Chapter 13

"I will get Qiao Xin. No matter what happens, it is the truth. Like it or not, happy or not, annoyed or not. This is something that will never make you happy. We are both at the same point, and Qiao Xin is no longer with us. I'm so curious about how we can get Qiao Xin because clearly, we know your contract marriage, and Qiao Xin is with you just out of necessity. Surely this is something that has annoyed you enough for me. And I'm so happy to see you being upset like this, and I'm sure Qiao Xin knows what's good and what's not and that you're mature enough to sort it all out."

Xiao Long's fists clenched tightly, and his eyes looked at Xuan Cheng with extreme anger. He didn't expect that Xuan Cheng would be this bold to him. Even for the sake of nothing in this world, Xiao Long vowed to make Xuan Cheng stop acting up at all costs.

"Shut up and don't talk too much, Cheng. Because the more you talk, the more you cultivate sin. I already know the video that you spread is not the real thing. You and this snake woman have made a trick so that Qiqi seems to have been tarnished, what you are doing is against the law and the rules, and I will not hesitate to make calculations for you. What you have done is already fatal, so stop acting before I do anything more than this by reporting you to the police and imprisoning you for everything you have done. Do you think that your life will be fine after this? I think you've forgotten everything that happened, and now you dare to act again? Truly, two traitors had united after betraying the status of a couple, now betraying another status. I feel sorry for you guys. Don't you guys have enough shame to do all this? I don't think you guys have any shame at all. How do you have shame if the reality is that you have no shame at all? And this time, I believe that the name mate reflects us. If we are rotten, then our soul mate will rot too, and if we are good, then our soul mate would be good too? And now, what you have done and shown me is proof that matchmaking is real. Even if I can give you advice, instead of you being busy with your pretentious business and also busy ruining other people's relationships, wouldn't it be better for you to go back to being lovers? Because only then can you get along and prove to us that you are a match."

"Insolent, you Xiao Long! Why do you keep saying disgusting things to me as if you are the holiest human in the world? Have you forgotten how many mistakes you have made? How many things have your family done to my family and so on? I'm silent doesn't mean I lost or anything. I'm silent because I'm trying to forgive everything that happened in the past. But this annoying attitude pisses me off, and you are the most whimsical human that ever existed in this world."