As I'm stretching they look at me like I'm some kind of freak.

Richard: "I know you don't know people like me, but where I come from this look is the least ugly there is well it has improved over time my mother has a picture of me with my face uncovered and another with a paper bag." I said smiling.

Uzaki: "I feel that you are more dangerous."

Richard: "Something was fighting inside me I just had to eliminate it."

With that said and seeing that everyone is ready.

I start walking to the exit.

This was followed by the four girls on my back who watched me with interest.

Chun li: "where are we going?" She said as she was curious.

Richard: "I made a promise to the brat that I would beat her version so I'm going to meet her where we met before."

Cammy: "you still trust her that she's going to fight you"

Richard: "well I only have that left and even though she likes her controller she doesn't like to break her own desires of her as she likes to fight strong beings and at this time I proposed to her to fight someone strong."

Chun li: "so you're using her desires to fight against someone that her devotion that's a very clever thing to do."

Richard: "sure and uzaki made some of the devotion she had to her own version."

They nodded.

Sakura: "will you fight her other versions too."

Richard: "I will not fight or well not against her versions." I said it calmly.

Richard: "if you want to help me surround the place and if you see any strange movement come in and chase that we will be out in the open where we will be easy prey."

With those words we arrived at the dump.

We went inside to see the version of uzaki who was sitting on the hood of a wrecked car she shows a big smile as she takes off her clothes leaving on her panties and a sporty brace.

uzaki: "I thought you wouldn't come mostly they are cowards and you came with reinforcements."

Richard: "they are here to watch you. So you won't cheat."- I said it quietly.

uzaki: "why are you transformed?"

Richard: "no this is my natural form I recovered something I had lost."- I said it calmly.

Uzaki: "let's stop talking let's finish and I'll let you taste your own blood."- She said it while she begins to transform.

She unconsciously strengthens her muscles with ki while seeing a slight glow that disappears quickly.

'uzaki' ( original version ) : "let's see what you can do lower version." She said as she was going to see her lower version capabilities.

With that she transforms and shoots out to attack as my Uzaki(original) waits for the claw move she catches the hand to squeeze tightly encircle her body in the arm to start pulling hard to try and dislocate her arm.

She is separated by a paw that she receives from in her face uzaki rolls on the ground to recover quickly just shows a smile because it did not cause her pain.

"If you are my superior version I do not find where is your superiority"- She said it to move quickly throwing a kick that hits her chest so that it shoots out against the debris.

The other recovers quickly to run to where her smaller version is she closes her fist to throw a punch with force only for uzaki to move in a subtle way avoiding the attack and giving a ki charged punch in the face of her adult version so that this one moves back a few steps.

I notice how her consciousness flickers at that moment.

Richard: 'That blow charged her with a good amount of ki she have almost managed to tear off her head if not force that was in the transition otherwise it would have killed her.' I thought it impressed.

Richard: "that's called a fast learner."

[well she survived the outside from a small age so she should always learn to be fast].

I watch as the other finishes transforming to show her body which changed completely her eyes glowed in a crimson hue with the body glowing and her fur changing color to a pure white her animal characteristics became more implanted in her appearance as did her muscles which increased in size.

She shot faster against uzaki.

That increased the ki passing through her body as she begins to transform as well.

I only see that she gets the same appearance as her older version only that she is surrounded by a crimson aura.

When I saw how she caught the leg of her older version I saw that she didn't use much strength.

Uzaki slammed her version against the ground as she began to use her claws to try to pierce her skin when she noticed that it would take too long she began to stomp on her head repeatedly.

I just watched as a crater started to form bigger and bigger.

Richard: "uzaki you already won."- I said it calmly.

She flashes me a fierce smile to try to look more intimidating I just let out my ki as I approach her making my muscles swell as the red lines glow brightly my eyes take on a red hue so that when she shoots up I just catch her head to put her on the ground,

Richard: "uzaki I'm still stronger and faster than you so calm down."- I said it calmly to give her a blow on the head so that she hit the ground.

She just grunted in annoyance.

I just hit her again to calm her down.

Uzaki looks at me so she starts to return to her normal form.

Richard: "Okay, we're done."- I said it to get closer to the other version of her to touch her head and start pushing my ki to start healing her wounds superficially and a little bit the internal ones to give her mobility.

She opened her eyes to look at me and give me a big smile full of emotion.


[two for the price of one]

(strengthen your uzaki hitomi to attract the attention of the uzaki so that you have two loyal pets that will love you without hesitation and obey you faithfully).


Complete devotion of uzaki hitomi 1

Attraction of uzaki hitomi 2

Gacha ticket

Unicorn of wabe.


Death of uzaki.

Emergency mission is extended.

Contempt of uzaki 2.

Richard: "well you lost you have to help me."- I said it calmly she just nodded.

The two got up.

'uzaki': "you are much stronger than either of us two."- She said excitedly.

I just sighed to stretch as I see the other three come back, but one of them looks shaky with tears.

Richard: "she had to kill no."- I asked chun li who nodded.

Richard: "I know it's hard but it has to be done sakura."

She still looking at the ground nodded.

Richard: "well I think there's someone to come no."- I said it quietly.

[ho host you are using your Parker's luck to make your enemy come to you. You are very clever host.]

Richard: 'my family's luck has to work for something.'- I thought about it as I hear a helicopter approaching to watch the other three tense up.

Richard: "and he just arrived."- I said it calmly.

Chun li: "you knew she lied to us this is a trap."

I denied.

Richard: "this is very normal this is my family's luck."

Chun Li: "How could your family's luck cause this."

Richard: "I'm a Parker when everything goes right it will go wrong. It's something that has always happened to me when I'm doing an achievement or talking to a loved one something blows up or I get shot or hit."- I said it calmly.

Only someone fell out of the helicopter so that before he hits the ground he begins to float as he is surrounded by a red energy that covers his body.

He has blond hair with light blue eyes has fair skin with a muscular body but not so disproportionate with a charming smile a slight scar on his cheek is fully dressed in a formal suit while showing a height of one meter 79 centimeters.

How wonderful that I can meet you girls and sakura at last we can enjoy our time together.

[sir he is not a gambler]

Richard: 'Yes I saw that he didn't focus on me so his power aura isn't as intense as with someone with a system.'

[he is a variation of reality to keep it stable so he is an alteration].

Richard: 'another class of beings have been born that keep the merged dimensions stable.'- I thought it interested.

He saw me but before I walked he reached out his hand to try to immobilize me.

Richard: "psychic energy."- I said surprised.

Richard: "And here I thought you were M. bison."- I said it calmly.

?? : "My father could be someone special and I didn't know that someone not connected to the black market would know the name." - He said it with a smile.

Richard: "You were the body destined for him, interesting how you killed him to keep his power."- I said it calmly while I keep walking to be in front of them protectively.

?? : "If you want to have a more proper conversation."- I think we should introduce ourselves.

Richard: "I think that sounds fair I am Richard Augustus Parker and I am a person with quirk."- I said it quietly.

Clark: "I'm Clark Bison, I like to use my father's last name so I feel like he's still alive in some way and I'm the one who will rule the world."- He said it with a calm smile.

Richard: "You're not one of those villains or are you?"- I said it with boredom.

Clark: "What kind of villain am I? I'm just a simple man who dreams big. I will rule mankind so that they will be guided by my mind and power superior to theirs, something they should be grateful for."

Richard: "you don't understand your own race I see you're an arrogant superiority syndrome acting polite to pretend you're not so twisted."- I said it rubbing my chin.

Clark: "what a rude way to describe me and incorrect I'm just trying to progress you for a better future."- He said it as things begin to rise.

I noticed how cars started to fly around me.

Richard: "that only makes you a dictator controlling people through fear, you didn't think of anything brighter than winning their approval."

Clark: "I already have the approval of the richest people after all karin loves me."

Sakura: "that's a damn lie you brainwashed her in front of me do you really think I will believe your bullshit."- She said it with fury.

I just stretched out my hand for him to start calling hell Frost.

Clark: "sakura be quiet don't interfere in other conversations."- He said it to point to where she is to throw a dismantled vehicle to her.

Sakura joined her hand to concentrate the energy in a fast way.

Sakura: "Fist of destructive surge (Metsu Hadoken)."

With that shout she launched a purple energy bullet that when it left her hands it moved fast impacting in the car destroying it.

Richard: "I think I should create my own ki shooting move it looks cool and it's powerful why rely on ranged attack weapons."- I said it calmly.

He just watched in surprise at the attack she unleashed.

Clark: "Wow that's impressive I think it will be good for you to fight your idol so he can see how you have grown no ryu."

In front of us began to walk a person his serious look was present.

He has short black hair with onyx colored eyes, a light but tanned skin tone, his body is trained and muscular without exaggerating each muscle trained to the maximum, he wears a judo suit without sleeves with red gloves with a black belt tied as a belt, he has no shoes, his height is one meter and 75 centimeters.

