Two days have already passed, with only one day left for the arrival of the Naga in Atlantis, the dome has been strengthened, giving it more resistance to protect civilians, but Mera queen has not yet woken up and for my armor, I took away some things that would not work since it could breathe in the water and added some improvements and comforts like a place for the horns to come out but the problem is that it is not painted and it is a white color that is the presentation of metal adsorption without any hint of energy.

Its appearance is intimidating more than it uses my demonic energy that covers my horns making it look bigger and I can make my energy take shape that I want as more energy enters the white color changes to a blue then to a red finally to a black that marked it was at full capacity.

"boy what are you doing."- Arthur said it to enter the stadium that was forbidden to enter so that I could make the modifications of my armor without having any setbacks.

"I'm fine King Arthur I'm just testing the comfort of my armor and a few finishing touches."- I said it calmly.

"SIF activates all systems."- I said it seriously.

"Understood sir activating energy field, activating energy regulators, testing mobile joints, checking armor status, activating holographic screen activating heat and night vision viewers checking system completed demon prototype working 100%."- SIF said it seriously.

"It's already completed, tell me, King Arthur, how can I help you?"- I said it seriously to get closer to him.

The armor increased my height a bit giving me about 10 centimeters of extra height making me have to look down.

"You mentioned that your armor was a prototype, but it looks great until painted."- He said it impressed.

"It's not painted, an alloy that I think changes color when it contains more energy and it gets stronger at this time, it must be harder than the Amazonian metal."- I said it calmly.

"That's interesting like finding out you could use your magic to feed it."-He ask.

"actually I didn't know it, I just theorized since most of the energies were transformed for use in that I thought that magic is an unknown type of energy that in my grimoire mentions it as a unique source of each person and depending on the soul strength is its size and how to increase those reserves by strengthening the soul so this armor at first would not use magic but an antimatter reactor that I made but when I got my grimoire and fully awakened my magic I came up with this."- I said it seriously.

"impressive boy but why that appearance."- He ask looking at the scary appearance.

"I have to mentally defeat my enemies first and that is the first thing you do when you go to fight your enemy."- I said it seriously.

He immediately understood what I said.

"First you fill them with fear so they'll hesitate to fight you, but that doesn't always work."- He said it seriously.

"That's good, I think it's time that you also know the strategy that will be used for the fight, you have to accompany me where the others are."- He said it to leave, I followed him calmly, the people only murmured when they saw a kind of monster.

We walked for a while to get to the royal palace and enter the room inside, everyone was gathered except Orm, which seemed strange to me because he, as one of the two people with royal blood, would have to be here.

"Very well, we are now together well Richard have finished his Armor."- He said so pointing at me only to wave a hand in greeting.

Tony: "don't expect anything else, you just look like the final boss of a video game."- He said it funny.

"I like the look and better listen to King Arthur."- I said it calmly.

"very well our plan will be a defensive fight. My soldiers and some of my companions from the league and the avengers will stop the advance of the naga and the rest will stay inside the city to protect the civilians from the nagas who escape or May we fail and fall in the fight." He said it seriously.

"Does anyone have a complaint on the plan."- Arthur said it seriously.

"Well, we all agree, we can leave."- He said it more calmly, the Amazons were the first to leave so that the heroes could also leave. I stayed to talk to Arthur.

"what are you doing here boy I thought you would talk to the others to better understand who will stay with you protecting the city."- He said it calmly.

"I just want to know how the Mera queen is, since I was out of contact with the other people for two days."- I asked.

"She is stable, her state of health is fantastic, but if she doesn't wake up, one of the doctors said that she wakes up in a week or a month, she can't stay here."- He said it seriously.

'She will go with the civilians to the wild land there my people along with my beloved wife will be safe if we fail in this war.'- Arthur thought about it with a lost look.

"King Arthur don't worry she will recover and we will win the war with as few deaths as possible."- I said it seriously while she took off my helmet so that my serious face comes.

Arthur: "I hope so boy"- He said it showing me a smile.

"king and don't forget something the atlantean is like humans also feel envy and jealousy so be careful because we don't know who our enemies are."- I said it to retire and leave Arthur thinking.

