I quickly approached her, she was surprised, she backed away a little I stroked her head affectionately.

"don't come here it can be dangerous."- I said it calmly.

"Wait, you can't go, they'll kill you, you're hurt."- Mary said it worried.

"Spider-man can't even move and I'm the only one who can stop those idiots with too much ego."- I said it quietly, she just sighed.

"Be careful."- She said worried I just nodded.

I went out of the alley I looked around to see how a car was flying towards my direction I quickly dodged the car and walked towards where it was thrown.

I only saw people running in the opposite direction of where I am going I see a cute girl stopping a power pole that was going in the direction of a little girl.

She is a pretty girl of mature appearance with light brown hair, light brown eyes, a fit body, a cup C breast, moderate hips that highlight her ass very well, fleshy pink lips, she is dressed in a leather jacket , inside the jacket a white sleeveless shirt, light blue jeans that look worn.

"well it looks like she's already fighting someone and she have saved people too".- I thought about it out loud, she turned to see me with caution and a little tense.

"Who are you?"- Jessica Jones said so as she tossed aside she looks at me warily and showed a hint of fear.

"I'm berserk."- I said it in a relaxed tone as I walked over to her and she picked up the girl and walked away from her with her.

"Protect civilians. I'll take care of the last two."- I said it seriously.

Without giving him more time, I run to the front where there is a guy with a dark green armor that looks like it is metallic and that ends with a sting that comes out of his spine. He looks cautiously and lets out a snort and then laughs.

Scorpion : "the doc was right he said that a jester with a demon mask is taking us down I hoped it was spider-man but now that I see you you're not just a mutant who wants to be a hero I'll give you the opportunity to go and call the insect and possibly not kill many people you say."- He said it in an arrogant tone.

"why would I be an idiot who dresses like an insect."- I said it in a mocking tone.

Without further charging at him, he also charged at me coming close to each other he stretched out his tail to sting me with his stinger I quickly stretched out my hands to catch the stinger which forced me back I recovered only to see him in front of me to give me a blow that sent me crashing into a hydrant.

"If you think I'm the same as those idiots who only have a super suit, let me tell you that you're wrong, I was genetically enhanced and this armor only strengthens my already superior abilities."- Scorpio said it in a mocking tone.

I stand disoriented he approaches with superiority he only does a sweep to knock me down and send me to the ground he places his weight on my chest preventing me from standing.

"It seems that my allies are just a bunch of idiots who can't handle a simple idiot playing superhero."- He said it mockingly.

"well you're an idiot if you think I only trust in my strength..... I've super human abilities too"- I said it to drop a light grenade in front of him, I close my eyes tightly so that it doesn't affect me, scorpion didn't have time to close his eyes causing the grenade to leave him with temporary blindness.

"my eyes, you son of a bitch, I will stab you so badly that your body is disfigured."- I yelled at him furiously while walking randomly.

I rolled on the ground to get away from him.

He started yelling curses and other insults at me making me sore.

'my body is not 100% recovered, he has much greater strength than rhino or socker and what makes him more dangerous is that tail that secretes that acid or poison I don't know what it is, but it melts the asphalt on contact.'- I thought about it seriously, I began to heal my body a little with healing, I felt how the pain in my abdomen diminished little by little.

'this will be enough I have to stop it fast without holding back.'- I thought about it while I stretched my body, I activated world of rage and claws of rage, I ran quickly against him, attacking him at the last moment, he crossed his arms supporting my blow that expelled him a few meters.

"So you were holding back or testing me because if you tested me I think you still don't know anything about me."- He said so looking at himself where it was hit to see part of his armor disintegrated from him.

I ignored his comments to launch another blow that the elusive one throws a kick to the knee to immobilize him he uses his tail to protect himself from the blow I take out my plasma pistol he quickly moves away he begins to dodge my shots until one hits him on the foot doing let it fall to the ground.

I move closer without taking my weapon off him.

Scorpion was trying for me to kick him to the ground.

"don't move if you move I'll shoot you in the ass."- I said it seriously.

