I caress her ass to move her panties to introduce my tongue inside her to start tasting her pussy she let out a moan so she clutches her hands on my head until I feel her cumming and I start tasting her fluids.

"haa...I love it Richard."- Nora said it so after a while I pull her down I only see her panties which has a teddy bear print on it.

Richard: "I like it as you know possibly after what you do with the closet pervert we can finish what we started."- I said it to kiss her neck leaving another mark.

She just gives me a perverted look so she strokes me where my cock is.

Nora: "I just hope the moans that yang let out you do the same to me."- She said it with some excitement.

After Nora arranged her clothes and came back with her pretend personality to walk in a cheerful and playful way to walk to the where is our group I look at my mouth and face so that no thing shows.

We arrive with them to see a more recovered Ren to see Nora and start to approach him.

Ren: "Nora I think I have been making a lot of mistakes and I think I should apologize for what I have done, you have been with me since everything happened."- He said it by approaching her to try to talk to her.

Nora: "it's nothing a lie ren I already understood everything that has happened and I managed to come to a conclusion." She said it with a sweet smile.

Ren: "seriously I think it would be good to talk about everything I have done to you and make it up to you."- He said it with a warm smile.

Nora: "I don't think it will be necessary, we are just acquaintances, everything I felt for you died in that moment when I had the desire to rip your head off and Richard helped me not to kill you."- She said it in her bubbly tone.

Nora: "and he gave me the idea of starting everything from scratch but without any romantic feelings in between since it is something impossible." She said it in a serious tone while smiling.

Ren lost his smile to see me.

"before you blame Richard this is your fault."- she said it losing all loving characteristic of the little sparkle that is her mask.

Nora: "and I came to that conclusion because I noticed that there are people who can give me affection that you never gave me."- She said it seriously.

Ren: "What did you do to Nora, you monster."- He said it pointing at me.

Nora: "he didn't do anything to me, I just got tired of pretending I'm that idiot who likes to hit and be like a good girl."- She said it in a flat tone.

Ren: "that's a lie you weren't pretending we were together since we were kids I don't believe you that Nora is just a lie."

Nora: "yes it was a lie ren since what happened in your village I tried to cheer you up being something that I am not my behavior I tried to keep it but each time it was more difficult until I realized that I was unhappy pretending to be happy but I saw how you recovered and that made me happy until you declined again and I cried defeat."- She said it seriously to get in front of him.

Nora: "let me make this very clear ren I don't know you and I don't want to know you anymore we will only be teammates until we have the chance to split into different teams."- Without further ado he started to walk away to take a strategic position while turning his hammer into a grenade launcher.

Yang pulled me aside along with Pyrrha and Ruby who is very nervous about what is happening in this situation and I saw Jaune following us.

Yang: "What the hell is going on, I thought you would fix this, you wouldn't make them separate and she just stares at you like a piece of meat."- She said this in annoyance.

Richard: "I tried to talk to her but...."

Pyrrha: "Her mask is broken and she wants you as a substitute."- She said it seriously.

Juane: "wait pyrrha what do you mean by substitute and what is this mask."

Richard: "well from the beginning I noticed that Nora was wearing a mask and pretending to be someone else she is not."- I said it seriously.

Pyrrha: "and when you mentioned it I started to investigate her more often to see if it was true what Richard told me and unfortunately it is true every time I saw her leaving us it was to take her mind off the fact that she was going to a party to sleep with some guy or so I thought because the guy always came out beaten and she was dressed with a cold look on her face."- She said it so that a slight shiver reminded her body at this moment.

Richard: "Nora wants me to be her new project."- I said it seriously

Yang: "ho no she wants me to get her man."- She said it annoyed

Pyrrha: "well try to convince her because every night she went out partying and always the guy she was with ended up getting hurt and I don't think she's going to give up on Richard."- She said it seriously.

Yang: "but there's vomitboy he's a guy too."- She said pointing at Jaune.

Jaune: "I don't know whether to be offended or grateful Yang."

Yang: "I don't know, you're not my type, you saw my type."- He said it pointing at me.

Yang: "to be like the action men with muscles and some scars."- She said it caressing my chest.

Ruby: "yang from Richard's pecs and let's get back to the main problem."

Pyrrha: "Nora won't come back with ren and if we bother her she will possibly leave the room."

Jaune: "this will hurt our ability as a team since nora and ren are a good team."- He said it seriously.

Pyrrha: "this is bad it can ruin our team relationship we were just getting together."

Ruby: "can't you do anything Richard."

Richard: "I can't I already tried and you saw what happened can you try please I don't want to get into more trouble than I already am and well I can't deny that I like the view that Nora gives, but I don't know her completely and that makes me a little nervous."

Pyrrha: "I think it's up to me to get my hands in this and see how I can fix their relationship at least a little bit."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "thank you pyrrha."- I said it to hug her.

Ruby: "I have a question, why don't you call us by our nicknames and call us by our names, it's not that it bothers me, it's just that I find it strange."- She said it by raising her hand.

Richard: "well I used the nicknames because I don't know them well and also sparkle the code name of Nora's mask and so she wouldn't notice I gave them all nicknames."- I said it with a smile.

Yang: "that's very clever of you since you started calling me by my name when we are alone and we did it."- She said it in a flirtatious tone.

Richard: "Well this meeting is over we have to save the closet pervert."

Ruby: "And why are you even telling Blake her nickname."

Richard: "because she is hiding something from us and I won't call her by her name until she is honest and tells us what she has been going through."- I said it calmly.

We approach the boxes to see Blake and Sun who are among the white fangled ones.

I watch as Weiss clenches her hands in anger.

Weiss: "so she fooled us and now she is with white fang."- She said it annoyed.

Before anything else could happen Blake pulled out her sword to start stopping the fauns only to be kicked in the face and sent away from the fauns.

Alice: "I don't think it's a good idea for you to intervene beauty after all you are out of white fang and I don't want to end up taking your body to your mother."- She said it as she nestles a bow on her back that she can turn into two swords.

Blake: "succubus."- She said it annoyed.

Alice: "beauty I don't know why you are here, but you could have enjoyed escaping from this."- She said it seriously while transforming her bow into twin swords.

Blake: "I've come to stop White Fang and find out why they are working with Roman."- She said it seriously.

Alice: "you know I don't care what your ex-group does, they only promised me to meet my master."- She said it seriously.

Blake: "I met him."

Alice: "seriously how amazing is it true after all he is a god."

Blake: "maybe because of his intimidating size and his abilities, but he is someone very normal I don't think he is a god as you mentioned so much in the barracks."

Alice: "You don't know him, you little cat, I won't listen to you compare him to the other beings around you."

Blake: "You don't accept that he doesn't have anything special that other people can't do, let me turn off your illusions."- She said it seriously to run against her so that Alice confronts her with her two weapons while Blake defends himself as best she can.

Alice rolls on the ground avoiding the blow of sun that aimed at her head while from her tail she releases two hairs so that they become more versions of him she effectively cuts the copies of sun to avoid Blake's attacks.

Alice: "You've gotten very rusty, you mangy little cat."- She said it with mockery.

Blake: "why do you hate me what have I done to you to make you look at me with such contempt."

Alice: "you have everything and you despise him and my only light you look at him like he's a fucking piece of shit like other people he's not trash like you or the ones in this fucking world."- She said it with fury as she turns her twin swords into the bow to draw arrows with the tip filled with elemental dust that she shot at sun that froze their waists down.

To use fire arrows and shoot consecutively against Blake who turns her weapon into machine gun mode to fire bursts against the arrows.

Behind Blake appeared heladito breaking an illusion appearing with his umbrella where he pulls out his long blade to pierce Blake's thigh.

Nora didn't wait any longer and shot consecutively multiple grenades that made alice separate and look in our direction.

The guys started to come out ready to fight.

She looked at me and I just smiled at her and stretched out my arms and she ran towards me avoiding the others to hug me tightly.

Alice: "my lord, how are you, why are you in such a weak form?"- She said it looking at me.

Ruby: "How weak can he.... he always beat a horde of Grimm."

Alice: "I'm not talking to you dwarf, he's my lord."- She said it aggressively making her back down.

Richard: "the laws of this world alice you know that there will always be something that delimits our interaction or we destroy the balance of this world."- I said it stroking her head.

?? - "Oh look what happened it seems that the beast has found its male, what a nice meeting."- He said it with mockery while I see how the fauns continue to climb the dust.

Blake: "Roman, how did you make the fauns work for you?"

Roman: "It's simple, pretty kitty, I know when and where the dust will arrive, so we made a deal: I help them and they help me, don't you think it's very convenient?"

Ruby: "I won't let you do that."

Roman: "I don't think it's good for a brat like you to spend her bedtime."- He said it with mockery while he pointed his cane at us to release a shot of energy.

Richard: "You know I think I'm tired of this I'll end it right now asura mode."- I said it in a serious tone.

So that only the noise of how my muscles and bones compress to make it disappear in a monstrous speed can be heard.

As I wield my axe to attack him I see him break to see heladito standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

Richard: "So this is what you do, ice cream, I hope it was something more interesting than being a prostitute."- I said it with mockery.

She smiled at me and then pulled out her middle finger.

Richard: "I love you too, ice cream."- I said it touching my chest.

Roman: "You're not the massive faun that has become famous for killing stupid beings I expected you to be more uninteresting."

Roman has bright orange hair has a formal suit with a top hat while carrying a cane that is a concealed weapon, he has dull green eyes with a white complexion with a height of one meter 83 centimeters.

Richard: "I really don't feel like fighting but I have to take care of some things like this that have to do with the albino and her stick up her ass."- I said it pointing at Weiss who looks at me annoyed.

I moved fast to get with them to be caught by another illusion I caught her scent to jump to catch her but she is just a scarf that is with a faun that is knocked out.

Neo: "You think I didn't study you while we were eating ice cream Richard."- She wrote it in the air.

Richard: "You paid attention to me, I expected nothing less from you."- I said it to snap my fingers and out come my companions who attacked all the fauns and all.

I see how Blake grabs me by the neck to look at me furious.

Blake: "why are you attacking them."

Richard: "they are criminals Blake they have killed and raped people I won't let them escape like hell Frost or the attempted mobster next to him."- I said it calmly freeing myself from his hand to charge my mana into hell Frost to launch a vertical slash against them freezing everything in its path as that happens I see how Roman responds with a full power shot from the staff that gets damaged.

Roman: "Well that's our goodbye stupid cow."- He said it jumping out of the warehouse to fall into the entrance of a bullheat.

Richard: "You guys give that little shit a bit of a scare."- I said it without much interest they just roared with excitement to shoot at the bullheat trying to knock it down until I hear how it falls to the ground with a shrill noise penny who has a cheerful look that takes out multiple blades that shoots them against the remaining fauns that tried to escape when my companions are entertained scaring roman and has ice cream that only writes curses to me.

Richard: "That was fun and it's good to meet you Alice."- I said it stroking her head.

Roman: "Beast, you're not coming or you're staying."

Alice: "tell sienna our agreement just ended I'm with my lord again I don't care about those stupid fauns and their cowardly attempt to be seen by these idiots as equals."- She said it while rubbing her head on my chest.

Roman: "Really, you're not afraid that someone you love might disappear."

Alice: "do you really think you can hurt my lord or the other servant who can do the same wonders as my lord."- I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They fell silent.

Roman: "ice cream tell me something to threaten him."

Neo: "I didn't find anything just that he likes to build things and wipe out every Grimm that comes near the city and he tends to be a very unlucky loser."- She wrote it in big letters.

Richard: "wait I'm not an ice cream loser."- I said it offended.

Blake: "why don't you deny your bad luck."

Richard: "because that's hereditary on my side of the family and don't ask having bad luck is a trait Parker and a very annoying one at that because our luck when it's really good is because the fucking world is going to be destroyed or we're going to fear a life and death fight."- I said it annoyingly.

I just watched them walk away as Alice snuggled into my neck to hug my head.

Alice: "I missed you so much my lord."

"Me too Alice."- I said it in a warm tone.

I just told her to leave as penny ran away by herself to avoid the police the girls and I did the same.

So far.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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