely.

"So he has multiple arms and he spits poison and eats raw meat or something."- Scott said so as he raised an eyebrow.

"No the changes that he has it seems that he didn't get any physical appearance close to a spider."- I said it nervously.

"what is the change of it."- Hanks said it more interested.

"So your friend is no longer categorized as human."- Laura said it calmly.

"You'll know what he has is that he seems to have more ingrained instincts than him."- I told them...


I was in the middle of the road while I felt someone looking at my side.

"Hi, what are you doing?"- Barry said it in a playful tone just jump from the shock to stumble on the asphalt crashing on the ground.

"that should leave a mark."- Barry said it jokingly.

He is a guy dressed in a red suit with gold markings and a lightning bolt logo on his chest. He has electric blue eyes.

"You caught the runner Flash."- It was said by a lady arriving after the guy in red.

"Well the guy freaked out and he's eating asphalt."- He said it pointing at me as I stood and saw my new clothes torn.

"You're going to pay me for the new outfit."- I said it angrily pointing at it.

"you come with us you are arrested for causing disturbances."- Dianna said it she would be while holding me tightly I paid attention to who grabbed me.

A beautiful mature woman with light blue eyes, reddish lips, an hourglass figure, cup F breasts, a serious look that captivates, she is dressed in red and blue armor with gold plates.

"first I don't know you and I can't accompany you, although you're very beautiful I already have an engagement."- I said it to herself to free me from her grip.

'I know she has strength, but she's amazing.'- I thought about rubbing my numb arm

"That's is not an option."- She said it she would be.

"Can we talk about it and why am I being accused of causing a riot."-I said it pointing to them.

"Look behind you."- He said it pointing to his back. I saw that I had crushed a fire hydrant, knocked over a pole, a guy lying on the ground wounded and people who were taking photos of me, but they didn't notice because half of my face was covered.

"The guy was a mugger, I just stopped him and I have something important to do."- I said it a little upset.

"if you don't come by the good ones I will come by the bad ones."- She said it to loosen her rope of truth.

"It's okay I don't want to do anything I'm just going to call my friend to tell him I can't go."- I said it calmly.

"Do it fast."- She said she would be.

"hey hope I can't come because I'm being arrested by a guy dressed in red latex pajamas and a pretty brunette in armor."- I said it while he was on the phone.

"I'm not making an excuse. Hope you know I feel like going to where the mutants are and meeting them. Wait a minute."- I said putting the phone away.

"Where are you taking me?"- I asked them quietly.

"We'll take you with us since it looks like you're a metahuman so we'll take you to metropolis to the hall of justice."- She said it quietly to receive a blow to the head for bullseye.

"well hope I'm going to the hall of justice I will come tomorrow without fail I love you and tell Ororo that I love her.- I said it in an amused tone I hung up the phone.

"What did I done...I hope you guys are not kidnapping me."- I said it playfully.

"It's not a kidnapping."- She said it a little irritated.

"Don't bother her she can be a bit explosive with most men."- He whispered in my ear, I just nodded in understanding.

"what is the mask for."- Barry wonder curious.

"Since I'm not used to running so fast, it still looks like I was walking to you."- I said it with a blank look.

"we're leaving, the transport has arrived."- She said it while watching a ship go down.

"That's great."- I said it excitedly only for her to tie me up with her rope and drag me into the ship.

The ship took off from the ground and moved towards the metropolis. I sat on the ground since the Amazon would not let me sit on a seat.

"So have we reached"- I asked them

"there's not half an hour left so keep quiet."- She said it irritated.

"What do you have?"- I Asked.

"something that does not interest you when we get to the hall of justice we will see what we do with you."- She said

"hey man with latex pajamas he has."- Insaid as he came up fast in a flash of speed

"It's not pajamas, it's a suit that supports my speed and she's like this because Superman rejected her and ended up with Luisa ."- He said it in a whisper.

"don't talk about my life flash."- She said it furious

"Damn"- flash yelled..

'that must be ugly she is too pretty to be changed for someone like that, but beauty is nothing but she has a fun personality like kori.'- I thought out loud.

"you know kori anderson."- He ask surprised.

"Yes she is my neighbor and her attitude is very bubbly."- I said it in a cheerful tone.

"flash stop talking we're here."- She said it angry.

"well man we're going down." Barry just jumped up to stand and and I just followed him.

"Diana, it's good that you came, we have a visitor."- Clark

???: "where is my sister."- An angry voice said it.

"sister donna what are you doing here."- Dianna said it with surprise.

In that, a beautiful black-haired woman came out with an hourglass figure, with onyx-colored eyes, black-painted lips, wearing a black suit with steel plates on her back, she carries a sword and a shield.

"It seems that all Amazon women are aggressive."- I whispered to Barry and he just nodded.

"sister, it's good that I found you, a sign appeared that an ancient appeared."- Donna said it she would be.

"weren't they extinct after the gods exterminated them."- Dianna mention it surprised.

'I have a bad feeling.'- I thought about it nervously.

I felt an irresistible aroma I felt that it was calling me so I walked where it came from and I saw Cassie talking to Barbara dressed as a batgirl.

"Do I know you."- She said it without noticing until she saw me that she was tied with the rope of truth and she quickly grabbed her and ordered me to sit down what my body resisted.

"wonder girl calls the others."- Barbara said it herself only to see Cassie move closer to Richard as if she was mesmerized.

"Quick help."- She yell it to attract the attention of Donna and Diana and some members of the Justice League. I quickly hit my head on the ground on sudden occasions to come to my senses.

"damn primal instincts I thought I had them in control."- I said it while she accommodated me.

"who are you."-Barbara said it seriously pressing the rope.

" name is Richard Parker, I'm a New York citizen who has horrible luck."- I said it forcefully.

'what the hell steps.'- I thought surprised.

[She is using an object made by beings that can be categorized as gods so that you tell the truth the system cannot help you in that sense for example jean gray if she used the power of the phoenix to read your mind the system could not stop her]

Barbara just widened her eyes looking at me with a lot of surprise and she walked away looking at me with fear.

"Richard what happened to you and why are you like that."- She said it with a trembling voice.

"You know him."- Dianna said it intrigued.

" oh..Barbara it's you."- I said it to look up from her to see how she looked at me with fear I just lowered her eyes she brought her hand closer to my face so that she looked up to see her without the mask.

"What happened to you, how did this change occur?"- She said it, looking at me with determination.

I only told her what happened to me, omitting what happened to Kori via Cassie who looked at me hypnotized. I quickly hit my head on the ground when I felt that my desires were dominating me.

"So he's your friend and it seems he's mutated."- Diana said it herself while she behaves a bit irritated by my presence.

I stood up calmly, they saw the wound that I generated with her colpe, it began to stop bleeding very slowly.

'My regeneration is below Peter or Logan.'- I thought calm.

"Well the only good thing is that you won't be paying hospital bills anymore."- Barbara said it, looking for a way to reassure me, I only smiled at her in response.

"You don't know how hard it is I can't build things right now I need tools to place things."- I said sad.

"The strange thing is that hope and ororo are happy."- I said weirdly she gave me a blank look.

"They are happy because it means that you enter the category of superior homo sapien so you can have some special rights that only apply to them."- She said it simply.

"I didn't know that that's why they wanted me to accept that I was already stronger than a normal human."- I said it thoughtfully.

Donna rushed over to me and placed her sword on my neck and glared at me.

"I don't know who you are, but I have a wish…"- She didn't finish and just kissed myself and I was surprised by the action.

[+50 donna troy] (you're what I was looking for)

(gives you the skill of handling sword combat (expert))

"you're the old one, you can't stay here, Themyscira will come to see the queen."- She said it herself in an excited tone.

'what the hell am I .. helpi tell me what race I am please.'- I thought about it nervous

[of course sir is a primary human or better known as an ancient by some castes since they were the guardians of the titans who were adopted by the gods to serve them]

"He is the old one so that's why I feel irritated around him."- She said it she would be.

"It's normal because your own blood seeks someone without limits and is still weak, that's why your body reacts aggressively in the presence of him, but the stronger he becomes, the more attractive he will become."-She said it calmly.

"I'm a trophy and I could be untied." I asked as diana was going to untie me, but donna the one with the tube.

"I see that you want to escape we will release you when we are themyscira so sister also mother wants to see you, besides you haven't seen her since you came here."- Donna said it calmly while she carried me like a sack of potatoes and walked towards the ship, Diana just sighed, said goodbye and they headed for paradise island.

"What do you want me to know? The Amazons hate men fervently."- I asked them.

"I didn't know they were looking for you."- Dianna said

"your presence was felt and the gods thought that you are the last of that race that was made by the titans and it is possible that you are."- Donna told me .

"So you're taking me to the gods to enslave or kill me."- I said giving her a blank look.

"I can't answer that, only Queen Hippolyte will answer those questions for you."- Donna said

"And we better not have them kill me or I'll just run away and you guys just forget about me."- I said it hopefully.

"you can't, you're someone valuable and very dangerous."- She said it serious.

On the way they bring me closer to the cockpit to see that we were flying over the ocean where nothing was in sight until we reached a stormy area where the sea is choppy and the waves are huge and could sink large ships after passing the turbulent zone we arrive at the eye of the storm where there is an island full of life.

Up to this point.


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