Note : This chapter will too be difficult to read as there will be long paragraphs to read so there are chances of grammar please point out...
Sorry guys...
The whole room was dead silent.
"hey I don't know but maybe I am but don't fill me with more questions,as this does not end there is more to the story."- I said it seriously.
"what are you waiting for boy I want to know more."- Tony said interested everyone looked at him.
"I must not be the only one who is excited to learn how the earth was forged as life, but that is Atlantean history continues to tell about that species."- Tony said it excited.
They all turned their focus back on me.
Richard: "But everything that begins has to end like this. It was when Cronos, who never loved the little boy, had his son decided to eat them for fear that they would take the throne from him, but his wife hid a little boy that she named Zeus. At first, Cronos liked him. small but over time Zeus grew to feel that he was the center of this world and with an arrogant extreme he decided what cronos feared to dethrone him with an option he made him sick forcing him to vomit his other brothers and with it they faced him making a fight vicious and leading cronos to death only three brothers ate the parts of cronos gaining part of his powers thereby they decided to face agur and the titans with Zeus desire to become stronger but he never succeeded because when he faced his brothers they were crushed."
"Agur spared their lives and leaving Zeus with his broken pride knowing that a being who was not believed to be at the level of the titans defeated him and he bear a grudge seeing how he defeated them and agur began the hunt for the titans, he decided to restrict them, he forged weapons and objects that with more time use it, more divine power, he stole a lightning flint for Zeus, a helmet and a trident for Poseidon and a throne, a dark silver chalice for hades."
Arthur: "how the trident and the helmet fell into our hands."- Arthur ask curious.
"that's what I'm looking for wait here it is."- I said it excited.
Richard: "after waiting and seeing how the gods divided up his mother's creation, he saw how they wreaked havoc and how they could not control the humans created before that, they decided to eliminate them when he saw how his brothers were massacred, he was filled with fury against his relatives and took Poseidon's objects away from him, leaving him weak with less control over the sea and with the survivors of the massacre that the gods made, gave him the objects to be protected, asking that they never leave the sea to avoid losing more brothers and he implore the Naga to protect the Atlanteans."- I said it after reading.
Arthur: "We have been at war against the naga for years and what you tell me is that they were born to protect us...this is a lot we were deceived, but who wrote that your ancestor expelled us from the earth and that he used the naga to kill us."- He said it sentence in a chair.
[+25 arthur curry] (he's thankful for uncovering some hidden truths)
Richard: "I don't know, but the person who has been changing history did it to put them on opposing sides, we just have to find the culprit."- I said it seriously to head for the door.
Richard: "I want to see a bit of Atlantis and take photos."- I said it excited.
He just smiled at me to pat me on the back.
Arthur: "you're a great boy I don't know why Batman is afraid of you don't go yet I want to give you something for telling us the truth of our existence."- He said it cheerfully to give me the fragment of agur's soul and I catch it.
Richard: "Why are you giving me this?"- I asked when I saw what it means.
Arthur: "While you were reading I saw that you couldn't take your eyes off that thing and my father always commented that he had a lot of useless things with that book so you can keep it for me."- He said it happily.
Richard: "King I don't know how to accept it."
Arthur: "Take it as a thank you in advance for helping us with the fight right boy."
Richard: "Of course I will, but I think we should ask for more reinforcements, it is possible that we will not only fight Poseidon, he may bring reinforcements if what is written is true, he must be weak and will not fight head-on."- I said it seriously.
Antiope: "No, he will fight from the front, his arrogance will not allow him to fight behind the scenes."- She said it seriously to signal to Artemis.
In that Artemis grabbed me by the collar of my shirt to drag me towards the exit.
Artemis: "We have to release you because if you are going to be in this fight we need you to come out alive and more or less complete."- She said it with a dangerous smile.
Athena: "don't worry, you look more resistant than when you fought against Hercules and I will teach you how to use magic since I am one of the best magicians among the Amazons."- She said it proudly.
Artemis: "You're just a cheating bookworm."- She said it she upset.
Athena: "I beat you cleanly when you challenged me to fight, you never forbade the use of magic."- She said it upset.
Antiope: "I put him with them because one is the third best warrior we have and the other is one of the few Amazons who study magic."- She said it herself in an exasperated murmur.
Antiope: "Stop behaving like brats, we are Amazons and we have to maintain our image as warriors."- She said it serious.
They stopped their discussion to just nod.
Antiope: "King Arthur a place where we can train the boy."- She said it serious.
Arthur: "There is the coliseum, but I don't know if it is to your liking that the Atlanteans see how they train it."- He said it seriously.
Antiope: "Never mind these trifles soon we will have to fight for the survival of ourselves and the surface and the freedom of the Amazons. "- She said it serious.
Antiope: "gentlemen, I am leaving, I hope you prepare everything because this will not be a joke."- She said it herself leaving the place with Athena and Artemis who was dragging me with them.
Tony: "Apparently we ally ourselves at the best time"-He said it relaxed.
Hulk stopped looking at the glass dolls that were on a shelf to look at Tony.
Tony: *hulk you will be able to crush a lot of enemies within a week so relax and let banner out."- He said it seriously.
Hulk: "why would I let out the weak hulk banner get comfortable being around buddy and soon crush fish people again."- he said it with emotion.
Tony: "we need him to talk to him about an important matter and anyway you can go out again you are very important for this fight."- He said it calmly.
The Hulk just huffed in annoyance to accept and start to shrink down to show a pale skinned man with black hair, black eyes scrawny naked with stretched pants covering the parts of him.
Banner: "Thanks Tony for letting me get some fresh air."- He said it gratefully.
Tony: "Don't worry doc we really need you as I want you to test the radiation levels if I bring the hulbuster armor."- He said it seriously.
Banner: "I don't see any problem with it. The armor is made to absorb the levels of gamma radiation that the hulk emits and redirect it as power to the armor. It still has the ARC reactor and the energy that it absorbed earlier when fighting the hulk."
"If that's all who's hungry."- banner said it cheerfully.
Arthur: "you are the green demon."
Banner: "well the one you call the green demon is like saying another side of me due to some failures in an experiment I ended up becoming it the problem is that it is another being apart from me we share the same body, but when he takes control you already know his appearance and capacity."- He said it analytically.
Tony: "The doc is harmless so don't worry about him causing any trouble."- He said it getting up from the seat.
Steve: "We will prepare the avengers to come help fight."- He said it seriously.
Without more they left the room to go to the ship.
Steve: "So tell Richard that we will return with reinforcements and as a sign that we will return I leave my shield"- He said so handing over his shield to Arthur.
After they left mera just stared at Arthur.
Mera: "do you think they come back."
Arthur: "If Captain America, his only weapon is this shield is here and it is something unique since it is made of an adamantion alloy with steel and a bit of vibranium."- He said it seriously to head for the door
Mera: "where are you going?"- She ask seriously.
Arthur: "It will be the first time I've allowed many surface people into Atlantis, but we need all the help we can get so I'll ask the league for help."- He said it seriously leaving to head to the surface.
Mera: "I'll have to tell the guards that we'll have more visitors."- She said it to nothing.
Mera: 'well, this won't happen only when he comes back I'll force him to have a friendly fight like when I proposed to him.' She thought about it with a creepy smile.
with Richard.
I was flying to crash into the collapsing wall and my body is heard my bones creaking.
Athena: "Apparently you don't have elemental affinities for earth, water, wind, she only lets us try fire and some suggestions. I wonder as I scrambled to my feet."
Athena: "I forgot to let your magic flow in your body to see what elements you handle."- She said it apologetically.
'This is bullshit. I have to go through this test again.'I thought so in pain to show off my new features.
"ok wait a bit let me recover."- I said it to use healing on myself so my wounds would heal faster.
"I'm ready."- I said it standing up more easily as my body stretched.
"what magic did you use because I've never seen one that heals so fast."- Athena said it she interested.
"Well I got it out of my Grimoire."- I said it to invoke the book of Genesis.
Athena: "Wait, you have a Grimoire, why didn't you mention it?"- She said it serious.
Richard: "You never asked."
Athena: "what magic does the book specialize in."
Richard: "Sacred and healing magic at the moment because apparently it has level seals until I show that I'm ready I can't study the rest."- I said looking at him more curious.
Athena: "Start studying the book and I won't let you out of here until you learn two attacks and one magical defense."- She said it serious.
"It's okay."- I said it seriously.
