
[100/100 Jeanne] (she's determined to be a part of your life)

Just look at the notification.

Richard: 'well I have another woman.'- I thought about it seeing how on her finger a black ring started to form like the other girls I feel like her power increased I see cherry that no ring has gone up or there is no ring.

Richard: 'She didn't go through the same thing as Jeanne.'- I thought it strange

[It's because her affection hasn't reached 100% and while she has already fulfilled one of the requirements which is to spend the honeymoon having sex with you she doesn't have the affection so it's incomplete.]

Richard: "I see."

I just walked over to them to carry them out of the shower as I walk out without a towel.

As I carry the girls to my bed.

I open the door and see Pyrrha blushing with her ears stuck to where the door was.

Richard: "I didn't think you were a pervert Pyrrha but that must be a requirement to be an umbra witch."- I said it in a playful tone she looked at me so she focused her gaze on my cock.

"Big."- She said it in a whisper.

Richard: "you want to be the next apprentice."- I said it in a playful tone as I go down to her height she looks completely red she can't respond.

Richard: "if you want don't move from that place."- I said it while leaving the girls on the bed.

To go back to the shower.

I look she didn't move.

I just smiled at her.

Richard: "you really want to be next don't you."- I said it so she comes back to herself so we just connect our lips I feel her hands touch my body so they go to my face and deepen the kiss.

She grabs one of my hands to place it on her back.

Richard: "and this sudden affection."- I said it looking at her calmly

Pyrrha: "I just want to thank you for what you have done."- She said it nervously.

Richard: "and what have I done."- I asked seriously

Pyrrha: "in one of the rescue searches you saved my father's life where all the rescue teams refused because the possibility of my father and his team being dead, they wouldn't risk any more losses."- She said it with teary eyes.

Pyrrha: "When we thought me and mother would never see it again on the news it appeared about how the titan of vacuo came to mistral and was fighting against three Kong taijitus."- She said it looking at me.

Richard: 'How the fuck did they tape me I don't remember hearing anything in heaven or on earth.'- I thought seriously.

Pyrrha: "it was seen as you defeated them and took the survivors of my father's team along with him."

Pyrrha: "my father won't be able to go back to work as a hunter, but he's home and I want to pay you back somehow."

Richard: "not if that's why."- I said it seriously.

She looked at me with surprise.

Richard: "I will not sleep with a woman because she is attracted to me if it is because you feel you have to pay me find another way Pyrrha."- I said seriously.

She just looked at the floor.

Richard: "Pyrrha just don't degrade yourself like this."- I said it to caress her head.

She just looked at me.

Pyrrha: "I will find a way to pay you for saving my father's life."- She said it with determination.

Richard: "That's a better idea apprentice."- I said smiling.

Richard: "Go to your room, it's late at night and people might think bad things."- I said it to spank her which makes her jump and look at me while showing a friendly smile.

I approached the hole pyrrha had made which had shrunk in size with the constant only leaving the size for one eye to see.

Richard: "blondie it's not good to spy on others."- I said smiling.

She just walked away from the hole to cover it with a sign.

Richard: 'that girl is like her mother in some ways she is a whore in the word.'- I thought smiling.

As I go into the bathroom to take a shower I just relax in the tub while enjoying the hot water.

After a while, I get out of the clean bathroom to lie down on the bed where I feel the girls rubbing up against me again.

I just sigh to close my eyes as I hear wet noises.

The next morning.

I feel a pleasant sensation in my lower part just opened one eye to watch a nice show.

I see cherry and Jeanne who woke me up with a blowjob.

I just sigh in pleasure to caress their heads.

Richard: "it's a surprise that you are awake, I always wake up before you, well you want to eat."- I said it calmly adjusting my pants and heading to the kitchen I have to cook I see that they are getting dressed.

Someone knocks on the door so Jeanne opens the door and I see Glynda coming in with a serious look on her face.

Glynda: "I'm here for the weekly report on the girls' activities."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Glynda cutie relax what do you want to eat I can make your favorite chicken stew with my touch."- I said smiling.

She looks at me for a moment to settle into her favorite spot just my smile widens to get everything ready as I set the plate for her and start preparing the food.

Richard: "Jeanne can you turn off the food in about 20 minutes I'm going to take a shower."- I said calmly.

I take my school clothes to go into the bathroom to take a shower and enjoy the water for a while and then I get out of the shower and get dressed in the bathroom.

As I get out I see that there are more people in my room Pyrrha greets me along with all her team and the dwarf's team.

Richard: "may I know why you are up so early."- I said it as I walk to the pot to serve Glynda and the others who begin to eat in a hurry.

Cherry: "why don't you stop hunting and fighting for "justice" and start cooking, you'd get rich."- She said it in a flirtatious tone.

Richard: "I only cook for the people I love, I have never cooked for people I don't know."- I said it calmly I see the blonde looking at the plate I just serve her a little bit to taste.

She looks at me for a moment to try a spoonful.

Yang: "how do you cook like this, would you teach me a little."- She said it in a flirtatious tone.

Ruby: "yang you don't know how to cook and let me try."- She said it in a blank tone.

The dwarf reached over to the plate to steal a spoonful to see how she looks at me with glassy eyes.

Ruby: "If he cooks like this, what will the cookies he makes be like?"- She said it looking at me with an abandoned puppy look.

Richard: "Don't give me that look I hate it."- I said it covering my eyes.

Ruby: "will you make me some cookies."

Richard: "If you took that look away I will."

She smiled in victory.

I just watch as they approach the blonde.

Yang: "get your own food."- She said it looking at everyone while protecting her plate.

Just sigh to serve some on-tasting plates for them to try.

Weiss: "This is first-class cooking how is it possible."

Richard: "As I said cooking is a job so I don't care much about the criticism."- I said it while I'm looking for the report for Glynda when she finishes eating I give it to her and pat her head so that it hits my hand.

Richard: "Always so strict doesn't take away from the attractiveness."- I said it smiling she just blushes to mumble something.

Glynda: "Thank you for submitting the report on time Mr. Richard, I'll come back another time."- She said it seriously.

Glynda: "And I hope you make it to my first class, if I don't see you there you will have double the work."- She said this while adjusting her glasses.

She went to give my report to Ozpin.

Richard: 'she's jealous because she can't spend the same amount of time as when she wasn't in this school.'- I thought.

[that's right sir you should find a way to raise your points with her and in the evening raven arrived].

Richard: 'thanks for the information helpi it's always good to know things around me.'- I thought about it gratefully.

[it's possible that raven will be back tonight sir]

Richard: 'thanks I'll keep that in mind.'- I thought thankfully.

I just head back to the lounge.

Richard: 'another boring day.'- I thought it to be followed by both teams.

As I settle into my doing to think about how to strengthen my relationship with Glynda to finally get to 100% of her affection.

2 months later.

I just stretch out in bed as I get ready for a vacation we will have.

I go to the shower to bathe and then prepare food.

Richard: 'ha I almost forgot I have to have the report for ozpin.'- I thought about it quietly.

These two months I have had little progress with Glynda who went up to 90 and I managed to keep her affection from falling.

She has become more attached and comes more often to eat something I enjoy because I spend time with her.

Also, ice cream is still trying to stab me every time I say her nickname.

I just get out already dressed while I quietly get ready in the shower I go out to see the dwarf next to the blonde next to the rest of her team and I see the JNPR team who is also sitting down to see Jeanne and Cherry with a frown on their faces.

Jeanne: "when did this place become a cafeteria."- She said it seriously.

Yang: "when we found out she has magic hands."

Cherry: "yo honey and you haven't seen them in action."- She said it in a playful tone.

Most of them blushes because some of them have heard about our night activities.

Richard: "the usual not the albino an American breakfast, Jeanne, cherry my homemade cherry, the apprentice a medium rare steak, the dwarf cookies, but first her vegetables."- I said it before ruby celebrated and mumbled angrily something I didn't hear.

Richard: "the blonde a special burger with lots of spice, the closet pervert wants a tuna."

Blake: "I'm not a pervert."- She said it with a slight blush.

Richard: "I'll believe you when I haven't forgotten you have a shelf full of soft porn books."- I said it quietly.

Blake: "they're not porn books."- She said it was red as a tomato.

Richard: "keep saying it."

Richard: "some pancakes in the shape of an Ursa, ren a bamboo tea with sushi, Jaune some eggs with bacon, and Glynda her favorite."- I said it calmly as I finished cooking while chatting with them.

They didn't understand that last one until the door opened and they watched Glynda walk in.

She just looked at everyone and I just smiled at her and set up her chair for her to sit in and serve her.

The others look at her.

Glynda: "Miss Rose, is there a problem?"- She asked in a serious tone making everyone turn to their food to continue on their own.

I just kiss her forehead while I go to prepare some things.

She just kissed me back but on the lips.

Weiss: "promiscuous."

Richard: "Whatever you say snowball."- I said it teasingly.

Weiss: "Don't call me that."- She said it furious.

Richard: "Whatever you say just eat and avoid getting into trouble."

Yang: "Whatever you say daddy."- She said it in mockery.

Richard: "well what I do to your mother is something special."- I said it so that she would stop eating and stare at me.

Yang: "stop sleeping with my mother."- She said it pointing at me with her fork.

Richard: "when she doesn't come into my bed and ride me I will."- I said it simply.

Ruby: "could you stop talking about it please."

Richard: "Sure thing midget."

Yang: "sure sis."- she said it smiling at her.

She looks at me seriously.

Yang: "Today we will make another bet."

Richard: "no please."- I said it rubbing my forehead.

Yang: "you are afraid."

Richard: "no I'll end up beating you and with that, I'll spend all the luck of my day to make it a shitty day. "-I said it tiredly.

Yang: *That's a lie, I've never seen anything happen to you."

Ruby: "well there's the time I beat you in the staring contest and won the bet and ended up getting attacked by a pack of Beowulf's."

Richard: "I didn't even get to eat my ice cream bucket."

Weiss: "the time I beat you at dominoes and ended up slipping and crashing my face into a building."

Richard: "I couldn't even see tea in maid's clothes."- I said it remembering that day.

Yang: "It's okay if it's bad, but it's not that bad."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "well what are you going to bet me blondie."

Yang: "I will dance in front of you in sexy lingerie."- She said confidently.

Richard: "I already have your mother showing me her beauty."- I said it bored.

Yang: "don't compare me to my mother."- She said it pointing at me accusingly.

Richard: "ok I accept what you want if you win."- I said it calmly finishing the last model I made.

Yang: "I want you to make me a suit of armor like the one you have and improve my gloves and cook for me for a year."- She said smiling.

Richard: "that would cost an arm and a leg as you want to start losing."- I said smiling.

She took out some cards so that I knew immediately what they were.

Richard: "You really want to play poker."- I asked incredulously.

Yang: "I don't know what poker is, what I want is that whoever gets the joker loses, we will play three times."

Richard: "OK."- I said so, leaving the model to set up a table and remove everything.

Richard: "You know how many times we have been betting blondie."& I said smiling.

Yang: "since you started."

Richard: "that was just a food duel, it had nothing to do with what we do."- I said.

Yang: "it's fun when you can be competitive with someone and be prepared to lose."- She said it while pulling out a card that was the joker.

She gave me an ugly look.

And so began her road to loss.

I drew card after card that none of them was the joker I just watched as her eyes turned redder and redder.

Yang: "Fuck you're cheating."- She said angrily.

Pyrrha: "It's already started."

Cherry: "that's why I don't play any game of chance with him I know I will lose."- She said it when she finished eating.

Jeanne: "we will have a foursome tonight."- I said it in a mocking tone.

Cherry: "I like it."- She said it in a spicy tone.

Richard: "you already have the transparent baby doll you will wear tonight."- I asked as she pulls out another card for me to take off the joker on purpose so that she calms down and looks at me in a teasing way.

Yang: "I don't think that's necessary."- She said it to get the joker back in her maso.

She just gave me a dead look when I drew her last card and she did the same.

Richard: "well you got the joker so I hope you show me a good dance."- I said mockingly.

She just threw the joker to throw herself at me trying to hit me while her hair glows orange and her eyes are red.

Richard: "Calm down blonde."- I said it while I only feel stings while she hits me hard.

Richard: 'I should be thankful that I have reinforced my body with aura because those blows would really leave bruises on my body.'- I thought about it looking at her.

Richard: "You should channel that strength into more exercise blondie."- I said it in a mocking tone.

She just snorted in annoyance.

I just kissed her forehead to see how she calmed down.

She just smiled to see how she stands over me and punch me in the chest which caught me off guard.

I stand up to see what day it is.

Richard: "Well, it's a day off, I'm going to go to the voucher."- I said it stretching while I start to clean my clothes.

Then albino stops me.

Weiss: "I want you to accompany us to the ports to do something."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Really, why do you want to go to the port?"- I asked curiously.

Blake: "she wants to go to the port to see the competition and study them."

Richard: "that's a good idea albino come on I feel like eating some junk food like a good hamburger."

Yang: "Let's go muscles"

Richard: "Why don't you think of another nickname."- I asked.

Yang: "It fits you, you are the only one in the room who has so many muscles."- She said mockingly.

Richard: "that's not true you are a muscle brain so that fits you."- I said it mockingly so that she would hit me in the shoulder.

Richard: "Well come on."- I said it to start walking towards the exit when we get out of the building I feel that someone sitting on my shoulder I only see the blonde that gets on and smiling at me to feel that another person sits on my shoulder I only see the little sparkle that points me forward with her hammer.

Richard: "I'm not a vehicle you know that don't you."

Yang: "well you are comfortable so I don't see a problem."- She said it by getting comfortable.

Nora: "and you are very tall, I can see an Ursa over there."- She said excitedly pointing to the hammer.

Richard: "just hold on."- I said it to whistle for my buddies to show up.

Up to here.


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NOTE : I've seen the previous comments you guys were saying not kill his lovers....well technically they're not dead...there will be situation like...when mc returns to his home...while he was in rwby others were fighting darkseid and only five of his girls remain alive....and when he returns he fell into depression and fights darkseid and then all of this was done by his father make him seeing his loved ones die so he can become a better or stronger entity in future...but mc wants his lovers back so that's why he's going to reincarnate again....

well did you guys like this situation....

and other thing Helpi his Female


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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