Li Xuan was sure that Grandpa Han's corpse was still in the hospital, and only a few maids were busy taking care of things at home. While the mourning wreaths have filled both the courtyard of the Han family's house, which is so large, even beyond the Han family's fence, of course.

Li Xuan seemed to be clenching his jaw, somehow the image of how Lingling died made Li Xuan feel reminded again. An event that made Li Xuan upset and also very emotional at that time.

"Young Madam Han! Mr. Li!" the voices of the maids managed to make Li Xuan and Qiao Xin flinch. The facial expressions of emotion and happiness are very real printed there. Qiao Xin smiled, she really wanted to cry but she was trying her best to be restrained by Qiao Xin now. "Old Master Han, Old Master Han has died, Young Madam Han. We… we didn't expect it to happen so quickly," the maid spoke again.