'let me see that there are spears of light medium range, but they spend only two can be summoned, arrows of light are medium range you can shoot six of them being inexperienced, this is more interesting holy arrows medium range to long range it has the ability to hurt demons and if I combine it with an extra spell like healing on impact with an ally, it will heal with the energy of the arrow, but apparently it spends a lot of mana, but it shoots 20 arrows.' I thought seriously.
I relaxed to remember what a magic circle is.
'A magic circle is the conversion of magic to the physical world so that it can be used through a medium. I don't have the need to use a wand or a staff because of the runes on my body, which makes magic easier for me, I have the magic cores separated. giving me more control over the elements that I have that would be fire, black magic that is demonic and my sacred magic which makes it easier for me to see if I can do something interesting but first the arrows.'- I thought seriously.
I took a deep breath stretched my hands to the sky to feel how my mana was dispersed in the air I opened my eyes to see Athena with a look of astonishment I looked up above me were 30 magic circles that showed the point of a date.
[got job mage apprentice]
[title he who shelters the light]
(you are more linked to the holy it gives you the ability to spend less mana when using holy magic)
Athena: "that is one of the most common offensive spells but the amount of them is not normal plus the energy that it expels plus its golden shine I can say it is something strange sacred element."- She said it serious.
'however I made it.'- I thought impressed, but when I lost concentration half of them stayed.
[It is because you linked with the book and have a greater control of magic and more if it is light or sacred magic]
[at this time relax your mind and try something more intimate connect to the source of that element]
I nodded in my mind to close my eyes and enter the depths of my mind I found myself in a green landscape full of life I saw flowers of unique colors I could only say one sentence.
"beautiful."- I said looking around me stretch my hand to touch one of the flowers to hear some footsteps behind me.
'?' : "who are you?"- A quality and friendly voice said it, I just turned around to see a figure that filled me with warmth.
"mother!! how are you here?"- I said it while my eyes filled with tears.
The person I loved the most and the person who told me to always be me and never look for acceptance from others but to look for myself when Peter and I were told that they died in a plane crash I felt devastated because I I felt closer to my mother than to my father.
Mary: "Richard, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you died."- She said it scared.
I just shook my head to get closer to hug her to feel the warmth of her.
Richard: "I delved into myself to find the highest representation that represents one of my magical elements."- I said it happy.
Richard: "mother where we are."- I asked happily.
Mary: "We are in the third heaven where the most loving people are."- She said it happily, separating, she looked up at me.
"My little angel has an halo"- She said looking at me with a smile.
"wait it came out"- I said it annoyed seeing the alo on my head so that later my demonic feature came out.
Mary: "I didn't expect the horns but they look good on you."- She said it analytically.
"Wait you knew about this."- I said it pointing to the horns and the tail.
Mary: *my child I have to tell you many things, but I don't know if I have time."- She said so putting a hand on my cheek.
Richard: "This has me very confused, my body changed from one day to the next. They told me that I am a type of demigod, I have demon blood and other things."- I said frustrated.
Mary: "I know darling look you were a special case when it was discovered that we were not alone all the governments joined the best scientists with one of the youngest businessmen his name was lex luthor at first we were deceived creating two beings with immense potential of destruction and third was created that was you when I heard about a man who could fly shoot lightning from his eyes the other two were only killing machines since they were cloned with a combined sample but you were different because I put one of my ovaries to that they were fertilized by the unknown samples I felt a connection with you I was already pregnant with Peter without knowing it so I decided that I would get you out of that asylum as much as possible so that I returned you to where you belonged which was my womb."- She said it touching her stomach.
Mary: "after that I renounced my last name and hid with your father who didn't know anything about that when the months passed I was worried about how you would look, but I knew that I would love you with all my strength and then you came out looking like Peter that made me excited becauseI knew there was the possibility that you were normal, but over time you unconsciously began to show signs of being different."- She said it smiling at me.
Richard: "how did you die mom they told us that you died along with dad from a crash."
Mary: "I didn't die like that, I was killed, rather your father and I were killed, one was by hydra for the formula of the super soldier and I was by lex luthor who discovered my identity and wanted to know where your location was, he killed me by not saying anything about you."- She said it sad.
Richard: "I'll take them out."- I said it with anger knowing the truth.
Up to this point.
Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...
and for source read 20 Chapters ahead
I hope you guys join me on this platform