"You know I don't think you're so stupid to pretend to be a hero anymore than your class because you don't hang out with me we could do anything you say."- He said it with fear while he subtly moved his tail if I noticed it he entertained me until he positioned his tail on my back.

"Tell me why you think I'm such a magneto guy."- I asked.

"t's simple your own costume says and look at me I'm special."- He said it with a quiet voice.

"You jumped to conclusions just because I put on the first thing I came across. You're the dumbest villain I've ever faced."- I said it in a mocking tone the only snort.

"it's a shame because it would have been nice to have a phenomenon as an ally, well I hope you die slowly and painfully."- He said so to shoot his stinger towards my back which was stopped.

"well why's he wearing a mask and he's easily fooling him"- Jessica seriously said

She began to pull hard on the stinger until she began to hear the metal creaking.

"w-wait that's connected to my spine."- Scorpio said it with pain and fear in her voice. I only turned to see with jalaba.

"you're just watching or will you help me."- Jones said it serious. I just nodded and pulled him away from his spine.

"aaaaaah."- Scorpio let out a yelp of pain and convulsed in pain until he stopped.

"I think he passed out from the pain."- I said it while he moved it a little with his foot seeing that he didn't react.

"That's five fouls, one more."- I said it more calmly, she looked at me strangely.

Jones : "It's weird for a mutant to come alone as they tend to get hunted by sentinels when they feel a presence alone but I don't see any nearby which is weird."- She said it cautiously.

"Well let's just say I'm a bit special."- I said it nervous.

"That's what I see is that you're not an X-men and other one of those groups with the mentality that humans are scum."- Jessica said it in a serious tone.

"Why would you think that we are all human only because of a genome that alters our body and can give us special abilities that does not mean that a high percentage of our DNA is still human."- I said it strange she looked at me blankly.

"Very well I see that you see this from the scientific point of view."- She said so she looking at me like a weirdo.

"Well putting that aside can you tell me where an ugly guy with a hot spot f with four metal arms is?"- I asked seriously.

"That seems to be the spider's enemy."- She said it serious.

"well spider-man is hurt let's say I'm his substitute."- I said it with a smile.

"well the wall climber is out of order that's weird but hey it's on the left go straight ahead and you'll hear some self centered guy bragging about his superior intelligence and how he wants to graze the spider."- She said it calmly.

I just nodded and quickly ran to the address she just watched as she headed me to the address she told me.

P.O.V. Felicia Hardy.

I'm glued to my couch watching the news in shock.

"incredible he is stronger than Peter."- I said it impressed.

I see how the news goes his fight against rhino is incredible how he avoided collateral damage the strength of him is exciting.

'I never expected him to behave like a hero.'- I thought so.

"when he saw me he called me mini catwoman why would it be."- I asked myself.

Stop rambling I focus on the news his struggles his desire to protect, his sacrifice is like Peter that got me thinking about things.

'I think it was a mistake to break up with Peter just to find out his identity, but you can't fix things anymore he's with that stupid redhead.'- I thought about it annoyed I see in a part of the news how he saves Peter and leaves him in a safe place.

'Looks like he has a savior complex too.'- I thought gracefully.

In the news

Reporter : "This is incredible since the X-men are hiding in their mansion there have been no cases of mutants protecting people and right now a mutant is stopping the sinister six wait that's the green goblin."- He said it impressed.

Reporter : "don't focus on me point to the fight stupid."- The cameraman said it annoyed, quickly it is seen how the big man is in the immobilized due to some wounds on his legs where a golden liquid comes out.

Journalist : "he is fighting with the green goblin."- She said it in surprise, the goblin charges at him and throws him against a departmental building.

Felicia : 'This is very bad. He is injured in the lower part and will have difficulty moving.'- I thought fearfully.

I see how he throws the grenade at the building, only screams of fear are heard, then the explosion is silent, he shoots out to finally defeat him.

Reporter : "He's leaving quickly, we have to follow him."- she said it excitedly.

'Richard it should be fun to get to know him better.'- I thought about it with amusement.

End P.O.V Felicia Hardy.

