After watching us socialise as Shigure stayed close to me.

They returned to the main hall to continue their talk.

Souichiro: "You know the deal sounds good, but how will I know you're holding up your end?"- He said it seriously.

John: "I have never broken a deal Mr. Souichiro and as you can see I brought my boy as a show of solidarity to show that I don't come with bad intentions and for him to know the people I do business with."

Yuuriko: "You think it was safe to bring your boy to a yakuza mansion."- She said it quietly.

John: "not really but I think it was necessary for him to see who I make a deal with I don't want to cheat him he is a great guy."- He said it seriously.

Souichiro: "Your son shows that he is someone trustworthy. Our girl saya is showing affection to him almost instantly and she has never failed to find special and trustworthy people."- He said it by looking out the window for a moment to see her open a pane for saya to place her hand.

They continued on about the agreement that is beginning to be fostered and began to put aside the moment they were about to kill each other.

While with richard.

I'm just changing the programming.

Richard: "give him a command."

Saya: "What's a command. "- she ask curious.

Richard: "Give a command to fury."- I said it so she would understand.

She looked at him to point at a tree.

Saya: "Attack the tree."- She said it so that fury just create energy claws to run against the tree and pierce the tree easily.

She looked at him with excitement.

Richard: "You understood a little bit of what I explained, you are very smart."- I said praising her so she puffed out her chest with pride.

I watch as Saya's father and John arrive to see that I'm finishing things up to take out my last slice of Japanese cheesecake.

John: "I see you're getting along well with Saya."

Richard: "She's smart, unlike most kids my age."

John: "Richard, you learned to read at two years old and you could talk and walk at a year old, it's not very normal for a kid to do that."

Richard: "That's true."

John: "That aside, what do you think of the deal."

Souichiro: "It's fine but your boy has to come every holiday so he can get used to how to deal with people."

John: "I'll do that, don't worry."

As they are about to shake hands at the entrance of the mansion an armored car breaks through the steel doors to be heard a shooting starts from the top of the mansion.

Souichiro: "Yuuriko, take Saya and the others to the panic room, I have to take care of some things."- He said it seriously.

Only she nodded to get ready to take us when two guys with automatic assault rifles arrived I just watched as souichiro quickly arrived in front of one of them to slice off one of his arms with ease the other one aimed at saya and john to fire all his ammunition.

I saw how the bullets flew towards John and at that moment I remembered how useless it was when I wasn't there for Uncle Ben even though I had so much power I wasn't there to protect him, that person who took care of me and gave me other ideals.

Richard: "hahahaha live like Parker if that title is not too wrong."

I stood in front of the bullets I knew I would die if I got hit I only saw John's horrified face, Saya's screams of fear and Yuuriko's wide eyes of surprise.

'But there's one thing a Parker has, we refuse to die easily.'- I thought about it as I pushed all my abilities, magic, skills to protect them.


[ability gained on the basis of a special action]

[ability gained time break]

[time broken] MAX

Consume 5000 mana, 5000 Ps, 1000 life for 1 second

Consume 10,000 mana, 10,000 Ps, 2000 life per 2 second

(a will that can break the very rules of logic so that the weight of your own soul gives way to advance in a world without time or law that can stop you.)

I just ignored that for my other arms to appear and in a blur for them the bullets were stopped by me catching them and to see the two guys embedded in the wall with their eyes rolled back in their heads with the possibility that I had broken all their bones.

"Time broken."- I said it in a whisper as my nose, eyes and ears came out so much blood I just fell to my knees as I spit out a big mouthful of blood to fall to the ground.

John: "Richard."- He shouted worriedly.

Yuuriko: 'Adaptation what an incredible skill he forced his own body to move faster than the bullet itself to do this.'- She thought about it watching.

'but the cost was too great it almost killed him.'- She thought about it watching as he just fell to the ground to become unconscious.

I could only see for a moment I could see the two girls I saved along with john looking at me with concern.

**In richard's mind**

I just see that I am floating in a void to open my eyes.

I stand in this void to see that there is a poker table where there are three beings playing poker.

One for above all: "I didn't expect to see you so soon boy how have you been doing."- He said it in a friendly greeting.

Richard: "Well you both are still playing poker."

The presence: "atleast we are not playing dominoes."

Look at the being next to them golden hair with the purest gold sapphire blue eyes a snow white skin a body that has the definition of perfection a height of six feet a beauty mark below the lip.

Richard: "And who is the pretty boy?"- I asked.

The presence: "the boy is reincarnator the one who is taking over the life while you are not ready for the job."

Richard: "a tasteful fucker of everything that moves."

Reencar: "wait you both told him."- He ask annoyed.

The presence: "Yes, I think he understood perfectly."- He said it with grace.

Richard: "Well, why am I here?"- I asked looking at them.

One for above all: "The first is to tell you that our multiverses were completely restored and the dimension you are in is already recovered. We couldn't touch the other bridge dimension because it is being guarded by your "brother"."- He said it calmly.

Richard: "And why are you telling me this? I don't think you're just saying this to compromise."

The presence: "well Wouldn't You'd like to go back to that world, kid."- He said it by dropping the bomb.

Richard: "I can't I'm still too weak and I'm still too young."- I said it seriously.

One for above all: "I understand, I think this will work for you."- He said it to throw me two keys.

I just caught them to see them.

The presence: "the keys we gave you for your birthday and the other one is from akame ga kill."- He said it calmly.

Richard: "Wait why are you giving these back to me."- I asked showing the two keys.

The presence: "For one simple thing when you want to go back home you can ha ha you forget to take it."- He said it to throw me the key to my dimension.

One for above all: "Now you have to go, someone is waiting for you."- He said it to show a door that opens for me to just walk towards it to enter.

I just sighed as a blinding light surrounded me.

I just felt something hugging me tightly as I felt a warm feeling wash over me.

Chamuel: "It's good to see you Richard."- She said it with an emotional voice.

Richard: "Chamuel, it's good to see you again."- I said it to hug her tightly.

Mary: "You are not going to hug your mother."- She said it so that she would just walk over and give her a big hug.

Richard: "And why am I in paradise?"- I asked curious.

Chamuel: "It's so you can become the gateway to heaven again Richard no matter what body you change into your soul will always be fit to be the gateway to heaven."

"I understand."- I said it so that she would guide me to where God is sitting waiting for me with all his archangels.

"I always see the archangels, but I've never seen the seraphim."- I said it looking at the place.

Imperius: "Seraphim are charged with guarding dimensional sectors much further away and they are not fighters."- He said it as he arranged his spear so that he was ready to move it more avidly.

God: "Come on, I have to put you back in the gates."- He said it so that I just come closer and I feel my back burning in flames so that I form that I had in my other body I felt more mana flooding my meridians opening them all up.

I felt my body become stronger and more resistant.

God: "It is already done Chamuel, accompany him as the key that you are."- She said it calmly.

She just nodded to grab my cheeks to kiss me on the lips I felt the warmth and softness of her hands touching me.

In reality.

As she approached to check on Richard's condition a light covered him so that a faint chuckle could be heard.

They were prepared for anything.

Chamuel: "Don't worry humans I only came to take care of justice."- Her voice was melodious to them.

Yuuriko: "What are you?"- She asked so that the light dimmed so that they could see Chamuel who was showing a sword and the ring on her head they all stepped back in surprise.

Souichiro: "Justice."- He said it looking serious.

Chamuel: "Richard Augustus Parker also known as Justice, but he is still too young his body is not ready for him to take his place."- She said it looking at me unconscious so she started to heal me.

Start breathing calmly.

Souichiro: "What are you, could you introduce yourself."

Chamuel: "Sorry for my rude behavior I am Chamuel the archangel of love and I don't belong to this dimensional abomination."

Yuuriko: "You are like the being that caused all this."

Chamuel: "I am not a dimensional god."

John: "that monster was a dimensional god why did he cause that"- He ask annoyed.

Chamuel: "to lock up another god that was growing."- She said it calmly.

Yuuriko: "You said justice to him who is he for you?"

Chamuel: "the next reincarnation of the dimensional god of life who died restoring an entire dimensional sector."- she said it while stroking my head.

Souichiro: "You mentioned locking up another god, it's true."- He said it while looking at me.

Chamuel: "yes he is the one full of love towards life always seeking to protect the innocent and with that feeling he tends to be suicidal."- She said it with some sadness.

John: "God of life what will happen if he dies again."

Chamuel: "He will enter the circle of reincarnation and possibly someone else will take his place as god of life and the possibility of someone having control over the creation of life and being corrupted is very high."- She said it looking at me.

Souichiro: "It sounds like there is more evil than righteous."

Chamuel: "If heroes never get very far, murderers and rapists always have an easier road to travel."- She said it seriously.

John: "You know who it was that made all this chaos."

Chamuel: "Alter your god."- She said it calmly, she lifted me off the ground and placed me near a tree.

John: "I don't accept that monster as our god."

Chamuel: "He won and he got to the post is something that can't be argued, but he is already being punished for his crime."

Souichiro: "He is paying for what he did to us."

Chamuel: "not contributing to the death of a dimensional god is a very expensive crime and even more so when he is a growing god."

John: "We are not important."

Chamuel: "No."- She said it seriously.

Yuuriko: "We are disposable beings to the gods, what a novelty."

Chamuel: "think about it, there are thousands of versions of you for us, you are one of those thousands of versions of you and all of them have done the same thing as you, the only way we could be interested in you or another version would be if you have managed to do something unique that none of your versions have achieved."- She said this as I opened my eyes wide with heaviness.

Chamuel: "Richard, you're awake."- She said it stroking my hair.

Richard: "What happened?"- I asked in pain.

John: "We are having a conversation with this being that says you are an extremely powerful being."- He said it seriously.

Richard: "Well that explains the guys playing poker and a god sitting on a throne putting a mark on me."- I said it innocently.

John: "Alright we believe you what's going to happen with this."

Chamuel: "Richard has to live to be the next dimensional god but."- She said thoughtfully.

John: "But what."

Chamuel: "they will come to kill him to get the position of dimensional god and with it the immunity that the title gives them."- She said it calmly.

John: "That means we have to protect Richard."

She denied.

Chamuel: "that's why I'm here, he is linked to the main god and has the approval to be the next god of life and he has to get stronger fast and this dimension is perfect for such a limited body and such a weak mind."- She said seriously.

Richard: "Well what the hell is going on?"

Chamuel: "Nothing important Richard."- She said it so that everything would calm down.

Just sigh and walk to where the girls are.

Chamuel: "I'll be with him, but everything you'll know right now is a secret for his survival."

They just nodded.

Chamuel stood up to walk behind me.

John: "we were talking about the contracts I think we successfully concluded that we have an alliance."

Souichiro: "Yes your boy is full of surprises and I think it would be good for you to guide him on a good path if what he said he is going to be someone very important."- He said it seriously.

They just watched as I started to play with them while saya kept looking at the fury system to try to understand it.

After we finished the deal.

Richard: "good thing this is all over and chamuel don't say anything about what you understand."- I said seriously.

She just nodded in understanding if they found out that I have an older mind inside this body I don't know what they would do.


[better than a watch dog than myself]

(keep your putative father alive and survive also fight against all that would do you harm and show the weight of their actions).


Get affection from shidera

Finance a company with his help.

10 levels.

2000 points.

System improvement.

Affection of helpi (sella) for facilitating your work.

System 0.5

Unconditional love shigure

Complete with saya's trust

Complete with john's trust.

Recovered ability of your choice.

Upgraded by one threat level.



Death of John.

Test subject.

Possible death.

Death of ?

Declaration of war between the two planets.

Richard: great I like the title. I thought about it.

[skills regained]

[world of rage]

[vestige of the beast]

[archangel mode]

'I want world of rage.'- I thought about it excitedly.

[understood sir wait a moment starting system update]

[two more skill slots added]

[two passive skill slots added]

'I like that another upgrade.'- I asked interested.

[the system is more controlled and shows less glitches which is making it easier for me to upgrade I waited three years for the 0.5 system to be implemented]

'I understand thanks helpi.'- I thought so excited.

'see my status.'- I thought seriously.

Name: asura onigami (Richard agustus Parker)

Karma: neutral

Level: 41 (10%)

Threat level: E++

Race: human demi (70% human, 20% oni) ( Nefalem 10%)

Specialty: the gamer, engineer.

Points: 450

Titles: Like father, like son, live like Parker, die like Parker, asura, peerless genius, masochist, super human, hero's soul, son of war, eccentric beauty magnet, relentless.

Hp: 3500/3500 (regen 100 every 5 minutes)

Magic: 3500/3500 (regen 100 every 5 minutes)

Ps: 5600/5600 (regen 100 every 5 minutes)

Vitality: E

Strength: F+++

Agility: E

Intelligence: D

Wisdom: D+

Charisma: E

Luck: H+

Passive Skills (9/10)

[unstoppable] {06/500} (20/1000)

[survival instinct] {28/50} (00/100)

[charm] {20/35} (18/100)

[superior mind] {25/100} (20/500)

[see states] MAX

[overexertion] {25/50} (15/100)

[great strength] {08/50} (10/100)

[weapon handling] {01/200} (01/100)

[gates of heaven] Max

Quirk (1/1)

[god of wrath] {24/100} (10/100)

(10/100) (consumption of 100 Ps for 5 minutes)

1.(consumption of 100 Ps for 5 minutes)

(you have four extra limbs with precise control and a 25% increase in agility)

2.(locked) (level 25) (consumption of 250 Ps per 5 minutes)

(has a 50% strengthening of physical stats)

3.(blocked) (level 50) (consumption of 2000 Ps per 5 minutes)

(incomplete god body with overall stat increase by 100%, physical stats increase with more rage consumed)

4.(locked) (level 100) (consumption of 5000 Ps per 5 minutes)

(full god body 100% fatigue resistance, 100% hunger resistance, four large limbs, overall stats increased by 250%, increased physical stats with more rage consuming without loss of control)

Abilities (4/5)

[beast tamer]

(creates a contract with the beast he trusts thus uniting their minds and hearts to accomplish a simple goal)

[blocked] {requirements needed unknown}

(complete bestification)

[passive abilities]


(will have better interaction with magical creatures that don't have the ability to speak human language or a close one, will be able to understand the beast based on its body language]


(will have a link in stats according to how much his own body resists)

[onigami style] {24/200} (05/100)

(a martial art lost by all your ancestors is composed of four tastings worldbreaker, paradise, diamond and divine step to give the last tasting blood destruction)

(World Breaker) level 01 (100 Ps)

(When using this tasting you have a 50% strength increase in the attack exerted)

(paradise) level 50 (blocked) (250 Ps)

(this is the meditation that gives you a 70% increase in ki and vitality regeneration)

(diamond) level 100 (locked) (500 Ps)

(using this cata increases stamina by 100% in the limb)

(divine step) level 150 (locked) (750 Ps)

(this tattoo increases agility by 65% with each movement)

(blood destruction) level 200 (locked) (1,000 Ps)

(this tasting gives an increase of all stats by 150% and strengthening the super human senses)

Passive (0.5% increase of all stats per level)

[time broken] MAX

Consume 5000 mana, 5000 Ps, 1000 life per 1 second

Consume 10,000 mana, 10,000 Ps, 2000 life per 2 seconds

(a will that can break the very rules of logic so that the weight of your own soul gives way to advance in a world with no time or law that can stop you)

[world of rage] {10/1000} (10/200)

(consume all the darkness of the world to become the light and hope of this withered world become the glory and virtue of sin itself consumed increase in all stats by 2% per level)


I could only look in disbelief at how truly broken the world of rage was.

"why... it never looked like this world of rage."

[because this ability is innate and with the choice it had combined with the ability of your blood permanently amplify this ability]

Richard: 'well this is wonderful'- I thought smiling.

So far.


Read 13 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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