My look was full of fury with my mask on, I just released a mouthful of steam and stopped to turn to see my attacker.


[a mission has been generated]

[no more mercy]

(shatters and crushes all who harm the innocent)

Gotham Appreciation.

league appreciation.

Cadmus interest.

Jaina Hudson Interest (A)

Jaina Hudson Interest (B)

Guardian angel mode upgrade.

"tell me why you attack innocent people."- I said to walk against the guy I shot.

The guy did not hesitate and he began to spend his ammunition against me, the bullets bounced or flattened when they hit my skin.

Mafioso: "w-w-what are you a monster."- He said scared.

>.< ( ~ Mafioso - a member of the Mafia or a similar criminal organization. )

"You mentioned it yourself I'm a monster."- I said it to move with speed towards him to grab the tip of the barrel of the gun and bend it easily and give him a blow that sent him against other armed men.

Black mask: "what the hell are you doing? Shoot the monster."- He said so pointing at me to pull out a 50 caliber desert I quickly charged at them.

They started shooting in my direction ignoring everything else I just felt the tingling or the itching of the bullets left.

Until a rumble was heard and I felt intense pain in my abdominal region causing me to lose balance and fall to the ground, I quickly stopped to grab a manhole cover to throw it towards one that was on the roof with a basuca the lid hits the missile causing it to explode in the air causing some buildings to end up damaged.

'That bastard has a 50-caliber gun.'- I thought about it, in pain, I felt a bullet coming out of my wound starting to close.

Black mask noticed the blood stain on my abdomen.

"he's hurt so keep shooting."- He said it to keep shooting, I felt like the 50-caliber bullets pierced my skin and damaged my muscles.

I didn't care if I reached them, the attacks without compassion hit the key point, destroying that limb's joints, leaving them possibly unrecoverable. I promised that I wouldn't kill them, but I never said that I wouldn't cripple them.

Black mask: "why the hell you don't die son of a bitch."- He said it himself as he advanced on him as he expended his cartridge against me.

"You're out of ammo."- I told him to grab him and pick him up by the hand that has the gun and start squeezing his hand is listening to his joints being crushed by the force of my hand.

Black mask: "aaaaah."- He was just screaming and struggling and futilely trying to free his hand.

"let go beast."- He said it to pull out a smaller caliber gun causing bullets to bounce off my skin.

"You don't know how I hate murderers who kill for no reason just for stupid ideas."- I said it annoyed tightening my grip to slam him to the ground.

And throw it to where his subordinates were.

His subordinates began to carry a passed-out Black mask many of them looked at me with fear.

"you will only have this opportunity to hide or live in fear this will be your only warning I see you again that you hurt innocent people and you will be more like the amount thrown away."- I said it pointing to his companions with dislocated arms or legs that cannot move.

They all quickly run to their boss as fast as they can.

'Well this means the mission is over.'- I thought about it while he relaxed me.

[sorry for notifying you sir, but the mission says that it hasn't finished yet, lack of enemies]

'great who's missing.'- I thought annoying.

A monstrous roar was heard to see another officer fall in front of me or some pieces of what was a policeman.

After the policeman fell, a humanoid being fell with skin that was a combination of green and gray, his eyes were opaque yellow, two meters 23 centimeters long, his teeth were closed, his skin was like that of a reptile, his hands were like claws.

Killer croc - "stupid humans coming to my home area and try to threaten me."- He said it in a snort of anger.

Killer croc: "I can't enjoy bathing in the blood of my prey in peace."- He said it angrily.

"Can you repeat that shit again you dumb lizard because I don't think I heard you."- I said it furious when I heard what was said.

Killer Croc - "Another stupid human who thinks he can talk to me so I'll teach you to respect a higher being." He said it upset.

"you are nothing superior you are just a stupid person who was guided by instincts you are just garbage."- I said it seriously.

Killer croc: "you will swallow your words human."- He said it to unleash a punch on me which I parried easily I kicked him in the knee to disable him and threw a punch to his jaw which stunned him.

"what's up big lizard have some pride so get ready to be destroyed by me you stupid beast."- I said it clenching his fist, highchairs were heard his fist he launched a sarpazo that left a deep cut in my skin I let go of his fist so that with his other hand he leaves another deep cut with his claws before he attacks me again I launch a kick that launches it to a hydrant.

