Well guys this chapter is edited using DeepL as one of the readers mentioned to me about this....

So guys tell me is the grammar different and more readable or not....

and Free Version of Grammarly is used too~


On my way to the metropolis I moved completely away from Smallville I felt a presence approaching at an incredible speed and he possibly matched my speed.

Without having time to move I felt a foot on my left cheek be sent flying crashing against the asphalt floor that was cracking from the impact of my body against it.

??: "Look what we have here."- Said a mocking voice with a thick tone.

"great a clown dressed in black that looks like flash attacks me for no reason."- I said with a snort.

I took a detailed look at the man wearing a full body suit with a lightning bolt on his chest glowing bright blue as his eyes glowed in that hue he was trying to give me an intimidating look.

??: "It's simple, Cadmus guys want you, and they're staking me a juicy reward and technology to help me kill Flash."- He said it seriously.

Richard: "could you tell me your name so I can put you in the hospital when I take your legs off."- I said it seriously.

Zoom: "you're a funny kid you call me to zoom...well they just want your body so I think I can take your heart out and then take your body."- He said it in a mocking tone.

Richard: "great with thoughts of superiority."- I said it seriously.

Zoom shot at me again I rolled on the ground something that didn't help as he gave me a high-speed kick if it wasn't for my strength he would have ripped my shoulder out.

'That high-speed kick could take my head off.' I thought seriously.

I stood up quickly and sighed looking at him waiting for him to make a move.

'He's just pure speed, the book of Genesis must have something to stop him.' I thought frustrated.

[Sir, there is spacetime magic for beginners, it's gravity magic.]

'that could be useful but I don't have time to get the book out and study it.' I thought about it seriously.

[there is the possibility of being able to learn the skill by buying it, the value of the skill is 1200 points].

'it doesn't matter the price buy it helps.' I thought it altered when I saw zoom shooting at me.

I covered my arms to protect myself from receiving zoom's blows with his speed as I knew he was just playing with me.

I knew that at any moment he could make his particles vibrate and tear my muscles apart or rip my heart out.


[purchase made]

[gravity] (minor)

(controls the gravity around you, but it also applies to you as the more gravity pressure you exert the more you will suffer)

'never mind that.' I thought it seeing the disadvantage I could take it.

He shot at me again.

"gravity"- I said it with a force so that I could see zoom fall to the ground and I felt my weight increase.

'I need more weight.'- I thought seriously to exert more gravitational weight with me and zoom before he tried to get up he was on the ground unable to get off the ground.

"I hope you remember what I'm going to do to you now."- I said seriously to summon alala.

Zoom: "wait I really wouldn't do anything to you I was just playing."- He said it scared.

"I was playing too."- I said with a smile.

He gave me a more relaxed look.

Richard: "I'll just cut your tendons so that you won't be able to move your legs and arms."- I said it and with a quick cut as I cut the tendon of his right leg.

Zoom let out a scream of pain for the first time in my life my face formed a dark smile as he trembled while trying to move to escape.

"Well, that's one down, three to go."- I said with a smile.

"I've heard that flashes have the ability to break the barriers of time, but how can you move without being able to move your limbs?"- I said seriously.

In one swift movement, I cut the other tendon of the left foot.

Without further ado, I cut the last missing tendons.

"if the Cadmus dogs come for you tell them I'm going to get some things they don't deserve."- I said this to kick him in the face to knock him out.

"well I have somewhere to go see you latex man."- I said to activate physical reinforcement to blast off as I broke the speed of sound to force my feet harder to get into match 1 for the first time in my life.

'I need to be faster I took too long in that stupid fight.' I thought seriously I looked in front of me if I didn't have the photographic mind ability I wouldn't be able to see where I was going.

I looked in front of me so I could see the sign that told me I was a mile away, I just sighed in relief, I felt my legs getting numb from straining them.

'next time I'll use world of rage.'- I thought exhausted.

In front of me, I could see the girls who were at the entrance of the city waiting for me, I just looked at them with relief.

I slowed down to a slow stop and they looked at me with a happy smile, well that didn't last when they saw my arms were bruised and my cheek was swollen.

Jaina Hudson (B): "Why are you like this, did you fall on the ground?"- She asked worriedly as the monster rabbit looked at me strangely.

Richard: "I ran into a cheap copy of flash, he called himself zoom."- I said annoyed.

They looked at me with surprise.

I activated healing so that my wounds would heal quickly and I would look more normal.

Richard: "Well we must have a plan so, bunny do you still have the plasma gun." I asked so the bunny could feel it.

Richard: "listen well because this is going to be important." I said it to decompress and give them some communicators.

Richard: "with this, we will keep in communication and Cadmus is looking for me they already attacked me and they may know about you so be alert because maybe they will use you as some damsel in distress." I said it seriously.

Richard: "and one thing you can't kill, but that doesn't mean you can't cripple your enemy." I said it with a smile.

Jaina Hudson (B): "don't worry big guy my original and I will be together."- She said it seriously.

Crystal: "I just need to freeze their legs and shatter the ice to render them useless." She said it confidently.

Richard: "And don't be confident because when the chaos starts the league will be just around the corner." I said it to look at the behemoth rose to the sky to explore with tranquility.

I just sighed to pull back my magic to make my appearance more human.

I looked at Samuel who repeated the process and having her human appearance she was starting to follow me but I denied it.

Richard: "Samuel go with the crystal I can take care of myself it is better if you go as a couple."

Chamuel: "Richard, she can handle herself and we don't know maybe they have a way to deal with you, it is possible that they were studying you the times you faced enemies."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "I need them to be prepared they know how dangerous crystal is with her powers they will not underestimate her and the doe and brunette beauty are more human so they would send normal troops to capture them."

Jaina Hudson (A): "I don't think they are idiots enough to do that."- She said in disbelief.

Richard: "Jaina I'm a mad scientist I have to think crooked and I know lex Luthor is a third-rate villain with a lot of money that's why he's dangerous because his intelligence is barely above average."

Jaina Hudson (B): "hahaha third-rate villain and how do you see us as villains."- She said it looking at me.

Richard: "you are pretty and charismatic which gives you the ability to manipulate people so you would be like a second-rate villain depending on the ally you have and crystal if she wasn't too impulsive she would be a formidable villain, but she loses her temper very quickly so she falls to second rate villain."- I said it thoughtfully.

Jaina Hudson (B): "At least I know I'm better than lex Luthor."- She said it with pride.

Richard: "but you would be a better spy with your skills."- I said it with a smile.

Richard: "Well, back to the main thing, I'm going to raid one of the stores that have the lex logo on it."

Jaina Hudson (B): "I would tell you to go to a building that looks like it's uninhabited and in terrible condition, it's white, its paint is cracked, it has no windows and it's at the end of the street."- She said it with a playful smile.

Richard: "Thank you bunny, you don't know how much I appreciate the information." I said it to pat her head and she just smiled at me.

Richard: "I'll see you in front of the planet daily."- I said so with a burst of speed I moved towards the slums of the metropolis.

I looked around the city had a facade like all cities the touristy parts and for the most part, it was full of happy people looking to buy things or talking to each other.

I looked at them with a smile until I reached the marginalized area of the metropolis which to my surprise is very small something that made me feel somewhat happy because it meant that it did not have so many problems of poverty.

I looked at the people begging for food, I just looked sad and stopped when I saw a grown man grabbing the arm of a child who was trying to escape.

Boy: "let me go I don't have anything."- He said it in a shout.

Man: "I know you have food I saw you were carrying a lot don't try to cheat."- He said it in annoyance.

Richard. "Leave the boy alone."-; I said it in a recorded tone he just turned to look at me only to recoil a little at my size and see my intimidating appearance.

Richard: "if you are hungry have this."- I said this to give them some ten-dollar bills and he just looked at me with surprise.

Richard: "Buy the kid something too."- I said calmly to go back to my tour.

Until in front of me was the building described without windows and collapsed by the carelessness, I entered the building to see it destroyed to begin to walk around it calmly.

'I am a genius who wants to hide a clone that is possibly as sexy as Kara, where would I hide her.' I thought about it calmly.

"In the subfloor where I can reinforce her and put her in a room that has one of Superman's possible weaknesses."- I said thoughtfully.

I looked around and saw a brick wall at the end of a small room.

'yes that is completely stupid when the front of the building is concrete and block and to put brick that looks in good condition in this place maybe if I had put a pillar that doesn't hold anything up maybe it could be confusing.'- I thought to myself disappointed.

I walked to the brick wall to gently run my hands to feel its rough edges until I felt a smooth brick.

Richard: "they use it too often or it is made of another material, another mistake."

I squeezed the brick so that the wall opened to reveal an elevator and looked at it carefully. He may be a stupid lex, but when it comes to creating dangerous things he has a bit of skill.

I entered the elevator to press the top floor which asked me for a password, I took out my phone and plugged it in.

"SIF could you hack the whole system so it doesn't send a signal to the bald guy," I asked calmly.

"Of course sir, it will be in a moment."- He said it in a cordial tone.

Richard: "and if you can find information that you consider valuable you can extract it and delete it."- I said it with a smile imagining how angry he would be to discover that many of his files were deleted and impossible to recover.

"Understood sir, wait a moment and I will finish sir."- said SIF calmly.

I just waited a few minutes for the elevator to start working completely, I looked around calmly to see a camera.

"Don't worry about the cameras sir I have control of them no one knows who is entering the facility."- SIF commented.

"Thank you SIF."- I said with a serious look waiting for the elevator to open.

It took a few minutes for it to open, I got out of the elevator and found something that made my blood boil in anger.

I looked at people inside tubes in a liquid some of them were showing signs of deformation others were mutating until they became monsters.

"What is happening to these people."- I asked looking at the tubes.

SIF: "They are being exposed by a special mutagen that from the information gathered is a copy of the beings called parademons, they will be a kind of mindless army to dominate the world."

Richard: "All the test subjects are people, right."

"Yes sir, they are all homeless people who have no families or orphans that no one will miss."- He said it seriously.

Just looking at a child no less than 6 years old inside the tube and beginning to lose all traces of his humanity just did something I didn't expect to feel a desire to kill that filled me.

Richard: "Tell me where Galatea is."- I said seriously.

SIF: "She is in the block in front of it, it is reinforced to withstand the attack of several nuclear bombs and generates constant radiation from a single red."

"they need her to do something for them but that would be and I know that the energy of a red sun weakens her and by the information they eliminated the weakness to the magic to cross the DNA of a homo mage with hers in yes it is not a clone but rather it is like her daughter."- I said it funny.

"At a certain point she is a clone because they only added the homo magi genome if they did not combine two different DNAs."- He said formally.

Richard: "I know SIF but it would be fun to see how Kara will react maybe she might have a heart attack."- I said it smiling.

While I advance to reach my objective I see different doors that contain different beings that were once human and lost their identity until I see one of them that looks at me and starts to scream or so it seems because apparently, the book is soundproof.

Richard: "SIF how strong is the door." I asked seriously.

"It is not strong enough to withstand a blow from you sir."- said SIF

Richard: "That's good enough for me."- I said seriously.

I looked at the being to signal it to back off hoping it would understand it just nods to back off and walks away I signal it to step aside and it does and I kick the door to send it flying out and in.

Richard: "Are you okay."- I ask him to watch as he approaches expecting me to attack just hug me and start crying.

Richard: "It's all over now."- I said it looking at him as he doesn't stop crying his sobbing is heard as feminine.

"Thanks for getting me out of that place."- She said in a distorted tone.

Richard: "what is your name and do you know who did this to you."- I asked in a calm tone.

"My name is Alice strange."- She said it looking at me.

Alice: "tell me what are you doing here you don't look like a scientist or one of the other people who come here."- She said it looking at my hands.

Richard: "I come for a girl... someone with a lot of anger issues." I said calmly.

I walked out of the room and she looked at me.

Richard: "Are you going to stay there or are you coming."- I asked to continue walking to hear her hurried footsteps following me.

Alice: "Sir, could you tell me where you are going the exit is on the other side."

Richard: "first I'm not a mister I'm 15 years old and I already mentioned I'm looking for a girl with anger issues."

Alice: "you're younger than me."- She said surprised.

Richard: "How old are you."- I asked to make small talk.

Alice: "I'm 17 next month I'll be 18."- She said it in an excited tone as she didn't seem to have anyone to talk to.

Richard: "How did you end up in this situation?"

Alice: "I fought with my parents and I decided to run away from home. My father threatened me that if I walked out the door I would no longer be his daughter and well I decided to live on the streets until some men with gas masks and black suits drugged me and I ended up here."

"That's horrible luck."- I said it looking at the giant door in front of me where my target is.

Up to here.


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Read 12 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform