Upon coming into contact with the portal, I was expelled violently, crashing against the asphalt and scaring passers-by who passed by the place. I only rubbed my hand and foot in pain that had contact with the portal.

'what happened why it didn't take me to my dimension.'- I thought sad.

[the portal is totally distorted which can cause you come into contact with the black-portal and it looks like an unknown being is not allowing you to cross dimensional door as a result you were violently expelled but the only good thing we can get from this is that it does not disintegrate your limbs]

I stopped to jump to reach a building where the mini catwoman and spider-man saw me, surprised by what happened.

Black cat : "what happened your hand is burned."- She said it somewhat surprised.

"I have to go back to the Baxter Building to talk to my Reed and talk very seriously to Susi for causing this event."- I said it with some anger.

'Spider-man' : "I'm not letting you near the Baxter Building." He said it seriously.

"I'm sorry, but I won't listen to you, I'm in a very bad mood."- I said it with some anger.

He didn't listen to me and tried to shoot his cobwebs that I dodge took out a freeze grenade that I threw in front of him so that he was frozen I carried him on my shoulder he started muttering like stupid grenades and why my spider sense didn't work.

"It didn't work because I didn't attack you with a desire to harm you if I had I would have warned you."- I said it seriously.

After that I jumped out of the building I saw someone behind me, some shadows that followed me with difficulty I saw a female figure nearby, it couldn't be the mini catwoman since she is clinging to my back.

'And it had to be the walk into hell's kichen.' I thought angry.

I only increased my speed to leave her behind, which luckily worked for me, I saw a manhole cover and he went straight towards me, throwing spider-man to stop the manhole with my two hands and throw it into a construction zone to avoid harming anyone.

"do not throw public material that is a crime."- I shouted it angrily to catch my Spider-man ice statue.

"You should say that after all you are kidnapping our friend." Said a ??? behind me just turned to see.

A young man with black complexion in an X-men suit, onyx eyes, short close-cropped hair, a serious look.

"You want it, you would have asked for it."- I said it and then throw Spider-Man towards him, he runs with all his speed to catch him so he doesn't get there just see how spider-man hits the asphalt and only the pure ice that had him trapped breaks.

"you are a bad boy."- Black cat said it flirty as she stuck her asset to my back.

"I'm just a man of science who doesn't like to be bothered and if you're going to stick close to me hold on tight."- I said it with a smile she didn't understand at first.

I only took out my mask to activate world of rage so that my body changed a bit and what was left of my clothes that are baggy sticks to my body that grew both in height and muscle mass.

Spider-man stood up a bit cold, but having recovered he looked in my direction only to break out in a cold sweat when he saw my abrupt changes in me.

"we have to stop him he wants to get to the Baxter building we can't let him go."- Spidey said it seriously other shadows that appeared at his side

"I've never seen a mutant like that nor that could use his own telekinetic energy to strengthen his muscle that should be impossible."- Hope said so she would be as she grabbed her comlink to talk to the others to call for backup.

"as we have not seen in a mutant."- Spidey said it with surprise.

"how did you find me?"- Spidey ask more calmly.

"I saw a portal that was generated around here so I came to see what was happening, I didn't expect a relative of the hulk to have you trapped."- He said it casually.

"well guys it looks like he got stronger."- Hope said it looking at me in detail.

I started to take a light jog and then charge with speed and take off from a jump jumping two buildings in full from that I fell on the asphalt and started my race.

"you're going too fast I'm going to fall."- Black cat said it while holding on tightly to me so as not to fall from the high speed.

"I know it's amazing, although I'm not the fastest person in my world as there are some who can break the sound barrier with just their jog."- I said it while rambling.

"slow down I want to get off."- She said it with fear.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to take a big jump to get to the building."- I said it funny.

'this guy is crazy.'- She thought about it with fear.

I just jumped to get to the helipad of the Baxter building I just sighed when I saw how she got off me kicking my skin and then rubbing her foot with a pained expression.

I decided to ignore her insult, I went in between them, they saw me surprised by my return, I walked calmly towards the door so that the door will open to see a Reed who is waiting for me.

"You did notice that the portal was collapsing and I couldn't get back right now right."- I said it dismissively, he just nodded in confirmation.

"Would you let me see my Reed so he can fix this or what happened over there."- I said it quietly.

