New Goals

A/N: Please keep in mind that the below paras have the MC's thoughts in them. Thoughts don't mean 100% future plans. Plans change as situations change. It is natural. What I want to give is a peek into what goes through MCs mind and his opinions and character.

It was a new day, and I was sitting on a foldable chair on the small lawn at the front of the house in the morning with a cup of coffee in my hands at 5 am. I was an early riser due to the habit in my previous life, I had been getting up late in the past two days and it was disturbing my sleep cycle, so partly to motivate myself to settle back into my old sleep cycle and to avoid sleeping with anxiety in my mind I decided to get up.

While sipping it slowly I was thinking about things randomly. One con of having stored so much information in my mind is that some random things just keep popping out in my mind when I am idle. It doesn't help that my personality type includes "curious" so whenever I am idle, I keep comparing the Earth of this life to my last.

In my past life, although I was studying to be an engineer, I always felt unsatisfied because I couldn't imagine how all that I am studying would help in my future job. My seniors used to tell me that I would be trained again when I start a job for my specific role and that made me wonder why the heck did I choose to do Electrical and Electronic Engineering? It did sound cool at the time of selection, but the Power transmission modules and Control Engineering modules drove me mad.

Having an above-average brain doesn't help in absorbing and understanding subjects, the only way I can imagine people studying and having fun while being confident in the engineering course's modules had to be a mini genius at least. I did have a few of those kinds in my course and it always made me jealous. What I studied in 3 days they would finish in 1 and their notes were so pretty and organized while mine were all over the place.

Now though, due to this high intellect, I feel blessed. At least one of my desires has been fulfilled, I can now proudly say that I am an engineer if I get a degree. I know it sounds too small in the grand scheme of things in this world, but it is a big deal for me!

I was not delusional enough to not know the dangers of this world, so I guess the first thing in my plan "Live a satisfactory and comfortable life" is to get personal strength. I can't die but it doesn't mean I won't be annoyed if people keep trying to ruin my comfortable life.

While taking a sip, I mutter, "Alright I guess I should get back and get ready now".

It was already 7 am and the bus would come to the nearby bus stop at 7:30. I took my tray with coffee and snacks on it and after folding my chair, I went back inside. I was already dressed and ready so all I needed to do was make a few butter toasts and pack my bag.

At 7:20 I was ready and after closing all the doors and windows, I started walking toward the bus stop. I observed the neighbourhood and got myself a bit more familiar with it. The weather was nice, and the breeze was pleasant, the only thing ruining my walk was the noise of cars on the road which was regrettable.

After getting on the bus, we soon reached school and I quickly got off. I was confused why Flash and his buddies didn't make a scene today. I guess they have other things to worry about like the inter-school competitions that I had heard about a few days back. It's good that they are busy, I guess this will help them move away from the "unresponsive boring prey" of theirs. I thanked my lucky stars and wished that they mature faster.

I knew the backstory of Flash and felt a bit of pity for him in my past life. Now as Peter, I am indifferent to him and his plight. Who cares if he lived in a bad neighborhood and had problems? it doesn't excuse him from trying to vent his frustrations back home on weaker people.

I walked calmly and took some of the books from my locker and headed for the maths classroom…


