"Do you still want to hide forever? Hiding like this and doing nothing isn't something quite tiring?" the voice managed to make a woman who had been hiding from all the hustle and bustle of the city for almost a month, and from the people, she knew took a deep breath perfectly. The woman seemed to stroke her stomach which was still flat, then the woman returned to her extraordinary gloomy face.

Meanwhile, the owner of the deep voice now took a deep breath perfectly, opened the beer on the table, and drank it with great pleasure.

"You know, I'm not a good person. We parted not on good terms. but how come, at a time like this you actually look for me and ask to return to live in the apartment that even your goddamn husband has taken. are you out of your mind, Qiao Xin?"

Yes, Qiao Xin. The woman who had been hiding and wanted by many people now seems to be hiding in her old apartment when Qiao Xin was still with Jia Min, even now she is dealing with Jia Min who once made Qiao Xin commit suicide, and even more than that, a male figure who always use and hurt her.

Surprisingly, Qiao Xin was now not afraid of Jia Min at all, in fact, she had come on her own two feet. Qiao Xin only thought that together with Jia Min she would feel so safe, because only then would she feel that her life would be fine. And even now what happened was, that Jia Min had become the person Qiao Xin could rely on the most. The proof is, that up until this moment Jia Min was able to hide it perfectly, and Jia Min wasn't even tempted by Xiao Long's offer of some money for anyone who found Qiao Xin. And of course, the leaflets were distributed secretly because Xiao Long himself didn't want the news of Qiao Xin's disappearance to shock his grandfather and fall ill. That was the biggest problem for Xiao Long now.

"I didn't say you were a good person either. But at least now you have become a good person by accepting me hiding here. Thank you, I will forget for a moment about our fight and how cruel you used to be. Because I also know more than anyone if the truth is that we used to have a sweet relationship too. that kindness made me decide to come, Moreover, I know that this apartment is still using the password we created earlier."

Jia Min seemed to be smiling then he ruffled his hair perfectly. In fact, it would feel so strange if he said this to Qiao Xin. In the past, Jia Min hated Qiao Xin so much and used Qiao Xin as his lover, that an innocent woman was completely deceived by him. But now that time has passed, the jerk Jia Min has finally changed. Jia Min is now starting to learn to be a good person that no one can imagine. There have been many things and many problems that happened in his life. Until Jia Min thought that maybe all the troubles he was going through were because of precious karma because he had made Qiao Xin suffer in the past. At least Jia Min had such thoughts. An old-fashioned thought that might make Jia Min think if, indeed, this is the time for him to change into a better person. Even though he is still unemployed and still enjoys drinking and drinking and other things.