'Reed' : "well wait a minute the portal consumes a lot of energy to send signals to another universe."- He said it calmly.

"How long will it take to recharge?"- I asked as calmly as I could.

'Reed' : "like three days."- He said it while he did the calculations.

I unpacked some things I went to his kitchen I saw that it's a mess here too, but I go to where the toaster is I throw it on the pile of things under the garage.

'Johnny' : "and the new guy."- He ask with a piece of pizza in hand.

'Reed' : "down to the garage he said he needed a car battery I don't know what for."- He said it looking at the things I took out of my pocket.

'Johnny' : "not my cars."- He said it desperately and he saw me with a battery and he just glared at me.

I walked and picked up everything to go to the little table that is full of pizza cartons and one or two other things that are green and sticky.

"how long do you'll clean."- I asked when I pick up a piece of pizza that is stuck to the table.

Franklin : "I don't know Uncle Richard I just know that pizza in your hand is like 6 months old."- He said so watching me try to unstick the piece of pizza from my hand.

"Franklin you should eat something healthy."- I asked him something worried.

'Susan' : "of course he eats healthy, I cook for him."- She said it a little indignantly.

I gave her a blank look at her comment as I saw the state of the kitchen which is the same as when I met them in my world.

"When the kitchen doesn't look like a war zone I'll believe you."- I said it with a blank look.

She just scoffed at my answer as she looked in another direction Franklin saw his mother's behavior amused.

I quickly cleared the table and put my things on the table. I began to disassemble the toaster to use its parts to start assembling the ART reactor.

'Susan': what are you doing right now. I ask curious.

"an ARC reactor."- I said it calmly.

'Susan': "how can you do something like that."- She ask skeptically.

"It's easy when you can make an antimatter reactor you can make things simpler after all the way the ARC reactor is made is a very good stabilizer the unstable energy even though it can generate a little bit of radiation that's why I like to use my ore, but since I don't have at the moment I'm satisfied with these."- I said it quietly as I finished a few touches.

In that, some hurried footsteps are heard to see Spider-Man with a black cat tied up with him, a group of people came, the previous guy, Hope and a Logan with her suit while showing her claws and growling at her.

Logan is a well-built man with a body marked with hair that gives him a somewhat hairy wild appearance, with a wild look, onyx-colored eyes, white teeth.

"guys is everything well."- Spidey ask entering.

'Susan' : "Of course, all is well, just seeing how he copies an Ironman creation."- Watching carefully as he finished I head to Reed's lab.

"Reed I need you to tell me where the generator is."-. I said it calmly.

'Reed' : "sure follow me."- He said it calmly, he guided me to where the generator is, I just placed the reactor so that it would supply enough energy so that I could communicate with my world.

After that we headed to his lab.

"Alright we have to find the address where I come from and be able to communicate with my world."- I was serious when I started to find the frequency until Reed could be seen who had part of the machine disarmed.

Richard : "what happened why I could not return."

Reed : "The machine couldn't stabilize. It's disassembled because I'm changing some materials. It will be in three hours." I just sigh quietly.

Reed : "For you it would be like three days since in that place time circulates in a different way."- He said it seriously.

Richard : "Wait I'm stuck in a dimension I don't know for three days."- I said upset.

Reed : "It could have been worse."- He said it to reassure me.

"How could it be worse?"- I said it angry.

Reed : "Being stranded in an unknown dimension on an island full of Amazons."- He said it calmly, I just covered my parts.

'johnny' : "wait listen well amazons those women who are told in mythology that they are strong and the most beautiful."- He said it excited.

"don't think about it Johnny they will cut off your genitals before you can speak they fervently detest men."- I said it seriously.

He just shuddered imagining himself in such a situation, but my phone rang.

"how can my phone rang here in this dimension."- I comment with some surprise.

"Sir, do not forget that You have an emergency system if your telephone signal disappears in the world, it will send a pulse that will alert you, start a search and generate a connection between telephones that he created."- SIF said it as a reminder.

"Thanks for the memo SIF."- I said it calmer.

In that I answered the phone calmly.

In the call.

Emma : "Richard, where are you? You haven't forgotten about the job interview, right?"- I was hearing something sad.

Richard : "Of course not Emma, ​​it's just that I have a little problem that doesn't allow me to go."- I said it apologetically.

"And what would that be."- She said it more calmly.

