Chapter 3

"So, what will you do? You want me to give a damn about that bitch? No way, Cheng. Just like you who wouldn't suddenly forgive Xiao Long and leave his family alone. I don't want to be called a criminal by a person who fuck his best friend's wife. I believe that you know how much I loved Xiao Long. Although I lost him because of my own mistake, I don't go around and wreck him like you did. You personally know Xiao Long and yet you destroy his relationship with his wife. On the contrary, I don't personally know Qiao Xin, we don't have any sort of relationship like you and Xiao Long. Therefore, me hating her is something normal since I am his ex-girlfriend and she is his wife." Xuan Cheng looked so upset, not because he mocked her, but his accusation was just too exaggerated. As if she was the worst human being on the planet, and placed Xiao Long as if he was the victim here. Xuan Cheng would not let Xiao Long come out as the winner in this fight. He already lost too much. He hated it when she judged him like he was a convict.

"Say what you want, whatever floats your boat. I don't care about what you have done. I already lost too much, I always let him have it his way, can't I use this one chance to have it mine instead? I will get what I want, with or without you. You get it?"

Wei Wei grinned when Xuan Cheng chose to leave. He already said something so irritating to her, by saying that he would go his own way without her? Was that even possible? This whole plan was successful thanks to Wei Wei, there was no way Xuan Cheng would make it this far without her help. She knew for sure that Xuan Cheng, that selfish man, would not succeed had it gone without her effort.

"I used to think that you are better than a cold man. You were once a warm and attentive person, such a sweet man who always gave me whatever I wanted. Now that I know your true self and your real objective, that is to bring Xiao Long down to his knees, I think of you as a cruel man who used me as a means to your end. I will never forget how much it hurts me. Neither you nor Xiao Long will come out as the winner, I'll make sure that none of you get your hands on that whore." Wei Wei sipped her wine and sighed.


Xiao Long sat still, his eyes were blank. He sat next to Tao's pale body, there was a respiratory aid attached to him. Bandages covered most of his body, with some lines attached to a life support device. The doctor said that his chance of survival was slim. Even so, Xiao Long solemnly prayed that he made it through this, he was Xiao Long's most trusted man. He would be devastated if he had to lose Tao after he lost Qiao Xin's whereabouts.

"He may not regain his consciousness for quite some time. I will stay here by his side. You can go and find Qiao Xin. I am sure that you just can't wait to look for her, I hope that it is not too late to look for her now."

Xiao Long remained still after Li Xuan told him to go and find Qiao Xin. He did not know how to find her, everything that he had done was proven to be fruitless. He was desperate, he even ordered all of his men to go and find her. He even asked the authorities to help him. But, until now, none of them came back with good news. Xiao Long was afraid that Qiao Xin and Xuan Cheng were currently in each other's presence doing things that he did not dare to imagine.

Xiao Long did not want to have that kind of thought, but he just could not get it out of his head. He just wanted to meet her. He just wanted to make sure that she was fine and did not commit any sort of inappropriate doings. Could he do that? While having all sorts of thoughts in his head.

"Why don't you try to look for her in her hometown? Who knows, you may find her or some kind of clue regarding her whereabouts. It is better than guessing or just having bad thoughts of her leaving you for Xuan Cheng. So far, we only knew that the only woman who was in Xuan Cheng's company was Wei Wei."

Xiao Long brightened up, he thought to himself about why he did not think about that. He may be able to find her in her hometown.

"Yes, I must find Qiqi. I must meet her once again!" Xiao Long said fervently.