As I relaxed an alarm sounded loudly.

The moment of peace was over.

The old gen looked at me seriously to signal to chun li for her to start walking towards the inside of the store.

Richard: "I think that's my cue to leave."- I said it calmly.

Cherry and Jeanne looked at me so I just nodded for them to get ready to fight at any moment.

Gen: "I don't think this is a good time, there is a gumdan attack in the colony."

Richard: "Well that's too bad, but I have to go because I don't want to stay in the crossfire."

Gen: "Kid, you are already in the crossfire."

Richard: "And who are the attackers?"

Gen: "Pirates, always the same thing."

In a moment chun li returned with a suit to give it to gen.

The old man just started to put on the suit getting ready to leave.

Richard: "the colony is decompressed, isn't it."- I said seriously.

He nodded.

I just started reaching into my pockets to pull out a large bucket the size of my fist to squeeze them tightly and throw them aside.

Richard: "I'll pay for the wreckage of the old place."- I said smiling.

Gen: "what a mess..."

Just a massive flash to hear the sound of tables being smashed.

In front of me just appeared something I had created long ago and recreated again.

An armor of at least about three meters which is smaller than the original, but contemplates a better metal alloy that is ultra metal the superior version of the metal absorption plus the metal has a pure white tone plus the hand cannon fired a plasma bullet every second.

And if I wanted I could give a more powerful shot would cause it to have to have a 10 second cool down plus it has its own equipment for auxiliary oxygen for at least three hours plus some thrusters and the form of power is a class five ARK reactor which is a new prototype that is still in its experimental state.

The chest cabin began to open slowly, I just reached out to grab the oxygen mask to start getting into the suit.

Richard: "Sorry for destroying your stuff."- I said smiling.

With that I began to activate the system so that it would begin to close so that the visor would glow in a golden hue so that hexagons would begin to surround the surface, revealing the force field.

Richard: "activating golead system."- I said it seriously.

With that I glowed brightly for when I settled perfectly in my seat the system began to synchronize with my brain.

[System stabilized 100% synchronization stabilized 67%.] - Said the golead system.

I relaxed.

I started to move forward to get to the doors seeing that they are at least four meters while only one block opens.

Richard: "that's very convenient."

Gen: "boy they have attacked so many times that it is no surprise the doors are for the entrance of large vehicles and you will not have to pay for the destroyed tables."- He said this to jump into the machine and get on my back.

Richard: "I had already promised."

Gen: "well let's get going I want to see what's so cool about this technological thing."

I just pushed the door to start going out to the street where I found some corpses floating while the door of the store closes quickly to avoid the emptiness.

Richard: "how the fuck do you have a vacuum sealed store."

Gen: "all houses and buildings have a vacuum sealed why do you think all the diners started walking to the kitchen."

Richard: "I didn't see that."

Gen: "you have to pay more attention boy because this is going to be a serious fight I don't know but pirates always have very good machinery."

I just nodded to start moving around the buildings to notice a mecha the first one has a height of 15 meters they have a humanoid appearance with a blue color with a reinforcement that is noticeable but leaving the lower parts weak plus I also notice that the cockpit is the chest since it is the most bulky part.

Richard: "It's the first one, let's start."- I muttered to him to start advancing quickly to get to a point to aim at his connections to fire from the hand cannon quickly eliminating his mobility.

Richard: "switching to plasma blade."- I said it so that the cannon generates a glow to forms a plasma knife.

Richard: 'actually its mobility is good plus the processing speed and it hasn't missed anything.'- I thought smiling.

With one motion I pierce the cockpit with the plasma knife.

I look around me.

Gen: "you are fast."

I just kept moving forward so that one of the proximity sensors would notify something approaching fast.

I just pushed more speed with the thrusters on my back to avoid another one of the same model carrying a sonic sword that cut like butter the concrete I just aimed one of my cannons on my back to fire a high density plasma bullet.

The mecha moved avoiding most of the attack except for the hand that was melted.

Meca: "what the fuck is that thing."- shout it in surprise.

I just aim with the hand cannon to move quickly making where he is to activate the blade to pierce a reinforced knee making it fall so it jumps to get to the head to smash it with the other hand.

Just aim to fire another plasma bullet at where something was seen approaching to take it out in one hit.

Gen: "this thing is amazing the attack you do is very similar to ki attacks."- He said it interested.

Richard: "ki is an energy medium that does not run out, but it does have an energy consumption limit."

Gen: "you have a point kid."- He said it to get off my back to start running away from me.

Richard: "where are you going?"

Gen: "to lighten your load."- He said it amused in his tone as I watch him walk away I just shake my head to go back around me.

I start to move forward to where the colony hole must be to see some engineers who are hiding helplessly.

Richard: "They are going to seal the hole."

None of them responded I just grabbed a steel plate nearby to place it close to activate the blade, but lowering the heat just to melt a connection point of the plate.

Seeing my action they began to prepare to start supporting me.

Richard: "you continue I will protect this place."- I said this watching on my proximity sensor to point in the direction to fire from the hand cannon as it approaches.

I only see the machine pointing a high powered rifle that starts firing as if it were a simple machine gun the engineers screamed in horror expecting my machine to shatter only to see the bullets impacting still generate damage, but the energy field absorbed most of the damage.

'only my status was reduced by 2% that's great the force field and the ultra metal are proving their resilience.'- I thought about it smiling to move quickly to clench the fist of the robotic hand and aim for it to detach from the body to impact on the machine's leg knocking it down.

It began to slowly move back to connect again to reach the downed robot.

Richard: "I hate pirates."- I said it to activate the plasma blade to get ready to pierce the cockpit.

Meca1: "Elizabeth."

My attack stopped to look at the guy who screamed I see he's wearing a different suit.

Richard: "that's a gundam."- I said appreciating the look.

Meca: "Artur don't come here that robot is very dangerous."

I look with precision at the gundam in its appearance is incredible with a completely complicated construction I saw some rear parts as the red line on his chest that is shaped like a V-shaped in addition to having a great mobility its color tone is a metallic blue with the energy that expels from his body that for the moment is completely unknown in addition to having a height of 19 meters.

Richard: 'Well, the one inside the gumdan is called Artur and the one at my feet is Elizabeth.'- I thought about turning on my plasma blade a little more.

Richard: "Well listen I will go through the booth if you don't surrender peacefully."

He didn't respond for the moment so I started to melt some of the plate in the booth.

The woman's scream of fear was heard on the communicator.

Which made the gundam hesitate its movements.

Artur: "how can you hear us?"

Richard: "I'm inside your communication system I can hear everything they say."

They were silent.

Artur: "aren't you just a child."

Richard: "Nah I'm a genius."

Artur: "Get off it, you shouldn't..."

Richard: "Don't give me your moral bullshit, I saw the corpses of people who didn't make it home in time, do you really think that taking a life will be a moral problem for me?"- I said this in annoyance.

Richard: "now listen well you little asshole surrender and tell those who are still alive to surrender or prepare to be cut to pieces."

Gen: "I don't think that's necessary kid, there are only those two tortolos left that you are threatening"

Richard: "Perfect, you heard what they said."- I said it calmly while gravity stabilizes so I notice how the weight of my armor crushes a part of the machine more easily.

Richard: "the rift is sealed so your chances of escape dropped to zero so you decide your fates."

Elizabeth: "I surrender."- She said it quickly.

Artur lowered the gun to start deactivating his gundam.

I just sighed to get out of the cockpit to just remove the limbs of the machine.

As I arrive where the engineers are more calmly watching my arrival.

Richard: "It's over, how long will it take to stabilize the oxygen in the colony."

Engineer: "We are done, thank you, everything will be stabilized in a few minutes, you know Mr. Gen."

Richard: "Yes, he was accompanying me during the battle."

Engineer: "Wonderful."

Only a few steps were heard to see how Gen arrives with a calm step while he takes off his helmet to see me.

Gen: "get off your weapon kid I think we are done."

Richard: "You have a point."

I started to deactivate the machine to get off it.

The engineers were surprised to see me.

Richard: "And why are they acting so surprised."

Gen: "They didn't expect a kid your age to control such a machine."

Richard: "Well I built it, it would be stupid to build something you can't control."

With that I looked at my machine to see if I brought the portable compressor. I said it to take out a cube squeeze it hard to decompress it to show a glove that I put on to put my hand on the suit so that it starts to surround itself with energy to start compressing it until it takes the shape of the cube in my fist.

With that I just close my fist so that the glove is coated with energy and compressed into a cube to keep it in my pocket to also put the larger cube with everything done I look at the engineers who saw me for a moment to start walking quickly to return to where the kitchen is to remember that I do not know where it is.

Gen: "You're lost kid."

Richard: "Yeah I forgot it's not my place so I'm a little lost."

He just laughed in a calm way to start guiding me.

After a while we arrived back at the building that began to open its doors.

Only the girls came out calmly to start walking with me back to the ship where we have a short way to go back to our place.

While we are leaving gen just stares at us.

Chun li: "why did you make mapo tofu."

Gen: "because the boy wanted to."

Chun li: "mapo tofu is not a traditional food, old man."

Gen: "I know I just wanted to see the boy he knows it too he just studied me like I studied him he still has a lot to learn and tell me what did you think of the interaction with the women around him."

Chun li: "what can a 14 year old girl say."

Gen: "chun li, you know that I have a lot of confidence in your abilities, you have always been a very good girl at studying people."

Chun li: "well the two women behave very calm because of the danger the redhead is not human plus I noticed her hair and she thought to move to go out to fight apparently she has a touch of heroism in her being the two younger ones didn't care about her surroundings well the one with the tight suit her aura changed with the boy's departure."

Gen: "how did you feel her presence."

Chun li: "like a predator it's like the boy was a leash for her without him around I noticed the look in her eyes how she saw me as a piece of meat."

Gen: "interesting very interesting what do you think of the boy."

Chun li: "I don't know what to think of his movements, although they looked awkward and playful he kept it as a facade it's like he didn't want to show too much."

Gen: "he knows about me."

Chun li: "well that would be good reason you're the best assassin in Hong Kong well when we were on earth I don't know why we're in this space pigsty."

Gen: "this is a means to get enough money to buy some land in one of the cities on the other planet plus it's very expensive for those from other planets to change there are a lot of rules and pay a lot of fees with other tests."

Chun li: "but why are we not moving away from our planet."

Gen didn't answer at the time.

Chun li: "you're taking me away from my target no."- She said it in his tone that began to fill with fury and a touch of betrayal.

Gen: "chun li you are a very precious girl to me and your father was one of my best students besides he was almost a son he wouldn't have wanted you to sink into revenge."

Chun li: "how do you know that you don't know what my father would have wanted."

Gen: "because he was a great man when I taught him my arts he changed everything so that they were not deadly just to knock out his opponent he was a man you don't see very often a man with honor and I know he wouldn't have wanted you to get blood on your hands and fulfill your dream."

Chun li: "what dream i don't have any dream besides putting that monster that took my father away from me into a grave."

Gen: "chun li I have already seen your hero posters that you have in your room and when you hear about the U.A. I notice that glow in you like when you were younger and you were with your father."

She didn't look at him, she just looked at the floor.

Gen put his hand on her shoulder.

Gen: "chun li you are almost my granddaughter I may be the biggest cold blooded killer that can exist, but I still have love for my family and I know that you were not born to be the same as me so I am saving up to go to musutafu so that you can enroll in that hero school after all you should be able to do it."

Chun li with tears in her eyes just nodded.

Gen: "Now before the stupid brat leaves, go and collect what he and his classmates destroyed."

She just smiled to start running at a good speed.

With Richard.

I just kept walking to get to the stop of the ship which is shown in good condition that makes me feel relieved.

While the other girls I notice Lilith who keeps her hand grip with mine I just turn to see her to show a glint of desire to my eyes.

Richard: "You want to eat my vitality again"

She just smiled and nodded.

I just kissed her lips as she inserted her tongue to feel my body weaken a little.

By the time we separate a trickle of saliva joins our mouths and she has a satisfied look on her face.

While we relax I hear some hurried footsteps to see how the young version of chun li arrives.

Richard: 'shit I missed everything I destroyed I think with at least about 2,000 credits should pay all that and another 1,000 for other damages.'- I thought about it while I took out other cards to show three with the sign of 1,000 to give it to her in my hand to say goodbye to indicate that my ship is about to take off.

She saw the value of the cards to turn pale.

But there was nothing I could do.

Chun li came back with gene.

So far.