I, a little more recovered after the walk, see a guy sitting on top of a car dressed in a green and yellow suit with four metallic arms coming out of his back with three fingers. He gives a mocking smile as if he were waiting for me. He stops with tranquility.

"Looks like you beat my minions, but I don't think it's going to be that easy on me."- <

I just set up my guard and jumped at him.

He uses his mechanical hands to throw the car at me while I'm in the air with no chance to dodge it, I cover myself with my hands to reduce the blow that takes me against a nearby building with the car on top of me.

I kick the car to get rid of him. He stops me with difficulty. I look at him in pain.

"what's up my henchmen tired you."- He said it mockingly.

'I just need to know why you're so ugly and what's up with your bowler hat."- I said it in a mocking way, but you could tell my tiredness in my voice.

"You seem to have a sense of humor like the spider."- Octopus said it annoyed, two of his four mechanical arms shoot out at me.

I rolled on the ground managing to avoid the arms that were buried in the asphalt that quickly retracted.

"You know my pistol has a new capability that I haven't tested."- I said it seriously, I take out my plasma pistol to press a switch and expelling some pieces of its frame, leaving the handle of the weapon that I squeeze hard.

Pulling out the blade made of plasma that was intimidatingly shown to have a multi-colored glow, Doctor Octopus recoiled at the sight of the sword.

'This will be my first time proving my sword skills.'- I thought seriously as I lunged at him.

Octavious fired all four of his mechanical arms at me. I dodged the attack to move the sword and leave a deep cut in one of the metal arms that quickly retracted.

"Looks like you have some interesting toys."- He said it seriously as he inspected his injured arm.

I quickly charge at him while trying to stay away I quickly try to cut off his arms with one of her stops my hand that charges the sword, with another pe catches my neck lifting me from the ground a meter.

"It seems that you have no more tricks."- He said so he amusedly tightening the hold he has on my neck.

'There is only one way left.'- I thought something suffocated threw the sword to the sky to activate claws of rage that I use to free myself from one of his arms which was grabbing my neck.

"You are an annoying brat."- He said it annoyed to hit me on the ground with force repeatedly I began to see blurry he threw me away so that I bounced on the hard asphalt.

"what's up vermin you won't let out a witty or mocking phrase."- He said it amused seeing how I stand up with effort.

'my body reached its limit I find it difficult to breathe my external wounds and the ones that had barely closed reopened.'-;I thought about it with a lot of pain in my body.

I take out a grenade charged with electricity and walk with a limp to start running, ignoring the pain that is felt throughout my body.

He tries to keep his distance while from his mechanical arms he takes out blades that I manage to dodge some others leave cuts on my body I see that they have a white glow expelling heat.

"I see you noticed the blades on my arm are special, they are made of an alloy that can withstand high temperatures. I made it especially for a pesky insect, but you can be a good test subject."- He said it with an arrogant smile.

'The heat is too much for my metal to take and convert it into energy so I had to use my metal scraps to reinforce my clothes.'- I thought about it annoyed seeing some of my wounds that have to ripen and others cauterized, but that doesn't make me back down I gently drop the grenade under his feet while he amuses himself by cutting me after I see the grenade in position I walk away quickly.

"What's up, you're going to change tactics."- octopus said it calmly.

"Well I was just looking to entertain you."- I said it mockingly.

He didn't understand at first until he pointed to his feet. He looked where he pointed to see in horror the grenade that exploded delivering an EMP rendering his extra limbs useless, dropping the extra weight of his arms.

I walked with a slight limp and he glared at me because of his immobilized state.

Dr Octopus - "Very resourceful for a brute who I thought only has brute strength."

"That's where you're wrong. Octopus, before I had powers, I was always a person who likes to create anything that pops into my mind."- I said it seriously.

"And I think it's time you looked back on all the destruction you've caused while I take a break."- I said it seriously to hit him hard leaving him unconscious I got closer to his arms to use my plasma sword and cut him easily.

Up to this point.


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Note : My exams will be finishing on 12th July. So don't expect a chapter till


Upcoming Harem Member ( Maybe ) : Illyana Rasputina [ ]

known by Magik.


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