They snarled and launched into a fight against me without hesitation I just sighed letting them attack me their weapons were useless just a few that caused me to itch where they hit me.

"stop attacking me you fools."- I said it annoyed as I walk towards them so that the ones with aura jump to attack me in a synchronized way I just ignore them to see where I feel a strong presence.

I just walk towards where that presence is to see a warehouse that looks abandoned I enter to be greeted by multiple shots that hurt me.

I look at who shot me to see platinum hair with white skin and an attractive body.

"Jeanne you better not shoot me again."- I said seriously she continued to shoot at me I just circled on the ground avoiding her shots I started to run towards her while using the beams as obstacles to avoid most of her shots.

But I still got magic bullets.

Richard: 'She's not going to decrease her shooting ability.'- I thought it annoyed I gave up the friendly way and just charge at her while ignoring the pain.

I just get to her so she disappears and appears further away.

Richard: 'Shit she can use the witch time.'- I thought about it while looking at her a bit tired.

Richard: 'it uses a lot of mana to use that ability and with the limitations of this world she should only be able to use it two more times.'- I thought about it to charge at her.

"Asura Mode."- I said seriously to move faster I feel like time has slowed down to see her move, but my body can't move.

I only see where she walks to.

When time returns to normal I have already changed where I am running to get to her to grab her neck and make her look me in the eyes.

Richard: "may I ask why the hell are you shooting at me all this damn time."- I said it annoyed.

She starts to blush and gives me a smile that reminds me of when I first met cherry.

Richard: "Cherry drove you crazy didn't she."

Cherry: "she was always like that she only pretended she was a refined lady because she was the daughter of the leader of our clan so she is just like me so you can think we are best friends."- She said it appearing next to me, I only look at her to feel how she lifts me off the ground to kiss me.

Richard: "what's wrong we only know each other very little and all this year we were separated why so loving."- I said it calmly.

Cherry: "it's nice that you pretend you weren't worried about me after all you feel responsible for taking care of me and most men when they know my capabilities run away from me but why would you run away mister demon you are much more capable than most men aren't you."- She said smiling.

To see Jeanne smiling at me as she stands up to kiss me on the lips I feel her tongue enter my mouth.

'mental note the witches of the umbra are crazy.'- I thought to myself with annoyance.

'well why not enjoy.' I thought as my hand caresses her lower back to reach her ass to give it a light squeeze she let out a moan.

"and to think you were a lady but I can't deny I like that attitude you know I miss people like you."- I said as I pulled away from her lips.

I just looked at Cherry who smiled at me just pulled her to kiss her too.

While I sink my tongue inside her mouth my hand goes inside her body caressing it.

Richard: "I miss women like you."- I said it to squeeze her chest lightly to release her.

Richard: "well that redhead what's her name pyrrha is she yours."- I asked.

Jeanne: "cherry thought it would be fun to find a person who fulfills the characteristics to be an umbrian witch and she does, so she became our personal project for this year."- She said this while adjusting her glasses.

Richard: "Will you bring a girl like her into our world?"- I asked her.

Cherry: "she looks promising and don't you think she's cute, she could be a good acquisition, don't you think?"- She said it smiling.

Richard: "What do you want to tell me, Cherry."

Cherry: "there are only two of us and the novice left as witches of umbra and we need something to protect us and since you are a god it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to be completely your followers in both mind and body."

Richard: "You know that you belong to me for attacking me, remember you don't have a say, the one who decides is Jeanne."- I said pointing at her.

Jeanne: "With your current strength and the limitations of this world, you wouldn't be bad as our god."- She said it smiling.

Richard: "great another race that names me as their god."- I said it annoyed.

Cherry: "and the first race is."- She asks smiling.

Richard: "the naga a species you don't know that's fine I'll be your god."- I said it seriously.


[has gotten new adepts to them will be integrated a blessing which is abundance which will double one of their capacity which is mana]

I just watch as their bodies glow to look at me with excitement.

Cherry: "what's up mister demon because I feel more powerful."- She said excitedly.

Richard: "it's my blessing that will give you more power."- I said it stretching.

Richard: "And why do you have minions?"- I asked in amazement.

Jeanne: "I was bored and I was interested to see how hard it was to dominate this area and it didn't take long, we are the bosses of most of the mistral in this world, people are weak."- She said it calmly.

Richard: "will you come with me or will you stay even in Mistral commanding it."- I asked calmly.

Cherry: "We already spent enough time in this pigsty, let's see how comfortable you are living Mr. Demon."- she said smiling.

I just sighed to signal her to follow me.

The bullies were scared when they saw how they were sticking to me with a mocking smile.

Cherry: "well primores I'll be leaving my master is here."- She said it to squeeze my buttock.

Richard: "Cherry, let go of the luggage."- I said it seriously.

She just smiled at me so her hand travels to the front of my pants.

Richard: "stop groping me cherry."- I said it while her hand caresses my front.

Cherry: "I don't see what's bothering you."- She said it in a playful tone.

I just grabbed her hair tightly to see her cheeks blush so her hands touch my cheek to pull me to her lips.

Richard: "you're a fucking pervert."- I said it to her ear.

Cherry: "I don't see how that kind of thing bothers you."

Richard: "you're right about that."- I said it to kiss her while my hand caresses her ass lifting her off the ground.

To kiss her forehead.

I just put her down to start walking to my ship.

She along with Jeanne followed me to enter the ship.

Bully: "boss what are you doing."- He asked.

Cherry: "He already arrived who I was waiting for, I have no reason to stay here."- She said it smiling to enter.

Richard: "look at the bright side"

Bully: "what is the bright side."

Richard: "If you can hold the territory without them, you'll will prove that you'll are not so useless."- I said it calmly entering and closing my ship to sit in the pilot's seat and prepare everything.

Richard: "SIF prepare the engines and activate the stabilizer."

"Roger that sir."- SIF said it calmly.

They just watched as the ship silently lifted off to go to the beacon and they just looked at the ship with interest.

Richard: "What's going on."

Jeanne: "How did you get this ship? I know it doesn't exist in this world, their ships can only fly about 260 kilometers per hour."- She said interested.

Richard: "I am an engineer, if I set my mind to something I will build it."- I said it simply.

She just nodded as she enjoyed the ride.

As we fly over the sea I increase the speed making turbulence.

Cherry: "And why so much trouble."- She said it opening her eyes and stopping to look out the window to see how a monstrous hand tried to catch the ship.

Richard: "That leviathan, that goddamn godzilla relative."- I said it to shoot it in the face without causing too much damage.

Cherry: "I have seen bigger enemies?"- She said it without much interest.

Richard: "Sure, but we have limiters, so at this moment it would be impossible to hurt him."- I said it seriously.

While I manage to avoid him I see some nevermore approaching in front of me.

Richard: "They will just turn to mush."- I said it so that when I hit their mask it will break so fast that they won't be able to cause any damage to the ship.

As we fly I see how we reach the ground I just sigh calmly as I see the beacon in the distance to slow down and fly close to the cliff to enter.

I smoothly ease the ship to shut down the engine.

Richard: "SIF take us up please."- I said stretching.

"Of course sir, wait a moment."- SIF said it in his formal tone.

The elevator began to rise quietly so that the ship would settle into my quarters.

When the hatch of the ship opens to go down quietly.

Richard: "they are still in my room."- I said it looking at them they are eating the food I had in my refrigerator.

Yang: "where did you get this food."

Richard: "I cooked it."- I said it annoyed to walk and look in the refrigerator and not find my cookies that I left cooling.

I see the dwarf with the crumbs stained crumbs from my cookies.

Richard: "Tell me you didn't eat all of them."- I said it looking at her while she just smiles at me.

"what's up mister demon."- Bayonetta said it coming out of the ship to see Pyrrha.

Bayonetta: "but she isn't my little adept."- She said it smiling.

Pyrrha greets her with a smile.

Pyrrha: "it's good to see you master how is master Jeanne."- she asks.

"ask her."- She said it to get Jeanne to come out and look at the place.

Jeanne: "you should have more stuff, this place is so empty."- She said it to walk and caress Pyrrha's head.

Richard: "and glynda where is she.?"

Ruby: "she was called by ozpin said it was something important."- She said it as she pulled out another cookie that I snatched to eat.

Richard: "I can't believe you ate all the cookies I made, they were about 4 inches in diameter and there were about 30 of them."- I said it while I was eating them in front of her.

I just watched as she growled at me to try to snatch the cookie.

Richard: "What's wrong with the dwarf."- I asked while eating the cookie.

Yang: "she loves cookies."

Richard: "that's good to know since I have to hide my cookies."- I said it quietly.

Yang: "what is that power or your specialty to change your size"

Richard: "you can say it's my semblance."- I said it while I finish eating my cookie I see a black-haired girl looking at me.

Richard: "you have a question."- I said it quietly.

?? : "it doesn't bother you that they treat fauns like stupid beasts."

Richard: "I don't care what anyone thinks, I have always been like that."- I said it calmly.

She looked at me with intrigue that turned to annoyance.

?? : "You don't care how they are treating your race."- She said it while clenching her fists tightly.

Richard: I have always given equal treatment to everyone I do not defend a race, in general, I defend the innocent I will not protect anyone who does not deserve it."- I said it seriously.

Richard: "why would I protect one when we are the same species if we can interbreed with each other I don't understand why we see each other as different races."- I said it bored.

Weiss: "because fauns are beasts."- She said it seriously.

I just looked at her to walk towards her.

Richard: "Yes, like all humans we are beasts."- I said it calmly

Richard: "no matter how refined or delicate our behavior is we will still be what we are animals."- I said it with a smile.

Richard: "well I want to enjoy my time alone with my acquaintances so would you do me a favor and go rest in your rooms."- I said stretching.

They all nodded to leave.

Cherry: "my little adept, you are not leaving, this matter is also of your interest."- She said it with a smile.

She nodded to stay while the others left.

Pyrrha: "What's up teacher."- she ask seriously.

Cherry: "Well, first of all, you have already finished the steps to make your umbra clock."- She said it seriously.

She only nodded to show a watch of smaller size than what they have.

cherry grabbed it to see it in detail.

Cherry : "perfect."- She said it for Jeanne to check it.

Jeanne: "it's perfect for a novice like you but you'll need to make a better one when you learn what you need to."- She said it seriously.

She just nodded.

Jeanne: "you have the guns we taught you to build."- She said seriously.

She showed two pistols Jeanne grabbed it to aim and move fast and smoothly fired twice.

Jeanne: "they are perfect for you since you have a more controlled stature, they have an excellent stock, but you are missing the other two."

Pyrrha: "Well, it's difficult to get the alchemical material needed to forge them and it took me a long time to make them, Master Jeanne."- She said it nervously.

Jeanne: "I understand this world has lost all knowledge about magic or its other derivatives, there are hardly any stories about them like those of legendary heroes."- She said it calmly.

Jeanne: "but I had gotten you the materials necessary for you to build at least five like these what happened to the rest of the material."

Pyrrha: "I used it to modify milo."- She said it to take out her spear and give it to Jeanne.

Jeanne just took a detailed look at the spear to move it smoothly so she could turn it into a sniper rifle.

Jeanne: "very good but not very accurate for you you don't have enough magic after two shots you will faint."

Richard: "well you have my blessing you already took it into account."- I asked.

Jeanne: "yes you doubled our mana so she could take another shot with her mana so it is still recommended that you use what they call dust."

Pyrrha: "you're not upset about me wasting the stuff."

Jeanne: "no actually you adapted it for something that has more firepower, but I should warn you that when you shoot with your own mana it is more powerful than when you shoot powder bullets."- she said it looking through the scope to pull the trigger and pierce my wall.

Richard: "great bye bye my privacy."

I just walked up to the hole to see a curious eye peek out.

Richard: "sorry is everyone okay."- I ask.

Ruby: "Yes, everyone alive except the poster of the favorite band was not as lucky."- She said this while listening to the blonde's screams of horror.

Yang: "it was an unlimited edition poster."- she said it in a regretful tone.

Richard: "one rule don't shoot dangerous weapons in my room here I build and the test zone is the forest I can destroy everything I want that place recovers fast I remember I eliminated one hectare and already grew all the trees."- I said thoughtfully.

Richard: "Maybe it's because of the environment with high concentration of mana."- I said it downplaying its importance.

I just looked for something to put it on and grabbed a metal plate and riveted it to the wall.

Richard: "Okay, well, Pyrrha, you can leave because I have to talk to them to catch up."- I said it calmly and she just nodded.

She just said goodbye to leave to remind milo that she grabbed it and turned it into a spear to leave.

Cherry: "what's up mister demon what do you want to ask us if we've caught you up yet."

Richard: "how did you manage to use magic, as far as I remember, this world has too many limitations for the use of magic."- I said it seriously.

Cherry: "we did the process that the witches of the umbra always use when one of us is born."

Richard: "And that's it."- I asked quietly.

Jeanne: "we opened our meridians and let the flow of mana from the world enter our body I must say with the amount of mana in the air it was much more painful than I expected we had to find a way to reduce the mana entering our body or we would have died."- She said seriously.

Richard: "That's interesting marble come here."- I said calling her to look at Cherry and pulled her.

Richard: "Put your hand on her head."- I said it calmly.

She just touched it to see it with surprise.

Cherry: "It is incredible, it is a being that its meridians act as if they were its veins and they take it to its whole body and it does not leave its body, it is an organite and at the same time it is not."- she said it, continuing to feel it.

Richard: "Thanks for the praise, it was hard for me to create it like most of the creatures that inhabit vacuo."- I said it calmly.

Jeanne: "So you created those beings, it's impressive I must admit."

Cherry: "What are you going to do Mr. Demon, you will create more of them."

Richard: "first Cherry stop calling me like that or I will have to force you and secondly I don't know I think that with that variety it is fine since the oasis has been growing and they are reproducing well I have seen some offspring of them."- I said it easy.

So far.


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