Even without putting on my mask I left the room at the door and a person was already waiting for me who, seeing me, assaulted me joining our lips, she introduced her tongue desperately looking for my taste, I only felt the pleasure to lower my hand to stick it closer to me.

"Diana I don't think it's good for you that the league sees us like this."- I said it when I pulled away from the kiss.

"I already resigned from the league, this will be my last time with the justice league and I think we could have a celebration that you might like."- Diana said it in a playful way, I only smiled to enjoy the aroma of her that she gives off.

"don't worry about needing information, I already have everything you wanted, darling."- She said it in a whisper to meet her lips with mine.

"That's very good Diana I'll give you a reward that you want so much."- I said it softly to separate myself from her, move one of my hands roughly inside her pants and introduce a finger inside her so that she let out a moan, she looked at me eagerly.

"Let's just hope this thing is over and I'll give you as much love as last time."- I said it tasting the taste of her.

"this time I hope it will be all day without stopping and not having to change rooms because the bed can't stand it."- Diana said it with a smile that marked her blush.

"That will be Diana."- I said it softly.

I separated from her and put my mask on and return to the stadium.

'I can put in a purifier that adsorbs ocean air and I could put in a purification system so that if I'm in a hostile environment it purifies the air in the suit and doesn't use emergency oxygen that I may need.'- I thought of it as analytical.

As I entered the stadium I found to my misfortune Batman waiting for me with his typical blank stare in an armor-like suit, but he walked with ease making him look light.

"what are you doing here in front of me and still thinking that I'm a Threat"- I said it mockingly.

"you and I know that you were created and I will prove it."- Batman said it seriously.

"I was conceived by my mother and if you listened to Chamuel if there are more like me, humanity is in serious trouble."- I said it seriously.

"I will find them and stop them before they are a threat and figure out how to stop you."- He said it seriously.

"You will attack me for no reason. It's not in your Batman ideology and I don't think you have a way to stop me because you're looking to piss me off like last time and see my capabilities."- I said it calmly.

"I know you are dangerous and I will prove it, you were created to destroy."- He said

"What makes me different from Connor, better known as Super Boy, so I investigated that he is a clone of Superman that doesn't have his weakness for cryptonyty."- I said relaxed.

"He is weaker than Superman and he has a weakness, but I don't know any weaknesses of you at the moment."- He said so calmly walking away.

'You will never know because I will make all of my weaknesses disappear.'- I thought seriously.

'helpi who are the beings that can harm or kill me.'- I thought seriously.

[the beings that can defeat you and are on earth are Superman, hulk, abomination, bizarre, Batman, the Olympian gods, wonder woman, Karen starr, among other beings that can defeat you, a total of 20 beings on earth can defeat you or kill you some with difficulty or with ease]

Richard: 'thanks helpi.'

I just sighed out of annoyance I looked around to start taking off my armor and start making improvements to the armor in a part of the stadium I looked someone looked at me I pretended not to feel the presence to feel how something was approaching calmly I quickly turned around hoping to see my enemy Just so that it wasn't in front of me, I felt something sharp enter my liver. I hit hard so that something would fly out. I looked, I saw that it was an Atlantean soldier who had hit.

"what the hell is wrong with you."- I said it furiously to remove the knife and use healing on my wound that I have so that this closure quickly I felt dizzy I placed my knee on the ground to stabilize myself I looked at the knife that shone with a transparent liquid that was not my blood I brought it closer to my nose to smell it.

'This is very powerful poison, more powerful than Mera.'- I thought dizzy.

'Helpi how long it will take for my body to recover from the poison.'- I asked seriously.

[the poison will stop working in 30 minutes]

¿?: "so do you like the effect of the poison this had to have killed you instantly you know to be from the surface."- A soft voice said so I looked in front of me to see a humanoid snake-like creature.

'That must be a naga.'- I thought seriously.

I try to stop so that my legs do not respond to me.

?: "no matter what you try human your body should feel numb and soon your respiratory system should stop and finally your heart giving you a slow and painful death."- She said it mockingly.

