Superhuman Finally!!!

Before entering, I backed up a bit, and after fiddling with my phone for a bit, using my personal hacking program, I easily unlocked the electronic lock.

All this was done in 3 seconds. The program I designed was called "Alohomora". I had designed it yesterday for practice before going to bed, With this, I would be able to access any door that is electronically locked, which is pretty cool. I reckon it will help me a lot in the future like it is doing now. Though its use is restricted to earth and the tech level that I have seen so far. I don't this it works in more technologically advanced places.

After unlocking it, and observing for a few seconds whether the security had been alerted, I then proceeded to connect to the monitoring devices in the room and played custom loops on them that showed normal operation.

As a last precaution, I used separate hacking programs in parallel, to read what all equipment there was in the room and how they worked. With my fast reading ability, I finished reading about all the equipment, and thanks to discovering the research on the spiders conveniently in the main computer of the room I was now as prepared as I could be.

It was a bit stupid of the people here to save such data in the main computer of the lab but I guess they must be quite confident in their security measures. To be honest, these measures of theirs were quite easy to breach, but I guess they could be considered among the top in the world.

I was surprised to find that among the 100 spiders, they had only one stable case. The others were all failed products. Having one stable case would have been a great accomplishment but it seems that the requirements of the body to gain the powers were impossible to meet. It just didn't seem to work with any human. When introduced to the body, the simulations and some secret human experiments showed that the venom carrying the powers broke down the body to the cellular level and the test subjects died.

They also tried to see if it would work on a person who was already superhuman using simulations, with hopes that the Green Goblin Serum and the spider bite could work together, but that also failed. After this, the research team disbanded and the project was suspended.

When I read that, I had some serious doubts about whether I was overestimating myself and considered abandoning the idea of getting bitten. It's not like I couldn't find other ways to get stronger, but after some internal struggle, I entered the room. I decided to at least try Appraising them.

The room was dark and the only lights were the ocean blue LEDs in the glass containers containing the spiders. When I stepped away from the door and took a step forward, bright light filled the room and the clockwise moving bars with containers of the spiders stopped moving. I wasn't surprised because I had been notified with my program's scan that the lights switch on and the central station stop when motion is sensed.

I went directly towards the center of the concentric arrangement and my eyes fell on the lone container in the center containing a red and blue colored spider in a container.

My heart started thumping in my chest when I saw the familiar-looking spider. It looked just like the iconic spider seen in the comics and spiderman movies. It was the only successful subject mentioned in the research.

With some effort, I calmed my breathing and exhaled some air, "phoo.....". I closed my eyes and calmed my mind.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and with firm eyes, I focused on the spider and after coming a bit closer, said, "[Appraisal]".

[Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman, Durability, Healing Factor(minor), Spider-Sense, Heightened Senses, Wallcrawling, Organic Webbing Status: 100% compatible]

"Whoa", I unconsciously exclaimed. The 100% compatible status seems to mean that I can get these powers. "Good to know" I hummed. I was not afraid of dying once, but it would be a waste if I could not get the powers.

There were no buttons around to open the container so I had to manually do it through my hacking program.


The container opened and the spider started to run. wait RUN?!? I started chasing it around the lab. It was hella fast.

"Oi....Oi...Oi!!! Stop right there!!! At least bite me first you ungrateful spider!!!" I said while keeping my voice low, as I chased it around.

Finally I caught it when it stopped for a second in front of the locked door.

"Hmm…does it want to go out? But why?" I wondered while observing it for a few sec. Then I lowered my hand in front of it, hoping it will bite…and bite it did!

"Aghbvribcryb ouch!!! Ouch!!! Sh** it hurts spider bro!!! Why did you bite so hard???!??!"

I cried in pain, my pain sensors working in full throttle to give me a taste of hell.

Finally the pain went away gradually and I looked at my phone in panic to see that only 10secs had gone by. I was glad that I didn't pass out or spent too much time. I didn't know it would cause so much pain though. On the movies, Peter Parker just brushes the spider off and the spider just runs away.

I stood up slowly feeling mild pain in my joints, and searched to find the spider to see it still hanging by its stingers on my hand.


"Uhh… spider buddy??"

No response.

I sighed and removed it from my hand, then joined my hands for a small prayer.

I didn't know that it would die after giving me abilities… Not that it would change my decision to get bit hahahaha.

I appraised it again to make sure,


[Abilities: None]

Hmm so it's a normal spider now? Good. No risk of more spider people popping up.

I then appraised myself.


[Abilities: None]

[Abilities pending to be integrated]

[Integrate? Yes/No(stored)]

I chose 'No' for now. I will integrate with them after going home.


*rubs hands together with a greedy smile*

Done with the main course, let me see if the other spiders have anything good.

With a small evil laugh, I put the main spider in my pockets and started spamming Appraisal on the other spiders…