I charged at them and it wasn't long before I was in front of them when my fist touched their skin and I felt their head being sliced.

One of them bit my shoulder I just grabbed him by the head to whip him to the ground and smashed his head.

I looked at the crowd of growling ursas.

"haaaaaaaaaa."- I just roared seeing that they showed fear to smash their heads I see the gorilla look at me in a halting manner.

'he is studying me.'- I thought about it watching him as he prepared himself when he saw me repeat a move.

When I stopped watching him to nail hell Frost near a house to create a barrier of ice stopping the passage.

I charged at the ursas that were going against the village.

I didn't wait for something to grab my head to whip me to the ground in succession until I felt sharp claws that managed to cut a little of my muscle I looked at the gorilla to kick him away and I stopped to see some deep cuts in my abdomen.

Richard: "Damn gorilla I'll rip your head off."- I said furious to call hell Frost to try to hit him with the axe he spits fire from his mouth I dodge it rolling on the ground to grab his face to give him a knee.

That thing recoils to grab hell Frost hard to give a vertical slash and sweep his hand back to deliver a blow to his face.

Richard: "you're tough that punch was loaded with aura I must say I'm impressed even those scorpions weren't that tough."- I said it with a smile.

I move closer to him to place all my weight on his chest making him immobilized.

Richard: "but this is over now."- I said it to cut his head off with one blow so that he would be crushed to dust afterward.

I look at the remaining ursas to see them being attacked by some three women who look similar as they share some features they have a mature appearance a white skin and a gentle look.

I just watch interested as they attack and defeat the ursas with relative ease.

"Well they took care of what I was missing."- I said it calling their attention when they saw me they were surprised by my size.

?? : "I never expected to see a person this tall."- She said it in surprise.

Richard: "Sorry, thank you for helping me finish my work."- I said it approaching her so that they looked up.

?? : "can I touch your horns."- She asked stretching out her hand.

Richard: "Sure, why not."- I said it bending down to her height so she could touch them.

? 1: "They are very hard, I have never seen a faun of your size."- She said it with a serious face.

Richard: "well I ate a lot of meat and fought many enemies to be big and strong."- I said it quietly.

Just to whistle to get the attention of my companions.

2: "Why are you whistling."- She said it with her ears plugged.

Richard: "I need to call my teammates."- I said it quietly so they can see behemoth and get ready to fight just to stretch out and settle next to me.

Richard: "so you already ate not you behemoth."- I said it to pet his head.

Behemoth: "y..i."- he said it with effort.

Richard: "Don't try too hard, boy."

?? : "That thing spoke."

Richard: "If you are my companions, then you should have the number of Ozpin." I asked begging if they had it.

? : "If we have it, what do you want it for?"

Richard: "You can tell him that I finished the mission, all the Grimm attackers were eliminated."- I said it calmly, I started to enter the town and I saw some fauns that came out looking at me with emotion while the people only looked surprised.

1: "You can follow us so that you can communicate with him."- He said it calmly so I just nodded to follow him I saw that we went a little into the forest to reach a large house of about three floors where they enter just sit on the grass I see a boy arrive.

Jaune P.O.V.

I walk back to my house with my eyes down.

Jaune: 'Well I'm coming back from failing the exam to enter a hunting school my last option is the beacon that next year will be my chance to enter.'- I thought raising my eyes with motivation.

As I move quickly to get home I cross all the forest I see that everything around was a battlefield there are many things destroyed I ran in a hurry to my house for when I arrive I am in front of a faun the biggest I've ever seen in my life I can say that can kill me with a punch.

Jaune: "who are you."- I asked scared.

"Just a simple person waiting for me to call his boss."- He said it calmly as I see some kind of Grimm sleeping on his feet, some kind of dog with horns, and a damn dragon what the hell is that guy.

Jaune: "that's not one of the new creatures that have appeared in vacuo."- I said surprised.

"If I can tell, the one lying on my side is behemoth, the one on my legs is Amarok and marble is on my head."

I just nodded unconsciously.

Luna: "Here he is, Mr. Richard."

Richard: "How do you know my name is Richard."

Luna: "Ozpin told me just now."

Richard: "Thank you and don't call me sir, I'm still 16 years old."- He said it without much importance.

Jaune: "How did you end up in that size."- I asked unconsciously, my sister gave me a dirty look.

Richard: "don't worry, you're the first one to ask me, you can say it's genetic, my ancestor was a god."- He said it with a smile.

I just looked at him surprised.

Jaune: "You're a god like those wish-fulfillers and stuff like that."

Luna: "He is joking with you."

Richard: "Well, I used to make wishes, I don't know if I can still make wishes, but tell me your wish and I'll tell you the price of your wish."- He said it calmly.

Jaune: "What do you mean, the price of my wish?"- I asked curiously.

Richard: "You see, everything has a price, for example, if you ask for someone to be revived, you have to give something of the same price, mostly your own life, so that person can live what you will live."- He said it calmly.

Luna: "don't make any wishes Jaune he can protect people, but that doesn't mean he's evil."

Richard: "well you have a point, but you should tell him to think about his wish very well because if it's an envious wish he could doom himself."- He said it sitting down while my sister Ana arrived with a barrel of lemon juice.

Luna: "that was the water that the whole family would drink."

Ana: "He is a guest and I think it is not polite not to give him what to drink."

Richard: "Let me shrink, although it will be a little difficult to move well."- He said it so that he began to release steam and his size was reduced to one meter and 98 centimeters, his body is very stylized, all and I mean all his muscles are marked, what caught my attention was his eyes that shine white.

Richard: "It is uncomfortable to control my strength."- He said it grabbing a glass to dent it a little.

Ana: "so is this your semblance."- she asked curiously.

Richard: "You can say that if you thought about your desire."- He said it calmly.

"can you make me a hero."- I said it with doubt my sisters looked at me as if I was an idiot.

Richard: "A hero? tell me why do you want to be a hero?"- He asked seriously as his aura became visible and it was overwhelming.

Jaune: "I want to be like my ancestors I want to prove that I can protect the innocent like my ancestors did."- I said it with my eyes closed.

Jaune P.O.V. end.

Richard: "I like that answer honor and justice."- I said it while my face forms a big smile.

Richard: "I consider your wish but I will only give you the possibility that you can become a hero come closer."- I said smiling he approached shyly I just stopped to place my hand on his head.

And I uncovered his aura in its entirety.


[semblance of protection do you want to change it]

Richard: 'Yes, I want you to buy him a semblance that will be very useful for him.' I thought it interested.

[has bought the ability tame]

Richard: 'what is the defect.'- I asked interested.

[can only tame one of each species of Grimm or animal].

Richard: 'the requirements for it to be able to tame.'

[you need an elemental powder whichever one you want and you have a hand on the head of the Grimm or animal]

Richard: benefits.

[ the tamed creature will have a slight increase in its stats and will have the power of the powder I use and the tamer will have an increase in its stats by the tamed creatures]

Richard: 'very good semblance.'- I thought about it.

Richard: 'how much it cost me.'

[about 1,000,000 points sir]

Richard: w'ell I'll take semblance as payment what is this semblance value.'

[they have a somewhat close value sir buy the skill for the value of your semblance]

Richard: 'well that's good to hear.'- I thought about it.

As my hand was on his head it was seen as I pulled out one orb to insert another. They looked with surprise.

Jaune: "what did you take from me."

Richard : "your semblance and I gave you one that can help you in your dream."- I said it quietly disappear in a burst of sound to appear with a beowolf he is frightened.

Jaune: "why did you bring a beowolf."- He said it scared.

Richard: "tame it."- I said it simply.

Jane: "wait what."

Richard: "I gave you a semblance that will help you a lot you can give him a fuck."- I said it so one of the blondes left and came back with fire dust.

She grabbed it and threw it to grab his hand.

Richard: "Now push your aura to both the beowolf and the powder at the same time."- I said seriously.

He only hesitated a moment to do it and saw that the dust did not explode but a stream of fire ran in his body so that it entered Beowulf and it started to shrink to become a wolf of about one meter 10 centimeters of a reddish tone and the mask turned black.

He got tired and dropped to the ground.

The beowolf just went around him to lie down next to him.

Richard: "this is your wish to become and you have to give me something in return you are very lucky I must tell you because your semblance paid for most of the wish."

He just stroked with surprise.

"You can change the semblances as possible."- he said surprised.

Richard: "as I said my ancestor was a god and I have this ability I give him a semblance and I keep his as part of the payment, but there is still a part of the payment missing."- I said it seriously I approach him to look at him seriously.

Richard: "you will be my representative at this moment you have one year to show me that you can take the first step child you have to enter beacon."- I said seriously.

Richard: "So start training you weakling."- I said seriously as I walked to the house to talk to Ozpin and left him hanging.

I walk to the phone.

On the phone.

Richard: "it's me ozpin I'll be back another way don't worry I'll be there first thing in the morning." I said calmly.

Ozpin: "all right how is the bullhead.?"

Richard: "It was destroyed when I got off it."- I said it quietly.

Ozpin: "and how will you get back."- He asked quietly.

Richard: "I have my ways."- I said it quietly to hang up to get out of the house.

Richard: "thanks for the phone and what happened with you is a secret I don't want any idiot to make me a wish it's very annoying."- I said it quietly so he nods.