"Well I was hanging out with Fantastic Four and then something funny happened."- I said it a bit nervous.

"which would it be."- she said it serious.

"well Susan was a little mad at me we argued about something she used her powers and made me collide with an experimental portal that Reed maded and sent me to a different dimension."- I said it nervous.

"tell me it's a joke Richard."- Emma said it angry.

"I wish it was a joke, but don't worry I'll be back in our world in three hours."- I mentioned it to reassure her.

"Well if you don't show up in three hours I'll destroy the Baxter Building."- She said it angry.

"Emma darling don't be an extremist."- I said it more nervous.

"don't tell me to calm down when you're in an unknown place."- She said it almost hysterically.

"Emma, ​​what do you think I can do to please you with anything you want? I will not refuse."

"anything."- She said it thoughtfully.

Emma : "I accept it, I hope you come back soon."-

"bye honey."

End of call.

I just sighed while everyone looked at me strangely while hope and logan looked at me suspiciously I just sighed.

Reed : "who is the person who called you Richard."- He ask curious.

"It was Emma. I was going to meet her at a job interview and threatened that if I don't show up in less than three hours, she'll go to the Baxter building to raze it."- I said it nervous.

Reed : "That would be bad."- He said it casually.

"Of course she's bluffing Reed she's an Alpha class mutant she can do it and you won't be able to do anything to stop her."- I said something hysterical.

Reed.: "Well I have to start quickly how do I contact you."

Richard : "Susan has a phone made by me so you can communicate with it."

Reed : "See you Richard in three hours for me and three days for you."

'reed'.: "how do you know Emma Frost."- he said so giving me a serious look.

"Well she's a pro fighter for mutant rights she's done great things for mutants and she's obsessed with me for certain events."- I said it pretending to be calm.

Logan : "tell me your full name but or there will be claws."- He said it seriously.

"Don't worry, my name is Richard Parker, ex-twin of Peter Parker, and right now I hardly look like Peter at all."- I said it calmly.

Some looked at me with surprise others incredulous.

Franklin : "Uncle Peter has a brother isn't that amazing and he gave me this laser gun."- He said it excitedly they just looked at him strangely.

"Well if that's all I have to find a way back."- I said it seriously.

"Wouldn't it be better to wait for your Reed to finish repairing the machine."- Spidey said it calmly.

"what the hell is wrong with you .... you know Reed is going to see something more interesting and forget that I'm trapped in another dimension until Emma gets to the building and destroys it."- I said it seriously.

'Reed' : 'I don't think my self would do that."

"Since everything is fine, I have to see how to prevent Susi from my dimension from taking drugs with the serum that I make with my blood that seems to intensify his powers and how to return to my house."- I said altered

Only to feel something being shot in my back I only touch it to see that it is a dart.

"seriously a fucking dart because they did."- I said it more upset.

'Susan' : "the other Susan told me that when you get upset you start building weapons of mass destruction."- She said it calmly.

'Susan' : "This won't put you to sleep if it doesn't just put you at ease."- I feel like I relax I just sigh.

"Ok thanks Susan, but I'm still mad at my Susan for sending me to another dimension."- I said it a little indignantly.

"Maybe some fresh air will help me think. "- I said it to go to the helipad.

"wait, you can accompany us to tell us what your world is like."- hope said it she would be.

"Being serious doesn't help you. I like the positive hope that is always cheerful or that threatens for no reason."- I said it calmly.

She blushed a little, spider-man raised an eyebrow.

"So you know me."- Hope said it somewhat blushing.

"Well we're classmates."- I said it calmly.

"wait how old are you." Hope asks

"15 years why."- I said it calmly.

'how is my age.'- She thought about it with surprise.

Logan : "follow us but my beer is waiting for me at home." I just nodded and started following them where an incredible ship is.

"memo remember to make an aerial ship."- I said it while dialing my phone to mark the audio and save it.

"Let's go quickly."- I said excited boarding the ship hope just laughed a little logan just snorted annoyance.

Up to this point.


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confirmed harem ( the ones who had sex with mc ) - Storm ( ororo ) , Starfire ( kori ) , Diana Prince ( wonder woman ) , Jennifer ( She-Hulk )

Until now....

Future Harem maybe : Emma Frost ( confirmed ) , hope , jean , rogue , Laura , Felicia , Susan


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