As I see the emotion-filled look of the new pest that has connected to me.

'maybe it's not so bad.'- I thought as I just kiss her forehead.

She smiles.

I grab the phone to watch what she calls brute.

When I watch some videos to see something interesting it's people starting to bring out animal traits to sample fight each other and slaughter each other.

I just sigh.

Richard: 'of course there has to be a clandestine super human fighting arena, but this is weird they all have animal traits and no other power besides the animal ones.'- I thought about it interested.


[a mission has been created]

[find a new pet]

(discover the secret behind the videos seen and prove that you are a hero when the need arises)

Fight all your enemies that come across.


Obsession of ?

Increased interest of Lilith.

Passive ability.

Evolution of quirk 2/3.

Increase in two desired stats.


Lilith's disinterest.

Loss of all your limbs.

To be slave of the ?

Death of Winston.

Destruction of Japan.

Richard: 'what the hell kind of mission is that? how can you take it as a benefit that someone is obsessed with me?'- I thought to myself, upset.

[I'm sorry sir, but the mission is out and you can't refuse.]

I just scratched my head.

Richard: "Winston we have something that caught my interest."- I said it so that he could see the videos as well.

Winston: "I understand my master these beings are not like those that pass their power look like transformation, but it has many strange changes."- He said it interested.

Richard: "you see a benefit as I do not."

Winston: "yes my master if we can study what they are and if they are people with quirk if we save them it could be that they join and worship you."

Lilith: "and why would they worship my darling."

Winston: "because he is a god maybe he is weak, but he is a god."- He said it seriously.

Lilith: "really what kind of god was he if he's in this state."

Winston: "He reincarnated after a brutal fight with a being that could destroy galaxies and leave that being weakened to death, he died throwing his greatest weapon into another reality."

Lilith: "another reality he is like the being that appeared in my dimension and made it collide with the others."- She said it excited.

Winston: "don't compare him to that trash he is the god of life, Justice, vengeance and wrath."- He said proudly.

She just clapped her hands in excitement.

Winston climbed down from me to get on Lilith's shoulder to start telling stories of my other life.

I carved my brow.

Richard: "I think ..."

[don't interrupt him Winston is doing a great job sir].

Richard: 'you want her to know about my other life, but I haven't known her very long and she is very powerful so she is very dangerous.'

[sir she will show more interest when she understands that she has reached a very high level of power before so she will show more interest to help you become stronger]

Richard: 'I see she will be molded for my need, but there is still the danger of that morrigan.'

[she is connected to Morrigan so whatever she feels, Morrigan will begin to feel it, and if she falls in love with Morrigan, she will have a crush on him and will look for ways to obtain his love].

Richard: 'I hope this doesn't cause me any more problems.'- I thought about it to continue watching the video.

I approached the boy.

Richard: "tell me where is one of these fighting arenas?"

The boy just nodded for me to start walking.

I signal to Winston who has Lilith excitedly watching me and they start to follow me.

Lilith: "you were amazing and the being that killed you really needed help from a super powerful equation to kill you."

Richard: "The anti-life equation yes, but it still left me very damaged and the good thing is that I managed to reincarnate, I can't leave life behind."

She nodded in excitement.

Lilith: "That's incredible, tell me what you plan to do with life in this dimension."

Richard: "It's very chaotic, but I'll see how to stabilize the problems a little."

She nodded.

Lilith: "can you become a dragon and spit fire."

I denied.

Richard: "I am not weak"

Winston: l"ittle one just wait for my master to regain his full power and you will understand how powerful he is right now it is only a small part of his strength and he is getting stronger by training and breaking the limits of his body."

She smiled with emotion.

Just look at the boy who continues walking arriving at an abandoned area to reach a subway bridge that apparently was left half built.

We reach the halfway point so he starts to run.

I only notice Lilith puzzled.

Lilith: "His fear won over his lust."- She said it in surprise.

I only noticed that something started to walk towards us.

I noticed the silhouette of a man walking softly to see his straight posture and heard him marching.

His dark brown hair reaching to his shoulders with a height of one meter 89 centimeters with a shapely body, but still having a considerable paunch his thick arms and muscles has a misaligned beard with a dull look his eyes of a black tone has an unkempt kimono while he has a necklace around his neck.

He flashed a smile at my appearance.

?? : "Why don't you go back to your normal appearance, I won't hurt you."

I just denied.

Richard: "This is my natural appearance."- I said calmly walking in front of him.

His smile disappeared as he realized what I am.

?? : "You're one of those guys I think they call people with quirk."- He said it caressing his chin.

I just nodded.

I started walking to only see the head of the guy who brought us be thrown at me I just caught it.

I look at another person who is approaching.