'yes what was missing I can withstand bullets and some blows but still, my state is weak to withstand sharp objects.'- I thought frustrated.

"Helpi how long until my limiter releases."- I asked seriously.

[in a few minutes sir]

Killer croc: "you didn't brag much human."- He said it mockingly I used healing closing my wounds quickly so he would look at me annoyed.

Without further ado, we charged against each other again when we saw that his fists were useless, he began to use his claws, I took off a torn part of my clothes to throw him in the face, I followed him, I approached him to hook him in the liver, lifting him off the ground to that with my other fist I send him to his face to send him crashing into the cars causing an explosion and be sent to my unconscious or that's what I thought because before I knew it he embedded his claws in my stomach and sank his teeth into my shoulder.

"You know you're not my type, if you were a pretty girl with nice hips, maybe I'd take the bite, so let me go, super-grown alligator."- I said it to start hitting his face repeatedly his face started to bleed as he tried to sink his claws deeper into my abdomen.

[sir percentage unlock starting]

'If it has to be at the best time when a fucking humanoid crocodile tries to rip my shoulder off.'- I thought it annoying.

"I'll rip your fucking crocodile head off."- I said it so that my voice began to thicken my skin thickened my height increased before I was half a meter 80 centimeters at this moment I am half a meter 90 centimeters my marks grew to go back over my body my hair grew and began to turn white leaving two strands brown that framed my face his claws began to recede I grabbed him hard to hit him in the face again but with a different result this time he flew out to stabilize and settle his feet on the ground.

[+10 Jaina Hudson (A)] (she likes your muscles)

[+25 Jaina Hudson (B)] (she likes your looks threaten you and the marks)

Killer Croc: "You became stronger than the kind of human you are."- He said it with some shock.

Richard: "Who said I'm human."- I said it calmly.

"You want to know the wishes of the people you kill towards you."- I said it while forming a dark smile when I heard when helpi told me that the world of rage and guardian angels are unlocked.

He instinctively started backing away.

Killer croc: "why do you feel different more dangerous."- He asks nervously.

Killer croc: "before I felt that I had a chance to win now I don't feel it anymore my instincts tell me to run."- He thinks scared.

Richard: "You know I like to be called berserk for one simple thing."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "I can represent people's anger, fear, and hatred."- I said walking towards him.


When pronouncing killer croc he began to tremble, and the sound of a helicopter was heard about to fly over us.

Reporter: "You can see the mysterious masked hero who is fighting Killer Croc, apparently he become that monster again"- she said it hoping that I would become my grace but I don't expect that for something else.

My hair bleached to the point that it seemed to glow in the light of the flames a mass of red energy began to surround me to see how my marks began to glow an intense red color my eyes began to glow an intense golden hue what else What caught my attention were two prominent horns of a crimson tone that came out of the two pots that the mask has.

"You listen to them crocodile shit"- I said it with a prominent voice and he looked at me shakily so that they would start to listen.

?: "kill him…"

? 1: "Rot that monster…"

Reporter: "Where do those voices come from?"- She said it nervously because of the whispers she looked around

Reporter: "point to the apartment where killer croc came from"- She said it in a hurry, the cameraman pointed it out quickly, they saw how dismembered people came out of the apartment and many of those people were crawling, they are women who looked contemptuously at killer croc.

Killer croc: "how are they here..."

Richard: "They're dead, I know they won't be able to rest until justice is served. This time I won't be the judge or the jury, but I will be the executioner. You are the first human or previous human that makes me want to kill."- I said it calmly.

Ghost: "kill him..."

Ghost 1: "kill him…"

Without further ado, a choir began to be heard shouting their judgment.

'alala you will enjoy the blood of this bastard.'- I thought it serious.

Alala: "Of course, my bearer, let me purge your anger by eliminating that simple inferior being from existence itself."- She said it with emotion, and the sword began to be generated in my hand, shining in a sinister tone.

Killer Croc: "You are a hero, you never kill."- He said it nervously.

[sir if you kill him you will put the justice league as an enemy]

'I don't mind helpi me feel their pain and suffering and they won't be able to rest until they can see that justice has truly been served.'- I thought furious.

[sir why don't I give you a better solution because I won't dismember it]

'That's a good idea helpi.'- I thought as a smile formed.

"You know I won't kill you."- I said it so that he would calm down and prepare an attack the souls looked at me with betrayal.

"It would be too merciful to feel firsthand what you did to your victims."- I said it seriously to see how his tail was approaching so that he cut it with a slash so that the blood would come out of the severed part.

I heard the whistle and the beep to feel like something exploded in my back, I didn't flinch, I continued with my walk, I arrived in front of Killer croc to make the cut separating his right arm from his body.

Killer croc: "sorry-sorry for."- He said it as he experienced for the first time what it became that fear of dying.

Richard: "don't be afraid, I already told you that I will not kill you, you will only experience what your victims do."- I said it with a blank look.

In that, I felt bullets that hit my back I just turned to see him in Red Hood with a machine gun that kept firing I felt presences approaching without wasting any more time I cut his right leg and then I was sent flying against a building and seeing Karen arrive who arrived with a serious look.

"Tell me why you deny me my duty to make him pay for his sins."- I said it standing up with difficulty.

Karen: "You can't decide his punishment."- she said so as she settled in I just sighed to use healing on my entire body.

I walked calmly towards her, they threw the batgarans again, I caught them with my hand, crushing them and exploding them in my hand.

"His hands have been stained with so much blood that it is inexcusable that son of a bitch consumes what he once was."- I said letting out my anger she looked at me with surprise to back away.

"batman no matter what dimension you are in we will always be enemies not because of our ideals or because my weaknesses disappear over time."- I said it while looking at it I fell to the ground with other people who are the bat family while in a corner you could see a Barbara next to James looking at me worried.

"helpi the mask was reactivated right and became a limiter," I asked.

[Yes, sir, I do not recommend that you remove it, here it is more contaminated than your own world, this is more full of negative feelings with many sins]

Batman: "You know me, but I only know that your name is berserk and I already understand."

"The first moment we met, we despised each other. It's okay for you to fight for your ideals in this city awash in death and corruption, but I won't stand the cries of souls begging me for justice."- I said it to try to get past Karen she tried to grab me but she let go of me after she felt everything she used me for a bridge and she saw what killer croc and what I'm seeing she let go of me to puke and see me.

Karen: "What did I see?"- She said it herself as she wiped her mouth.

"It's hard no."- I said it so the others wouldn't understand what she was saying.

"Listen to all those people who never ended their lives peacefully and are trapped until justice is served."- I said so as my horns began to grow my marks stopped being irregular and crossing my body in a regular way.

Batman: "What you do is not justice, it's just causing damage, look at you, you look more like a demon before you were human."- he said so while he came up with some plan since he looked at power girl with a fearful look.

"To your misfortune, I'm half demon, but the sacred won't hurt me."- I said it so that halo would appear in my head making most of them stop.

"I gave up most of my own humanity only for my most selfish reason my family and refusing to live in a world cut by blood because my mother the woman who gave me the chance to be born because she had a dream that I I would do what she wanted."- I said it seriously so that alala would reappear and cut the last two limbs, leaving his body with only his head. I healed him to prevent him from dying.

In that, I released my transformation to return to my appearance that I was still hidden by the mask.

A light appeared with the symbol of the Egyptian cross from it came out a man dressed in a golden suit with a helmet that covers her entire face, her eyes white with a cape billowing from his back.

Doc. Fate: "what are you I can't see your destiny."- he said it looking at me seriously.

"I am not someone of importance old wizard."- I said it to raise my hand to the sky and form a complex magic circuit.

""repair"" - I said it quietly so it could be seen how the fire was extinguished and the destroyed buildings were repaired and returned to their glory only leaving a Killer croc in the middle of the renewed city.

Doc. Fate: "that you are no mortal has that magical ability."- He said so looking at me with shock.

Richard: "Wizards always close that magic and technology and the scientific mind can't be combined, it may be true if you can't think unlimitedly about an idea open the limits you set for yourself."- I said it quietly to raise my hand and hold my hand in the sky.

"Help me chamuel to free these souls and take them to eternal rest."- I said it while it was seen how my body began to sink into the ground as if I was carrying weight to the point that I kneeled.

"Just push the door Richard and fulfill my own expectations of you."- Chamuel said it in a soft whisper that Doctor Fate heard.

""HAVEANS DOOR""- I said it with a cry for the sky to shine gold and they looked like white and gold sparkles began to rise to the sky to enter the golden sky.

Doc. Fate: "This is impossible, it shouldn't be possible."- He said it looking at the sky.

Up to this point.


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Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform