After finishing my shower I go out with the towel covering my parts I look at myself in a mirror in more detail I see that the marks on my body I see that they spread in some uncomfortable parts that I can not explain.

I hear someone knocking on the door and without further ado I open the door and I see Kitty with a radiant smile that is removed when she sees that I am naked and with a towel covering my parts.

"the food is ready if you want to eat we will be in the kitchen."- kitty said it with a blush as she ran as fast as she could out of embarrassment.

'Ok to get dressed.' I thought about it while I dry myself I search through my buckets for an outfit I only find my black hooded shirt that I had barely modified for my size that reaches my legs and some black pants and I take out some modified shoes with parts reinforced with metal adsorption.

'This is all I have.'- I thought I got dressed quickly to go to the kitchen where I see a lot of young mutants I just admire the amount.

"incredible no."- She said it amused

"Well in a way since I don't see any metahumans or aliens among them."- I said it calmly.

Hope : "how do you know the differences."- she ask curious.

Richard : "Because of its scent."- I told her as she nudged her nose.

"You are like Logan who can track people by his ability to smell."- She said it excitedly.

While chatting with her I see some people wary either because of my appearance or because of the aura I release unconsciously.

"It's nice to meet..."- he said it waiting for my name.

"I'm glad my name is Richard."- I said it in a friendly way.

"Well my Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin it's nice to meet you Richard."- He said it in a friendly way.

"I hope we get along for as long as I'm staying."- I said it calmly.

"It's only going to be three days."- Jean said it calmly.

"why so soon"- kurt ask curious.

He is a guy with a slightly intimidating appearance, but it is shown that he is shy because of his behavior, his eyes shine in a yellow tone, he has a tail like the demons in the stories, dark blue skin, about three fingers on both legs and hands. .

"It's simple my dear blue friend I have to go back to my dimension to scold Susan for sending me to this dimension and doing other things."- I said it calmly.

"s-so you are not of this world."- Kitty said it curious, but at the same time excited.

"You see, I come from a world where mutants coexist with people and we have rights like any normal person."- I said it calmly.

"That world sounds amazing."- She said it excitedly.

Scott walks in with a serious look scanning the area looking for something until he sees me.

Scott is a person with brown hair with deep features with red glasses that remain permanently on his face, with a physical complexion of his body that is designed to fight.

"I've been looking for you, if what Jean told me is true, you shouldn't give false hope to our world."- scott said it seriously.

"like hope, I just told her how my world is, I didn't give her hope, my world is more chaotic than yours."- I said it calmly.

"more chaotic look around me we're all afraid to go out because we know we can end up as lab rats."- he said it furiously.

"Well we all see the world as we believe."- I said it calmly.

He just gives me an annoyed look as our shoulders bump on purpose and he gives me an annoyed snort.

"It seems that he doesn't like me."- I said it seriously.

"He has seen many mutants being hunted down and used as test subjects or killed on the spot."- kitty said it with pain in her tone.

"who caused this."

She looked at me doubtfully and the same as the others.

Rogue : "the brotherhood of the mutant they began with their desires for power and with proving that the human must be below us"- said it serious.

"It appears that Magneto, no matter what world he is in, will always be a threat to his own race."- I said it with a sigh at the end.

"good to eat."- I said with a smile.

I go to the kitchen to go inside and look for an apron. They look at me strangely so I start to prepare dinner quickly and everything stops.

'Some soup would be good for everyone and it's quick to make.'- I thought excitedly after about two hours I finish preparing the soup and some steaks, mashed potatoes and some salad.

"and it's ready."- I said it proudly.

I place the pot for everyone to help myself to what I'm going to eat and go to a seat.

"Here's the food help yourselves I'm not bragging, but I'm very good at cooking."- I said it proud.

They hesitated a bit until one of them approached to taste the food after that they all served themselves and ate in a hurry.

"how do you cook so well."- kitty said so happily as she took another spoonful.

"well, my aunt likes to experiment with food, it's not that she cooks badly, it just tastes weird and I decided to cook to find out how she did it and well, everyone who has tried my food says that there will be a business and that I will stop my dream of being a scientist because I keep building dangerous things."- I said it mockingly.

Kitty : "What were you before you were a mutant?"- she ask curious.

"Not that I am because I am a scientist and my passion is building and nothing will stop me from doing that."- I said it seriously.