I see that he has pure brown hair with a big size formed body I notice that his skin is of a light tone with a scar that is near his eye with thin eyebrows some parts of his body with tattoos and the most striking thing is his hand that is turned into claws he measures one meter 95 centimeters.

He showed a smile to see me and Lilith sniffed the air.

Jerome: "Jerome the little sweet rubber one while the other one smells like shit maybe I should just slit your throat while I fuck the little one."- he said it showing how his canines started to come out.

Richard: "should I be afraid of you."- I said it calmly.

Jerome: "Lucky I don't think you should behave like that with our guests."

Lucky: "Really, they're invading, besides, no one will miss them."

Richard: 'see their status.'- I thought it quiet.

Name: Lucky Anderson.

Title: savage hunter, killer, rapist, blood lover, cannibal, lover of violence, hater of weakness, predator, beast.

Level: 50.

Threat level: D

Quirk: none.

Ability: coyote man.

Passive ability: minor regeneration, great strength, great agility, thick skin, superior senses, fear resistance, sleep resistance, overstrain, sense of survival.

How he sees you: sees you as a nuisance that can be easily eliminated as he thinks you are weak.


He just smiled at me to move quickly towards me.

Although to the eye of a normal person would be to see a blur of speed I who move much faster than him just stretched out my hand to catch his face.

Jerome: "that's what I want to tell you, don't trust a person with a quirk, they are always unpredictable."- He said it seriously.

He got ready to fight.

Richard: 'I just have to take away his desire to fight by activating his desire to survive.'

"onigami Style: world shattering fist (Wārudoburēkāfisuto)."- I said it in a calm tone as my fist muscles pushed my fist like a piston into the stomach of lucky that was becoming.

I only felt my hand holding his head get stained with something just to notice his blood I throw lucky towards the wall where he buries himself.

Jerome only opened his eyes in surprise for the force but he lowered his hands and started to move away when he heard my blow.

Richard: "What's wrong, you won't fight?"

Jerome: "I won't fight an onigami I may be a martial artist but I'm not suicidal."- He said it while moving out of the way.

Lucky: "Jerome you're a fighting this bastard"- He shout it with rage.

Winston: "o little flea human you don't understand do you?"

They all turned to look at Winston who is on Lilith's shoulder.

Winston: "the ape with the ugly beard understands that my master is far superior tell me your senses didn't scream at you that he was an alpha."- He said seriously.

He just growled in rage as he finished transforming showing his sharp teeth his vulpine mouth and his body grew and curved his muscles grew a little showing a better muscle mass while his skin filled with brown hair with some darker touches than the other parts of his body.

He prepared to charge at me.

Richard: "onigami Style: divine step (Kami no suteppu)."

In a moment I appeared in front of him.

"onigami Style: world-breaking finger (Wārudoburēkāfingā)."

I just shot my finger piercing his shoulder and rendering his arm unusable to then kick his stomach taking away his air.

To then center my fist on his face to throw him against the floor where he rolled.

Jerome: "Impressive you can use two of the four katas."- He said impressed.

Richard: "Well your friend just killed our guide, would you be so kind as to tell me where the entrance is."

Jerome just sighed to stretch his muscles as he went into a battle pose.

Jerome: "You'll have to beat me first for me to tell you where the entrance is."

Lilith: "would you please."- She said it in a sweet tone.

He looked for a moment to laugh.

Jerome: "I'm sorry cutie, even though I'm attracted to you I still have an honor to keep."

Lilith frowned noticing that she did not succeed in seducing him.

Lilith: "That's strange, it has always worked, maybe he doesn't have genitals so he doesn't produce testosterone."

Richard: "no he is aroused, but he has a good control of his instincts."

Jerome: "I see you understand."- He said it happily as his fist collides with his palm.

He starts to take off the top of his kimono showing his beefy arms to throw some dirt in the air.

He shoots at me his movements are faster and more precise he shows a mastery in his movements I notice that he doesn't waste any palm strike movement plus his speed and footwork.

I just avoid his blows I throw a kick to his leg to notice that, although he shows some resistance it doesn't stop him from getting up from the ground.

Richard: "You decided it."- I said it to catch his face and whip him to the ground.

Although I didn't do it with all my strength it was enough to make him bounce a little off the ground.

He showed he couldn't stand up to see me.

Jerome: "so this is what it feels like to fight an onigami."

I denied.

Richard: "sorry for giving you bad news I held back I didn't mean to kill you the onigami style was built to kill the enemy quickly without giving him a chance to fight back."

Jerome: "hahahaha if my grandfather was alive he would be celebrating right now, even though you didn't hit me with all your strength it's still a feat to fight an onigami the entrance is where the hydrant is you just have to move the hydrant to open the door."

I just nodded.

Richard: "I'll call an emergency hotline to save you."

Jerome: "it doesn't matter you didn't hurt me much, only my leg is damaged, but it can still heal and Lucky should be dead by now."

