'let's see what I can create it's easier to create warm-blooded beings since I'm a warm-blooded being so I'll create something cold blooded a salamander.'- I thought about it seriously.
[purchase is completed 16 fine dust crystals cost a total of 16,000 points]
'I hope it's worth what I'm going to do.'- I thought about it as I got out of the lake to start pushing my aura into the crystals to then bury them in the ground I saw a whirlpool generate in the ground.
From the ground emerged a dragon-like creature with a long tail with a tip glowing red an elongated mouth with some markings on its body that glowed in a yellowish orange with horns that seemed to be made of magma a size of one meter high with two meter high legs with three black claws like onyx the lower part of its body is like a white structure that looks more like steel than bone.
I just stroked its head calmly while it let me pet it.
'Your species is the salamander."- I said it to throw another seven fire powders charged with my aura on the ground so that small versions of his or without horns come out.
"and you are the leader of your species."- I said it seriously so that he sees the behemoth who is in the lake.
Richard: 'Well it's proof that he has one year to live, it's sad but I can't give him more life.'- I thought about it watching him trot to the mana pond to take a few sips.
[a whole new species of fire salamander has been created in this world]
Richard: 'wait didn't I just give enough aura for it to live for a year.'- I thought.
[by drinking from the mana lagoon his soul formation was completed]
At that, I see how the other versions drink water from the lagoon.
Richard: 'well something was already born and I found out that the lagoon creating can complete them so let's create something from the other element.'- I thought about it looking at the ice dust crystals.
I released two crystals of ice dust in the sand in the same place to see how this begins to freeze the sand so that from this comes out a being that can stand on two feet with a body covered with ice that protrudes ice spikes while it has a crest and some bad strong with sharp claws two-fingered legs with a thick tail of a height of two meters.
Richard: "You are strong and imposing with an iron gaze, I like you, you will be called an icebreaker."- I said seriously so he just put his head in my hand for me to pet him.
And I walked to the lagoon and took.
I get the notification that it became natural.
Richard: 'well how long is their lifespan of them.'- I thought about it looking at them.
[the icebreaker about 400 years old and the salamanders are about 25 years old sir]
Richard: 'and why so little of the salamanders.'- I thought it surprised.
[because you've only used one crystal and less aura on them while with the other you used twice as much energy and two crystals]
I hold the remaining six crystals to do the same process.
So smaller versions of the one-meter 50 centimeters or one-meter 70 centimeters will come out.
Richard: 'I'm already excited I want to create something special I want to combine two crystals of a different element.'- I thought about it smiling.
Richard: "helpi buy four earth crystals and four fire crystals."- I said seriously.
[understood sir four earth dust crystals and four fire dust crystals are 8,000 points].
They appeared in my hands to charge it from my aura to throw them into the ground.
Out of the ground comes a pillar of rock that begins to melt to bring out a small version of a magma dragon one meter 50 centimeters tall with wings of fire with a core of magma his body expels a little fire he gives a light roar.
"Good boy."- I said petting his head and just rubbing it a little.
After that, he went to the lagoon.
I proceeded to do the same thing to bring out three-foot-tall versions that looked a little less aggressive.
Richard: "you'll call yourself a magma minion because you don't get to be a dragon."- I said it so that it just nods.
Richard: 'I think names also have a bearing on lifespan.'- I thought it quietly as I received the notification.
I watch as the little envelope flies to get through the barrier.
Richard: "that shouldn't be possible no."- I asked.
[they completed themselves so they don't have the delimitations of their semblance].
Richard: 'my semblance is powerful but I don't think it was for this scale no helpi.'- I thought it was serious.
[You've discovered it sir it is by the title asura and son of life which in this world gives you the ability to create a life based on your own and being a god with a physical body your lifespan is indefinite]
Richard: 'I should be grateful for that.'- I thought about it as I walk to the lake to get in and relax a little.
Richard: "it's so relaxing to be in this lake of mana."- I said it enjoying the feeling.
[that is because mana is a fundamental part of life and is in everything and by the title of son of life it has a feeling of comfort in any being that expels a little mana].
Richard: 'thank you for the information.' I thought about it relaxing.
Richard: 'well I think I should finish this ecosystem.'- I thought about it as I leave the lagoon to start making more salamanders, ice breakers, and ice minions.
[the world just went up a dimensional level it's level D+].
I felt myself getting a little stronger.
Richard: "I just altered this dimension won't I suffer some threat."- I asked.
[because you've contributed to the creation of new beings and the world accepted it as you've no criminal charges and made the world grow in level].
Richard: "Well I'm done for today I think I have to start looking for the girls."- I said this to get out of the lake and watch as it's getting dark I see how the salamanders get into the ground and the magma minions spit molten rock to start building a nest.
Richard: "That's clever of them."- I said it with a smile.
I see the most active ice breakers at night coming out of the oasis to start hunting something and I didn't expect them to bring a Grimm mask they were eating.
Richard: "wait they're eating Grimms"
[yes because they are beings of negative magic and the beings that you created to feed on magic it is very beneficial to this world that the Grimm have creatures that are their hunters]
Richard: "and that's why I didn't get any fines or threats."- I said it smiling.
I just lay down on the sand that has some magical plant sprouts to close my eyes and feel how two things one furry and the other scaly lay on top of me.
I just sighed to relax and let myself go into the world of dreams.
In my mind.
I looked into the space around me to see alter sitting there drinking a blueberry soda.
Richard: "and why am I here."- I asked with a blank stare.
Alter: "Easy boy, I'm here to congratulate yourself, you made a dimension transcend on your own."- He said it so that I would create another blueberry soda.
I just sat down to drink the soda.
Richard: "Tell me why did you send me to this world."
Alter: "well you didn't want to face your demons and it is my duty that you fight them because they are part of you."- He said it calmly.
Richard: "But why are we separated, why did you separate us?"- I asked seriously.
Alter: "I didn't separate you, it was the laws of the world themselves, you were sent where you were needed or where you could benefit, for example, you needed a place where you could begin to experiment with how to create an ecosystem."- He said it calmly.
Richard: "sent to places where we are needed or where it will benefit us."- I said it seriously.
Richard: "Winston wants knowledge will be in a place where it is more technologically advanced, Cherry wants a place where she can be entertained so a place where there is a lot of fighting and Jeanne should be taking care of her as they both behave and I think I know them from Bayonetta a video game where Cherry is the main character who likes to fight against angels and mock the weak and Alice in a place where she can see exotic kids."- I said it quietly.
Alter: "right it's good that you use the gaps in your mind to remember some characters and because you haven't broken the mystery ticket you might like the gift."- He said it smiling.
Richard: "You know I'm still upset that I made Cherry a slave to my truth."
Alter: "I don't see her as upset, I see her as happy because there are beings that can equal or surpass her and she might like this world because it will keep her limited."
Richard: "Tell me something, this world is mine, not what I can do and what I can't do."- I asked this question while sipping the soda.
Alter: *That's a good question what you just did is a good thing because you balanced that world a little bit which made its danger level increase and that can be good and bad at the same time."
Richard: "Explain."
Alter: "The Grimm have natural predators so a new generation of Grimm will have to be born to survive."
Richard: "The Grimm will try to adapt to survive with their new hunter."- I said it, the idea came to me.
Richard: *Well, this world will be more entertaining."- I said it standing up.
Alter: *Wait before you go, here."- He said throwing me a white sphere and I caught it.
Richard: "What is this."
Alter: *for your creations to have a little reinforcement you will like it and as it is my gift the world will not count them."- He said it so that I start to open my eyes.
As I stand up I see in my hand the white sphere I look at a magma minion that approaches me is the smallest of them measuring about 60 centimeters I caress him to see the sphere and touch his forehead with it so that this begins to change grows to a meter 60 centimeters his black stone skin changed to a white as marble and his fire before red and orange is a light blue while they became like crystals.
Richard: "You look more intimidating." I said smiling.
Richard: "well first I have to get a map of the place so I have to go back to the city."- I said this so Amarok starts to grow and gives me a signal to climb on his back I see a behemoth who just nods for me to see my new traveling companion starts to fly near me.
As we move forward I see some salamanders coming out of the safe zone to hunt a giant scorpion while the biggest one entertains it the others surround it to destroy its legs so that another one attacks its tail to break the tip and the biggest one breaks its mask so that it fades away and as it is close to the oasis it observes it so that it absorbs it and generates a drizzle to feed the plants.
Richard: 'It's already self-sustaining, that's good.'- I thought about it while a smile formed on my face.
I arrive at the city to see that it is being besieged by the Grimm.
I see many Grimm scorpions, something like a bear with bone stakes coming out of its body about two meters 50 centimeters, a hairy body with some plates on its body that looks like a built-in armor, sharp claws that can easily cut the rock.
Next to them is a kind of werewolf, from its body came out blades made of bone of a height of one meter 80 centimeters, a hairy body when it saw me it showed something that the other two kinds of creatures did not show intelligence, I just gave a war cry and it only growled at me, calling the attention of the other creatures.
Richard: "I like that thing, it is smart, it called the others to attack me."- I said smiling.
As I charge at them I throw hell Frost at the head of a scorpion so that it disappears the bear growls to run towards me with all its strength.
Richard: "he's too slow that idiot."- I said that so when he throws a claw I dodge it to hit his abdomen and lift him off the ground to crack the bone armor I stretch my hand so hell Frost comes back to my hand and with one slash I decapitate him with ease.
"hell Frost freezes everything in your path."- I said it to charging it with my aura and throwing it to three bears that did not expect the axe to touch the ground and freeze everything around them.
Leaving them trapped only having their heads free I just hit their heads tearing them out of the frozen body thus destroying the mask.
I only see more coming as the werewolves look at me cautiously and wait for a moment to attack me.
Richard: 'they are waiting for me to get tired so they can finish me off.'- I thought about it as I run towards the next scorpion to call hell Frost and cut off his mask making him disappear.
I just roared making my presence louder making all the Grimm that were on their way to the city see me and correct if I walk towards me.
I prepare myself as behemoth, Amarok and our new traveling companion who settled down to raise his wings and expelled a fireball of a light blue color that upon hitting a werewolf it disintegrated.
I feel heavy footsteps behind me to see two ice breakers coming, along with the first litter of salamanders and some magma minions firing a large amount of fire that knocked down or stunned the Grimm.
I just started charging at them I saw how the ice breakers began to melt their ice armor leaving a white scaly skin in sight with their red eyes.
Woman: "What are those creatures."- She asked in surprise.
Man: "I don't know but they are fighting the Grimm."- He said it to see how an icebreaker shoots a mouthful of icy breath partially freezing the armor of a scorpion so that with its claws it can easily go through it and tear off the mask making it disappear only to eat the mask.
Hunter: "they eat the Grimm's masks."- He said it in surprise.
Back to me.
I'm tearing a head off those werewolves as they got desperate and attacked me in a concerted manner when one bit me in the arm it couldn't get through my muscle they just cut my skin.
Richard: "stupid creatures they must be stronger to pierce my muscle."- I said it to charge at them I throw hell Frost at them when they try to dodge it it hits the ground so most of them are trapped the few that jumped dodging that attack.
I charge with the horns to smash through his torso shattering it to charge at the others to crush the head of one werewolf to impale another with my horns.
To make it begin to fade away.
The one-sided slaughter continued until no Grimm was left alive I watched as the magma minions charged the masks to snarl and lead back to the oasis.
Hunter: "You recorded everything."- He ask a guy who has a scroll that is recording me just turned to look at them they felt intimidated.
I started to approach them and they tensed up when they saw my three companions accompanying me.
Richard: "Do you know where I can get a world map?"- I asked in a friendly tone.
Hunter: "if you have your scroll I can send it to you."- He said it nervously.
Richard: "I don't have that but..."- I said it taking out my phone that connected in the system.
Richard: "thanks for the map."- I said it separating myself.
I opened the map.
To see where I am and to know the kingdom.
Richard: "I was told that I am in vacuo which in Latin means empty good name."- I said it looking at the dead land.
Richard: "you with the sword which is the most technologically advanced kingdom."- I asked calmly.
Hunter: "It's Atlas, why do you want to know sir."
Richard: "I'm not a lord yet, I'm 16 years old."- I said smiling while he looks at me with surprise.
Richard: "The place with the most fights, what is it." I asked.
Hunter: "That would be Mistral where the fiercest hunters come out."
Richard: "Mistral or is it past the sea, it looks simple and a place where you can find peculiar people."
Hunter: "Okay."
Richard: "Thank you for your help sir."- I said it thankfully I saw a guy with a spear approaching one of my creatures.
Richard: "I wouldn't be so stupid to attack one of them if you don't want this city to be razed to the ground."- I said it calmly to just let out a slight grunt for them to understand and start to walk away as they look at the guy to spit a fireball at their feet.
He freaks out.
Richard: "better just let him hunt the Grimm makes life easier for them no."- I said it starting to walk towards my target which I saw an island that is not noticeable inhabited on the map.
I just start walking towards that direction followed by my fellow travelers I see the tired ice breakers grab hell Frost to hit the ground generating a big block of ice so they start eating the ice generating again their armor and starting to go back to the oasis.
I just looked at the other creatures waiting for me they started to leave.
Up to here.
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well guys I'm really sorry for late update it's just that I was some busy this weekend...and I'm feeling pretty tired these days...like I'm not even studying.... please guys give me a way..... I want to study but I can't and I always procastinate.....
Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...
and for source read 20 Chapters ahead
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