"tell me what you have done to proclaim yourself as a scientist."- hope ask mockingly.

I took out a headband made of metal adsorption to put it on her head. She looked at me in surprise.

"You feel other people's thoughts."- I asked her she denied.

"as I expected you also have the same problem as my hope that you have as she can't control her power and listen to other people's thoughts without wanting that headband is made of metal adsorption a metal that I make should help you control your powers."- After that yawns.

"I'm going to sleep have a good night."- I said it listlessly as I headed to my room.

As I settle into bed climbing to sleep.


[a mission has been generated]

[a light over a world of shadows](required)

(fight against the sinister six and against magneto to show that mutants are not all bad and change the mentality of a part of the population)


Affection for Xavier's mutants.

Emma's affection for mutants.


A title.

500 points.

'Seriously, I'm in another dimension and they give me a mission.'- I thought annoyed.

[sir, I am not the one who puts the missions, I only notify you]

'I know helpi sorry if you thought I was mad at you.' I thought about apologizing.

"good night helpi."

[good night sir]

I felt how tiredness took over me to let me fall into the world of dreams.

The next morning I woke up calmer, I stretched as usual, I looked around to confirm that it was not a dream, I got dressed and headed to the patio, I relax for a while, I took out my phone to see the news of this world.

'well let's see how this new york itself.'- I thought about it interested while I see the previous news I see all the enemies of spider-man plus one other heroes that I didn't know at the time.

'just the sinister six and magneto right.'- I thought nervous.

[that depends on how many enemies appear, although the main ones are them]

'how do you motivate me helpi.'- I thought annoyed.

[I'm for that sir]

Richard : "helpi is sarcasm."

[sir, do not forget that I am a system that does not understand all human emotions]

'well leaving that aside tell me where I have to go to meet them to end this.'- I thought seriously.

[Of course, sir, I'll guide you]

"thanks helpi."

"I'm going to go back in a bit."- I said it out loud as I left the mansion I see some things moving in the trees and bushes that surround the mansion a dart shoots out that impacts injecting me with a translucent liquid I take it off quickly and I hope I feel the effect that never comes.

'What was that thing they injected me with.'- I thought nervous.

[a tranquilizer don't worry as his ability to withstand the poison is eliminating it]

'I just go out and I'm already getting shot and also I think it's vibraniun because I pierce my hood.'- I thought surprised.

Several people with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo come out of the shadows. who point it.

Soldier : "to the ground otherwise we will open fire."- He shouted it in the form of an order. I ignored it. I kept walking. They opened fire without hesitation.

'I must be thankful that the hood is reinforced with metal adsorption and that they use 9 caliber bullets which would only tickle me at this point.'- I thought it was funny.

"bullets don't hurt him back."- He said it with fear in his voice.

"And why do they shoot me."- I asked them they didn't answer in that an arrow coming towards me.

My instinct says to avoid it so I roll to the side and the arrow explodes and I look for where the arrow came from to feel another arrow coming to dodge it again.

'He keeps moving hoping I'll be distracted, but what for?'- I thought serious.

In that, a pretty redhead that I already knew quickly approaches, she is Natasha Romanoff, she activated something from her gloves that flashed with electricity while a number of arrows came out, she will shoot in my direction without further exit, I activate claws of rage, I use them to eliminate the arrows that come to my jump to dodge Natasha's attack.

"Seriously Natasha was not furious and could have come myself."- I said it annoying.

"And what kind of welcome is this."

"I don't know who you are and I'll take you out as you know my name."- She said it she would be.

"I would like to continue, but I can't."- I said it to throw a freeze grenade at her while she's distracted and a glue grenade to where I see a flash of light.

At that I get into a running stance and use sprint to take off at high speed as I run I see some helicopters that are on the news and I see flames.

' who's causing this destruction here..hmm"- I thought seriously I look around I see a building that is falling I throw a freezing grenade to encourage the fall and save the girl she looked at me in amazement.

Girl : "Who are you?"- she ask surprised.

"Berserk"-. I said it to put on my mask and run where people are running for help I see flames coming out of buildings.

'seriously this world is falling apart.'- I thought about it seriously, I reached a wounded person who, seeing me, tried to back away out of fear.

"I wouldn't do that, it would open up the wound more."- I said it seriously as I picked her.up and ran to get her out of the place I managed to see an ambulance I slowed down to stop in front of her.

"Here's a patient take good care of her."- I said it to prepare my exit.

"Thanks for saving me."- ehe said it more relieved.

"That's why I'm here."+ I said it to activate my world of rage and using sprint I see some cops shooting at a rhino-like armor that is equipped with miniguns, heat missiles and heavy armor.

"get out of the way of rhino no one can stop him."- rhino said it to take a four-legged position and charge against the cars I see a policewoman who has a leg injury It seems that a bullet that I shot hit her I arrive to remove her from the road and see how she throws the cars into the air I calculate where they will fall for throw two glue grenades to make them stick on buildings.

"Sorry about the cars, but they will take off after about three hours."- I said it apologizing while taking the police with his companions they look at me fearfully.

Police : "stop or shoot."- I scream fearfully.

Policewoman : "whoever you are don't idiot he is helping us."- The other policeman said it angrily, lowering the pistol.

Police : "Excuse me, the number of lunatics is increasing in this city and it doesn't stop."- He said it sad.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the metal toy."- I said it seriously, I ran towards the rhino and I faced him, hit his chest, they send him away and crashing into some cars.

"you are just a insect prepare to die."- He said it furiously and they launch missiles I run towards the missiles I activate claws of rage to disintegrate some parts he shoots a burst I cover myself with my hooded shirt so that it does not hurt my face that is only protected by the mask.

'It hurts a lot.'- I thought so when I felt the impact of the bullets against my clothes.

'those bullets must be 50 caliber because of the pain of the impact, thanks that I have this.'- I thought about it gratefully after feeling the hail of bullets stop I feel like they charge me to crash into a building I stop myself I dust myself off and charge the rhino to kick him in the arm that he was preparing to shoot again I grab the minigun hard to rip it off and throw it to the other side and hit hard where the camera is where you can see me jump to avoid a hit aimed at me and damage itself.

"blindness doesn't help you."- I said it mockingly.

"You're just as bad at jokes as the spider."- rhino said it furious.

"Come on, it's not that bad."

Policewoman : "I'm sorry, but I agree with the misguided rhino."- she said it would be

"I already understood less talking and more hitting."- I said it in a defeated tone.

I stop fooling around and lunge hard to hit him with a punch and kick combo that dents his armor.

"vision systems failing, vision systems failing." A robotic voice repeated it, he grabbed the helmet that has the appearance of a rhinoceros to rip it off to see a man of Russian descent with parts of his face with tattoos, he looks at me angrily.

"You think that only by damaging me you will defeat me, think again. "- He said it with anger in his voice.

"I just wanted to see your face and I have to say you are the ugliest guy I've seen so far."- I said it mockingly.

He just charged at me full of rage so that when he's close to me I activate rage claws to remove the armor's arms causing him to fall to the ground.

"You are a bastard."- Rhino said it furious.

I just got closer to disintegrate the legs just leaving the cabin intact I kick it making it spin.

That comes out the man who pilots it dizzy kneels and puts his hands behind his back in that I make a signal to the policemen they approach quickly.

"well here's one to go five and a psycho with the power to control metal."- I said it more calmly, they bring the policewoman while the others.

"Thank you for your help."- She said it gratefully.

"You're welcome, I'm just missing something."- I said as I reached over to touch his injured leg to use minor heal I watched as his face showed signs of relaxation and the pain subsided.

Policewoman : "thanks, I didn't know that mutants can heal."- She said it impressed.

Richard : "We're not all bad."

"Thank you, my name is Karen."- She said it herself as she shook my hand.

I just accept the greeting, but before I can get more comfortable I see an injured spider-man falling towards my jump to catch him.

"I really can't relax a bit."- While I put spider-man on the ground.

"Tell me where the ones who did this to you are. "-. I said it seriously.

Spider-man : "I just need to get some rest and I'll be good as new." I just hit my hand to start healing him.

"Just find a safe place to recover, I'll take care of it."- I said it seriously, he was going to reply, but I didn't let him.

"You're full of wounds and you can't fight."- I said it seriously.

In that more explosions are heard.

Up to this point.


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Upcoming Harem Member ( Maybe ) : Illyana Rasputina [ ]

known by Magik.


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