I just nodded and walked to go deeper and noticed the hydrant I mentioned to move it.

I could hear something start to move.

I looked around for some lights to come on so I noticed the door.

I feel a hand touching mine.

Lilith: "I liked how you fought it was entertaining that movements and speed reminded me of near werewolf speed."- She said it excited.

Richard: "thank you, but I need to be faster and improve all my skills."

Lilith: "I like that."- She said it smiling.

As we approached the door to start going down, I noticed some spotlights coming on as we passed by.

I hear the roar of excitement of the people we get to the bottom to see the excited people watching in a ring where there are two people one who has crocodile features and the other has lynx features the fight was interesting the lynx has more agility and speed, but the crocodile is more resistant and has a strength in its tail that it uses to try to hit him.

Richard: "interesting I guess they weren't born with those abilities."

Winston: "that would be wonderful news we can create chimeras army." He said it with excitement.

Richard: "Winston I don't want to conquer the world."

Winston: "but my master could lead these fools look how they get excited at the sight of just a single drop of blood you are superior to them in many ways."

I just denied.

I noticed that the hybrid lynx began to tire as the crocodile man saw the opportunity and used his greatest weapon which is his mouth to catch the head of the lynx man and I only heard how his skull was crushed by the force of the bite.

Richard: "well this is over."- I said it in a loud voice so everyone could see me.

"My name is Asura Onigami and I'm in the Pandora's forces as one of their researchers if you don't want to end up eating shit in a prison I would escape."- I said it quietly to see a guy in a black suit pull out a gun.

He started shooting only to move my hands quickly to redirect the bullets to hit the wall behind me.

He was quickly startled by the action of my movements.

Richard: "you remember I think I have my right to break your arms."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "onigami Style: divine step (Kami no suteppu)."

I quickly got in front of him, I tensed my muscles.

Richard: "onigami Style: world-breaking fist (Wārudoburēkāfisuto)."

Two blows that I aimed at his shoulders shattered their arms rendering him completely useless.

With that I began to advance.

I noticed my hand that are stained a little blood.

A smile full of emotion began to form.

I just covered the smile with my hand to relax.

Richard: 'don't let your desires control you or you will lose everything.'- I thought about it relaxing my hand.

[don't give up sir relax and let your mind rest as you guide your instincts to a point].

I noticed people started running quickly I didn't move they ran to the exit to start escaping.

One of them stopped to grab Lilith before he could threaten me Lilith broke his arm to crush the weapon.

Richard: "when you see a person coming with a girl don't trust that means she is dangerous enough to defend herself."

I just listen as the ring broke I noticed the crocodile man started running towards me.

Richard: "You know."- I said it to tense my muscles.

Richard: "world shattering fist (Wārudoburēkāfisuto)."

When he was within striking distance of my fist I hit his jaw I just watched as he pulled out of the blow so that he went flying.

Richard: "you should have stayed inside the ring."- I said seriously.

I just started to hear other footsteps and noticed that there were no more normal people.

I noticed Winston looking tense as he didn't take his eyes off me.

I saw a man dressed in a smart suit clapping for me.

I noticed how more people wearing sports clothes began to advance, my sight stayed on a teenage girl of at least 15 years old who has white hair with some browns that show aggressiveness, but more curious her physical composition is well built I feel a slight level of danger higher than some of the brute as they call themselves.

Richard: "well little animals want to fight or you can surrender in a friendly way and I won't have to break your legs and arms."- I said it with a friendly smile.

I just noticed that one started to grow into a large tiger man showing that his fangs started to grow into a saber-toothed tiger.

I narrowed my gaze.

[they used the magic cells of some creatures to make fusions sir]

Richard: 'great if a bunch of idiots who can have the abilities of animals, but some of them can combine with magical species.'- I thought it annoying.

[that's why there is the danger of losing sir there are dangerous beings among them]

Richard: 'well let's see how strong it is.'- I thought to stretch out my hand to make the signal to attack.

[sir don't be confident some of those beings their threat levels are D++ either by their abilities or by stats]

The saber-toothed man moved with great speed as he prepared to use his teeth.

Richard: asura Style: 100 hits (100 Hitto).

My fists moved so fast that they were not noticed the saber-toothed man only showed parts of his body buckling to shoot out against the wall.

I just clenched my fist as it felt a little numb.

Richard: "He had tough skin."- I said smiling.

I noticed that some of the hybrids were impressed while the white-haired one showed more excitement as she stretched to fight.

Richard: "well who's next?"- I said it showing a smile full of excitement.

Up to here.


Happy New Year 🎆 🎉 to all my wonderful readers! Wishing you a year ahead filled with happiness, success, and amazing stories. Thank you for being a part of my writing journey.

And I hope you'll have best year ahead of you guys.