Richard: "I hope to see you at Beacon being a full-fledged hunter."- I said it calmly placing Amarok as a sack of potatoes on my shoulder so that the others take off in flight.

Richard: "Hold on Amarok I will test if I am fast enough to walk on water and dodge that godzilla relative."- I said it walking to the beach, or so I thought I was on a ledge.

I just prepared to stand on the ledge to shoot myself towards it.

When I see that my speed is slowing down and I'm watching as I'm approaching the water.

When my feet touch the water I push myself so that the water feels like a solid so I start to run hard and I feel that my speed is not enough.

Richard: 'it's not enough I need to be faster.'- I thought as I leaned forward so that my feet were propelled by the aura.

I just watched as something white started to come out of the water I just jumped to land on the leviathan's mask.

And I clenched my fist to punch it hard in the face to return it to the water to keep running.

I felt my fist numb.

Richard: 'even in my asura state I couldn't hurt him much.' I thought annoyed.

Richard: 'I need to be stronger.'- I thought seriously.

As I was running to get to beacon when I feel something is following me through the water at high speed to see some kind of shark the size of a megalodon I just shot my fist so fast it generated a bullet of pressurized air.

The bullet hits its head and it explodes.

Richard: 'very fast, but it lacks stamina, but those teeth looked fast enough.'- I thought seriously.

Richard: 'if it had bitten me it would tear a part of me off easily.'- I thought seriously.

As I continue to force myself to increase my speed to jump avoiding the damage of one of those damn sharks that were following me.

When I see that I'm about to land I just sigh calmly.

Richard: 'It's good to be able to land at this moment, terrestrial beings are weaker than air or sea beings at the moment.'- I thought it calmer to continue on my way.

I feel the presence of the raven, I just stop with a flat look to see it.

?? : "You walked on water, you really are the descendant of a god?"- She said it seriously, but her body showed a lot of doubt.

Richard: "Yes."- I affirmed it, I didn't care anymore, she listened to me.

?? : "Why did you come down to earth, it shouldn't matter about people's lives."

Richard: "For your bad news, I do care about them because I am the god of justice."- I said it calmly as my stylized body looked calmly at a tree while Amarok got off my shoulder.

?? : "Justice what a joke you are a god that represents a lie."

Richard: "well that depends on your point of view little crow."- I said it mockingly, I saw how her hand twitched.

Richard: "I don't protect everyone equally, I only protect the innocent, the ones who are really the future of humanity, not its offspring."- I said it calmly to appear in front of her to grab her neck and she looked at me with surprise.

Richard: "I usually never do this kind of thing but you really need a fucking leash."- I said seriously.

She didn't understand what I was saying.

Richard: "you don't understand all the innocent souls begging for you to suffer understand me your numbers are not in the red they are made of the blood of all the innocents you have killed."

She couldn't speak when I got her off the ground she tries to pull out her gun to make me squeeze a little.

Richard: "you have two options the first I kill you slowly and the second is that I deny you the freedom you have obtained and take it away from you and you are a simple slave who has no right to be separated from my side for the rest of eternity."- I said it calmly.

"Kill me."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "thank you for giving me the option that I will not choose."- I said it calmly while showing a smile.

When I push my energy and combine it with my mana to generate a magic seal on her neck to look like a necklace.

I let go of her to see how she grabbed her neck in pain to see how on her neck is formed a golden necklace with the symbol of a dark sword with a golden axe with blue in a medallion.

Richard: "everything you did you will have to pay for it with effort."- I said it raising her chin she took off her mask to see her delicate features and her red eyes like that hostile look when she tried to bite me she felt her body heated up with excitement.

Richard: "if you try to attack me you will suffer a stroke of excitement pain is no good on people like you that's why I will use something else."- I said it caressing her head so that she would look up and that look would be full of hate.

Richard: "Stand up."- I said it calmly she was reluctant when she suffered a shock of pleasure so that she stood up with effort.

Richard: "right now you are mine you understand."- I said it seriously she just wanted to kill me.

I only brought her lips closer to kiss her, I introduced my tongue inside her, she only opened her eyes with surprise so that her eyes were filled with pleasure and my hand caressed her ass with some abruptness after we separated, and she came back to herself.

"What did you do to me?"- She said furiously.

Richard: "I already told you I made you become my follower you no longer have the freedoms you always had."- I said it so that I grabbed her and caressed her lips.

So that she would unconsciously kiss my finger.

Richard: "every weekend you have to come back to me so I can kiss you or play with you, you will be my informant or I can let you die of pleasure or you have another way to be raped by several men, I don't care, it's your decision."- I said it seriously.

Then I released her to let her fall on the floor.

Richard: "you condemned yourself you thought it would be condescending that was your mistake."- I said it to continue walking towards Beacon.

So far.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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