I got up annoyed, but looking at him cautiously and without losing sight of his shield.

"why I would turn myself in if I haven't done anything wrong."

"are you sick or something "

"oh..jeez... looks like I have to beat the hell out of you.."

"boy you have no training and you turned into a monster of 3 meters sharp teeth and multiple arms."- Captain said it seriously.

I rolled on the ground to avoid a beam of blue light that fell on where I was before.

Ironman: "cap it seems that he does not understand that he is a danger."

"of course I'm as dangerous as a man who harm everyone to kill each other do not compare me to you stark I know I'm dangerous in this dimension, but in mine I'm barely in the medium leagues."- I said it seriously.

"wait another dimension then how did you get to ours."- He said it curious.

"and why should I tell you'll are just a bunch of asswholes"- I said it to prepare to charge the captain first.

'Captain America is the most dangerous as he has hand-to-hand experience and has fought beings with my current strength.'- I thought so that he throws his shield at me I see the trajectory to catch him and quickly calculate to throw him making him bounce quickly so that he shoots in the direction behind him he quickly ducks and stops the shield.

In that I throw an E.M.P grenade into the sky deactivating my gloves as stark's armor.

"you weren't a prototype anyway, I hadn't put the protector on you yet."- I said it a little sad since it cold the glove system.

Meanwhile stark fell like a sack of potatoes to the asphalt.

"I didn't expect you to have a device that generated an electro-magnetic pulse, too bad it wasn't my only armor."- Tony said it so that he would be flanked by a blue armor that has reinforcements on his arms that gave him more strength.

After the armor kicked me, making me roll on the ground, I managed to get comfortable looking at them seriously, I just spit out a little blood that got stuck in my throat.

'shit.. looks like I've to get serious now'

"You seem to have a lot of tricks." I said it by wiping the blood away.

"that should tell me gun, sword, gauntlet, powers and being able to turn you into a monster." He said it amused as he pried open his armor.

"and you thought that I only have one armor."- He said it with a smile.

"You're right about something I trusted that."- I said it seriously as I just snapped his fingers to land a better armor than the previous one.

"and you thought that I wouldn't come with my best armor."- He said it mockingly.

I only buffet to jump from the place to see a cute green girl along with another red one who looks at me fiercely hit where I was before.

She is of an attractive complexion with onyx hair with reddish strands like her skin and her eyes of a yellow color without sclera.

"what happened to green I thought she would come."- I said playfully

She-red-hulk : "my darling is busy with more important things than a weakling like you."- She said it mockingly.

"How about talking things over with some ?" I saw a store nearby. I said it in a friendly way.

They only looked at me seriously for the red girl to charge at me and tony shoots the energy beams at her...

'hold on, hold on, now.'- I thought of it to get out of the way causing she-red-hulk to be hit by tony's attack and sent flying, I just smirked

"I feel like I'm forgetting something important."- I said it to myself to receive an upercut from Jennifer already in the air, a blow with Captain America's shield to my chest that makes my ribs crack and sends me into some cars.

I only paused for a moment to drop to my knees and cough up blood.

She hulk : "Your blood is rare, it is golden."- She said it impressed

"give up boy you know you can't win."- He said it seriously.

"That won't happen."- I said it to use healing on me recovering faster.

And I charge quickly against them I use sprint to move with more speed I take out my hunter knife he throws me I instinctively place it in front of me to see how the shield suffers a long cut To then grab it and throw it to iron man who knocks him down prepare my knife and I run to engage in a fight, something that I am at a disadvantage since, although I am stronger, he has more experience.

He punches me in the face that makes me go back a few centimeters I pull myself together to see him above me I only covered my face to feel how he tries to break my guard quickly to kick him in the chest to get him away from me.

I stand up ready to fight only to feel a hand behind my head slam me into the asphalt and drag me down before launching me into a pole.

She-red-hulk : "that you seemed weak." She said it she upset.

Before I could stand up I felt someone place foot on my back.

She hulk : "don't get up or you'll want to hit the ground you stupid man." She said it she would be.

"hahahahaha it's funny that it's coming from you Jennifer."- I said it funny.

She put more pressure on my back and I could only get a moan of pain.

"how do you know my name?"

"why wouldn't I I've fucked you and you were always moaning oh.. richard give me more... "

"It's fun for me to see you upset... hahaha!!"

She hit me hard on the head repeatedly until Tony stopped her.

"for him he must be alive and just a fool."- Tony said it seriously.

She nodded angrily so that she would then put a necklace on me.

[all physical stats are reduced by 500 points]

She sat me down in front of her and gave me a threatening look, I just spit out the asphalt that got into her mouth with a little blood

I felt how my body shrank, my hair returned to being completely brown without losing my muscular complexion or the color of my eyes, my skin lightened a bit.

She hulk : "what happens now that you are without your powers."

"Just a genius who can use magic and has a lot of secrets."- I said it mockingly.

"and also jeni why does it makes you angry when I calls you by your name."

"because you don't know me and you're not my partner to call me by my name and don't call me that." She said it upset.

"you're wrong about that you like sushi, action movies, you like Harry Potter, you love cats, you don't like dogs because one bit you on the left leg when you were a child and you like being told how pretty that you are something that does not have to be said because you are beautiful."

A blush appeared on her, she looked at me doubtfully.

[+20 she-hulk dimension 1325] (you're the first person to know about her likes)

"how do you know that about me."

"because I know you perfectly I know that you went first to susi for help the only difference is that I never met you and I never will because I don't exist in this dimension." I said it with a smile.

"That doesn't matter anymore because we need to know how many beings there are like you in your dimension." said Tony

"beings like me that's stupid you should ask for beings that can kill me with just one hit."- I said it funny.

"That's not funny boy."- Captain said it seriously.

"But it's true I barely count as a middle league wrestler at full strength or tech."

"It looks like you guys already caught him, we won't need our hostage." Natasha said it herself as the ship went down.

Out of it came the attractive hawk-eyed black widow as Illyana was pulled

"how are you Richard."- Illeana said it with a smile.

"I told you to go to the Baxter Building."- I said it a little upset.

"Why would you even go there.... do you think reed would help you"- Natasha said with a smirk on her face.

"Nothing that matters." I said it standing up with difficulty.

"But I think you'll let us go."- I said it calmly.

"why would we let you go if we already won."- He said it amused by my comment.

"You know what sets me apart from your enemies." I said it stretching

"that you are younger."- tony said it mockingly.

"It can be but I always have a trump card." I said that to decompress a glowing antimatter reactor.

"An inferior version of my ARC reactor what a wonderful trump card."- He said it mockingly.

"unfortunately for you this generates more energy than your ARC reactor, this is an antimatter reactor if I break it the explosion will devour half of the American continent."- I said it seriously.

Clint : "You're kidding, you wouldn't cause that."

"I will destroy this whole F**king!!... world"

Steve Rogers hesitated at one point.

"why do you want to destroy our World"- captain asked

"I know that they want a sample of my blood to generate a clone that they will use as a weapon and if I don't know what the hell they just wait for them to be devastated and as told by Illyana I am half demon which means that my clone will not present a soul It will be pure instinct and with the desire to kill." I said it seriously.

Clint : "Why would we clone you?" He said it seriously.

"Seriously, you saw what they did with logan DNA.

"That's not just let us go anymore." I said it seriously.

Just listen to the safety that was removed from a gun.

"This could be facilitated with a shot to your head and we can collect all the blood samples we want from your corpse." Said a behind me.

A beautiful woman with short hair as dark as night, eyes of the same color, fleshy lips of a burnt red color, a curvaceous body with a cup C breast with hips that accentuate her ass.

"why a pretty woman would threaten me with that." I said it funny.

"Richard, don't bother her, she won't hesitate to kill."- Illyana said it nervously.

"Calm down Illeana I just want to see if she does it."- I said it while feeling already recovered.

"I think we will have to disappoint you."- She told her to shoot all of her cartridge the first in the back of my head the rest in my body.

She saw how the ground fell. Illeana was upset waiting for her death. Everyone was surprised at her action..

"why did you killed him he is an innocent person."- captain said it upset.

"he's a mutant, he's dangerous, we just need to know about his anatomy, we don't need him alive."- Maria said it quietly keeping her gun.

"fury would not allow this."- he said it upset.

"Fury is not there, he died for monsters like him."- She said it upset pointing at me.

"the one who killed him was magneto along with the president, that doesn't make all mutants like him."

"They just need a push to show their nature." She said it to get away from my body.

"I will wait for the body in the helicarrier." Before continuing, She hear a laugh that paralyzes her for a moment.

"hahahahaha you should look for a larger caliber."- I said it to stand up as if nothing happened.

"I shot you point blank you should be dead your mutant powers are sealed."- She said it somewhat surprised

"I don't need to be a mutant to be strong. I was already as strong as Captain America and tougher before my X gene kicked in."- I said it with a smile to grab the necklace from her she quickly moved away like the others when I rip it off it explodes.

"That should have killed him and if it didn't, the fire would kill him."

"You know a little fire won't kill me or the explosion if I survived a juggernaut hit this is a joke."- I throw a freeze grenade at their feet before I moved it explodes catching it throws a sticky grenade at Clint and Natasha which goes unnoticed.

They stayed glued to the ground.

Clint: "not again." He said it annoyed and I quickly get out of the flames to pick up Illyana in a bridal way and run towards the Baxter building.

"I'm sorry for leaving you in a sticky situation."- I said it funny.

she hulk: "your jokes are as bad as the spider."

"even if you say it you like those kinds of jokes."

"that's not true."- She said so she blushing jumped while making a peace sign.

"What are you doing? Catch him."- Maria said it annoyed captain just denied.

Captain: "He has an item that can destroy everything in it and you want to push it further than you did after shooting to kill."

I use sprint to move faster into the distance I see the Baxter building I jump with all my strength to land on the helipad.

'we arrived I hope there are no more inconveniences.'- I thought already pissed off.

'since I arrived they have not stopped attacking me.' I thought annoying.

Illeana didn't let go of my arms she seemed to enjoy it very much.

'Reed': "I'm glad you showed up that the portal is ready."- he said it calmly.

"You don't know how good that is."- I said it with a smile.

'Johnny' : "who is the beauty that you have in your arms." He said it in a funny way.

'Johnny': "hello beautiful what's your name."- he said it in a flirty way to dodge the slash of a sword she summoned.

'Johnny': "wow I already understood no more hassle."- he said as he carefully walked away.

"Before I go, could you take Illyana's necklace off?"- I ask Reed to nod.

He guides me to his lab where I see the portal already open and lower Illyana to a seat, who complains that I lowered her and looks at me annoyed.

"we need to take off your collar we can't take my world that could give extremists ideas and I don't really want crime to increase in new york because they want to look for a test subject more than new york is full of mutants, aliens , metahumans, among other beings." I said it quietly, she just nodded in understanding.

'Reed': "That's why my self from your dimension that our contacts must be secret and not comment anything about that technology."

"I told you to be careful as as soon as our society is stable a little thing like this necklace can start a war to weaponize mutants and extremists like magneto will be right and that will start a massacre." I said it seriously.

After a while Reed managed to remove the collar that limited his power.

"Thanks for removing it Reed." I said it quietly, he just nodded.

I just nodded, she just stretched out her hands with a sign that I was going to carry her, I just sighed and did it.

I walked quietly to stand in front of the portal which opened showing me my dimension where another Reed was seen with a smile, a somewhat nervous Susan.

"It was a pleasure getting to know this f**king.. world."- I shouted it to enter the portal.

Up to this point.


Note : I hope this chapter clear all your points about previous chapter

and there will be an side story chapter I will be updating it tonight.

So that makes it a bonus chapter++


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