Chun li: "it can't be the me, it's ryu."- She said it in a trembling tone.

Richard: "He must be a clone isn't he."

Clark: "ho you are really smart well this is a perfect puppet when my pretty girl next to you killed the original she brought me the head I got the DNA I wanted and his knowledge plus I removed the feelings that would just be a waste of time after all I just want a weapon not a poorly made product maybe that was the mistake of father not sis."

Cammy: "I'm not your sister you freak."

Clark: "how can you say that cammy if I take care of you when I try to do so many things and you repay me by treating me like that."- He said it touching his chest.

Cammy: "you only helped me because you're trying to make me your perfect doll."- She said it with fury.

Clark: "something that failed unfortunately."- He said it to move quickly appearing in front of her to grab her chin.

Clark: "it was better when you were a cute, simple doll and father knew that you were so imperfect that's why he discarded you as a possible body and wanted us to have a son so that would be the perfect shell for him." He said smiling.

Cammy threw a kick to his chest just to make him move fast so he just reached out and threw it flying at her.

Richard: "Well, this guy's got my patience up, what's his threat level?"

[clark bison's threat level is C+++]

Richard: 'ho that's a lot.'- I thought it impressed.

[it's all due to his ability Mr. Psycho Control which is superior to M. Bison]

Richard: "he can't push me much can he."

[no he can just testing if you were a normal person sir just use the power to crush an average person].

Richard: 'I see he saw me as no threat too bad he was wrong. '- I thought about it as I stretched ready to attack him.

So ryu's clone moved against me only to be intercepted by sakura who plants a punch his cheek causing him to move back.

Chun li moved against ryu to throw a kick being caught to impact her fist in the chest of chun li who loses air so that I hit her against the ground and throw her against the trash to focus against sakura.

Chun li quickly stood up to put her hands together.

Chun li: "Kikouken."

She screamed firing a sphere of energy that hit the clone in the back.

Not caring less I moved over to where clark is to kick him in the face.

Clark: "Don't interrupt a family moment."- He said it stopping me in mid-air to throw me into the trash.

Clark: "stay in the trash there belong freaks like you." He said it with annoyance.

Cammy pointed her feet at his chest.

Cammy: "Spiral Arrow."

Gathering energy in her feet she propelled herself by rotating rapidly.

Clark only generated an energy shield stopping her attack.

Richard: "You know you just made me lose my patience."- I said it to appear behind him quickly.

I covered my body with ki to the top choking my muscles.

"Onigami Style Advance : kingdom destroying fist."

He generated a confident shield only for when my fist hit I pushed my ki together with my mana into my fist which glowed in a golden hue that generated an explosion of power destroying the shield and hitting clark who strengthened his body as much as he could.

But he still flew into the trash which he passed through with ease to crash into the fence and continue on.

Richard: "thank you I must thank you you helped me to create a breakthrough in the onigami style I thought that only ki could strengthen my body, but seeing that psycho energy can also strengthen the body you helped me to see that I can combine the two energies to give more power to my attacks."- I said smiling.

Richard: "I still have to finish the asura style that will serve as a means to train the onigami techniques."- I thought stretching my fist.

[the onigami style is being modified and needs more improvements to be evolved].

Richard: 'That's what I wanted to hear.'- I thought about it while a smile formed on my face.

Before I could react a fist hit my jaw making my face turn sharply.

Clark smiled only to have it turn off.

Richard: "That hurts if you have the strength of Psycho energy but it's not strong enough to do real damage your body is not trained very well it's just there to give it a good look. I said it while I charge mana and ki in my body even though I feel the slight conflict between them I control it."

"Onigami Style Advance : kingdom destroying fist."

Again my punch I shoot out to hit his jaw so that it shoots up into the sky.

Richard: "This is a breakthrough to use two energies at the same time."

Before I could continue speaking several cars started to rush at me I stopped the first two that were in front of me while others were approaching I activated my quirk making it grow a little more and my other four arms came out I caught the vehicles.

He just grunted in annoyance to impact a car on my head that made me lower my head as he started to throw more vehicles at me crushing me and with his two outstretched hands he started to compact the vehicles around me.

I just grunted in pain as I felt my bones crack.

I saw my extra arms start to shatter little by little.

Richard: "how is it so strong."

[your ability sir is very dangerous use all your power]

Richard: 'well I think playtime is over.'- I thought as I tensed my muscles.

Up to here.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 30 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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