Everything was silent while Alter shuffled the cards to prepare for another game while all above one and the presence were surprised by what they had just witnessed.

Alter: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The presence: "Old man, you never give anything for free, especially not to a brat you just saw."- He said it seriously.

Alter: "It's normal to give something to my son, isn't it."- He said it simply as he continued to shuffle.

All above one: "wait it's your son's soul you gave us."

Alter: "if you needed a powerful soul that could use the body and my son who was born with a powerful soul, but with a mortal body I give you the soul of my son you owe me a favor and my son gets the possibility of being able to reach divinity."- He said it calmly while continuing to shuffle the cards.

The presence: "but wouldn't he eventually reincarnate in another body which could be strong."- He said it with surprise.

Alter: "I already tried but my younger brother's rectum or because he is his nephew will not interfere for him to be with us."- He said it giving an angry snort.

The presence: "that sounds a lot like the old man, seriously, how can you be the older brother, you are more relaxed than him."- He said it with a smile.

The presence: "Wait a minute, that's why the system that beat you in the poker game was activated when his soul entered his body."

Alter: "you realize that the system itself is nothing, it is just the potential of my son, for other people it would be useless because they could not exploit it in its entirety, but in my son's case that system will give him the capabilities he should have had at birth."- He said it with pride.

All above one: "but as the boy was born mortal I do know that when a being of our category has a child they are monsters."- He said thoughtfully.

Alter: "well it's because his mother is from dimension zero."- He said it seriously.

All above one: "wait the dimension from which all dimensions were born."

Alter: "Exactly where its creator Stan Lee was born and you can't complain because I gave you his soul to enjoy the world he created."

All above one: "You know I'm not complaining old man you're my, my father in a way because you are the one who created me."- He said it calmly.

The presence: "well what will you do with your son at this moment we need him to keep the bridge of our dimensions in order."- He said it seriously.

Alter: "I will not move my son from there, you can leave him missions that can strengthen him and when he finds out the truth he will come to me."- He said it calmly.

Alter: "who wants to continue the poker game this time I bet on the pink hair who is an alien and I think her name was Lala something."- He said it with a smile.

The presence: "that's a good one and I want to win something too."- He said it with an excited smile.

With Richard.

After I went inside I looked around me I saw the time was frozen everything was gray I looked carefully at everything I saw Galatea talking to Alice so well I saw that in my hand I had the keys that the old man gave me plus the one that can take me to my house and the one to my old house.

Richard: 'time when it will return to normal.' I thought.

[In a few seconds sir I recommend you to keep those keys because there are beings in this world that would kill you for just one key.]

I just nodded to put the keys in my pockets I saw how the color came back and then I heard how they were arguing I sighed to myself and then I heard some explosions and saw chamuel flying against some cars while I saw the bunny shooting while that monster that looks like he was grabbed by a girl with gray skin and purple hair with eyes that showed seriousness.

Raven: "I'll ask you again where you got this guardian."

Jaine Hudson (B): "Give me Mr. Bubbles back."- She said annoyed while the rabbit kicked in annoyance only to be caught by shadows and her original also by her side.

I saw Superman calmly come down and take Crystal by the neck of her suit, knocked out, to look seriously at Chamuel.

Superman: "I don't want to keep fighting, just tell us where that monster is."- He said it seriously.

Richard: 'He really called me a monster well that category should belong to him at least I cannot be killed by normal means I think.'- I thought indignantly.

Chamuel: "He is not a monster, maybe his sense of justice is more violent than yours, but he is not wrong."- She said it seriously and began to release all her aura letting out her wings and her crown giving a noble appearance.

Chamuel: "My father would never choose a monster as the guardian of the gates of heaven, maybe he is a dreamer because he believes he can give a second chance to these women whose souls are corrupted, but I believe in him."- She said it without hesitation to deploy her sword and fly against Superman.

Richard: "Galatea you can do whatever you want, but stop Superman and help me get the girls back."- I said annoyed.

'First, you give me back my memories that were fragmented, then you give me something that is useless to me while I am not strong enough and now you got in trouble with the good guy.'- I thought this in annoyance.

Galatea: "Whatever I want, anything."- She asked me while giving me an exciting look.

Richard: "I'm going to repeat myself, but yes whatever you want."- I said it confirming for her to have a burst of speed and watch as Superman releases crystal for Galatea to retrieve it and throw it with the bunny and her original.

Chamuel: "You are the girl Richard was looking for."- She said it was more like a confirmation she just nodded she turned to see where she came out so I walked quietly for Alice to follow me.

Richard: "could you tell me what they did to make you treat them so unfriendly, you are supposed to be a gentleman."- I said calmly to see Galatea flying against me so I could catch her and put her on the ground.

Superman: "They started to disturb the peace and Killer Frost killed an officer for no reason."- He said it seriously wiping the blood coming out of his lower lip.

Richard: "Really Crystal, I only left you for a few hours and you just killed an officer."- I said it seriously.

Crystal: "That son of a bitch was working with Luthor, he kidnapped homeless people." She said it annoyed her while she was recovering.

Richard: "How do you know it's him."- I said it seriously.

Cristal: "I was there when he was taking people to his office but I never knew what he wanted them for, but what I do know is that they never came back."- She said it looking at the floor.

Richard: "Thanks for killing him, Crystal."- I said it seriously and they looked at me with surprise.

Cristal: "But it is not in your ethics to kill people, so why are you thanking me." She said it looking at me with surprise.

Richard: "I found out what he was using them for, I was on site and that place should blow up in about five minutes."- I said seriously.

While I was looking at Superman for any movement shadow shackles were generated that trapped me but Alice broke the shackles with ease. raven looked at Alice with surprise because it was the first time she saw a complete demon without possessing someone.

Raven: "how did you get out of hell or did he get you out of hell."- She said it looking at me seriously.

Alice: "He gave me a second chance, he is my master, when I thought I would remain trapped in that place and lose what little I had left of me, he came and freed me."- She said smiling.

Alice: "I won't allow you to compare him with the things you are."- She said furiously.

Richard: "Alice, get a hold of yourself, we are leaving, we got what we wanted."- I said it seriously to signal the rabbit to struggle more to get free and run to Jaine Hudson and settle on her legs.

I calmly walked over to Jaine Hudson to carry her in a bridal fashion to take her to Alice's and proceeded to get her original.

Jaina Hudson (A): "And I thought you weren't romantic."- She said it with a pained smile.

Richard: "That's the first time you've made a joke, that's good, why didn't you call behemoth."- I asked in surprise.

Jaina Hudson (A): "We didn't have time, this is a trap, I don't think it was a good idea for you to come to our rescue."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Don't worry about it, I was expecting since we're at Superman's area, and I think someone is close by"

Flash: "Man, that's not funny."- He said it offended.

"aaahi that hurts."- Flash said it with a touch of pain.

Diana: "You just revealed our hideout you idiot."- She said it annoyed.

So that kori from this dimension next to the super boy next to the justice league that appeared in the middle of the street, although look at a new face that has its funny.

Richard: "Hoo Diana don't be mad at Barry he's a great guy or are you upset because Superman can't satisfy you."- I said with surprise she just blushes.

Diana: "you what would you know about me you damn beast."- She said it drawing her sword.

Richard: "hooo Diana you should ask me what I don't know about you after all I've seen the mole you have on your lower spine."- I said calmly.

Richard: "I'll buy you some time, we still have to finish here, I need to leave the banner and I'm going to leave it in the fountain in the hall of justice."- I said seriously.

Chamuel: "where is that place."

Jaina Hudson (A): "I know where it is with my time as an actress I have traveled to all the tourist places it is in Washington DC it is unmistakable."- She said it seriously.

Crystal: "And how are we going to get out of here, genius." She said it sarcastically.

Richard: "Just whistle and call behemoth, I'll follow you'll later."

Without waiting any longer Diana comes out and shoots at me knowing that she is stronger than me so I use my magic to generate shackles of light to trap her with ease having the same hardness as the lasso of truth consumed half of my magic reserves.

"one threat down one more to go."- I said in a whisper to look at the girls who call behemoth to come down and get on his back flash goes out and shoots at them but crystal freezes on the floor and falls to the ground.

Flash: "You guys really don't have another trick."

Crystal: "As long as it still works, it's still funny, precocious boy"- She said it mockingly.

behemoth takes off from the ground being followed by chamuel who takes Alice who smiles at me.

Alice: "see you, master, don't take too long"

Richard: "well what are we left with so Diana is out she won't be able to free herself."- I said it confidently only to be hit by Clark who sends me to crash against some cars that explode because of the damage caused, he takes me to remove a shard that was superficially in my shoulder.

"If I hadn't seen that hit it would have killed me, but not anymore."- I said it to use healing on my cheek to heal the bruise that was generating.

"I think I will take this seriously now"- I said it walking calmly towards them while the atmosphere was getting heavy.

""IRA WORLD"" - I said it with a force so that a dome of negative energy began to envelop me my horns changed color and thinned they took on a purple hue my hair grew messy my shackles were showing good three of them the one on my left hand was chipped my nails became claws my eyes before a dull gold they are a vivid gold.

"I hope you are prepared because I am not going to play with you."- I said in an empty tone to disappear in a burst of speed to appear in front of Superman I charged my fist with demonic energy I knew that my own strength would not hurt him but my energy if my fist impacts against his chest making him lose air I grab him by the suit to give him a headbutt that with the horns caused a cut on his forehead to then throw him against the green lantern league generates a force field to protect himself so that Superman's body impacts with its breaks and hits against him.

I just snort in amusement I generate dark energy in my hand that scares the league.

"What's wrong are you afraid."- I said calmly to compress the demonic energy in semi-finger them thinking it was going towards them to target a building in general.

"I really don't like to kill or rather I have never killed, but I think today I will make an exception after all he has no right to live after everything I saw."- I said it so that the bullet went out at supersonic speeds and hit the building and devoured the entire top of the building leaving a crater that used to be Lex Luthor's office.*

They just opened their eyes in surprise to see what had really happened and saw the damage caused by that shot.

"The bullet was a little loose, it lacked more power, well the next time I use it I'll make it perfect."- I said to return my gaze to them Superman did not hesitate to come out against my active vestige of the beast protecting me from the punch he threw at me but causing the ghostly arm to break into pieces.

I concentrate the demonic energy in my fingernails to push it into his stomach cutting through his skin and slicing his flesh leaving a deep cut for him to squeeze the wound.

"nothing personal Clark but you are being a pain in the ass."- I said throwing a demonic energy-charged paw to his face knocking him out I looked at the members.*

"I would recommend that you save him because he is going to start losing a lot of blood."- I said calmly walking towards them Diana looked at me with fury trying to free herself from the grip of the shackles.

Diana: "I will kill you fucking monster."- She said it with fury.

I just put my hand on her cheek she was trying to pull it away I made her look at me.

Richard: "our first impression is always like I am too weak or I am a monster we will see each other again Diana."- I said it to force a kiss to get my tongue into her mouth.

[+ 50 temiscira target] (she is confident in her feelings).

I felt like at first she was going to bite my tongue to make me pull my tongue out from inside her she looks at me confused.

"I have something to finish."- I said to release her and run at high speed breaking the sound barrier to increase more when I use sprinting.

While Diana sees my goodbye.

Batman: "He is very powerful he could have killed Superman we have to stop him."- He said it seriously while Diana was still lost.

Diana: "My mother must know something about him, his appearance reminds me of some stories she used to tell me, a titan was above the titans, he was as violent as he was loving life."- She said it without looking away from where I went.

Batman: "Everyone gets ready we have a being that has the potential to wipe out the life of the world."- he said it to get into his ship.

Diana: "He must be the descendant of agur."- She said it.

Raven: "the god of magic, life, and wildness."- She asks incredulously.

Diana: "Yes, his presence is very warm, even with that form and that evil energy, he still felt almost unconditional love. We Amazons are linked to Agur because he is the son of Gaia, she gave us the gift of life only for one of us to carry her offspring in our womb."

Green Lantern: "That's disgusting, how could the gods do that."

Diana: "They don't force us by their simple existence we have freedom and the gods hesitate to enslave us again because one of us is the possible spouse of the dimensional monster."- She said it seriously to start walking to her invisible ship.

Hawk girl: "where are you going, Diana."

Diana: "I have to tell my mother, she could fix this before he decides to destroy the dimension."- She said it seriously to make everyone turn pale when they heard that comment.

Flash: "You're kidding, right Diana."

Diana: "no agur was a monster and every woman he impregnated died because they couldn't bear the baby and he crossed with a demon possibly but there's a problem he doesn't behave like a demon because he was very peaceful."- She said it seriously.

Flash: "You saw what he did to Clark."

Diana: "yes and he could have killed him and then us with the ability he showed."- She said it seriously.

So far.


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Read 12 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform