Arthur just gave me a smile at my comment.

"You have to push your mana towards the portal runes to take you where you want to go and the place where you need to go is Mount Justice."- Arthur said it seriously to get an image of Mount Justice and its facilities.

"where you possibly think they all are."- I asked.

"Possibly in the training room."- He said it showing me a picture of the room.

"Understood I'll be back in a moment King Arthur."- I said it to relax and get closer to the portal I put my two hands on the portal to push my mana into the portal slowly the runes started to glow the people around me came closer to see what was happening.

"it was not a simple ornament."- It was said by a young Atlantean behind him is an old man who hit him on the head to snort after his comment

Cannon fodder 1: "no stupid boy that was the key to our salvation that brought us what is now our home that is why it is known as a key, but it was rendered useless when the other was destroyed and to make it work a lot of magic is needed to make it work garment at least one rune would spend the mana of an adult and well-trained Atlantean."- He said it seriously.

Cannon fodder 2 – "Right now we are seeing something that only our ancestors could see the working of the key."- He said it with a hint of emotion.

I pushed more mana I felt the tingling throughout my body I felt connected to the portal all the runes began to shine brightly the portal together all the magic in its center to expand and occupy all its space in that I thought of the training room.

Mount justice training room.

You could see all of the young justice together.

Aqualad: "very good guys today the best result will be announced."- He said it looking at a Tablet.

Kid flash: "that would be me after all I moved so fast that it was not seen how it ends are the robots."- He said it proudly.

Artemis: "if you finish you say then you will Also be with all those robots on the fooor."- She said it mockingly.

Cassie: "I was the one who destroyed the most robots you saw."

Dick Grayson: "come on Cassie you know I was better I was fast and precise and I finished with all the robots in less time and what do you think if we go out sometime."- he said it in a flirty way.

She sighed in exasperation to quickly walk over and push him away.

Cassie: "Dick, don't start flirting. I know Kori left you feeling bad, but we're a team and we can't have that relationship. More than my demi-god side, I'm looking for something different."- she said it serious.

Aqualad: "don't argue guys, the best percentage was..."

In that a blue portal opened that began to clear showing me in the middle.

Richard: "Yeah that thing consumes mana. I didn't expect it to take half of my mana."- I said half exhausted.

Richard: "which one of you is aqualad. "- I said it, stopping me to stretch, some of them prepared their weapons, the one that stayed looking at me the longest, wonder girl.

'I feel familiar to you, but why?'- cassie thought about it, feeling attracted.

"That's me you want."- aqualad said it seriously.

"King Arthur sent me to find you. Atlantis is in danger and he wants you to go there."- I said it seriously.

He just widened his eyes in shock at such information.

Aqualad: "how can I trust you."- He said hesitantly.

"Just look at the stupid portal that devoured half my mana."- I said pointing to him he approached cautiously to reach the portal I look at his king with a smile greeting him.

Aqualad: "my king how is that possible."- He said it impressed.

Arthur:"The boy has enough magic to open the door." He said it happily.

Aqualad stared at me, impressed upon hearing that, he looked at me in surprise.

Aqualad: "But that's not impossible, that's why an x-tube was installed."- he said surprised.

Arthur: "the tube x was damaged after some things and he is not entered in the league but rather he is an avenger."- He said it seriously.

'Well I think my armor will reach Atlantis in a few minutes.' I thought about it seriously watching him talk while cassie looked at me interestedly.

Cassie: "I feel like I know you." She said it looking at me interested.

Richard: "yes we met in the league when diana kidnapped me to take me to the island of the amazons."- I said it calmly.

Cassie: "It's true, you're the boy who used to get along with Barbara, I think your name was Richard, right?"- She said it calmly but that uneasy name to dick just looked at me angrily.

Dick: "why are you here you came to throw in my face and tell me that you're sleeping with kori." He said it furious.

Richard: "I didn't come here for you, and I'm just I'm waiting for King Arthur to finish talking to Aqualad."-I said it calmly.

Apparently he didn't believe me since he started to attack me. I spent a while dodging his attacks that were very bad maybe because he was blinded by anger.

Richard: "think do not attack without reason or without strategy so you will not harm me."- I said it seriously only to make him look at me more annoyed.

Dick: "you want to teach me how to fight don't remind me of that bastard batman after he slept with batgirl and dismissed me as trash."- He said it furious.

Richard: "I already understand why Barbara kisses Batman's shadow, she has a relationship with him."- I said it more seriously.

Richard: 'She must disappear from our vicinity or she may endanger my family just because Batman wants to know a weakness and if he causes an injury to a loved one he will never walk again.'- I thought seriously.

Dick: "you think you're better than him think about how to eliminate everyone and the first time I saw you I thought you were just any nerd, but now I see you're a monster."- He said it furious.

Richard: "You're right about that if I'm a monster."- I said it to let out my alo my demonic features making me back away.

"But in my own way."-;I said it seriously.

"what the hell are you."- He said it surprised.

" am something unique. I am a Nephalem."- said it seriously.

Arthur: "Richard, we're leaving, I'm sorry guys, but kaldur'ahm will come with us, it's something very important that must go."- He said it seriously.

I just sighed to walk to the portal.

Dick: "you are a monster that will harm kori."- He said it watching as he left me.

Richard: "in that you are wrong the monster is your mentor he will end up alienating everyone and they hurt other people creating villains and you are following the path of him grayson."- I said it entering the portal.

Arthur: "He does hate Batman."- He said it with a sigh.

Dick: "What is happening in Atlantis that the strongest heroes of the Justice League are helping and supporting the Avengers."- He ask seriously.

Arthur: "what makes you think we have a problem boy."- He said it seriously.

Dick: "Aquaman you are friendly but when it comes to your kingdom you have never asked for help from the league, rather you have made it clear that you would not accept help from the league in such a matter."- He said it seriously.

Arthur: "my people are in danger so I need all the help and they can't go kaldur'ahm is an exception because it's their home so they can't come." He said it calmly.

"but we have proven to be strong."- connor said it upset.

Arthur: "That's why we need someone to take care of the people while we're not here. You're the Justice League backup along with the Teen Titans."- He said it seriously.

Arthur along with kaldur'ahm entered the portal for it to close quickly.

Arthur: "The function of the key is interesting."- He said it calmly looking at the portal, I just walked seeing that it is not long before my armor arrives.

Richard: "I'll be at the gates of Atlantis." I said goodbye.

While with the Orm.

He was walking around the palace without the royal guard as they prepared for the naga attack.

Orm: 'I must see where to encourage more people to join me, but many are blind to the ideology of my stupid brother.'- He thought it annoying.

Behind appeared a mist that surrounded him so that mare appeared next to him.

Mare: "you are missing the triente and the helmet or else the deal will not work and you will also die with your group."- She said it with a sinister voice.

Orm: "I know, but I don't know where the key is to open the treasure door."- He said it seriously.

Mare: "you have not thought that it can be in the most seen place, but less important."- She said it smiling.

Orm: "That is it could be that in the statue of my father he has his hand clenched as if he is hiding something."- He said it seriously.

Mare: "get your Atlantean part."- She said it to disappear.

Orm: "I don't know how she do that, but it's getting annoying."- He said it upset.

He went towards the statue of his father he saw that there was no one to break the hand of the statue and from it came out a large key with decorations and made of solid gold and ancient in appearance.

"This is the key."- He said it happy to have the key in his possession.

Mera: "orm what are you doing here you should be prepared for battle and why the statue of your father and Arthur is destroyed."- She ask annoyed.

Orm: "some things for some plans I have."- He said it calmly, to see that behind Mera was mare with a knife that released a purple liquid.

Mera: "what plans are you planning any stupidity you know that a war against the naga will start and we will not have enough forces left for you to start with your stupid dream of ruling the surface."- She said it upset.

Orm: "you know just when I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life I did everything to make you notice me but you chose my silly brother right now I will give you the chance to choose you will join me or you will die next to Arthur."- He said it seriously.

Mera: "I'll stay with my husband and stop you right now you bastard."- she said so upset only for mare to stab her in the side of her stomach.

Orm: "It's a shame you've chosen the losing side just."- he said it quietly to walk away.

Orm: "come quickly mere this wound." he said it feigning desperation as mera loses consciousness of her.

Mare: "why are you asking for help stupid."- She said it upset.

Orm: "I can curry favor with my stupid brother who trusted me and cause discord with those on the surface."- he said it arrogantly.

Mare: "Very smart to be an Atlantean."- She said it mockingly to disappear.

He continued screaming until some guards came by who were looking for the queen when they heard the cry for help, they went to help to see the injured queen.

Orm: 'With this I can plant mistrust with people on the surface and win more Atlanteans to my cause.'- he thought seriously.

After a day in the afternoon she was just lying in bed with Arthur next to her with the Amazons close to her and the garter on the other side and Orm standing in the doorway watching everything going on.

"doctor how is mera"- Arthur said this worriedly to a doctor who was checking her out.

Doctor: "she is in very bad condition, the cut was deep, but she will heal, but the problem is that her body has signs of poisoning that is unknown, we do not know what creature can secrete that poison and she does not have much time left."- She said it seriously looking at the king.

Arthur: "orm brother do you know who did this."- he said it with anger in her eyes.

Orm: "I saw someone running, but I didn't see who was a brother because you brought the ones from the surface one of them could have done this."- He said it upset.

"could you please go out I need to talk to my brother."- He said it seriously.

They only nodded to leave the room.

Arthur: "We need them, they are our only chance to survive, brothers, we need them."- He said it seriously.

Orm: "you are stupid brothers they are the cause of our problems they should be out of here."- He said it furious.

While outside the room were the heroes and the Amazons waiting for Arthur.

Richard: "How is the queen?"- I asked for.

Diana: "She is on the verge of death and we don't know how to get a cure and we don't know how long she can last."- She said it she would be.

Richard: "What's missing is that the Atlanteans are scared more now since their queen was attacked, it seems that someone spread the rumor that we were the one on the surface."- I said it seriously.

Batman: "That will cause a revolt. Someone wants people to distrust Arthur to divide the Atlanteans."- He said it seriously.

Rihard: "helpi is there anything i can do to save her."- I asked seriously.

[Mr. Richard at this time your blood is a natural cure for many diseases and poisonings so you could save her by giving your blood, but we don't know what effect it can have on the queen]

'That's something I can take the blame for.'- I thought seriously.

Tony: "what's up Richard I see you thoughtful."- He said it looking at me.

Richard: "I think my blood can be used as an antidote, but I don't know what effect it will have on it."- I said it seriously.

"why it would serve as an antidote."- Steve ask.

"Thanks to my healing factor and my ability to adapt, I generate antibodies to anything that comes into contact with me. I don't think I can synthesize my blood so I'll have to take my chances."- I said it seriously to open the door no matter.

I looked at Arthur who was talking to orm they stopped to look at me.

Arthur: "Young Richard I don't think you should enter the room without permission." He said it seriously.

"I have a way for the queen Mera to be saved."- I said it seriously.

Hearing my words, he looked at me with hope.

Arthur: "h-how could you save her"- He said so looking at me hopefully.

"The answer is my blood. I don't know if it works, but it's a possibility."- I said it seriously.

"Maybe it's the only thing that can work."- He mumbled it to himself.

"Would you let me try it if it fails I will accept death or any damage that happens to Mera."- I said it seriously.

"You can try it boy."- Arthur said determined.

I approached Mera to cut a part of the wrist so that it would bleed, I opened her mouth so that she could consume it, which she did unconsciously, which caused her to recover visibly, since her skin returned from her in the her usual tone.

Her breathing reassured her, but she was still unconscious, I felt her presence grow stronger, I could only look at her in surprise.

'what is happening to her.'- I thought surprised to feel that her body began to expel more mana.

[I think that could be a secondary effect, it is causing her mana or the magic that her body generates to increase exponentially]

'could she be in danger."- I asked worried.

[nothing will happen to her thanks to her Atlantean physique, but if it would have been a normal person her body would have been destroyed by the explosive increase in mana]

'I have to be thankful for that.'- I thought relieved.

"how is it possible that your blood can do that."- He ask happily.

[+25 Arthur curry] (he is deeply grateful for saving his wife)

[50/100 arthur curry]

(title achieved achieved son of the sea)

(Title effect gives you the ability to control water less than body can withstand more extreme temperatures plus pressure or the need to breathe since you breathes through your skin)

'That's great.'- I thought about it happily because I didn't have to think about how to lengthen the oxygen time in the armor without adding more weight, but going back to what I thought.

"That's true because my blood was able to heal her without it being treated to create a serum."-I asked.

[That's because your blood is close to that of the Greek gods, but since she has part of Gaia's heritage, her blood would be the closest thing to nectar, but without the ability to kill mortals]

Up to this point.


Note A/N : if you don't know a bit of Greek mythology, the gods drink nectar that has the ability to recover them from wounds, but if a mortal takes it, he dies since his blood is evaporated and his organs are liquefied.


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Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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