"Who y-y-are you."- I said it with effort.

Mare: "you can call me mare human and this is what you couldn't do Orm at least your Atlantean was of some use."- She said mockingly my body began to numb more.

Orm: *don't presume me sea witch that thing killed the Atlantean in one blow I don't think a naga would have endured it either."- He said it annoyed.

Mare: "You need to die human as you're the greatest threat to my master."- She said as she disappeared into my sight Orm wearing a helmet and an imposing looking trident put on the trident to try to stab my chest.

"One last thing before you monster die."- He said it mockingly.

'I will not die like this I need to protect everyone I love and I will not let them kill everyone I will offer their HOPE wish.'- I thought seriously.

[Guardian Angel] (Minor) (Unlocked Wish to Protect Fulfilled)

(greater regeneration being close to a natural light source greater control over light)

(full angel form)

(subtracts 500 from all physical stats and a 600 increase from Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck stats)

(weakness against demonic magic)

[to activate the skill yell with all your being your purest desire]

"I will protect the innocent, even if it takes away what little humanity I have"- I yelled it with all my strength I felt my body begin to move to move my hand and catch the spear that is centimeters from piercing my chest the one with a quick movement kicks me that throws me away from him.

"Apparently the witch's poison failed, but I'm not worried the invasion has already started and my warriors will kill the beings on the surface."-he said it proud

My energy exploded in my body devouring it completely an armor fell from the gates of heaven together with some swords the armor was connected to my body to stabilize my energy my wings seemed translucent my face did not seem since the energy did not hide from my shoulder he fired a heavy cannon I was no longer two meters tall at this moment I am two meters 50 centimeters tall.

"think twice you bloody traitor to your own people."- I said it seriously to go out against him with the tip of my sword, I ferociously collide the trident with the dagger, I try to pierce his defense so that he dodges it, I snap my fingers so that some nagas appear.

Three of them carry spears measuring about two meters purple with gray touch their orange fins.

But one of them stood out in a brutal way, half three meters, his red eyes, his skin or jade-colored scales, his orange-red fins, a trident that releases magic from his arms, some wristbands and he wears a pendant.

Naga razo: "look at him ohh...I never tasted the flesh of a human." He said it by showing his fangs.

Naga 1: "I think it will be fun to hear your screams."- He said it excited.

Naga 2: "I heard that hitting them until they die makes their meat soft."- He said it mockingly.

I looked at them bored, although it was not noticeable by my appearance, I threw myself towards those nagas so that with a quick cut my sword would split one in half, his purple blood spread in the air leaving a strange smell.

Naga razo: "bastard."- he said throwing himself at me with my dagger I buried it in his stomach I picked him up from the ground leaving only its tip touching the ground and threw him towards the other naga reason that was paralyzed making him hit the wall I looked where he was orm to see that he had disappeared .

'So the coward escaped.'- I thought annoyed felt a blow to my jaw sending me a few meters back.

Armored Naga: "I see that you know how to fight, little luminescent being, but I don't think you can fight me."- He said it mockingly I stood up to attack him with a quick movement of my lightsaber I slashed his stomach which was intercepted with his trident that he induced with magic to sharpen it by cutting a little my sword I threw a paw at his stomach to see how impassive he was .

'What's wrong with him? Nothing happened to him with that blow.'- I thought walking away.

[sir is running out of mana and don't forget that this status improves you, but don't try so much with your demonic power]

Deactivate guardian angel to return to normal I only buffs to feel my mana to a lesser extent.

Armored Naga: "You already gave up little one I thought you would amuse me longer, but nothing can be done."- He said it annoyed to move with speed against me I rolled on the ground avoiding his trident that buried itself where I was before.

"Don't think you won."- I said it smiling running towards him.

He prepared and charged against me in one movement the nail his trident where I was I jumped to climb the trident and escape from his attack to reach my mask that integrates the whole body armor I put it on to smile.

""WORLD OF RAGE"" I yelled loudly to fill myself with power and grow activated claws of rage.

"I hope you're ready you super developed eel."- I said so pointing my claws at him.

Up to this point.


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Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform