Chapter 10

"If that's the case, there's nothing more to say. You know, and I know about things like this too. it seems that everything will become difficult when someone among us misunderstands and then becomes friends with us just because of a grudge, pretending to be good by cultivating resentment, hatred, and envy, is not a proper thing at all."

Xiao Long was silent again, then he turned his face away perfectly. his heart felt completely empty, and he really felt so sick. All the memories of Qiao Xin flashed through his mind perfectly. when he taught Qiao Xin to dance, when she took care of Qiao Xin who was sick, and when she found Qiao Xin taking care of her who was sick. Perhaps, for Xiao Long everything that happened was a very annoying thing even to the point of time. However, He never imagined that things that happened previously without realizing it were a form of care and concern from each of them, things that will never be forgotten even when they are.

"Xiao Long, Tao is awake," Li Xuan said, he then invited Xiao Long who had been dreaming about getting up, then the two of them went into Tao's infirmary.

Tao seemed to be looking at Xiao Long with a sad expression on his face, his face which was pale a while ago, now looks much fresher, although for that Tao is still very weak, and must really need a lot of rest.

"Master Han,"

"How are you? Are you okay now? I'm sorry for putting you in this state. I never thought that in the end you suffered and almost died because of me. Tao, I'm sorry," Xiao Long said regretfully. He tightly gripped Tao's uninfused hand then Xiao Long lowered his face deeply. He was really in a dilemma right now, and usually apart from Li Xuan, Tao was the one who always comforted him, who always listened to his complaints, and always understood him. Never imagined at all if Tao was like this. almost died just because of an accident that was quite annoying at all.

"I'm fine, Master, everything is fine. Being able to breathe until now and being able to see the two of you I'm really in luck," Tao said later. Then he seemed to remember something, his eyes looking around for something around Xiao Long and Li Xuan. "Qiao Xin, where is he? Where is Young Madam Han?" Tao asked then.

Xiao Long and Li Xuan looked at each other, even unconsciously Xiao Long's grip felt stronger on Tao's hand. The pain that was squeezing his heart started to rise again, and it was a feeling that Xiao Long was completely unable to avoid. Until then, Xiao Long's grip on Tao was returned by Tao perfectly. Tao's eyes were teary looking at Xiao Long.

"Easy Master Han didn't expel and divorce Young Madam Han, right?" Tao said with a worried look on his face. "Master Xuan didn't send anything of a destructive nature to your household, did he?" he continued later.

Yes, now Xiao Long and Li Xuan know that in fact Tao is the key witness to all the events that have occurred, and the most suspicious thing is how Tao got such a serious injury, as if he wanted to be killed and wanted to be killed so that Tao could be silenced.

"Tao, now that the situation is completely out of control, things have become even more dire than you think. We have no other hope than you. So I really hope with you, tell me what you can and tell us what you know so we can take a stand on all of this. Because Qiao Xin decided to leave Xiao Long, because she felt she had been tarnished and didn't deserve to be a wife at all. I knew something was wrong here, given Qiao Xin's attitude and I was more or less familiar with her character. Qiao Xin was an honest woman and had high manners, so how could she sleep with Cheng. Something that is impossible even in my mind at all," Li Xuan said straight to the heart of the matter.

Hearing this, Tao shook his head perfectly. tears just fell from her eyes, then she looked at Xiao Long angrily.

"Does Young Master Han believe in that cruel slander?" Tao asked. Xiao Long can only be silent, his mouth is dry, even to say anything he can't afford. "Actually what happened at that time was..." Tao was cut off because he felt a little tight, and then Li Xuan and Xiao Long tried to calm Tao down. Because they both know that Tao is currently at a fairly high emotional level. "Actually at that time, when I picked up Young Madam Han, there was Master Xuan who came almost at the same time as me. Master Xuan told Master Han that he was asked by Young Master Han to pick up Young Madam Han, because I couldn't pick Young Madam Han up because I was in a very busy position. Young Madam Han was already really reluctant and unwilling back then, but she couldn't do much because Master Han forced her to come along. In the end, Young Madam Han came along as well. and I followed her from behind. I don't know what happened, but the route they took was quite strange and deviated from the route to the company. It wasn't long before Master Xuan gave a woman a lift, and after that they came down with Young Madam Han already unconscious. From there I realized if nothing good was happening, something was going on and something was dangerous. I followed them, until I reached Master Xuan's apartment, and I heard all their conversations. This was a trick where Young Madam Han who was at that time fainted from the anesthetic administered by a woman who was none other than Wei Wei with that Master Xuan, and they made a recording as if Young Madam Han made love to Master Xuan. Though not at all, Master Xuan did nothing but take off Young Madam Han's clothes which I thought at the time was probably because of Master Xuan's love that he still had the conscience not to touch his best friend's wife. There I was caught eavesdropping, for the sake of eliminating my tracks and for the sake of not reporting on this matter I was finally tortured by some messengers from Wei Wei and then made it look like I had an accident and what they really wanted was my death. But it seems, God still allows me to live long, so I am still given the opportunity to live until now. but the bottom line is, Young Madam Han is clean, she didn't do anything as alleged by Master Xuan, or whoever it is, and I hope Young Master Han is willing to just believe and have to fight for your marriage. Because what they want most is your parting with Young Madam Han, it wouldn't be right and wrong for you to separate, because it would make them laugh at you and would create a great opportunity to snatch Young Lady Han from your hands, Young Master."

Xiao Long almost swayed, he never expected that it would actually be like that. Qiao Xin was his most faithful wife, and Qiao Xin was his cleanest wife. And all of that made Xiao Long even more devastated, because he didn't know where else to look for Qiao Xin.