I feel a breath near my ear that breaks my concentration I turn to see who it is and breathe back to see Pamela interested.

"why am I drawn to this book and more to you as you opened it."- Pamela ask curiously.

"This, my dear Pamela is the Grimoire of Genesis, the book that contains all the knowledge of life or better known as the book of life."- I said calmly.

She tried to touch it so but the book repelled her and hurt her hand.

"Why did I got kicked out."- she ask rubbing her hand.

"The book feels that you are corrupted."- I said calmly.

"Like I'm corrupt."- She said it looking at herself.

"You expected that the poison you expel is natural, Pamela it's not, those are the residues of the negative states of your humanity. You did not give up your bad side, but you gave up your good side when you became what you are."- I said it seriously.

She looked at me seriously.

"That's why you only hear hateful whispers, you don't hear the love that Gaia whispers."- I said standing up she backed away looking at me.

"how can I recover how can I listen to it."- Pamela wonder fearfully.

"let me help you and you can also help me Pamela."- I said so standing up as my sacred energy began to radiate from my body she stopped backing away to feel my hand touch her cheek.

"I want to show that I can protect Gaia gave me this gift to bring her love."- She said, looking into her eyes that were shining brightly.

"Let me purify you Pamela."- I said in a whisper to bite her neck to feel the taste of her blood that has a green hue I pushed my sacred energy making my own horns shine in a pure white tone that lit up the entire greenhouse.

Chamuel only looked at me to activate the heavenly gaze that gives her the ability to see the love that and pure she saw all the darkness that filled Pamela and began to disappear to be replaced by a warm feeling.

I pulled away to look at her. Her red hair looked more beautiful than before. Her gaze is full of compassion and warmth.

Poison ivy: "I can hear those whispers I feel the warmth like a loving mother who wants to guide me." She said it herself as her eyes filled with tears.

"Pamela help me stay by my side while I connect to nature."- I said in a whisper.

She nodded.

'helpi let's start.'- I thought seriously.

[understood sir]

[starting creation of natural energy core absorbing natural energy strengthening new core replacing magic core to secondary to primary natural energy core]

'I don't want that helpi I want to keep my mana core as the main one can do something.'- I asked while feeling excruciating pain.

Poison ivy: "easy berserk I'm here to ease your pain."- She said it softly as she eased my pain.

[this could be risky but you can combine your two cores this would enlarge your central core and you would be permanently as wise sir is willing to accept that]

'I'm willing helpi so you can do it.'- I thought seriously.

[understood sir fusing cores to create pure mana core]

I felt how my body began to burn my muscles my nails lengthened to take the form of claws that began to contract my marks covered my body completely my horns changed and took on a green tone so that branches and little leaves began to emerge.

[the modification and recreation of the core is finished sir how do you feel]

'I feel amazing.'- I thought as I looked at my hand for my nails to lengthen and curve into claws.


[great sage of life] (passive)

(when you are closer to a life you can feel their lifetime and you have a 35% increase in your physical abilities and living beings feel a strong attraction towards you)

"I feel you stronger and my children want to be closer to you."- Pamela said as she saw how the plants looked more revitalized and more vivid in color.

"I see it I can feel how strong they are."- I said it to unconsciously caress a petal, introduce my energy into the flower, making it grow a little more, its petals become crystalline and give off a multi-colored shine.


[a magical kind of flower has come back to life]

"Wait I just patted it"- I thought surprised.

[Your body is constantly combined with all life since your title gives you an attachment to life by becoming a sage gives you the ability to strengthen life with unsuspected limits]

"what's the flower I revived."- I asked curiously.

[this flower is one of the most common millennia ago it was known as a rainbow flower since it reflects the sunlight on its petals]

"why was it extinct."

[It was because of its abilities to restore the abilities of magicians or to be able to build magical objects in those times the common humans were enslaved by the homo magi and the flower as any object that contains magic is used for alchemy]

'So they used it too much and now it's extinct.'- I thought seriously.

[therefore the number of magic items has decreased since most of the items are needed for that flower]

"Pamela."- I said quietly, she looked at me.

"tell me berserk."- She said it with a smile she felt light and more powerful as if she could do anything.

"the flower that is here."- I said it pointing to the rainbow flower.

Pamela reached out to feel warm at the sight of the flower she felt as if she had a piece of me.

"This is a special flower, it has many capabilities and I want you to take care of it and if you can, grow it in this greenhouse because this flower will be very helpful to you."- I said to raise the plant, break its pot, make a hole and plant it.

When I planted it, the other plants in the garden became more alive. I noticed it immediately. I approached a bonsai tree that looked dying.

I felt that I wanted another chance to do something important.

"Why can I understand the tree.'- I thought it serious because of the way it begged me.

[by being connected to all life on earth you can understand what they want, languages ​​disappear in your presence]

'That's interesting I can understand everyone.'- I thought excitedly.

"Pamela tell me how old is this little one."- I asked looking at her calmly.

"That tree, like two others that are next to it, is about 170 years old. I always hear them whisper, but I can't understand them, and each time I feel that they become weaker since they lose leaves very quickly, why do you ask?"- She said curiously.

"Nothing major just something I'm thinking about."- I said calmly.

"I will give them another chance, they will be the guardians of this greenhouse and the flower."- I said in a whisper to the trees that seemed happier to my eyes.

I stretched out my hand to begin expelling energy quickly into the first tree.

The tree began to swirl the wood increased in size its appearance began to change the missing leaves fell off at first it looked like a ball that began to glow purple after that wood began to cover it until it became a block of wood a two-meter dark brown that began to obtain humanoid form.

¿?: "you gave me another chance you don't know how grateful I am my lord."- he said so bowing.

"Don't worry when I heard of your age it made me think that you and your next teammates can guard this greenhouse."- I said putting my hand on his new shoulder.

?: "my lord I need a name to start a new beginning."- He said calmly.

Richard: "Your name will be Haim."- I said quietly to see how his new strength was getting stronger.

Pamela was surprised it was the first time she had seen something like this.

"Two more are missing."- I said seriously.

'When this is over I'll be very tired, but I need this place to be very safe."- I thought seriously.

I approached another bonsai tree to start inducing it with my energy with more quantity, the nucleus that was the previous body of the tree glowed in a phosphorescent green tone instead of doing the same Haim his body began to branch making his body stronger height is one meter 80 centimeters his body is thicker his hand with only three fingers that gave him a thick appearance.

?: "Thanks for the new opportunity my lord."- He said in a thicker voice as he speaks the core light flickers off of him every time he speaks.

"don't worry, another partner of yours is still missing and you will be called golead."- I said it to go for the last bonsai tree that looks more alive than the others this one is covered in green leaves making it look like a bush.

Golead: "thanks for the name my lord."- he said it so that his body would become more robust and grow more giving him a height of two meters and 10 centimeters.

This time, instead of touching it, I push my energy into my hand until I make a sphere that shines in a light green tone and pushes it to the last tree. It did something interesting, it began to attract other plants, like one of the carnivorous plants that Pamela has, like the ones other plants began to disintegrate to begin to form his new body that does not have such a human appearance as the others this one has two crests that come out of his new skull giving the shape of thick horns his body was covered in a green tone in its entirety with five fingers that are claws and a face that has the appearance of a reptile plus a long tail, this being the tallest of the three since it has a monstrous height of three meters without counting the tail that helps it stand.

'It seems that when combined with the carnivorous plant it made it stronger, that is interesting, it has more potential, its appearance makes it more feasible to camouflage itself in wooded areas and its nucleus is hidden since it is not the head.' I thought seriously.

"very well you will be called behemoth you will be the representation of strength and speed," I said it seriously so that he would just nod and a pair of green wings would come out of his back and his body would look a little scaly.

"tell me can you talk like your brothers."- I asked.

Behemoth: "I…can't…be…well…speak."- He said it with difficulty.

Richard: 'Apparently his appearance made it difficult for him to speak.' I thought seriously.

"well Pamela I'm going to sleep I'll let them take care of the greenhouse and if you want so well you can rest."- I said already exhausted I looked where Chamuel is and lay down next to him Pamela just sat on his main vine closing his eyes for the first time that he was connected to the green he could sleep peacefully.

A few hours later.

Some noises are heard that wake me up plus the sun's rays that are hitting my face. I get up to see Pamela who was standing lazily to see who it is to see how Haim and Haim have Killer Frost trapped.

While the behemoth is flying all night, when he sees the sunlight, he places himself like a statue in front of the greenhouse so that he goes unnoticed.

Killer Frost: 'I didn't expect you to have any new allies Pamela."- She said it nervously seeing how they have her immobilized.

Richard: "well they will be very good bodyguards, although I think that I will take Behemoth to my dimension, I would not mind having a good guardian for my laboratory."

Richard: "but leaving that aside I see that you came here it was good to wait for you my new minions."- I said proudly.

Killer Frost: "don't call me minions and I already talked to Mr. cold and he agree to talk to you."- She said it would be I just nodded.

"where he wants to talk."- I said quietly, she gave me a note saying that she wanted to see me at the Gotham City docks.

"Pamela, I'm going to see someone. Tell Chamuel I'll be back in a bit."- I said it to put on my mask and take off in a jump to go to the docks while I was traveling through the city. I felt that someone was seeing me. I decided to ignore it for the moment because the presences were not aggressive, rather it was as if I had curiosity directed towards me while another felt more like arousal.

I arrived at the docks to see some people transporting drugs in daylight, I just sighed in annoyance to walk calmly.

I scratched my throat to get their attention so everyone would stop and turn to look at me.

"Could you be so kind as to tell me where warehouse number 8 is because I have an appointment with someone?" I said it in a friendly tone while I had my mask on, some hesitated to attack me after the events that happened with Killer croc and black mast and how Bane was paralyzed from the waist down.

Others unsheathed their weapons and started shooting at me without hesitation I just walked towards them to charge at them the bullets bounced off my body I hit them lightly containing my strength so as not to kill them, but to leave them with some broken bones after a while of finishing them off All the assailants went to the boxes that are full of drugs to kick them and throw them into the bay. I calmly watch how it sinks.

"you know you started just ask where warehouse 8 was this is work for the bat and I don't like to take people's jobs away I think when he sees me he'll be upset that I'm taking his job away."- I said it annoyed they just complained with pain.

I headed to look for Mr. Freeze and walked between the warehouses until I found an abandoned one that has the number 8 on it.

I go into the warehouse where I found Mr. Cold sitting in a box with a light bulb that illuminated it.

"You know doc I can detect life so it doesn't matter if I have the light off."- I said looking at him.

Mr. cold: "is it true what Killer Frost told me."- He asks seriously but with a touch of hope.

"It's true I have a way to cure your wife."- I said it seriously so he would throw me a box to sit on.

Just look at the box to deny.

"I'm sorry, but I weigh about 400 pounds, it's all based on my concentrated muscle mass and bone density."- I said it quietly as I stood still he just nodded snapping his fingers so I could see him fully plus his henchmen.

He has a pale appearance from his hands to his shoulders are frozen He wears a dome that covers his entire head that makes him breathe frozen air to survive He wears lenses for his eyes that can suffer from frostbite His entire chest is protected by armor.

"Before I tell you how to cure your wife tell me what you will do after your wife is cured," I asked seriously.

Mr cold: "I'm leaving Gotham city this is a shit city that can take everything from me again."

Richard: "I can understand that this city is worse than the one in my world, rather this world is more polluted than mine." I said it with some disgust every time I smelled the scent of these sewers.

Mr. Frio: "so you're not from here tell me why you're in this world."

Richard: "For some unfortunate things, but don't worry, tell your minions to stand down so I can give you what can heal your wife."- I said it seriously.

Up to this point.


Note: give me Powerstones if you guys want a chapter tomorrow >.< hmphh..~


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Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform