I couldn't move my body, I felt my muscles were torn from using the skill and forcing my muscles to move with time standing still.
I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I just craned my neck to see Lala looking at me with more interest.
"Y-y-you're a-okay."- I said it with effort as my hands moved to place them on her head.
Sephie: "You didn't hesitate to protect my little girl."- She said it coming closer.
"Please don't touch me, my body is destroyed, I can't move without pain and right now she is causing me so much pain."- I said forcing myself to speak.
She understood and just smiled a grateful smile.
[glory or death]
(prove to the king of the greater part of the universe that you are worthy of future betrothal material that he won't care which daughter you marry as long as your genetics are introduced to the royal family.)
Good impression of gid.
Good impression of sephie.
Interest from lala.
Slight interest from nana.
Strong interest from momo.
Increased stats.
Raising a random skill to the maximum.
Destruction of your planet.
Death of all your loved ones.
Gid: "The suitor searches are over with this we have the best suitors and they will be tested when they are old enough to marry my daughter which in your case would be 16 earthlings."- He said smiling.
I just nodded as Smith brought my things.
Lala: "What did you do to destroy war-war-mecha-kun."
Richard: "I used an ability that gives me a little boost."
I just dropped heavily to the ground to relax my muscles.
Richard: "onigami style: paradise (Paradaisu)."
My muscles started to recover slowly and progressively.
[Sir stop your recovery your HP is already very low and you may become unconscious if you consume all your HP and you will be unprotected.]
Richard: 'Understood helpi.'
That stops the ability.
[skill raised to maximum is onigami style]
At that moment I felt a massive reinforcement of my abilities.
[your threat level is D]
'That's great.'- I thought about it as I start to stand up to grab my stuff.
"What a birthday I have."- I said it stretching.
[ha yes sir happy birthday would you like to get your gift]
'Yes I would.'- I thought excitedly.
Smith reached over to put his hand on my shoulder with a big smile on his face.
Smith: "Thank you for fighting."- He said it happily.
Richard: "Don't worry, my planet was at stake."- I said it as I adjusted the weights to feel lighter, and looked curiously at the cubes.
[two porridge]
[three characters to summon (cherry, jeanne and winston) at your disposal at any time].
'I'll be able to see Winston and the masochists again.'- I thought with a small smile.
Lala grabbed a bucket to look at it with interest.
Lala: "warrior-kun what does this do?"
"First call me Richard and that's a compression cube."- I said to grab it and squeeze it and it decompresses to show my hell Frost axe that just touched the ground so that it starts to freeze the ground.
That impressed Lala.
Lala: "How does it work?"- She said it by touching it to make her feel tired.
I removed her hand quickly to see her pale face.
Richard: "You're crazy hell Frost could kill you, don't touch this again."- I said seriously as I used some of my ki sou to restore some of her health.
Sephie: "What did that gun do to my daughter."- She said it in a dangerous tone.
Richard: "hell Frost the purge axe a weapon that I only wield and that consumes a lot of mana."- I said it as I put it on my shoulder.
Gid: "What is this mana?"
Richard: "Mana is the physical form of the soul for a human with it we can do some things that we can consider miracles."- I said this while touching my axe so that it starts to release more cold.
Gid: "An interesting weapon."- He said it looking at my axe.
I just nodded to start walking to where Smith is waiting for me to return to my planet.
Sephie: "That weapon is dangerous, see the state it left our daughter in."
Gid: "The weapon is not the danger but who can use it and the boy is wielding it as if it were normal that intrigues me more I will ask Smith to start an investigation on this thing called mana because it is not energy because lala has much more than I did when I was younger."
Ruler: "That child is a savage, he still believes in souls and gods possibly and as he doesn't understand what capacity that mana has he places it as part of the soul, just another savage."
Gid: "Be silent because that wild brat has a better chance of becoming my successor because he has shown more ability than any of the brats here."
The kings and rulers were silent.
Lala: "That axe what is it made of?"- She said it while looking at her hand with curiosity as she remembered the feeling of her body weakening rapidly at the touch and the coldness that began to run through her.
Lala's mind filled with questions that only made her more excited and more interested in Richard.
While with Richard.
We get to the teleporter so I close my eyes and after a few seconds I return to my home planet.
Smith takes me close to my home I see that it is night to start walking tired to where I live.
I only open the door to see an annoyed serafall who loses her frown when she sees the state I am in.
She ran over to see my state as she helps me into a chair.
Serafall: "What happened to you?"
Richard: "Aliens, you don't know how annoying they are."- I said.
Serafall: "You were abducted by aliens."
I just nodded.
Richard: "they put me through some crazy tests that almost killed me, but it's okay you could cure me será-tan."- I said it so she just smiled.
She was worried at the time when I asked for help.
Serafall: "You're really hurt."- She asked as I lost all the strength I had left to collapse to the ground and she ran to catch me before I hit the ground.
She felt my body which is in a terrible state due to the fight against that machine I could barely walk thanks to me healing the most dangerous wounds with my ki only leaving some wounds because I would lose consciousness.
While I'm out of it serafall drags me to the bed, but she thinks how would I explain that she is lying naked hugging and rubbing her body on Richard.
She thought for a moment to just put a barrier on the door to keep people out.
'I can have an intimate moment with rich-tan.'- She thought excitedly.
Serafall: "If I had come earlier so-tan would have met him and spent time with my two favorite people."
Chamuel: "What are you going to do Lilith's child."- She said it behind her.
Serafall jumped in shock and looked at Chamuel who was watching her as she ate some cake with a bored look on her face.
Serafall: "I'm going to take care of rich-tan."- She said it nervously.
Chamuel saw me in my current state so she came over to try to heal me.
Serafall stopped her from touching me while showing a jealous look.
Chamuel: "Why are you stopping me from healing Richard."- She asked quizzically.
Serafall: "Because I'm going to heal him and have my lovemaking moment with rich-tan."- She said it to run dragging me to my room locking herself in with me.
She threw me onto the bed and I felt when I touched the bed to just open one eye with heaviness.
Richard: "What are you doing?"- I asked only to feel a finger cover my lips for her to start undressing in front of me.
Richard: "serafall I am a minor and if you are going to rape me you will be labeled a pedophile."
She looked at me with a smile.
Serafall: "that will be when you are at least 15 rich-tan and it will be because you are my queen and you will stay with me and I will not lose you."- She said this as she settled down next to me as she started to take off my clothes to glue her body to mine.
I just closed my eyes so I wouldn't see her pink nipples rubbing on my bruised chest I felt her cheek kiss my cheek to make her cling to me more.
I felt the pain in my body slowly begin to dissipate.
Serafall: "Don't worry Richard I will protect you."- She said it as she kisses my neck I just turn to her so she kisses my lips.
Richard: "you are a pedophile you will be"-. I said it with a smile for her to continue kissing me.
Serafall: "I don't care."- She said it to continue kissing my lips to feel her tongue entering my mouth I felt her legs cling to my body.
Richard: "sera I don't think this is frowned upon I mean I'm 8 years old hell you're at least 500 years old do you really want to be that close to a brat like me."
Serafall: "I love you it only took a moment when you saw through that smile I've always put on for everyone, you a person who didn't even know me I knew it was fake and you made me smile I really feel like I was before I lost everything in the devil's war I felt empty."
I just caressed her cheek as I watched her eyes fill with tears.
Richard: "You are the mature woman don't make me behave like an adult serafall."- I said smiling tiredly.
She just shook her head.
Serafall: "I wouldn't want you to change I love the way you are you don't act like a child, but you don't act like an adult either it's so warm to see someone who loves the things I like that contradicts me when I'm mowed down on something and makes me feel like I'm not empty."
Just kiss back.
Richard: "Don't come back later and regret it."- I said it sticking to her to fall asleep.
Serafall: 'maybe I don't have to introduce him to so-so maybe only I can enjoy this person I love.'- She thought about it as she began to close her eyes.
She settled her grip on me so that we fell asleep together.
The next morning.
I heard I felt some sunshine hitting my face so I opened my eyes heavily seeing serafall naked still hugging me just stroking her hair softly making her stick closer to me.
Richard: "I think it's time to get up sera."
Serafall: "I don't want to I'm so comfortable."
Richard: "you have to go back to the underworld to give a report on what I'm doing so I don't think it's a good idea for them to think you're fond of me."
Serafall: "They already know I said I'll make you my queen so they're in a stupid dispute about what to do with you I just ended up threatening them and they kept quiet so don't worry about it."- She said it clinging to me.
Richard: "You're the representative for foreign affairs so you have to go so no one else will do your job."
Serafall: "I don't want to get up, I'm warm."
Richard: "Well I can't prepare your favourite food which is takoyaki."- I said it so she would get up quickly to run to one of the bathrooms.
Richard: "And with that I keep controlling people, there is nothing stronger than getting into people's hearts for food."
[I can't deny that sir I'm always amazed that you're so good at cooking]
Richard: 'But I still don't know why I don't get my chef's degree or something related to cooking.'- I thought about it a bit annoyed.
[because there is a cooking school on the other planet that has the best chefs from both planets, I think your cooking skills are rated above average, but that's all sir]
Richard: "well I will have to improve on my accuracy and speed as the cooking itself helps me to have better accuracy without anything exploding."
I just stood up to leave the room where I met a mitsuri who is pouting at the sight of me, a shigure who has a somewhat dull look on her face as she sharpens her katana, doll just comes in with a change of clothes for me to come in and start cleaning my room.
Chamuel: "Richard what happened to serafall she looks very happy. "- She said this as she heard her humming with happiness.
Richard: "I told her I would make her tokoyaki and do you'll want something to eat."
Mitsuri: "Meat, lots of meat."- She said it with excitement.
Shigure: "tofu...boiled."- She said it while putting away the katana.
Doll: "can I have a dose of oil"
Chamuel: "I want meatloaf."
Ariza: "I vote for meatloaf."
John: "That makes three of us."
Richard: "They were listening to everything."
Ariza: "yeah I didn't expect my boy to be attracted to a girl like her I expected you to like the shy ones more since that's what shigure and mitsuri are like, even chamuel is shy how could you honey we had a bet on who you would sleep with today and I just lost I'm so disappointed honey."
Richard: "I have neji, miu and honey as friends and they are very outgoing."
Ariza: "nejire you don't know her in person miu you can tell she is very shy she just acts like an extrovert to get your attention, honey is the same and she is just opening up to other people so I don't think she counts all of them."
Richard: "But, but me."
Ariza: "honey you are a magnet for attracting cute girls accept it and that they are shy well serafall doesn't count she is very bubbly in every way and we don't know nejire in person, like komi."
Richard: "Yeah I get it, I'm going to make more friends and they're going to be boys."- I said it with decision.
I started walking towards the kitchen to prepare the food.
Serafall came out of the bathroom in her military outfit with an excited smile on her face.
Serafall: "I've always wondered why Richard cooks if Ariza is the mother."
Ariza: "I never learned to cook and John lived on fast food and Richard fell in love with cooking when he read a cookbook when he ran out of books to read."
Serafall: "I have a question what is Richard's quirk since John always watches what he does and writes it down?"
John: "Richard's quirk can be said to be very interesting because with time and constant training he can reach unimaginable limits."
Ariza: "My baby's quirk is adaptation, the ability to grow stronger without limit and evolve at any given moment of need."
'If true, Richard could be the first human in millennia to reach godhood. He thought about it as her eyes widened.'
Serafall: "thank you mother I have to go do some things."- She said it to start walking towards the exit door.
Ariza: "Don't wait food is almost finished."
Serafall: "Right, I almost forgot."
The smell of the food reached them so they ran to where I am they only saw the table set up.
Serafall: "I love those extra hands."
John: "Yeah when they're not destroying the lab they come in handy."
Richard: "I do it for the love of science."- I said it, holding up the spatula. As I finished making a lunch box to give to serafall who grabbed it with a big smile on his face.
Without further ado, the others began to devour the food.
Ariza: "How can you make a meatless meatloaf that is so good?"
Richard: "The secret is when we make beef broth we use the broth to give the beef flavor to the bread with the tofu which is wonderful for the stomach and with the broth we get all the protein."
Ariza: "It's a good secret."
Without further ado they finished eating so Serafall went to the underworld.
I just walked to Amarok so he could take me to school because I got in the car and it got wrecked because of the extra weight I have.
Richard: 'Well boy are we going to school to enjoy some time pretending to be normal and make friends so Ariza can see that he can make friends with anyone.'- I thought to myself with a lot of motivation.
With that we started my journey to school.
While with serafall.
She came to her office to sit in her chair to start with the paperwork while looking for her richard stuffed animal that she can't find.
Serafall: "Where is rich-tan's stuffed animal."
She started looking all over for it but couldn't find it.
The door opened to see a smiling Sona escaping from a river.
Sona: "this is onee-sama's stuffed animal we have to return it."
Serafall looked at Richard's stuffed animal to see that it is missing a horn and is a little broken in the back causing the stuffing to come out.
Rias: "But I want to get a better look at it, it looks like an anime character."- She said it behind Sona.
Serafall: "My rich-tan stuffed animal."& She said it looking sadly at the stuffed animal.
The two girls looked at serafall who is looking sadly at the stuffed animal.
Sona: "onee-sama I'm sorry we can fix it."
Serafall: "Don't worry, I can ask rich-tan to fix it for me."
Rias: "Who is richard?"
Serafall: "He's my future queen."- She said it with pride.
Rias: "serafall-sama already has a queen."- She ask excitedly.
Serafall: "not yet he hasn't. He's still in denial."- She said it with a pout.
A magic circle appeared in her ear to ask her to go to the conference room.
Up to here.
Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...
and for source read 20 Chapters ahead
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