New House and State of the World

[ 14 July Year 2008 ]

[Miami, Florida USA]

In a large and beautiful mansion, a 17 year old youth could be seen leisurely lying on a lounge chair in the backyard of his newly purchased $12 million mansion and seems to be enjoying the peak of life.

The Mansion was huge and beautifully adorned with art pieces and the backyard by the pool was full of lush greenery. The whole place seems to look like it was one with nature and the only anomaly in this natural scene was the young man who was being served with food and drinks by robots of various shapes and sizes. The young man however seemed at peace and going through something on his laptop at speeds incomprehensible to humans almost as if he had technopathy.


I had finally moved every belonging of mine to this new house. I had in the end decided to sell the old house, it had lost it's sentimental value to me gradually as I got used to this new life. I guess the influence of the old Peter had gone now, I had even started to dissociate myself from my identity of Peter Parker, because that was genuinely not me. I had a theory, it was that maybe as my soul stayed longer in this new reality, it had only now finished synchronizing so now I was not Peter, it was just me Soren. There was no flashy orgasmic moment or anything at this realisation as I had unconsciously felt that I was reverting back to my old self. Now I was complete in a way.

Aside from that all my stuff that I had left after selling everything belonging to Peter and the old house, was just stuff in my makeshift lab. This did make me realise that I had not really made much purchases for myself. But it's alright I still have time to shop later...maybe with someone with me for company? It's kind of lonely to shop by yourself. Maybe I should get a girlfriend? Welp let's see what the future holds.

Now that I had a new huge house to myself I was free to change it however I want, I had even already made a underground lab for myself to do all my experiments and building. So underground was all the messy electronic area and the top was just a place to relax and enjoy the sun in the garden.

These babies that I made were just a casual try at robotics to make myself robot butlers and I must say I am really proud of them. Although I had made those small spiders before they were just disposable and easy to make robots, these new ones though....they were my adorable babies and I was very attached to all of my new additions. I had started with making a robot looking like the round robot from star wars and it was fun seeing it tumble around. It was kinda useless though but it did seem like pet material so I programmed it to behave like a dog. It was so cute that even now a smile breaks on my face as it goes around the garden in it's own stupid ways.

My other robots were made using the data I obtained from the equipment of Scorpio and Dr.Octavius so they had stinger arms and some had mechanical tentacle legs. Although a few looked like abominations I still adored them and made them carry snacks and drinks for me alongside fanning me, gotta make use of those extra arms you know?

[A/N: Info dump coming up. Sorry guys need this chapter to lay the groundworks]

What I am doing now? I am just going deep into the web and seeing the past and present activities of supernatural beings that have happened till now, and voila! I see everything that is meant to be hidden from the episode of the visit of Skrulls to Mutant Rebellions. I can even see inside the mansion of the X-men without them being aware.

In terms of interesting things happening now, at this moment, there are actually only a few I can involved in that might be worth checking out. Tony only gets kidnapped in 2010 so that is a long way off, the only thing interesting happening right now is that Killian has started injecting Extremis in people. I already had instant regen and the firepower of Extremis is not that powerful so it's unappealing to me.

Hmm...if I think about it though...

I would like to shoot fire....yes sir I would!

Alright first target, extremis is now on my list.

On the side of mutants...things don't really look good. I am kind of late in the timeline and missed a lot of good stuff, apparently mutants cannot be born naturally now because of Transigen and Alkali putting mutant-suppressing chemicals in the products used in mass food production. So...mutants are now in hiding as their numbers are forcefully being limited. No wonder I had not encountered news about mutants before searching this thoroughly.

There is also a lot of weird stuff going on in parallel in the mutant world, Oh yeah I know! I think it is the revised timeline overlapping the original timeline. In the original timeline in a last ditch effort to avert the War of the Sentinels, Kitty Pryde sends Wolverine's consciousness back in time to his younger self in 1973 to stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask. The remnants of the X-Men and Free Mutants are massacred in China during this time but Logan successfully manages to prevent Trask's assassination in 1973 and indirectly changes history itself, erasing the original timeline from existence. all that is happening is the revised timeline.

Cool...but what's sad is that Mutants are still declining as in this timeline in 2004 the last generation of natural Mutants are born due to Transigen and Alkali putting mutant-suppressing chemicals in the products used in mass food production.

If this is true then I suppose the weapon X program that made Deadpool might be starting 2010. The mutant timeline ends in 2029 as far as I can remember. Firefist doesn't seem to be going in the direction of becoming a villain so Cable won't have to come back.

Hmm...I remember the future being very bleak. In year 2028 Charles gets an illness and kills most of the X-men, Wolverine then takes him and rescues mutant children who escaped a facility where they were experimented on and then they all just run to find a safe haven but on the way every one including Charles and Wolverine die. Only a few mutants including Laura, logan's cloned daughter, survive.


I don't like this end at all!

Alright then, I first will go get myself extremis to become a fire breathing Kaiju Spider. Next I gotta deal with Transigen and Alkali and stop their production of mutant birth stopping corn syrup, and I also gotta deal with Douglas Pierce and his Reavers, the ones responsible of hunting mutants around the world. Deadpool...I guess I can just leave him alone, he has the MC halo unlike poor Wolverine who I guess lost his MC halo seeing how he dies in the future and Deadpool can solve all his problems by himself

Hmm...this should be easy enough.




[1200+ words so far]

A/N: Guys next week I got an interview so next chapter is going to come out on next to next week. Wish me luck! :P Happy reading to you all! I have great stuff planned for our MC. X-men world is very complex so it was hard for me to make this timeline. I will make sure that MC enjoys his time helping mutants as well as cruise along with the Avengers. Keep in mind this is MCU+ comic X-men world as I can't handle both comic X-men and comic Marvel both together. I am not that into comics.

A/N: Also for love interest, it can be from either side X-men or Marvel so try to give me good suggestions. I will see how to make it work out :) Wanda, Natasha, Ororo and Jean although are good choices but are too common, gimme something new and interesting.

A/N: Drop stones if you liked this chapter. :D It would motivate me :P