Alice looks at me as she sees the door that is more armored or you can say more protected than hers.
Alice: "Richard the girl you are looking for is she behind that door."- She asks nervously.
Richard: "Yes, Alice, my target is behind that door."- I confirmed it in a serious tone.
Alice: "I don't think you can or we can break down that door."
Richard: "who said we are going to break down that door don't you wonder when I broke down your door why the alarms didn't start going off."- I said with a smile.
She opened her eyes in realization as she understood what I was saying and looked around waiting for someone to show up.
Richard: "don't worry I've hacked security systems when I get in and I have control of everything."- I said it to snap my fingers and the door started to open.
"I don't know if you can handle high temperatures and the whole room is going to be hell."- I said calmly.
Alice: "don't you think it's too dangerous to go in there, you know, she could attack you."- She said it nervously.
Richard: "you are so adorable that you care about me we are just getting to know each other in just a few hours."
Alice: "you are the only person who came to my rescue and it is possible that my parents never sent a search for me."- She said it looking at the ground.
Richard: "Don't be sad, it's weird to see you crying with that creepy look on your face."
Alice: "What's wrong with my looks."- She asked in surprise.
Richard: "Wait, you don't know what you look like."
Alice: "I just woke up a few months ago, I just saw that my hands are kind of like claws and my voice sounds strange."- She said worriedly.
Richard: "I'll tell you later, first I have to finish what I came for and I'm going to blow this place to pieces."
Without further ado, I walked into the room.
'well this place is a fucking hell for it to make me sweat the temperature must be over 150 degrees Celsius.'- I thought seriously.
[Sir, I recommend you evolve the steel skin skill to improve your ability to withstand the elements.]
Richard: 'well how do I improve it and I'm starting to feel like my skin is starting to get on medium-term.'- I thought about it seriously.
[you can pay to upgrade the skill]
Richard: 'can I pay to upgrade skills but you have never commented on this help. I asked annoyed.
[because you didn't have enough money to upgrade some skills].
Richard: "well upgrade the skill steel skin."
[upgrading skill]
[cost 1500 points]
[new skill titanium skin]
(you can withstand swimming in magma in an active volcano that can withstand for a few minutes the vacuum of space).
I felt my old skin start to fall off and felt the sting of how a new skin covered where the old one had been.
I just looked at my skin tone to see it was a light shade of tan.
'well it looks like my skin tone lightened.'- I thought about it looking at it detailed to see that my skin was glowing as it reflected the heat.
[it's not that your skin has lightened it's because your skin is bouncing back the radiation hitting your body preventing it from being harmful].
'that's good to know.'- I thought thankfully.
Alala: "my skin has become stronger I can feel it before it was hard to walk in this area now I don't feel those problems."- She said in a cheerful tone.
Richard: "Thank you Alala."
Alala: "if you have problems don't worry about using me, I'm always happy to be able to get blood on me and even more if it's stronger than my carrier." She said excitedly.
Richard: "Of course, Alala, if you are needed I will use you."- I said calmly.
I continued my walk to get in front of a version of a power girl but with more breasts and who looked at me with surprise and as if I was a piece of meat.
'Why do I feel violated with just her look.' I thought nervously.
"Nice to meet you Galatea, I'm Richard Augustus Parker."- I said in a formal tone.
Galatea: "Cut the shit I don't need another idiot to talk to me with manners."- She said annoyed.
Richard: "that's good I didn't want to be talking like an idiot with manners."- I said it more relaxed.
Galatea: "you know I like it when they are direct plus a man who maybe can take me to bed."- She said it with a smile.
Richard: 'seriously she gives me the creeps it's like she's trying to rape me with her eyes. '
Galatea: "tell me what you are and what you want from me."- She said it with a serious look.
Richard: "what a change of personality."- I said calmly she didn't change her look.
Richard: "I want you to join me, I want to allow you to decide who you are."- I said it seriously.
Galatea: "hahahahahaha that's a good joke."- She said it looking at me hoping I was joking.
Richard: "I am not lying to you Galatea this is your chance to decide who you are and what you want to be."- I said it seriously to raise my hands.
Richard: "be Luthor's pet or be free to do what you want."- I said it without hesitation.
Galatea: "You're really saying that you know that when you set me free I can kill you and no one will stop me."
Richard: "I know that because I have already fought versions of you, but apparently you are saying like the most prepared version."- I said it downplaying it.
Galatea: "Tell me what can you offer me besides freedom for me to follow you like an idiot."
Richard: "well you'll have to find that out for yourself."- I said it to get closer to her.
Richard: "this place is an isolated system from the building isn't it beautiful."- I said with a smile.
Galatea: "you seem to have figured it out when you take off my shackles my brain will come out of my nose and this place will get hotter."- She said it with a smile.
Richard: "well that leaves me only two choices I disable the system or I disable the bomb."- I said thoughtfully.
Richard: 'With the temperature in the room my phone will only hesitate for a few minutes before it breaks down.'- I thought seriously, and she looked at me.
Galatea: "You're already having second thoughts, big guy. "
Richard: "I'm just thinking and I know what I have to do. "
I quickly approached her to be close to her.
Richard: "I'll give you two wishes, although one is already directed to something I'm already going to give you, so you only have one. "
Galatea: "that's no joke, well what if I die right now I want to enjoy a kiss from a man that being close excites me."
Richard: "And who is that lucky man."- I said it with a smile, but inside I was very nervous.
Galatea: "I don't know, but I like the way you look, big guy."- She said it with a playful smile.
Richard: 'it's legit she makes me nervous, but not in a good way.'- I thought nervously.
Galatea: "what do you say when you get me out of here we have some fun, I know a place in the central city where no one can look for us and we can have some fun."- She said it with a playful smile.
Richard: "you really are immune to all this shit aren't you."- I said it when I heard her words.
She just smiled at me in response.
Richard: "why haven't you escaped until now."
Galatea: "that's a simple big guy I have an explosive in my head if I leave the room without permission my head explodes and in fact, the room is so that no one can get me out not even Superman that's why the red radiation not even magic works against me big guy."- She said it with a victorious smile and moving her breasts as she easily dented her restraints.
Richard: "don't move too much and make me regret it."- I said it to pull out my phone and it went into the pump system in her head defusing it, but the phone couldn't take the heat anymore so it melted in my hands.
Richard: 'it was the most resentful model I made.' I thought sadly as it melted in my hands.
Richard: "you can move now that crap you have in your head is already deactivated and I have to see how to remove it directly deactivated, but knowing the narcissistic mind of lex he thought that no one could do that so when he got the signal that is off he thought two things that you left the room or that you overloaded your senses to overload the bomb causing it to fail."- I said it seriously.
Galatea: "wait I could always overload that why didn't I think of that."
Richard: "because you are one of the women who think with her pussy instead of her head well I think all Kryptonian women think with their pussy because they are always attracted to the strongest men."
Galatea: "I don't know if that's flattering or an insult, but I'll take it as a compliment because I know how to pick real men not like my version that only dates skinny guys with useless dicks."- She said this while snorting annoyance.
Richard: "How would you know that about Kara."- I asked in amazement.
Galatea: "I am her clone I am connected in a certain way telepathically with her whenever she has a strong emotion I can feel it like the kiss so I want to try it because I felt the emotion from her I even got a little wet from the feeling."- She said it by placing her hands on my shoulders to surround me and kiss me if waiting she introduce her tongue in my mouth to feel a sweet taste similar to kara, but this one has a touch like something spicy I felt my mind clouded my hands started to go through her body until falling on her attractive ass I squeezed to see her look at me with amusement to deepen the kiss.
[+80 Galatea] (it was better than I expected)
[key point to activate grace of virtues is uncovered]
Richard: "that's strange."
[no sir because you sought freedom and redemption from another person and by getting their affection you got the key to one of the virtues so congratulations sir you just need to find out the key feeling or reason so you can unlock that limit].
Richard: 'thank you helpi but I don't think I will find out at this time.' I thought about it as I felt her hands run all over my body and she looked at me longingly.
She broke away and anxiously looked at me to continue the kiss she ran her hands across my chest to place them on my face and make me bend down to her level.
Galatea: "you know I've been alive for at least 3 years and all the times I've gone outside are because the idiots can't face Superman or his stupid super friend league and when I have fun with some guy it ends up breaking you don't know how frustrating it is when he barely inserts his dick and you give a slight jump you break his spine they are stupid idiots."
Richard: "come on don't insult my race so much." I said it calmly.
Galatea: "You're joking, aren't you."- She said it incredulously, but she saw that I wasn't joking.
Galatea: "Apparently there are humans who can stand against me, and tell me, big guy, how did you become this wonderful being?"
Richard: "It's genetic, it's in my blood, I woke up my genes. "
Galatea:"So you were born to be superior to other humans. "
Richard: "In my dimension there are humans who can destroy planets, I am not that powerful if you put me in their category."- I said with a smile.
Galatea: "That had to be in this crappy world they wouldn't have such a strong specimen not without first trying to dissect them to see how to become gods or something like that and why did you help me. "
Ricard: "as I already told you I am giving you the freedom to do whatever you want, but I have a proposal."- I said it with a smile.
Richard: "but first let's get out of this oven that you called home, what do you think."- I said with a smile.
Galatea: "can I destroy the whole room."
Richard: "Of course, you can destroy everything you want, beautiful." I said it to walk towards the exit and hear the sound of screams of rage and a beam of red energy to my shoulder to hit the red radiation generator that was protected and camouflaged.
Richard: 'I think I will buy the x-ray vision next time it can be very beneficial.' I thought smiling.
[why don't you buy it now sir]
Richard: 'I have to see if it has a setback to have x-ray vision and if it doesn't, I'll buy it.'- I thought seriously.
I go out to see Alice who was in a corner trembling with fear.
Richard: "What are you doing in that corner."
Alice: "what did you release I hear as if it was a wild beast tearing the place apart." She said it with fear.
Richard: "she's a bit of an impulsive girl, but I think she'll know how to control herself."- I said it calmly or trying to stay calm, but I keep hearing how it destroys the room and I see the steel bed flying crashing into a wall.
I just sigh in relief when I hear all the noise subside quickly for a white blur with a blonde to put his hands on my shoulders and kiss my cheek.
Galatea: "this parademon why she's the one who's cornered you want me to kill her."- She said it with a smile.
Richard: "I don't want her she is Alice she is a person and because of the experiments she suffered and resulted in this state."- I said it seriously.
Galatea: "but what good is she now and now she is already a monster that with time she will lose her sanity and become a killing machine." She said it seriously.
Alice: "I don't want to be that I want to continue being me I don't want to disappear I want to go back to my parents I want to apologize for not being the daughter they wanted."- She said it while holding her legs and crying.
Richard: "great the poor thing broke." I said it while looking at Galatea.
Galatea: "that's true that's what happens to all the guys that are locked up they all just growl after a few months of being locked up that what's makes her different."
Richard: "Well I'll see if I can do something."- I said it with annoyance.
Alice: "would you really do something for me."- She said it looking at me with hope.
Richard: "but remember something very important everything I do has a cost it's possible that I won't give you back your human side, but you won't lose your mind would you accept that."- I said extending my hand.
Alice: "will you let me see my parents at least once."- she said it looking at me.
"Yes"- I said without hesitation.
Richard: "first I will tell you that accepting a deal with me is like with the devil, but without stealing your soul you will give it to me voluntarily, you will have to worship me and have all your devotion to me."- I said it seriously without hesitating in my words.
Richard: "Before you say anything I have this obligation as I am a demon god I can't do miracles if you don't worship me or you are a minion of mine."- I said it scratching the back of my neck nervously.
Alice: "Does that bother you, being a demon god? "
Richard: "Sometimes because my own personality refuses to ask for something in return I feel like I'm stealing from the person."- I said it nervously.
Galatea: "You are soft-hearted, I don't expect you to be the same in bed because I'm going to get sectioned"- she said looking at me.
Richard: "What do you decide Alice, everything has a price and yours to be reborn again is very high, will you accept it?"- I said stretching out my hand and she hesitated for a moment to shake my hand.
Alice: "I accept to serve you for all eternity Richard."- She said it with determination.
Richard: "what is the sin that you connect with the most, the one that you represent the most."- I said it to place my hand on her head she was filled with a single feeling of lust in the rawest form I just smiled inwardly.
Richard: 'In a way, this way makes it easier for me to change her, this should be easier than curing a terminal illness or creating life from dust.' I thought seriously.
[ yes sir just push your raw demonic energy so that her body enters a state of metamorphosis, but her transformation and energy consumption will depend on her and her resolve].
"how badly you want to be yourself, Alice," I said seriously.
Alice: "I have no doubt about that." She said it seriously.
I just smiled to start pushing demonic energy into her body so that she starts screaming in agony as she felt how her body was changing.
Richard: "suck it up and you can be yourself and no one can control you."- I said seriously.
She clung tighter to my hand enduring the pain of her transformation.
I felt my demonic energy fall to the middle so that the shell that was her body began to shake and turn to dust so that we could see her new body that showed skin is pure white as a goddess and her big breasts her horns her ruby eyes and red color in her cheeks and her shining silvery hair and her purple colored horns protruding in the shape of a bull her hands became thin and her nails grew longer her teeth looked totally white but seemed to be sharpened from the remnants of her old body they wrapped around her to become clothes to cover her.
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Read 12 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 37k + words ahead...
and for source read 20 Chapters ahead
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