As I watch people begin to come out of the portal looking at the island while their eyes fill with tears as their faces filled with happiness, sadness, and longing.

Raven: "why is he alive."- She asks pointing to agur who has a Felicia looking at the cats he is making.

Richard: "because he will fulfill the role he was born to protect the planet because we are guardians of life and I have to finish my part."- I said it while I look carefully at the mother box to start activating some parts while I notice that his language is Kryptonian.

Only my face forms a smile as I start to plant the name of Darkseid's planet and its coordinates that were given to me by helpi.

When I finish I see that the box is blinking.

Richard: "everyone stays away I don't want to take more people with me."- I said it as I stretch while my body starts to compress so I whisper.

"asura status."- I said it in a tone that became thick.

Before they could mention anything my appearance changed in a brutal way leaving me more stylized to disappear in a burst of speed.

I launch the mother box to enter the portal.

As I cross the portal I feel how the planet is full of anger and desires for justice I feel how that energy gives me an impulse to just increase the speed I don't care anything that is in front of me.

I just threw a blow destroying the people who are in front of me everyone who is alive on this disgusting and arid planet is rapists, murderers, or traitors.

Regardless of what is in front of me I feel a presence that I recognize they are parademons I don't take them seriously I point my hand to fire a black gun that consumes everyone and the area.

'I'm not going to talk to anyone, I'm just going to eliminate him.'- I thought about it while I increase my speed by using my sprinting ability.

As I see how I approach a castle or rather a fortress I launch several bursts of blows that due to the speed and force come out of compressed air bullets.

I see how the bullets hit the reinforced door that was pierced as if it were paper to then fall to the ground I continue in my advance to reach the throne only to slow down my speed as I enter with all my speed to destroy most of its fortress.

I see a guy with the appearance of gray rock his body is covered by a gray armor with red with a red reactor as his eyes his muscular body of a height of two meters 3 centimeters his look dull.

'not out of idiocy impulse.'- I thought about it remembering a king of heroes.

'And why not.'- I thought of him sitting on a throne made of real skulls.

"You must be Darkseid, right."- I said it calmly looking at him so that I just sit down and a throne comes out of the floor where I sit in front of him.

Richard: "Tell me who gave you the right to touch my planet."- I said it calmly and he just raised an eyebrow at me.

Darkseid: "And why would I ask permission to eliminate such a primitive planet with such a primitive species."

Richard: "well as a god you should have a rule book and attacking another planet that has a god is a declaration of war, not my hairy and bright-eyed friend."- I said it calmly as I hear footsteps approaching I ignore them.

Darkseid: "A god and where is that god."- He said it with mockery.

Richard: "well I don't like to call myself a god, but well you have me in front of you talking stone and what grace of god do you have to name yourself as a god."- I ask while placing my hand on my chin.

Darkseid: "it is something you don't care about mortal and I believe that having this insolence on my planet should destroy your race without leaving the slightest species."- He said it getting up from the throne.

Richard: "See that's an excellent idea don't mind if I take it after all your planet doesn't deserve to exist."- I said it standing up so that when I feel the presence advance against me I just disappear in a blur of speed so that all the presences are chest deep and embedded in the wall.

Richard: "ho I think I killed your pets you should look for higher level pets these are very useless."- I said it to move at a high speed to hit him I only see how my hit leaves a slight mark.

Richard: "ho you have a very good stamina I think I have to make it stronger no."- I said it to start hitting him all over his body and he just generates an energy field that protects him and pushes me away.

Richard: "I think that hitting fast is no good I think I'll use more strength."- I said it so that I let my magic flow in my body my marking takes force so that my blow breaks his barrier that takes him by surprise so that before he can do anything my foot is in the pit of his stomach.

He got sent flying against the roof of his fortress.

I jump hard to kick him aiming for his moon which I hit and it seems he can survive the space I just grunt to move towards him so he stops my blows and he starts to match my strength and a little bit of my speed.

Darkseid: "You think that by being slightly stronger you can beat me, you're pathetic."- He said it shooting a bolt of lightning from his eyes that I dodged to feel it coming back I moved fast dodging the lightning that was chasing me.

Richard: 'well if you're chasing me why not have fun.'- I thought about it as I run around Darkseid to stretch my hand out sacrificing it causing that beam to shatter my limb.

Darkseid: "as you expect from a mortal you can't withstand the mere brush of my omega beams."- He said it calmly.

"Extreme Regeneration."- I said it calmly so my arm builds back up so he just raises an eyebrow.

Richard: "if you can regenerate your body it will make the fight more interesting because this is over I already know everything I need from you and you know you had the advantage when you were on your planet since you are on the moon you don't feel like you are weaker."- I asked mockingly as he immediately noticed what I was saying.

Before he can do anything else I kick his chest which sends him flying and I see him pull out a mother box.

Richard: "I will not let you escape."- I said it to begin to hit him making his body begin to show the wounds.

A portal opens for us to enter it so we crash in a place that is all green and in the middle of an unknown place but I notice people in green suits and wearing a ring.

Before I knew it I was shot into a building.

Richard: 'Shit, he has the life part, the more life there is in the place, the stronger he gets.'- I think seriously to stand up and go out against him without giving a damn I collide my fist with his to create a slingshot shock that sends all the green lanterns around me flying.

I grab his other hand to start a grapple.

Darkseid: "You are nothing but a dirty mortal who has no chance. I am Darkseid the god of Apocalypse and no being has survived after seeing me and not worshiping me."- He said it while he starts to win.

Richard: "I need to be stronger."

Richard: "I exile to reveal my grace which is of virtues."- As I said those words my body changed and other arms came out so that I hit his chest sending him away, I only roared with force making the whole planet shake around me, moons began to turn while you believe and my gaze became soft while in my arms appeared some shackles of light that trapped me.

Richard: "You know I have only used this form on two occasions one was to prove to my ancestor that I can be at his level and the other to kill a being that was designed to kill me so get ready."- I said it appearing in front of him so that my fist explodes in his face I see how the lanterns try to save their comrades.

I just sigh.

Richard: "heal and repair."- I said it so that two massive magic circles surround the place and people start to heal and repair their buildings.

They look with surprise at how quickly everything recovered.

Richard: "excuse me for using your planet as a battlefield, but he was escaping and I can't let him run away."- I said it calmly stretching my hand to destroy his omega beams that were coming straight to my face.

I just disappear in a burst of speed.

To appear in front of him without giving him more opportunity I start to hit him quickly when he is about to shoot his eye beams I go back and use a moon of those around me in front of his eyes so that he realizes late that he is looking at the moon and this to have contact with the beam explodes making it crash into other buildings.

I combine the moons around me so that it shoots against him.

When they impact against him I raise a finger to start raising it, I just snap my fingers so that it explodes and devours everything within a radius of 30 meters, I see some lanterns flying against the ground.

I just catch some with my hands.

Richard: "You are still alive I must say you are like a cockroach."- I said it looking at him as he is surrounded by the energy that covers him like a barrier and he looks at me with rage.

Richard: "What's wrong, you are furious."- I said it looking at him only for him to appear in front of me.

I just caught my fist only to feel it go numb.

Richard: "You got stronger, I think I should stop playing with you."- I said it so that the magic shackles start to break into pieces my muscles started to grow I disappeared in a flash so that I start to hit him fast all over his body while I start to push demonic energy in my arm to break through his barrier so that he just open his eyes in surprise.

Only my arm pierced through his chest so that my hand is stained with his blue blood as I pull his heart out of his chest.

I only see his heart to crush it to hear the desired noise.


[stop the end of this world]

(In the darkest moments there will always be a light of hope that will guide the innocent to a future and that will be you).

Kill the player [1/1]

Kill Superman [1/1]

Kill Doomsday [10/10]

Kill zombie plague [7,800,536,017/7,800,536,017]

Kill Darkseid [1/1]

Eliminates parademons [200,000/200,000]


You gain the right to have a god name.

+20 affection in any dimension you enter.

System upgrade.

2-dimensional keys of any multiverse.



No possibility of reincarnation.

Destruction of this universe.

Possible destruction of your universe.

Enslavement of your loved ones.

I could only smile as I slowly lowered myself to the ground to be untransformed, they approached me cautiously, and I only stood there somewhat weakened.

Richard: 'It's a good thing I didn't take too long because if I had I wouldn't be able to move.'- I thought about it as I start walking towards where the portal continues I see some lanterns that belong to the earth.

[sir it is recommended that you have your god name as it is necessary for the transition of becoming a middle-class god].

Richard: 'is this really necessary.'- I thought it annoyed.

[yes sir by doing that and becoming the owner of a planet you will be a lower middle-class god and you will level up depending on the level of life on that planet].

I just felt a hand touching my shoulder as I come out of my thoughts I see a pretty brunette girl with a nice shaped body a dark brown hair has a green mark that looks like a ring.

?? : "Who are you?"- She asks with trepidation.

Richard: "I am justice."- I said it without thinking much in the name of god.


[a god's name has been created, it is impossible to revoke god's name at this time]


[having the god name justice makes all the people who protect innocents and are around you have a 50% strength increase in all their stats plus divine protection against necromancy and black magic temporarily]


[purge activity skill]

(with this skill you can restore entire worlds but the cost is that you will find yourself in a coma state depending on the world the size of the world you restore)

After the notification on my arm appeared a symbol of a sword in a golden hue being held by a paladin.

"Waiting for justice."- She repeated it surprised like her other companions around her.

I decided to ignore her to enter the portal where the guards that survived my blow were waiting for me.

Richard: "I must say I am surprised that they withstood the blow."- I said it looking at him they looked at my hand which is stained with blue blood and pieces of heart making them understand that their fears were true.

Richard: "well I just killed Darkseid so I don't care about your world anymore so get out of my way."- I said it passing in front of them while walking towards the earth portal that is surrounded by those people.

Richard: "Get out of the portal you have no right to leave this hell."- I said it so that everyone could see me at first they saw me in a threatening way only for me to grab a rock and throw it gently to rip the head off one of them in the crowd.

After that show of force, they moved away so that I entered the portal and started to close it while my feet touch the water so that I use gravity and floated to where Themiscira is.

I see the island in the distance.

I just sigh of tranquility I arrive to see Cherry who smiles at me with mockery to see that I smell blood.

Cherry: "I expected nothing less from you, demon lord, how many have you killed."- She said it with a smile.

While I see that Jeanne is awake and a little disoriented while I see that a runic necklace she had on her neck disappeared I just approach them.

Richard: "Well I have just finished our duty so we are going to retire."- I said it so they all nodded for me to walk over to Karen who is waiting for me to say goodbye she didn't expect me to carry her like a sack of potatoes.

Karen: "Richard what are you doing."- She asked a little incredulous.

Richard: "Nothing, just taking what is mine."- I said it with a smile and after a while she understood.

Karen: "It's the price, isn't it."- She said it with a flat look.

I just nodded for her to get off my shoulder and settle down in a bridal fashion.

Donna: "what do you mean by the price>"- She asks.

Richard: "well you see I am a demon god and always when I do something I must have a profit it is a written rule."-I said it seriously.

Richard: "and Karen's request was too big the only ways she can pay me back is if I become the owner of her world and that's already agur."- I said it pointing at him so that he would wave me with the sword so that he would see Felicia telling him to put the sword down and he would obey.

Richard: "and the kitten showed her taste for dangerous men."- I said it with a smile.

Richard: "and I can't do charity I can barely do anything more or less equivalent Karen has a lifespan of about 1000 years so she covers the minimum requirements as payment."- I said seriously and she looked at me quizzically.

Cherry: "that means that if I have the means to pay you properly you can fulfill any wish."

Richard: "well in theory, yes but I don't mess with the dead I don't want to get in trouble with the biblical god and death."- I said it seriously.

Winston: "Sir we have a problem how do we get back."- He asked curiously.

All the people were surprised that he spoke.

Richard: "Good question Winston but I already have that solved. "-I said it to take out my key to show him what I understood.

Winston: "You brought your multidimensional keys, I expected nothing less from my lord."- He said it looking at me with adoration.

Richard: "well stop that look we have to go home but first alala did you completely kill all the infected."- I ask.

Alala: "of course my lord I will not let that disgusting infection touch the world that is yours by right."- She said it seriously.

'thank you.'- I thought about it while I make it as if the key enters a lock so that it pushes large amounts of energy so that a click is heard so that a door of three meters wide with three meters high is formed.

All the people are amazed at what I did.

Karen: "if you could do that why didn't you do it."

Richard: "At this point, I think I am strong enough to wipe out half the population of the world and this key consumes too much energy as there is nowhere to put it to be the base of the door."- I said it without further ado to enter the door being followed by the others while behemoth enters at the end.

I just say goodbye to the others.


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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