Thankyou Guys

well I'm very grateful to all you guys as the grammar at start was not very good and I'm still getting comments like they are saying 'I'm leaving' , 'get a editor for yourself'.... but still you guys are reading this fic and giving a Powerstones and making this fic get into ranking...and I'm very grateful to you guys....

well editing these chapters was very difficult as they were long maybe 3-4 k words.....and I've changed and rewrite many chapters and my chapter 41st was the biggest one of 4.2 k words....

well many guys didn't like the story as mc was very dumb and idiot but I've tried to change mc character and his behaviour....

but still you guys are reading this story...


Special Thanks to those who've joined our family on different platform...well I'm very grateful and

THANKYOU : "PumpkinLover" , "Abi Usus" , "RICKY ESCORZA" , "Cameron" , "Mikeminotta" , "Zodiac" , "DragonKing873" , "TheRavenBrand" , "Darth Striker" , "Stephen" , "Eduardo Tolentino" , "thunderwalker123" , "Juan Zarate" , "Sosa21" , "Rokatsa" , "Ricardo Sifuentes" , "Onemanarmy" , "Whitewolf", "Untellectual"....

well thank-you you guys joined me on other platform and joined noo... created our family and still staying...

I'm very happy...

Thankyou Guys....

well guys join our family and read ahead some chapters and chat with us point out your views...


I want everyone of you guys to comment you on this I want to see how many are reading this fic ...and it'll motivate me too...if you guys don't comment then no chapter Today ..>.<>.<

Comment down >.<>.< and Powerstones too....